;+ ; NAME: ; spedas_terms_of_use ; ; PURPOSE: ; Terms of use for the data of missions included in SPEDAS ; ; INPUT ; mission_name: (string) the name of the mission ; KEYWORD ARGUMENTS ; filename: (string) the full path of a text file with the terms of use, or '' ; agreement_text: (string) the actual string of terms of use ; ; OUTPUT ; 1 (terms accepted) or 0 (terms rejected) ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spedas_terms_of_use(mission_name) ; same as filename='' ; or spedas_terms_of_use(mission_name, filename='path_to_agreement_text') ; or spedas_terms_of_use(mission_name, agreement_text='text of agreement') ; ; to reset: spedas_terms_of_use_set(mission_name, 0) ; ; NOTES: ; Works both from Command Line and GUI. Detects it automatically. ; Caller should provide either the filename or agreement_text keyword arguments. ; ; If the filename is '', we assume that there is a file mission_name.txt inside the Resources/terms_of_use directory. ; Writes lines to the file terms_of_use.txt which resides in user's data folder. ; If the user has not agreed before it will show terms of use. If the user has agreed it will just return 1. ; It can be reset (for example when the interface starts) using spedas_terms_of_use_set(mission_name, 0). ; ; ; HISTORY:; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-22 15:47:22 -0700 (Fri, 22 Mar 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 11876 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/spedas_plugin_api/spedas_terms_of_use.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function spedas_config_dir creates the directory ; that will host the terms of use text file ; In windows the directory is something like: ; C:\Users\username\.idl\spedas\spedas_terms-9-1_0-windows FUNCTION spedas_config_dir ;COMMON spedas_common, config_dir IF (N_ELEMENTS(config_dir) NE 1) THEN BEGIN ; Increment if author_readme_text is changed author_readme_version = 1 author_readme_text = $ ['This is the user configuration directory for', $ 'IDL based products from SPEDAS.' ] ; Increment if app_readme_text is changed app_readme_version = 1 app_readme_text = $ ['This is the configuration directory for the', $ 'SPEDAS terms of use for mission data.'] config_dir = APP_USER_DIR('spedas', 'SPEDAS team', $ 'spedas_terms', 'SPEDAS Software', $ app_readme_text, app_readme_version, $ AUTHOR_README_TEXT=author_readme_text, $ AUTHOR_README_VERSION=author_readme_version, $ RESTRICT_APPVERSION='1.0', /RESTRICT_FAMILY) ENDIF RETURN, config_dir END ; Function spedas_read_file reads a ASCII text file ; and returns a string with the contents ; filename should contain the full path of the file ; C:\Users\username\Documents\mission.txt function spedas_read_file, filename if (!D.NAME EQ 'WIN') then newline = string([13B, 10B]) else newline = string(10B) result = FILE_TEST(filename, /read) if result EQ 0 then begin return, filename + ' not found!' endif OPENR, lun, filename, /GET_LUN mytext = '' line = '' WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF, lun, line mytext = mytext +newline + line ENDWHILE FREE_LUN, lun return, mytext end ; Function terms_of_use_check checks if there is a previous agreement ; Returns 0 if there is not previous agreement and 1 if there is ; Stores the agreement in a line like mission=1 in file terms_of_use.txt ; in directory spedas_config_dir() function terms_of_use_check, mission_name terms_filename = spedas_config_dir() + '/terms_of_use.txt' result = FILE_TEST(terms_filename, /read) res = 0 if result EQ 0 then begin ; file does not exist, no agreement return, res endif ;file exists, read it OPENR, lun, terms_filename, /GET_LUN line = '' mission_name = STRLOWCASE(mission_name) mission_name = STRCOMPRESS(mission_name, /REMOVE_ALL) seek_text = mission_name + '=1' WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF, lun, line if line EQ seek_text then begin res = 1 break endif ENDWHILE FREE_LUN, lun return, res end ; Function spedas_terms_of_use_set sets the value for a particular mission ; Value has to be 0 (disagree) or 1 (agree) ; Stores the agreement in a line like mission=1, or mission=0 at the end of the file terms_of_use.txt ; in directory spedas_config_dir() function spedas_terms_of_use_set, mission_name, value if (!D.NAME EQ 'WIN') then newline = string([13B, 10B]) else newline = string(10B) terms_filename = spedas_config_dir() + '/terms_of_use.txt' mission_name = STRLOWCASE(mission_name) mission_name = STRCOMPRESS(mission_name, /REMOVE_ALL) new_value = mission_name + '=' + string(value) new_value = STRCOMPRESS(new_value, /REMOVE_ALL) result = FILE_TEST(terms_filename, /read) if result EQ 0 then begin ; file does not exist, create it openw,lun,terms_filename,/get_lun printf, lun, new_value Free_lun, lun return, value endif ;file exists, read it OPENR, lun, terms_filename, /GET_LUN mytext = '' line = '' seek_text = mission_name + '=*' seek_text = STRLOWCASE(seek_text) seek_text = STRCOMPRESS(seek_text, /REMOVE_ALL) WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF, lun, line line = STRTRIM( line, 2 ) if line EQ '' then continue res = STRMATCH( line, seek_text, /FOLD_CASE) if res EQ 0 then begin if mytext EQ '' then mytext = line else mytext = mytext + newline + line end ENDWHILE FREE_LUN, lun if mytext EQ '' then mytext = new_value else mytext = mytext + newline + new_value ;write result openw, lun, terms_filename, /get_lun printf, lun, mytext Free_lun, lun return, value end pro mission_terms_of_use_event, event mission_name='temp' WIDGET_CONTROL, event.TOP, GET_UVALUE=mission_name Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=userValue CASE userValue OF 'YES':BEGIN res = spedas_terms_of_use_set(mission_name, 1) WIDGET_CONTROL, event.TOP, /DESTROY END 'NO':BEGIN res= spedas_terms_of_use_set(mission_name, 0) WIDGET_CONTROL, event.TOP, /DESTROY END ENDCASE return END ; This UI terms_of_use should not be called directly. It is called by the function mission_terms_of_use when needed. pro mission_terms_of_use, mission_name=mission_name, agreement_text=agreement_text If N_ELEMENTS(mission_name) EQ 0 then mission_name = 'testmission' If N_ELEMENTS(agreement_text) EQ 0 then agreement_text = 'Terms of Use' base = WIDGET_BASE(/column, /NO_COPY, TITLE='Terms of Use: '+mission_name , TAB_MODE=1, XSIZE=610, YSIZE=650, uvalue=mission_name ) mainBase = Widget_Base(base, column=1,XSIZE=600, YSIZE=600) bottomBase = Widget_Base(base, /row, /align_center) result = WIDGET_TEXT( mainBase, value=agreement_text, uname='textbox',SCR_XSIZE=600, SCR_YSIZE=600, /SCROLL) button1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(bottomBase, value='Disagree', uvalue='NO',SCR_XSIZE=125 ) button2 = WIDGET_BUTTON(bottomBase, value='Agree', uvalue='YES',SCR_XSIZE=125 ) WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE XMANAGER, 'mission_terms_of_use', base end ; Main function to call from outside function spedas_terms_of_use, mission_name, filename=filename,agreement_text=agreement_text isWindow = WIDGET_INFO(/ACTIVE ) if (!D.NAME EQ 'WIN') then newline = string([13B, 10B]) else newline = string(10B) has_agreed = terms_of_use_check(mission_name) if has_agreed then return, 1 if ~keyword_set(agreement_text) then begin if ( N_Elements(filename) EQ 0) || (filename EQ '') then begin ;assume file is in the resource directory getresourcepath,path filename = path + 'terms_of_use/' + mission_name + '.txt' end result = FILE_TEST(filename, /read) if result EQ 0 then begin if isWindow gt 0 then begin answer = dialog_message('File Not Found! (' + filename + ')' ,/information) endif else begin print, 'File Not Found! (' + filename + ')' endelse return, 0 endif agreement_text = spedas_read_file(filename) + newline endif answer_agreed = '' res = 0 mission_name_loc = mission_name if isWindow gt 0 then begin agreement_text = agreement_text + newline + newline + 'Do you agree with the above?' mission_terms_of_use,mission_name=mission_name, agreement_text=agreement_text endif else begin print, agreement_text read, "Do you agree with the above? (Type yes if you agree, anything else is no.)" + string(10B) , answer_agreed yes_or_no = STRCMP( answer_agreed, 'yes',/FOLD_CASE) if yes_or_no then res=1 setagreement = spedas_terms_of_use_set(mission_name, res) endelse res = terms_of_use_check(mission_name_loc) return, res end