STEREO Weekly Meeting Minutes for 2023-08-22 (Week 34) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- * None INSTRUMENT and SPACECRAFT STATUS -------------------------------- * Ahead is operating nominally. PLASTIC is in operational mode, but with a moderately higher than normal background rate. * Four years after the initial loss of communications anomaly with the Behind observatory, NASA has directed to cease periodic recovery operations with the last support on October 17, 2018. DISCUSSION AND OPERATIONS CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------- Week 33 (Aug 14 - Aug 20) * On day 228 (Aug 16), during the closest approach slow roll there were two small spacecraft off-points of ~0.12 degrees at 053143z - 053209z and 053318z - 053352z. During the first off-point, the PLASTIC instrument Entrance System was shut down and the IMPACT instrument STE-D door was closed at 0532z by their DPU internal software (as designed). Also during this period, the spacecraft had a series of five single bit errors in G&C memory (cosmic ray hit), which may have contributed to the off-pointing errors. The anomaly is still under investigation. * On day 229 (Aug 17), the spacecraft went through closest approach to Earth. The slow roll, which began on day 219 (Aug 7), will continue until day 233 (Aug 21). * On day 230 (Aug 18), the PLASTIC instrument team successfully rebooted the Entrance System at 0330z and returned to nominal operations. The IMPACT instrument team successfully opened the STE-D door at 1927z and returned to nominal operations. ** Both teams reported that the instruments are operating nominally. ** PLASTIC also reported that with the S/C 180 deg roll for closest approach, the aberration angle of the solar wind is being flipped inside the instrument. The detection efficiency appears to be lower on this side of the roll. The PLASTIC team will evaluate the system performance for a couple of weeks and will need to adjust the high voltages to optimize detection efficiency. Density values during the roll and until the reconfigure are likely underestimated. When they perform the HV commanding they will want the MOC and Peter Schroeder available. * On day 230 (Aug 18), fine pointing was lost intermittently beginning at 1334z through 1934z. These occurrences were due to the reaction wheels operating at low speeds with no gyro operations. These transients can occur with no gyro operations and are not indicative of any problem with the spacecraft G&C. * As of day 232 (Aug 20), all PLASTIC systems are behaving well, except there is a moderate background count rate, which the team is continuing to monitor. * The average daily science data return for Ahead was 6.5 Gbits during this week. Week 34 (Aug 21-27) * Ahead has ten passes during the week, all at 720 kbps, and overall coverage is nominal. * STEREO Ahead's slow roll ends on Aug 21. * Parker Solar Probe will fly by Venus to adjust its orbit on Aug 21. Week 35 (Aug 28-Sep 3) * Ahead has nine passes during the week, all at 720 kbps, and overall coverage is nominal. * The 159th momentum dump on Ahead is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug 29, with ignition at 14:30 UT. Week 36 (Sep 4-10) * Ahead has eight passes during the week, all at 720 kbps, and overall coverage is nominal. * Monday, Sep 4, is Labor Day, which is an APL holiday. Week 37 (Sep 11-17) * Ahead has eleven passes during the week, all at 720 kbps, and overall coverage is nominal. Week 38 (Sep 18-24) * Ahead has thirteen passes during the week, all at 720 kbps, and overall coverage is nominal. * The 160th momentum dump on Ahead is scheduled for Tuesday, Sep 19, with ignition at 14:00 UT. * The second SECCHI high telemetry campaign starts on Saturday, Sep 23, to coincide with the Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass. Both end on Oct 3. Week 39 (Sep 25- Oct 1) * Ahead has eighteen passes during the week, all at 720 kbps, and overall coverage is nominal. * Week two of the SECCHI high telemetry campaign, coincides with the Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass. COORDINATED OBSERVATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 34: M Aug 21 (233) Parker Solar Probe Venus flyby T Aug 22 (234) W Aug 23 (235) T Aug 24 (236) F Aug 25 (237) S Aug 26 (238) S Aug 27 (239) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 35: M Aug 28 (240) T Aug 29 (241) Ahead: Momentum dump W Aug 30 (242) T Aug 31 (243) F Sep 01 (244) S Sep 02 (245) S Sep 03 (246) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 36: M Sep 04 (247) Labor Day T Sep 05 (248) W Sep 06 (249) T Sep 07 (250) F Sep 08 (251) S Sep 09 (252) S Sep 10 (253) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 37: M Sep 11 (254) T Sep 12 (255) W Sep 13 (256) T Sep 14 (257) F Sep 15 (258) S Sep 16 (259) S Sep 17 (260) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 38: M Sep 18 (261) T Sep 19 (262) Ahead: Momentum dump, 14:00 UT W Sep 20 (263) T Sep 21 (264) F Sep 22 (265) S Sep 23 (266) S Sep 24 (267) Start of Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass, and SECCHI high telemetry campaign Notes: * Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass, Sep 23-Oct 3, with SECCHI high telemetry campaign. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming events: 2023: * Sep 23-Oct 3 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass * Oct 1-10 Solar Orbiter Remote Sensing Window 10 * Oct 12-21 Solar Orbiter Remote Sensing Window 11 * Oct 23-Nov 1 Solar Orbiter Remote Sensing Window 12 * Nov 13 Solar Orbiter Full Disk Mosaic * Dec 25-Jan 3 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass * Dec 28 Solar Orbiter off-point for Parker Solar Probe 2024: * Mar 13-24 Solar Orbiter Remote Sensing Window 13 * Mar 26-Apr 4 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass * Mar 27-Apr 9 Solar Orbiter Remote Sensing Window 14 * Apr 12-15 Solar Orbiter Remote Sensing Window 15 * Jun 26-Jul 5 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass * Sep 26-Oct 5 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass * Nov 6 Parker Solar Probe Venus flyby, in HI2-A field-of-view * Dec 20-29 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass 2025: * Feb 18 Solar Orbiter Venus flyby * Mar 19-27 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass * Apr 7 Ahead: Mercury transit * Jun 15-24 Parker Solar Probe perihelion pass 2026: * Dec 24 Solar Orbiter Venus flyby 2028: * Mar 18 Solar Orbiter Venus flyby 2029: * Jun 10 Solar Orbiter Venus flyby * Jun 30 Ahead: Mercury transit 2030: * Sep 3 Solar Orbiter Venus flyby ######################################################################## Access the STEREO-SCI-OPS Home Page and Archives: Unsubscribe from the STEREO-SCI-OPS List: ######################################################################## ######################################################################## Access the STEREO-SCI-OPS Home Page and Archives: Unsubscribe from the STEREO-SCI-OPS List: ########################################################################