STEREO SWG Berkeley Dec 15-16, 2003


Action items (Responsibility in bold)


·        Should mirror SSC site to European sites—Rob Wimmer offers Kiel (SSC)

·        Reprocessing or updating of beacon data needs to be clarified (SSC)

·        Need time line/schedule for SSC (SSC)

·        Command/activity history from APL/FOT needs to be on SSC (SSC)

·        APL early ops time line not up to date (SSC)

·        Janet to work w. Barbara about STEREO meeting attached to March LWS Workshop

·        Need to put some markers (like Earth, other s/c etc) on HI images (HI team)

·        Need to decide how to view STEREO data for forecasters (SWG)

·        Get John Leibacher to give GONG talk at future SWG (MLK)

·        Get talks from everyone right away and check on Paris papers; put them all on the Web site (SSC/MLK)

·        Special STEREO sessions at SPD, AGU – 3-D modeling (Janet & Paulette to work on AGU; Russ to work on SPD)

·        Need to give out monthly status to PIs (MLK)

·        1st press conf what to present? (SWG)

·        Instrument papers and science papers:  need to set dates, format.  MLK to put together table of contents (Toni already has 1st draft)