;+ ;PROCEDURE: load_sta_l1_mag ;PURPOSE: ; loads STEREO/IMPACT MAG high resolution data for "tplot". ; ;INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time ; range is not already set. ;KEYWORDS: ; TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range ; POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. ; DATA: Data returned in this named variable. ; NODATA: Returns 0 if data exists for time range, otherwise returns 1. ; PREFIX: (string) prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'sta_' ; NAME: (string) name for tplot variables. Default is 'sta_B' ; RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. ; MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. ; RTN: If set, return B field in RTN coordinates. ;SEE ALSO: ; "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" ; ;CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder ;LAST MODIFIED: 11/27/06 ;- pro load_sta_l1_mag,time_range=trange,polar=polar,data=d, $ nodata=nodat, $ prefix = prefix, $ resolution = res, $ name = bname, $ masterfile=masterfile, rtn = rtn if not keyword_set(masterfile) then masterfile = 'STA_L1U' ;if keyword_set(rtn) then cdfnames = ['B_RTN'] else cdfnames = ['B_SC'] cdfnames=['BFIELD'] if keyword_set(rtn) then ppx = 'B_RTN' else ppx = 'B' if keyword_set(rtn) then dirpart = 'RTN' else dirpart='SC' myformat = '/disks/stereodata/l1/ahead/mag/'+dirpart+'/????/??/STA_L1_MAG_*.cdf' d=0 nodat = 0 loadallcdf,myformat,time_range=trange, $ cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d,res =res if keyword_set(d) eq 0 then begin message,'No STA MAG data during this time.',/info nodat = 1 return endif if data_type(prefix) eq 7 then px=prefix else px = 'sta_' if data_type(bname) eq 7 then px = bname else px = px+ppx if keyword_set(rtn) then labs=['B!dR!n','B!dT!n','B!dN!n'] else $ labs=['B!dX!n','B!dY!n','B!dZ!n'] time = reform(d.time) str_element,d,cdfnames(0),bhgrtn bhgrtn = bhgrtn[0:2,*] bhgrtn = transpose(bhgrtn) bmag=sqrt(total(bhgrtn*bhgrtn,2)) w =where(bmag gt 1000.,c) if c ne 0 then bhgrtn[w,*] = !values.f_nan store_data,px,data={x:time,y:bhgrtn},min= -1e30, dlim={labels:labs} if keyword_set(polar) then begin xyz_to_polar,px,/ph_0_360 options,px+'_mag','ytitle','|B|',/def options,px+'_th','ytitle','!19Q!X!DB!U',/def ylim,px+'_th',-90,90,0,/def options,px+'_phi','ytitle','!19F!X!DB!U',/def options,px+'_phi','psym',3,/def ylim,px+'_phi',0,360.,0,/def endif ;if keyword_set(rtn) then begin ; mycmat = get_stereo_cmat(unixtai2utc(time), 'A') ; rtndata = matrix_multiply(mycmat,bhgrtn,/btranspose) ; labs=['B!dR!n','B!dT!n','B!dN!n'] ; store_data,'sta_B_RTN',data={x:time,y:transpose(rtndata)},min= -1e30, $ ; dlim = {labels:labs} ;endif end