;+ ;PROCEDURE: loadcdfstr ;PURPOSE: ; loads data from specified cdf file into a structure. ;INPUT: ; x: A named variable to return the structure in ; novardata: A named variable to return the non-varying ; data. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; FILENAMES: [array of] CDF filename[s]. (or file id's) ; PATH: CDF file path. ; VARNAMES: [array of] CDF variable name[s] to be loaded. ; NOVARNAMES: [array of] CDF non-varying field names. ; TAGNAMES: optional array of structure tag names. ; NVTAGNAMES: optional array of non-varying structure tag names. ; RESOLUTION: resolution to return in seconds. ; APPEND: if set, append data to the end of x. ; TIME: If set, will create tag TIME using the Epoch variable. ;SEE ALSO: ; "loadcdf2", "loadallcdf", "print_cdf_info","make_cdf_index" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;MODIFICATIONS: ;LAST MODIFICATION: %W% %E% ;- pro loadcdfstr,data0,novardata $ ,filenames=cdf_files $ ,path=path $ ,varnames=cdf_vars,tagnames=tagnames $ ,novarnames=novarnames $ ,resolution = res $ ,median = med $ ,filter_proc = filter_proc $ ,append=append,time=time, nvtagnames=nvtagnames $ ,novarznames=novarznames, nvztagnames=nvztagnames if n_elements(cdf_files) eq 0 then cdf_files=pickfile(filter="*.cdf",path=path,get_path=path) ;on_ioerror,skip if keyword_set(append) then index=n_elements(data0) for num = 0,n_elements(cdf_files)-1 do begin cdf_file = cdf_files(num) id = 0 if data_type(cdf_file) eq 7 then id = cdf_open(cdf_file) else id = cdf_file if not keyword_set(silent) then print,'Loading ',cdf_file inq = cdf_info(id) if not keyword_set(cdf_vars) then begin ;get only variables that vary for n=0,inq.nvars-1 do begin vinq=cdf_varinq(id,n) if vinq.recvar eq 'VARY' then append_array,cdf_vars,vinq.name endfor for n=0,inq.nzvars-1 do begin vinq=cdf_varinq(id,n,/zvar) if vinq.recvar eq 'VARY' then append_array,cdf_vars,vinq.name endfor endif nvars = n_elements(cdf_vars) if not keyword_set(tagnames) then tagnames = cdf_vars tagnames = strcompress(tagnames,/remove_all) if not keyword_set(data0) then append=0 if not keyword_set(append) then begin ;define the data structure: ; if keyword_set(time) then dat = {TIME:0.d} for n=0,nvars-1 do begin vinq = cdf_varinq(id,cdf_vars(n)) if vinq.is_zvar then dim = vinq.dim else dim = inq.dim*vinq.dimvar w = where(dim,ndim) if ndim gt 0 then dim=dim(w) else dim=0 ;print,cdf_vars(n),ndim,dim case vinq.datatype of 'CDF_REAL8' : value = !values.d_nan 'CDF_DOUBLE': value = !values.d_nan 'CDF_REAL4' : value = !values.f_nan 'CDF_FLOAT' : value = !values.f_nan 'CDF_INT4' : value = 0l 'CDF_UINT4' : value = 0ul 'CDF_INT2' : value = 0 'CDF_UINT2' : value = 0 'CDF_INT1' : value = 0b 'CDF_UINT1' : value = 0b 'CDF_CHAR' : value = 0b 'CDF_UCHAR' : value = 0b 'CDF_BYTE' : value = 0b 'CDF_EPOCH' : value = !values.d_nan else : message ,'Invalid type, please fix source...' endcase if ndim gt 0 then val = make_array(value=value,dim=dim) $ else val=value a = strpos(tagnames(n),'%') aa = strpos(tagnames(n),'*') if a ne -1 then begin b = strlen(tagnames(n)) oldname = tagnames(n) tagnames(n) = strmid(oldname,0,a)+'q'+strmid(oldname,a+1,b) endif if aa ne -1 then begin b = strlen(tagnames(n)) oldname = tagnames(n) tagnames(n) = strmid(oldname,0,aa)+'x'+strmid(oldname,aa+1,b) endif str_element,/add,dat,tagnames(n),val endfor if keyword_set(time) then begin w = where(tag_names(dat) eq 'TIME',c) if c eq 0 then str_element,/add,dat,'TIME',0.d endif endif else dat = data0(0) vinq = cdf_varinq(id,cdf_vars(0)) !quiet = 1 cdf_control,id,variable=cdf_vars(0),get_var_info=varinfo,zvar=vinq.is_zvar !quiet = 0 nrecs = varinfo.maxrec+1 data = replicate(dat,nrecs) del = 0 if keyword_set(time) then begin if cdf_attexists(id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(0),zvar=vinq.is_zvar) then $ cdf_attget,id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(0),epochnum,zvar=vinq.is_zvar $ else begin for thisvar=0,inq.nvars-1 do begin vinq = cdf_varinq(id,thisvar) if vinq.datatype eq 'CDF_EPOCH' then $ epochnum=vinq.name endfor if n_elements(epochnum) eq 0 then begin for thisvar=0,inq.nzvars-1 do begin vinq = cdf_varinq(id,thisvar,/zvar) if vinq.datatype eq 'CDF_EPOCH' then $ epochnum=vinq.name endfor endif endelse loadcdf2,id,epochnum,x epoch0 = 719528.d * 24.* 3600. * 1000. ;Jan 1, 1970 data.time = (x - epoch0)/1000. endif for n=0,nvars-1 do begin if cdf_attexists(id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(n),zvar=vinq.is_zvar) then $ cdf_attget,id,'DEPEND_0',cdf_vars(n),thisepoch,zvar=vinq.is_zvar $ else thisepoch = epochnum if n eq 0 and not keyword_set(time) then epochnum = thisepoch if strpos(tagnames(n),'Epoch') ne -1 then thisepoch = tagnames(n) if thisepoch eq epochnum then begin loadcdf2,id,cdf_vars(n),x,/no_shift,nrecs=nrecs if cdf_attexists(id,'FILLVAL',cdf_vars(n),zvar=vinq.is_zvar) then $ begin case data_type(x) of 4: nan = !values.f_nan 5: nan = !values.d_nan else: nan = 0 endcase if nan ne 0 then begin cdf_attget,id,'FILLVAL',cdf_vars(n),fv,zvar=vinq.is_zvar fvindx = where(x eq fv,fvcnt) if fvcnt gt 0 then x(fvindx) = nan endif endif str_element,/add,data,tagnames(n),x endif else begin print,'Variable '+cdf_vars(n)+' has different Epoch' endelse endfor if num eq 0 and keyword_set(novarnames) then begin novardata = 0 novartags = strcompress(novarnames,/remove_all) for i=0,n_elements(novarnames)-1 do begin loadcdf2,id,novarnames(i),val if keyword_set(nvtagnames) then nvtag = nvtagnames[i] else $ nvtag = novartags(i) str_element,/add,novardata,nvtag,val endfor endif if num eq 0 and keyword_set(novarznames) then begin novarzdata = 0 novarztags = strcompress(novarznames,/remove_all) for i=0,n_elements(novarznames)-1 do begin loadcdf2,id,novarznames(i),val,/zvar if keyword_set(nvztagnames) then nvztag = nvztagnames[i] else $ nvztag = novarztags(i) str_element,/add,novardata,nvztag,val endfor endif if data_type(cdf_file) eq 7 then cdf_close,id if keyword_set(filter_proc) then call_procedure,filter_proc,data if keyword_set(res) then data = average_str(data,res,/nan,median=med) append_array,data0,data,index=index append = 1 skip: if id eq 0 then print,'Unable to open file: ',cdf_file endfor append_array,data0,index=index,/done end