about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023
Read-only Problem While Updating SolarSoft with WGET
It has been brought to our attention that a problem has arisen with WGET
refusing to update files that have been marked as read-only. We have taken
steps to change files on the server to have the proper file permissions.
However, this still leaves the problem of files already marked as read-only on
users' platforms. Therefore, we recommend users take the following steps. It
should only be necessary to do this once.
Linux or MacOS:
Enter the following command in an account with write privilege into the $SSW
directory tree:
find $SSW -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \;
Do the same for $SSWDB.
- Bring up Windows Explorer.
- Navigate to the directory containing the ssw tree.
- Right click on the "ssw" directory icon.
- Select "Properties".
- Uncheck the "Read-only" box, and click "OK".
Do the same for $SSWDB.
Last Revised: Monday, 04-May-2020 20:26:29 UTC
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