;+ ; ; Name: SPD_UI_COPY ; ; Purpose: Copies the current page to the clipboard. ; Should also work with Ctrl+C. ; It can also be called from spd_ui_draw_event ; ; Inputs: The info structure from the main gui ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_ui_main_funcs/spd_ui_copy.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_copy, info if info.marking eq 0 && info.rubberbanding eq 0 then begin info.ctrl=0 dataNames = info.loadedData->GetAll() IF Is_Num(dataNames) THEN BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, 'The copy operation is not functional until data has been loaded' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.drawObject->vbaroff info.drawObject->hBaroff info.drawobject->legendoff ;disable legends so they will not be shown in copy-paste operations cWindow = info.windowStorage->getActive() if obj_valid(cWindow) then begin cWindow->getProperty, Panels=panels if obj_valid(panels) then begin panelssave = panels panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) if obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin old_enabled_values = intarr(n_elements(panelObjs)) for i=0, n_elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin panelObjs[i]->getProperty, legendSettings=legendSettings legendsettings->getProperty, enabled=enabled old_enabled_values[i] = enabled legendsettings->disable endfor endif endif endif ;quick fix by prc to make this thing work for presentation. It originally used the call: ;info.drawWin->getProperty,units=units,original_virtual_dimensions=virtual_dimensions ;but original_virtual_dimensions is not actually a keyword for IDLgrWindow->getProperty info.drawWin->getProperty,units=units,virtual_dimensions=virtual_dimensions myClipboard=Obj_New('IDLgrClipboard', Quality=2, Dimensions=virtual_dimensions,units=units) info.drawObject->SetProperty,destination=myclipboard info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw,vector=0,postscript=0 ;reset disabled legends to their perious values if obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin for i=0, n_elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin if old_enabled_values[i] then begin panelObjs[i]->getProperty, legendSettings=legendSettings legendsettings->setProperty, enabled=1 endif endfor endif ;redraw old window info.drawObject->setProperty, destination=info.drawWin info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw result = widget_info(info.trackvMenu,/button_set) if result eq 1 then begin result = widget_info(info.trackAllMenu,/button_set) IF result eq 1 THEN info.drawObject->vBarOn, /all ELSE info.drawObject->vBarOn endif result = widget_info(info.trackhMenu,/button_set) if result eq 1 then begin result = widget_info(info.trackAllMenu,/button_set) ; IF result eq 1 THEN info.drawObject->hBarOn, /all ELSE info.drawObject->hBarOn info.drawObject->hBarOn endif result = Widget_Info(info.showPositionMenu, /button_set) IF result EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF info.trackAll EQ 1 THEN info.drawObject->legendOn, /All ELSE info.drawObject->legendOn ENDIF ENDELSE endif end