Original URL: https://secchi.nrl.navy.mil/data-analysis, downloaded 13 June 2022

Data Analysis Overview

A strong numerical modeling effort is as much an integral component of SECCHI as any one instrument. Given the complex spatial and temporal structure of the Sun and heliosphere, we must use modeling to extract from the data an accurate three-dimensional picture of the corona, Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), and the heliosphere. This multifaceted modeling effort will yield a steady state, three-dimensional description of the magnetic field, electron density, and velocity from the photosphere to 1 AU, as well as CME initiation models and CME propagation models. In addition to deciphering the imaging observations, our numerical models will enable direct comparisons between SECCHI observations and in situ observations at each spacecraft. For example, the description of the solar wind generated by SECCHI's numerical model can be used by other instrument teams to predict the arrival of energetic particles. SECCHI has an open data policy. Calibrated data will be made public via the Internet within hours of its receipt. The SECCHI team will provide modern data visualization tools to display the information from one telescope, to overlay data from multiple instruments, and to visualize coincident data from both spacecraft. We propose to include the data from all STEREO experiments in the SECCHI data archive and in the distributed data products. This will enable any scientist convenient access to all STEREO data.

Data Processing And Analysis


Analysis Software

Image Headers

Guidelines for SECCHI IDL Software Developers

Please contact secchi@nrl.navy.mil if you wish to contribute IDL software to the SECCHI codebase.

SECCHI Data Management


Solar Feature and Event Detection and Displaying

Other SECCHI Resources