STEREO Weekly Meeting Minutes for 2008-05-13 (Week 20) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- * The telecom normally scheduled for May 27th will be cancelled because of the AGU meeting. INSTRUMENT AND SPACECRAFT STATUS -------------------------------- * All subsystems on both spacecraft are nominal, except that the Ahead spececraft is currently operating on IMU #2. DISCUSSION AND OPERATIONS CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------- Week 19 * The station 15 return-to-service track on Ahead scheduled for day 129 (May 8) was cancelled. Station 15 return-to-service has been changed to day 140 (May 19), which necessitated changing several tracks by small amounts. * A momentum dump was successfully carried out on Ahead on day 128 (May 7). * IMU drift parameters were uploaded to both spacecraft on day 128 (May 7). * PLASTIC stopped transmitting spaceweather moments on day 131 (May 10). The PLASTIC team tried to reset the instrument yesterday (May 12), but the corrections didn't go deep enough to solve the problem. They will try again today (May 13), doing a complete reset. It is anticipated to take 2-3 hours of commanding. Some parts of the PLASTIC science data are coming down correctly, while other parts are not coming down at all. * An issue arose during the PLASTIC commanding yesterday where commands were submitted with routing times which was one day in the pass. This is believed to be a leap year problem with the Berkeley GSE. Because the routing time was already past, the commands were sent up immediately, which was not what the PLASTIC team intended. The MOC/POC ICD states that if the routing time is in the past, the C&DH will reject the command. However, this statement is in error. The question arose whether the behavior should be changed to match the ICD, but SECCHI commented that they prefer the current behavior. * On day 127 (May 6), during the Behind pass on station 45, no realtime data was received at the MOC due to a JPL equipement problem. Realtime data was restored at 04:33. No SSR data was lost. * IMPACT uploaded software updates for LET and SWEA to Behind on day 128 (May 7). * The average daily downlink was 7.3 gigabits on Ahead, and 7.3 gigabits on Behind. Week 20 * The station 45 transmitter went red, and today's (May 13) pass is being switched to station 43 at the same time. However, negotiations are still proceeding on this pass, and the planned PLASTIC commanding may be affected. * The 9th momentum dump on Behind will be carried out Thursday, May 15, at 22:40 UT. Week 21 * IMPACT will modify thresholds on both spacecraft on day 141 (May 20). * IMPACT LET and SWEA software updates will be uploaded to Ahead on day 142 (May 21). * A SECCHI stepped calibration roll will be carried out on day 141 (May 20), starting at 11:30 UT. Week 22 * No unusual activities planned. COORDINATED OBSERVATIONS ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 20: M May 12 (133) T May 13 (134) W May 14 (135) T May 15 (136) Behind: Momentum dump, 22:40 UT F May 16 (137) S May 17 (138) S May 18 (139) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 21: M May 19 (140) T May 20 (141) Behind: SECCHI stepped calibration roll, 11:30 UT W May 21 (142) T May 22 (143) F May 23 (144) S May 24 (145) S May 25 (146) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 22: M May 26 (147) T May 27 (148) W May 28 (149) T May 29 (150) F May 30 (151) S May 31 (152) S Jun 01 (153) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming events: 2008: SECCHI Stepped calibration rolls Ahead: Jun 24, Sep 23, Dec 16 Behind: May 20, Aug 26, Dec 2 ICAL-001: Jun 2-6, Jun 30-Jul 3, Aug 4-8, Sep 1-5 * Dec 2007-May 2008 Ulysses quadrature * Jun 20-30 SUMER observing * Aug 4 Begin 5 hour daily DSN tracks * Aug 11 Ahead: Switch downlink rate to 480 kbps * Sep 8 Behind: Switch downlink rate to 480 kbps * Oct 6 Messenger - Mercury fly-by * Nov 1-Dec 15 SUMER campaign