STEREO Weekly Meeting Minutes for 2008-02-19 (Week 8) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- * APL will be performing network maintenance on day 54 (Saturday, Feb 23), between 11-19 UT. There is a good chance there will be a loss in DMZ connectivity, affecting commanding and telemetry. Instrument teams should submit any commands the day before. The track will be staffed to make sure the pass runs correctly. * There will be a power outage at APL over the weekend on days 68-69 (Mar 8-9). The MOC will continue operating on the generator. The DMZ connections should be maintained. However, the MOC will be without telephone or email. Instrument teams should submit any commands before the weekend. * Daylight savings time in the U.S. starts March 9. INSTRUMENT AND SPACECRAFT STATUS -------------------------------- * All subsystems on both spacecraft are nominal, except that the Ahead spececraft is currently operating on IMU #2. DISCUSSION AND OPERATIONS CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------- Week 7 * Star tracker use was suspended on Behind between tracks Feb 11-13, and on Ahead Feb 13-15 to test contingency operations if the star tracker should fail. Gyro drift rate estimates were uplinked to minimize the amount of drift. The star trackers were reenabled during the track, giving a measurement of how well the drift rate estimates worked. The test went very well. * C&DH macros were written to EEPROM on both spacecraft on day 44 (Feb 13). * During the Behind pass on day 47 (Feb 16), station 34 lost 9 minutes of telemetry. This resulted in some data loss for SECCHI. * The average daily downlink was 7.4 gigabits for Ahead, and 7.8 gigabits for Behind. * IMPACT reported some problems putting commands into the queue on Thursday. These were non-urgent, routine commands making small adjustments to the SWEA energy sweep. The commands were successfully submitted on Friday. Week 8 * The SECCHI stepped calibration roll schedule for this morning went as expected. Week 9 * Nothing unusual planned. Week 10 * There will be a PLASTIC flight software load on Behind on day 63 (Mar 3). Week 11 * Nothing unusual planned. Week 12 * The 8th momentum dump on Behind is planned for day 79 (Mar 18) at 21:25 UT. Other: * There was a discussion of future telemetry rates. The STEREO telemetry rates will drop from the current 720 kbps to 480 kbps in early August, while the DSN track times will increase from 4 to 5 hours to partially compensate. At the same time double playback will be ended for the in-situ instruments. It was reported that the average daily downlink totals do not include the effect of the double playback, since only unique packets are counted. COORDINATED OBSERVATIONS ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 08: M Feb 18 (049) T Feb 19 (050) Behind: SECCHI stepped calibration roll, 09:45 UT W Feb 20 (051) T Feb 21 (052) F Feb 22 (053) S Feb 23 (054) S Feb 24 (055) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 09: M Feb 25 (056) T Feb 26 (057) W Feb 27 (058) T Feb 28 (059) F Feb 29 (060) S Mar 01 (061) S Mar 02 (062) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 10: M Mar 03 (063) Behind: PLASTIC flight software load T Mar 04 (064) W Mar 05 (065) T Mar 06 (066) F Mar 07 (067) S Mar 08 (068) S Mar 09 (069) * Daylight savings time in U.S. starts March 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 11: M Mar 10 (070) T Mar 11 (071) W Mar 12 (072) T Mar 13 (073) F Mar 14 (074) S Mar 15 (075) S Mar 16 (076) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduled activities for Week 12: M Mar 17 (077) T Mar 18 (078) Behind: Momentum dump 21:25 W Mar 19 (079) T Mar 20 (080) F Mar 21 (081) S Mar 22 (082) S Mar 23 (083) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming events: 2008: SECCHI Stepped calibration rolls Ahead: Apr 1, Jun 24, Sep 23, Dec 16 Behind: May 20, Aug 26, Dec 2 * Dec 2007-May 2008 Ulysses quadrature * Mar 20 - Apr 16 Whole Heliosphere Interval Mar 20-26 JOP 201, Linking Corona to Solar Wind at Ulysses Mar 27-Apr 2 JOP 202, Origin of the Slow Solar Wind Apr 3-9 JOP 203, Coronal hole boundaries *or* JOP 206, Low-latitude coronal holes Apr 10-16 JOP 204, Energetics and dynamics of quiet Sun Targets of opportunity: JOPs 205, 206, 194 * Apr 21 - May 16 SUMER campaign * Oct 6 Messenger - Mercury fly-by