;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_layout_options ;PURPOSE: ; This routine creates and handles the layout widget. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_layout_options ;INPUT: ; info: Info structure from spd_gui. ;OUTPUT: ; none ;HISTORY: ; ;(lphilpott, 06/21/2011) Modified the event handling for the spinners so that it delays handling invalid entries until ;the user clicks OK/Apply or changes panels. Added code to set the minimums for the Columns per page and Rows per page ;spinner (as they change) so that the user can't click down below valid values. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2022-03-01 11:44:06 -0800 (Tue, 01 Mar 2022) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30633 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_layout_options/spd_ui_layout_options.pro $ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; the following procedure exists to reset custom trace names set by the user ; in the event that they add/remove trace names from a panel using Layout Options pro spd_ui_layout_sync_traces, state thewindows = state.info.windowStorage->getActive() panel_names = spd_ui_get_panels(thewindows, panelObjs=panelObjs) num_panels = n_elements(panelObjs) if ~obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then return for panel_idx = 0, num_panels-1 do begin ; grab the legendSettings panelObjs[panel_idx]->getProperty, legendSettings = legendSettings ; are custom traces set for this panel? legendSettings->getProperty, traces=traces, customTracesSet = customTracesSet ; check if custom traces are set by the user if customTracesSet eq 1 then begin ; need to check whether the user added a line to this panel (*state.panelObjs)[panel_idx]->getproperty, tracesettings=new_tracesettings new_traces=new_tracesettings->get(/all) num_old_traces = n_elements((*traces).tracenames) num_new_traces = n_elements(new_traces) if num_new_traces ne num_old_traces then begin ; out of sync legendSettings->setProperty, customTracesSet = 0 out_of_sync_error = 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Conflict with trace names set in Legend Options - resetting to default names.' state.historywin->update, out_of_sync_error state.statusbar->update, out_of_sync_error endif endif endfor end function spd_ui_check_panel_layout, state compile_opt idl2, hidden if obj_valid((*state.panelObjs)[0]) then begin for i=0,n_elements(*state.panelObjs)-1 do begin currentPanel = (*state.panelObjs)[i] panelLayoutPos = state.cwindow->getPanelPos(currentPanel) if panelLayoutPos eq -1 then begin state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Problem evaluating locked panel layout.' state.statusbar->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Problem evaluating locked panel layout.' ok=error_message('Problem panel layout in "Locked Mode," probably from overlapping panels.' + $ ' Closing Layout Window and resetting to previous layout.',/noname,/center, $ title='Error in Plot/Layout Options', traceback=0) return, 0 endif endfor return, 1 endif else return, 1 end ; Resize the page to fit the current panels ; pro spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, row=row, col=col, single=single compile_opt idl2, hidden rows = 2 cols = 1 ;get largest values for i=0, n_elements(*state.panelObjs)-1 do begin l = (*state.panelObjs)[i]->getlayoutstructure() rows = rows > (l.row + l.rspan - 1) cols = cols > (l.col + l.cspan - 1) endfor ; get current settings state.cWindow->getProperty, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols ; check difference if only a single collapse is requested r = keyword_set(single) ? nrows-rows eq 1 : 1b c = keyword_set(single) ? ncols-cols eq 1 : 1b ;update obj and widgets if keyword_set(row) and r then begin state.cWindow->setProperty,nrows=rows widget_control, state.rowPageText, set_value = rows endif if keyword_set(col) and c then begin state.cWindow->setProperty, ncols=cols widget_control, state.colPageText, set_value = cols endif end ;pro spd_ui_layout_set_yselect, state, value ;; set state.ySelect ; ; compile_opt idl2, hidden ; ; value->getProperty, mode=mode ; ; CASE mode OF ; 0: BEGIN ; tplot mode ; val = value->getValue() ; ; if ptr_valid(state.ySelect) then ptr_free, state.ySelect ; ; if size(val, /type) eq 10 then begin ; ; for i=0,n_elements(val)-1 do begin ; ; ; get datanames for each y selection ; ySelect_i = (*val[i]).datanames ; ; ; add to array of y datanames ; if i eq 0 then ySelect = ySelect_i else ySelect = [ySelect, ySelect_i] ; endfor ; ; state.ySelect = ptr_new(ySelect) ; ; ; get x datanames from timename of y data tree ; if ~state.compviewmode then begin ; ; if ptr_valid(state.xSelect) then ptr_free, state.xSelect ; ; for i=0,n_elements(val)-1 do begin ; ; ; make sure xSelect has same number of elements as ySelect ; xSelect_i = replicate(((*val[i]).timename), n_elements((*val[i]).datanames)) ; ; ; add to array of x datanames ; if i eq 0 then xSelect = xSelect_i else xSelect = [xSelect, xSelect_i] ; endfor ; ; state.xSelect = ptr_new(xSelect) ; endif ; endif ; END ; 1: BEGIN ; yNames = value->getValue() ; if ptr_valid(state.ySelect) then ptr_free, state.ySelect ; state.ySelect = Ptr_New(yNames) ; END ; 2: BEGIN ; yNames = value->getValue() ; if ptr_valid(state.ySelect) then ptr_free, state.ySelect ; state.ySelect = Ptr_New(yNames) ; END ; 3: BEGIN ; yNames = value->getValue() ; ; for i=0,n_elements(yNames)-1 do begin ; ; ; get datanames for each y selection ; if state.loadedData->isparent(yNames[i]) then begin ; group = state.loadedData->getGroup(yNames[i]) ; ySelect_i = group->getDataNames() ; endif else ySelect_i=yNames[i] ; ; ; add to array of y datanames ; if i eq 0 then ySelect = ySelect_i else ySelect = [ySelect, ySelect_i] ; endfor ; ; ySelect = ySelect[uniq(strlowcase(ySelect),bsort(strlowcase(ySelect)))] ; ; if ptr_valid(state.ySelect) then ptr_free, state.ySelect ; state.ySelect = ptr_new(ySelect) ; ; for i=0,n_elements(ySelect)-1 do begin ; ; group = state.loadedData->getobjects(name=ySelect[i]) ; group[0]->getproperty, timename=xSelect_i, indepName=indepName ; ; ; use diff quantity for x-axis if specified by indepName ; if is_string(indepName) then xSelect_i=indepName ; ; ; add to array of x datanames ; if i eq 0 then xSelect = xSelect_i else xSelect = [xSelect, xSelect_i] ; endfor ; ; if ptr_valid(state.xSelect) then ptr_free, state.xSelect ; state.xSelect = ptr_new(xSelect) ; END ; ENDCASE ;end pro spd_ui_layout_draw_update,tlb,state,apply=apply compile_opt idl2,hidden state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData, errmsg=errmsg ; Issue a dialog message to user if an important error has occured. ; Note: not every drawObject error will return an errmsg structure. ; Note: no reset is done as this would complicate matters as the user probably wouldn't want to lose added panels etc. if keyword_set(errmsg) then begin if in_set('TYPE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin if strupcase(errmsg.type) eq 'ERROR' then begin if in_set('VALUE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin ok = dialog_message('Error: '+errmsg.value,/center) endif endif endif endif state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.scrollbar->update end pro spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout, ntr=ntr ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout compile_opt idl2, hidden if state.npanels LT 1 then begin result=dialog_message("There are no panels on this page. Please create a panel before performing operations.", /INFO, /CENTER) return endif panelNames = strarr(state.npanels) ntr = intarr(state.npanels) for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin ; loop over panels cPanel = (*state.panelObjs)[i] panelNames[i] = cPanel->constructPanelName() state.cwindow->GetProperty, locked=locked if i eq locked then panelNames[i] = state.lockPrefix + panelNames[i] if i eq 0 then panelValue = panelNames[i] $ else panelValue = [panelValue, panelNames[i]] if i eq 0 then panelLayout = cPanel->getLayoutStructure() $ else panelLayout = [panelLayout, cPanel->getLayoutStructure()] if i eq 0 then panel_ValueInfo = {panelListInfo, ispanel:1, istrace:0, $ panelid:panelLayout[i].id, traceid:-1} $ else panel_ValueInfo = [panel_ValueInfo, {panelListInfo, ispanel:1, istrace:0, $ panelid:panelLayout[i].id, traceid:-1}] cPanel->getProperty,traceSettings=traceSettings traces = traceSettings->get(/all) if obj_valid(traces[0]) then begin ntr[i] = n_elements(traces) trNames = cPanel->constructTraceNames() for j = 0,ntr[i]-1 do begin panelValue = [panelValue, trNames[j]] panel_ValueInfo = [panel_ValueInfo, {panelListInfo, ispanel:0, istrace:1, $ panelid:panelLayout[i].id, traceid:j}] traces[j]->getProperty,dataX=dx, dataY=dy if obj_isa(traces[j],'spd_ui_spectra_settings') then begin traces[j]->getProperty,dataZ=dz endif else dz = '' endfor endif endfor end pro spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, tlb, state=state compile_opt idl2, hidden statedef = ~(~size(state,/type)) ; if ~statedef then begin Widget_Control, tlb, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only get STATE if it is not passed in. endif else begin tlb = state.tlb endelse ;********************************************************** ; Initialize tree widgets ;********************************************************** widget_control,tlb,update=0 ;the index of the tab that should be selected after update tab_index = 0 ; destroy tertiary (x-axis) tree widget if widget_info(state.terBase, /valid_id) then begin widget_control, state.terBase, /destroy if obj_valid(state.terTree) then obj_destroy, state.terTree endif ; destroy tertiary (y-axis) tree widget if widget_info(state.secBase, /valid_id) then begin widget_control, state.secBase, /destroy if obj_valid(state.secTree) then obj_destroy, state.secTree endif ; destroy tertiary (z-axis) tree widget if widget_info(state.priBase, /valid_id) then begin widget_control, state.priBase, /destroy if obj_valid(state.priTree) then obj_destroy, state.priTree endif if state.compviewmode then begin ; create secondary (x-axis) tree widget/object if state.xtree_copy gt 0 then begin xcopy=state.xtree_copy endif else if state.pritree_copy gt 0 then begin xcopy=state.pritree_copy endif else begin xcopy=0 endelse state.terBase = Widget_Base(state.tabBase, Title='X-Var', /Col) state.terTree = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree', state.terBase,'TERTREE', $ state.loadedData, XSize=state.tree_size, YSize=340, $ mode=1, multi=1, leafonly=1, uname='tertree', /showdatetime,$ from_copy=xcopy) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='tertree') widget_control, id, get_value=val if state.sectree_copy gt 0 then begin ycopy=state.sectree_copy endif else if state.pritree_copy gt 0 then begin ycopy=state.pritree_copy endif else begin ycopy=0 endelse state.secBase = Widget_Base(state.tabBase, Title='Y-Var', /Col) state.secTree = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree', state.secBase,'SECTREE', $ state.loadedData, XSize=state.tree_size, YSize=340, $ mode=3, multi=1,leafonly=1, uname='sectree', /showdatetime,$ from_copy=ycopy) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='sectree') widget_control, id, get_value=val tab_index = 2 pri_name = 'Z-Var' endif else begin pri_name = 'Dependent Variable' endelse if state.pritree_copy gt 0 then begin pricopy=state.pritree_copy endif else begin pricopy=0 endelse state.priBase = Widget_Base(state.tabBase, Title=pri_name, /Col) state.priTree = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree', state.priBase,'PRITREE', $ state.loadedData, XSize=state.tree_size, YSize=340, $ mode=3, multi=1, leafonly=1, uname='pritree', /showdatetime,$ from_copy=pricopy) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='pritree') widget_control, id, get_value=val ;set selected tab widget_control,state.tabBase,set_tab_current=tab_index widget_control,tlb,update=1 if ~statedef then Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only put STATE if it was not passed in. end pro spd_ui_update_var_widget, tlb, state=state compile_opt idl2, hidden statedef = ~(~size(state,/type)) ; if ~statedef then begin Widget_Control, tlb, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only get STATE if it is not passed in. endif else begin tlb = state.tlb endelse ; Initialize Variables widget if state.npanels gt 0 then cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] IF Obj_Valid(cpanel) THEN cpanel->GetProperty, Variables=variables ELSE variables=-1 IF Obj_Valid(variables) THEN varObjs = variables->Get(/all) ELSE varObjs=-1 IF Size(varObjs, /type) EQ 11 THEN BEGIN varNames = make_array(N_Elements(varObjs), /string) FOR i=0,N_Elements(varObjs)-1 DO BEGIN varObjs[i]->GetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(text) THEN text->GetProperty, Value=value varNames[i]=value ENDFOR ENDIF IF Size(varNames, /Type) NE 0 && N_Elements(varNames) GT 0 THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, state.variableText, set_value=varnames,set_text_select=[0,0] ENDIF ELSE WIDGET_CONTROL, state.variableText, set_value='' end ;modularizes repeated panel add code ;Adds a panel to the list, updates state representation pro spd_ui_layout_add_panel,state compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Add panel to panel layout spd_ui_make_default_panel, state.info.windowStorage,state.template, outpanel=newpanel newpanelLayout = newpanel->getlayoutstructure() widget_control, state.rowText, set_value=newpanelLayout.row widget_control, state.colText, set_value=newpanelLayout.col widget_control, state.rowSpan, set_value=newpanelLayout.rspan widget_control, state.colSpan, set_value=newpanelLayout.cspan ; begin "in case of cancel of child panel" code state.cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels, locked=locked ;; move variables down from last panel if panels are locked ;; lphilpott 15-feb-2012 Removing this code as it is no longer necessary. Variables can be displayed between ;; locked panels now. ; if locked ge 0 then begin ; panelObjs = panels->get(/all) ; if obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin ; np = n_elements(panelObjs) ; if np ge 2 then begin ; panelObjs[np-2]->getProperty, variables=variables ; if array_equal(obj_valid(variables->get(/all)),1) then begin ; panelObjs[np-1]->setProperty, variables=variables ; panelObjs[np-2]->setProperty, variables=obj_new('IDL_Container') ; endif ; endif ; endif ; endif if ptr_valid(state.panels) then ptr_free, state.panels state.panels = ptr_new(panels) ; end "in case of cancel of child panel" code if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) ; should apply any changes made to panel layout spd_ui_update_nrows_ncols,*state.panelObjs,state.cwindow,state.tlb state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ;panelNames = strarr(state.npanels) ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) state.panel_sel = state.npanels-1 state.trace_sel = -1 widget_control, state.rowText, /sensitive widget_control, state.colText, /sensitive widget_control, state.rowSpan, /sensitive widget_control, state.colSpan, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftupButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftleftButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftrightButton, /sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='rempan') widget_control, id, /sensitive widget_control, state.editButton, sensitive=1 ; sensitize the add/edit variables button id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='edvar') widget_control, id, /sensitive ; sensitize the lock/unlock panels buttons id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='unlock_pan') widget_control, id, /sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lock_pan') widget_control, id, /sensitive ; Widget_Control, state.plusButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue widget_control, state.panelList, $ set_list_select=where((*state.panelNames)[state.npanels-1] eq *state.panelValue) state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: New panel added.' state.statusbar->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: New panel added.' end ;This modularizes duplicated code for adding spectra and lines ;Set keyword spect, to indicate spectrograms should be created ;from current state. pro spd_ui_layout_add_trace,event,state,spectra=spectra compile_opt idl2,hidden ;Add selected traces to selected panel ;IF N_Elements(*state.xSelect) GT 0 && N_Elements(*state.ySelect) GT 0 THEN BEGIN ;IF is_string(*state.xSelect) && (state.isspec || is_string(*state.ySelect)) THEN BEGIN h_msg = 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: ' e_msg = '' state.historywin->Update, h_msg+'Adding Variables to Panel...' state.statusbar->update, 'Adding Variables to Panel...' spd_ui_layout_get_selection,state,x_select=xnames,y_select=ynames,z_select=znames,spectra=spectra nnames = n_elements(xnames) ; Check for auto-panel options and whether current panel is empty autopanel = widget_info(state.autopanel,/button_set) if autopanel and state.panel_sel ge 0 then begin ((*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel])->getproperty, tracesettings=tr autopanel = autopanel and (tr->count() gt 0) endif ;Loop Over Names ;--------------- bad=0 for i=0,nnames-1 do begin msg='' ;if ((n_elements(znames) eq 1 && znames[0] eq '') || znames[i] eq '') && keyword_set(spectra) then begin if undefined(znames) && keyword_set(spectra) then begin ;checking is ordered msg = 'Invalid Z variable selection, unable to add "'+xnames[i]+'"/"'+ynames[i]+'" to panel.' endif else if undefined(ynames[i]) then begin msg = 'Invalid Y variable selection, unable to add "'+xnames[i]+'" to panel.' endif else if undefined(xnames[i]) then begin msg = 'Invalid X variable selection, unable to add "'+ynames[i]+'" to panel.' endif if keyword_set(msg) then begin ;notify user, then skip variable or return bad++ state.statusbar->update, msg state.historywin->update, h_msg+msg e_msg = 'At least one variable could not be added. Check history window for details.' continue endif ;first valid component if i-bad eq 0 then begin ;************************* ;Create a panel if none exist or automatic option is on ;************************* if state.npanels eq 0 or autopanel then begin spd_ui_layout_add_panel,state endif ;************************* ;Add trace/spectra ;************************* ;widget_control,event.id,get_value=value pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] endif if ~keyword_set(spectra) then begin spd_ui_make_default_lineplot, state.info.loadedData, cpanel, $ xnames[i], ynames[i], state.template,$ gui_sbar=state.statusBar, datanum=i endif else begin spd_ui_make_default_specplot, state.info.loadedData, cpanel, $ xnames[i], ynames[i], $ znames[i], state.template,gui_sbar=state.statusBar endelse endfor ;End loop over names ;------------------- ;all components invalid if i-bad eq 0 then return ; begin "in case of cancel of child panel" code state.cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels, nRows=nrows, nCols=ncols;, locked=locked ;locked necessary? if ptr_valid(state.panels) then ptr_free, state.panels state.panels = ptr_new(panels) if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] ; end "in case of cancel of child panel" code cpanel->getProperty, traceSettings=traceSettings state.trace_sel = traceSettings->Count() - 1 ; check whether selected trace is line or spectra traces = traceSettings->get(/all) ; get traces to check for spectra/line type if obj_isa(traces[state.trace_sel], 'spd_ui_spectra_settings') then $ state.is_trace_spec = 1 else state.is_trace_spec = 0 state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout, ntr=ntr if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) ;state.panel_sel = (*state.panel_ValueInfo)[pindex].panelid ;state.trace_sel = (*state.panel_ValueInfo)[pindex].traceid ; advance selected y-axis dataname to next down the list if nnames eq 1 && state.compviewmode eq 0 then begin ld = state.loadeddata ->getall() ldi = where(ld eq (keyword_set(spectra)?znames[0]:ynames[0]),c) if c gt 0 then begin ;use last index in case parent and child have same name if c gt 1 then ldi = ldi[n_elements(ldi)-1] next_idx = (long(ldi)+1) mod n_elements(ld) next = ld[next_idx] if state.loadeddata->ischild(next[0]) && ~state.loadeddata->isparent(next[0]) then begin *state.ySelect = next state.pritree->clearSelected state.pritree->setSelected,next endif endif endif widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue ;widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=state.panel_sel + ntr new_trace_ind = where(*state.panelValue eq (*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel]) $ + ntr[state.panel_sel] widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=new_trace_ind widget_control, state.shiftleftButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.shiftrightButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.rowtext, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.coltext, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.rowSpan, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.colSpan, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.editButton, sensitive=1 if state.trace_sel eq 0 then widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=1 if state.trace_sel eq (ntr[state.panel_sel]-1) then widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=1 msg = 'Add Finished. '+e_msg state.historywin->update, h_msg + msg state.statusbar->update, msg end ;returns selection in x_select,y_select,z_select ;keyword spectra, set to return spectral selection rather than line selection pro spd_ui_layout_get_selection,state,x_select=x_select,y_select=y_select,z_select=z_select,spectra=spectra compile_opt idl2,hidden undefine,x_select undefine,y_select undefine,z_select failtype = 0 if state.compviewmode eq 0 then begin pri_selection = state.priTree->getValue() if ~keyword_set(pri_selection[0]) then begin ok=dialog_message("No variable selected, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) state.statusBar->update,'Warning: No variable selected' return endif ;get line selection when not in component mode if ~keyword_set(spectra) then begin undefine,obj_list ;loop over selections to get data ojects for i = 0,n_elements(pri_selection)-1 do begin ;if selection is a parent get all constituent objects if state.loadedData->isParent(pri_selection[i]) then begin group = state.loadedData->getGroup(pri_selection[i]) if ~obj_Valid(group[0]) then continue dataObjects = group->getDataObjects() ;otherwise get named objects as usual endif else begin dataObjects = state.loadedData->getObjects(name=pri_selection[i]) endelse if ~obj_valid(dataObjects[0]) then continue ;add to array of objects obj_list = array_concat(dataObjects,obj_list) endfor ;loop over objects to obtain lists of variable names for i = 0,n_elements(obj_list)-1 do begin if ~obj_valid(obj_list[i]) then continue obj_list[i]->getProperty,name=name,timeName=timeName,indepName=indepName y_select = array_concat(name,y_select) if ~keyword_set(indepName) then begin x_select = array_concat(timename,x_select) endif else begin x_select = array_concat(indepName,x_select) endelse endfor ;get spectra selection when not in component mode endif else begin ;loop over selections ;variable names will be aggregated within this loop for i = 0,n_elements(pri_selection)-1 do begin ;if selection is a parent get it's name, not its the constituents' if state.loadedData->isParent(pri_selection[i]) then begin group = state.loadedData->getGroup(pri_selection[i]) if ~obj_Valid(group[0]) then continue indepName = group->getIndepName() timename = group->getTimeName() name = group->getName() yaxisname = group->getyaxisname() ;otherwise get name as usual endif else begin obj = state.loadedData->getObjects(name=pri_selection[i]) if ~obj_valid(obj[0]) then continue obj->getProperty,name=name,timename=timename,indepname=indepname,yaxisname=yaxisname endelse ;concatenate list of variable names if ~keyword_set(indepName) then begin x_select = array_concat(timename,x_select) endif else begin x_select = array_concat(indepName,x_select) endelse y_select = array_concat(yaxisname,y_select) z_select = array_concat(name,z_select) endfor endelse endif else begin ;identify selection for component mode z_selection = state.priTree->getValue() y_selection = state.secTree->getValue() x_selection = state.terTree->getValue() if ~keyword_set(x_selection[0]) then begin state.statusBar->update,'Warning: No X-variable selected' ok=dialog_message("No X-variable selected, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) return endif if ~keyword_set(y_selection[0]) then begin state.statusbar->update,'Warning: No Y-variable selected' ok=dialog_message("No Y-variable selected, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) return endif if ~keyword_set(spectra) then begin ;allows a one-to-many, many-to-one, or a one-to-one, but not a general m-to-n match if n_elements(x_selection) ne 1 && $ n_elements(y_selection) ne 1 && $ n_elements(x_selection) ne n_elements(y_selection) then begin state.statusbar->update,'Warning: Number of X and Y elements do not match' ok=dialog_message("Number of X & Y elements do not match, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) return endif if n_elements(x_selection) eq 1 && $ n_elements(y_selection) gt 1 then begin x_selection = replicate(x_selection,n_elements(y_selection)) endif else if n_elements(y_selection) eq 1 && $ n_elements(x_selection) gt 1 then begin y_selection = replicate(y_selection,n_elements(y_selection)) endif for i = 0,n_elements(y_selection)-1 do begin if state.loadedData->isParent(y_selection[i]) then begin y_children = state.loadedData->getChildren(y_selection[i]) x_children = replicate(x_selection[i],n_elements(y_children)) endif else begin y_children = y_selection[i] x_children = x_selection[i] endelse x_select = array_concat(x_children,x_select) y_select = array_concat(y_children,y_select) endfor endif else begin ;allows a one-to-many, many-to-one, or a one-to-one, but not a general m-to-n match if ~keyword_set(z_selection[0]) then begin state.statusbar->update,'Warning: No Z-variable selected' ok=dialog_message("No Z-variable selected, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) return endif if n_elements(x_selection) ne 1 && $ n_elements(z_selection) ne 1 && $ n_elements(x_selection) ne n_elements(z_selection) then begin state.statusbar->update,'Warning: Number of X and Z elements do not match' ok=dialog_message("Number of X & Z elements do not match, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) return endif if n_elements(x_selection) eq 1 && $ n_elements(z_selection) gt 1 then begin x_selection = replicate(x_selection,n_elements(z_selection)) endif else if n_elements(z_selection) eq 1 && $ n_elements(x_selection) gt 1 then begin z_selection = replicate(z_selection,n_elements(x_selection)) endif if n_elements(y_selection) ne 1 && $ n_elements(z_selection) ne 1 && $ n_elements(y_selection) ne n_elements(z_selection) then begin state.statusbar->update,'Warning: Number of Y and Z elements do not match' ok=dialog_message("Number of Y & Z elements do not match, Unable to add to panel", /information, /center, dialog_parent=state.tlb) return endif if n_elements(y_selection) eq 1 && $ n_elements(z_selection) gt 1 then begin y_selection = replicate(y_selection,n_elements(z_selection)) endif else if n_elements(y_selection) eq 1 && $ n_elements(z_selection) gt 1 then begin z_selection = replicate(z_selection,n_elements(y_selection)) endif x_select = x_selection y_select = y_selection z_select = z_selection for i = 0,n_elements(z_select)-1 do begin if (state.loadedData->isParent(z_select[i]) && $ ~state.loadedData->isParent(y_select[i])) then begin state.statusbar->update,'WARNING: Z-axis is group-variable, but Y-variable is not. May generate invalid plot' endif else if (state.loadedData->isParent(y_select[i]) && $ ~state.loadedData->isParent(z_select[i])) then begin state.statusbar->update,'WARNING: Y-axis is group-variable, but Z-variable is not. May generate invalid plot' endif endfor endelse endelse end ;if out of bound rows or cols, put back in bounds pro spd_ui_update_nrows_ncols,panelobjs,windowobj,topid if ~obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then return windowObj->getProperty,nrows=current_rows,ncols=current_cols row_id = widget_info(topid,find_by_uname='page_row') col_id = widget_info(topid,find_by_uname='page_col') for i = 0,n_elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin layout = panelObjs[i]->getLayoutStructure() if (layout.row + layout.rspan-1) ge current_rows then begin current_rows = layout.row+layout.rspan-1 windowObj->setProperty,nrows=current_rows widget_control,row_id,set_value=current_rows endif if (layout.col + layout.cspan-1) ge current_cols then begin current_cols = layout.col+layout.cspan-1 windowObj->setProperty,ncols=current_cols widget_control,col_id,set_value=current_cols spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, col_id, current_cols endif endfor end ; Shift traces position ; pro spd_ui_layout_shift_traces, state, up=up, down=down compile_opt idl2, hidden pindex = state.panel_sel u = keyword_set(up) ? -1:1 cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[pindex] cpanel->GetProperty, tracesettings=traceSettings, xaxis=xaxisSettings, $ yaxis=yaxisSettings xaxisSettings->GetProperty, labels=xlabels yaxisSettings->GetProperty, labels=ylabels ntraces = tracesettings->count() if state.trace_sel + u le ntraces - 1 && $ state.trace_sel + u ge 0 then begin tracesettings->Move, state.trace_sel, state.trace_sel + u xlabels->Move, state.trace_sel, state.trace_sel + u ylabels->Move, state.trace_sel, state.trace_sel + u xaxisSettings->SetProperty, labels=xlabels yaxisSettings->SetProperty, labels=ylabels state.trace_sel = state.trace_sel + u cpanel->SetProperty, tracesettings=traceSettings, xaxis=xaxisSettings, $ yaxis=yaxisSettings endif new_trace_ind = where(*state.panelValue eq (*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel]) $ + state.trace_sel + 1 widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=new_trace_ind widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive = state.trace_sel eq 0 ? 0:1 widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive = state.trace_sel eq (ntraces-1) ? 0:1 end ; Shift panel position and update widgets ; pro spd_ui_layout_shift_panels, state, left=left, right=right, up=up, down=down compile_opt idl2, hidden h = keyword_set(left) or keyword_set(right) ;horizontal s = keyword_set(down) or keyword_set(right) ? 1:-1 ;down/right pindex = state.panel_sel ;Get panel obj and locations cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[pindex] ol = cpanel->getlayoutstructure() ;Get page settings state.cWindow->getProperty,nRows=current_rows, $ nCols=current_cols ;Set new row/col number and expand page settings if needed if h then begin value = ((*state.panelLayout).col)[pindex] + s if value lt 1 then return cpanel->SetLayoutStructure,col=value widget_control, state.colText, set_value=value if s gt 0 && (value + ol.cspan - 1) gt current_cols then begin current_cols = value + ol.cspan - 1 state.cWindow->SetProperty, nCols=current_cols id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_col') widget_control, id, set_value=current_cols endif endif else begin value = ((*state.panelLayout).row)[pindex] + s if value lt 1 then return cpanel->SetLayoutStructure,row=value widget_control, state.rowText, set_value=value if s gt 0 && (value + ol.rspan - 1) gt current_rows then begin current_rows = value + ol.rspan - 1 state.cWindow->SetProperty, nRows=current_rows id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_row') widget_control, id, set_value=current_rows endif endelse ; Check if panels should be swapped ; (only if at same location and with same size) cl = cpanel->getlayoutstructure() for i=0, n_elements(*state.panelObjs)-1 do begin if i eq pindex then continue l = (*state.panelObjs)[i]->getlayoutstructure() if l.col eq cl.col && l.row eq cl.row && $ l.cspan eq cl.cspan && l.rspan eq cl.rspan then begin (*state.panelObjs)[i]->setlayoutstructure, row=ol.row, col=ol.col endif endfor end ; Shift Panels and Traces ; pro spd_ui_layout_shift, state, _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Shift panels/traces if state.trace_sel eq -1 then begin spd_ui_layout_shift_panels, state, _extra=_extra endif else begin spd_ui_layout_shift_traces, state, _extra=_extra endelse ; Panels Obj pointer if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) ; Get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout, ntr=ntr ; Reset other pointers if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) ; Update Widgets widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue if state.trace_sel eq -1 then begin widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select = $ where((*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel] eq *state.panelValue) endif else begin widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select = $ where(*state.panelValue eq (*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel]) + state.trace_sel + 1 endelse end ;Update the minimum for the Rows per page and columns per page spinners to reflect ; panel column and row settings pro spd_ui_layout_options_update_spinner_min, panelObjs, topid npanels = n_elements(panelObjs) maxcspan=1 maxrspan=1 for i = 0,npanels-1 do begin cPanel = panelObjs[i] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, cspan=cspan_temp, rspan=rspan_temp panelLayout = cPanel->getLayoutStructure() totalspan_c = cspan_temp + panelLayout.col - 1 totalspan_r = rspan_temp + panelLayout.row -1 if totalspan_c gt maxcspan then maxcspan = totalspan_c if totalspan_r gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan_r endfor cid = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='page_col') spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, cid, maxcspan rid = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='page_row') spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, rid, maxrspan end ; Issue messages to user and reset row/col/row pp/col pp spinner values that are non numeric or negative. ; Negative values are reset rather than set to 1 to avoid any unforeseen consequences. ; Valid entries are currently handled as soon as user enters them. ; Intended to be called when user changes panel or clicks Apply/OK. pro spd_ui_layout_options_check_spinners, panelObjs, panelLayout, windowobj, panelnum,topid, maxrows,maxcols if ~(panelnum eq -1) then begin ; Column Number id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='pan_col') widget_control, id, get_value=current_col_num prev_col_num = (panelLayout.col)[panelnum] if finite(current_col_num, /nan) then begin messageString = 'Invalid column number entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_col_num endif else if current_col_num lt 1 then begin messageString = 'Column number must be greater than 1; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_col_num endif ; Row Number id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='pan_row') widget_control, id, get_value=current_row_num prev_row_num = (panelLayout.row)[panelnum] if finite(current_row_num, /nan) then begin messageString = 'Invalid row number entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_row_num endif else if current_row_num lt 1 then begin messageString = 'Row number must be greater than 1; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_row_num endif ; Column Span id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='col_span') widget_control, id, get_value=current_col_span prev_col_span = (panelLayout.cspan)[panelnum] if finite(current_col_span, /nan) then begin messageString = 'Invalid column span entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_col_span endif else if current_col_span lt 1 then begin messageString = 'Column span must be greater than 1; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_col_span endif ; Row Span id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='row_span') widget_control, id, get_value=current_row_span prev_row_span = (panelLayout.rspan)[panelnum] if finite(current_row_span, /nan) then begin messageString = 'Invalid row span entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_row_span endif else if current_row_span lt 1 then begin messageString = 'Row span must be greater than 1; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_row_span endif ; Columns per page id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='page_col') widget_control, id, get_value=current_page_col windowobj->getProperty, ncols=prev_page_col if finite(current_page_col, /nan) then begin messageString = 'Invalid columns per page entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_page_col endif else begin maxcspan = 1 for i = 0,n_elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin cpanel_temp = panelObjs[i] cpanel_temp->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings_temp panelSettings_temp->GetProperty, cspan=cspan_temp panelLayout_temp = cPanel_temp->getLayoutStructure() totalspan = cspan_temp + panelLayout_temp.col - 1 if totalspan gt maxcspan then maxcspan = totalspan endfor if current_page_col lt maxcspan then begin messageString = 'Columns per page must be greater than the column number of any individual panel; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_page_col endif endelse ; Rows per page id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='page_row') widget_control, id, get_value=current_page_row windowobj->getProperty, nrows=prev_page_row if finite(current_page_row, /nan) then begin messageString = 'Invalid rows per page entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_page_row endif else begin maxrspan = 1 for i = 0,n_elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin cpanel_temp = panelObjs[i] cpanel_temp->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings_temp panelSettings_temp->GetProperty, rspan=rspan_temp panelLayout_temp = cPanel_temp->getLayoutStructure() totalspan = rspan_temp + panelLayout_temp.row - 1 if totalspan gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan endfor if current_page_row lt maxrspan then begin messageString = 'Rows per page must be greater than the row number of any individual panel; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) widget_control,id,set_value=prev_page_row endif endelse endif else begin;this handles the case where there are no panels and apply is clicked with invalid entries in the Rows per page or Cols per page spinners id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='page_col') widget_control, id, get_value=current_page_col windowobj->getProperty, ncols=prev_page_col if finite(current_page_col, /nan) then begin widget_control,id,set_value=prev_page_col endif else if current_page_col lt 1 then begin widget_control, id, set_value=prev_page_col endif id = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='page_row') widget_control, id, get_value=current_page_row windowobj->getProperty, nrows=prev_page_row if finite(current_page_row, /nan) then begin widget_control,id,set_value=prev_page_row endif else if current_page_row lt 1 then begin widget_control, id, set_value=prev_page_row endif endelse end Pro spd_ui_layout_options_event, event Compile_Opt idl2, hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg if is_struct(state) then begin FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO state.historywin->update,err_msg[j] value = 'NO UVALUE' if widget_valid(event.id) then begin widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue=val if keyword_set(val) then begin value = val endif endif ; Store most recent events state.uvalHist[1:4] = state.uvalHist[0:3] state.uvalHist[0] = 'UVALUE: ' + value ; most recent uval for i=n_elements(state.eventHist)-1,1L,-1 do begin *state.eventHist[i] = *state.eventHist[i-1] endfor *state.eventHist[0] = event ; Output most recent events state.historywin->update, strcompress(string(n_elements(state.uvalHist)), /remove_all) + $ ' most recent events in Layout Options (in descending order):' for j=0,n_elements(state.uvalHist)-1 do begin state.historywin->update, state.uvalHist[j] printdat, *state.eventHist[j], output=eventStruct for k=0L,n_elements(eventStruct)-1 do state.historywin->update, ' ' + eventStruct[k] endfor x=state.info.master histobj=state.historywin endif Print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Plot/Layout Options') Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy if widget_valid(x) && obj_valid(histobj) then begin spd_gui_error,x,histobj endif RETURN ENDIF ; Store most recent events widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue=value state.uvalHist[1:4] = state.uvalHist[0:3] if ~keyword_set(value) then value='NO UVALUE' state.uvalHist[0] = 'UVALUE: ' + value ; most recent uval for i=n_elements(state.eventHist)-1,1L,-1 do begin *state.eventHist[i] = *state.eventHist[i-1] endfor *state.eventHist[0] = event ;kill request block IF(Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN state.origWindow->GetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->SetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked spd_ui_layout_draw_update,event.top,state state.historywin->Update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Active window refreshed.' if obj_valid(state.priTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.priTree->getCopy() endif state.historywin->Update, 'Layout Options window cancelled. No changes made.' state.statusbar->update, 'Layout Options window cancelled. No changes made.' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy RETURN ENDIF ;deal with tabs IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_TAB') THEN BEGIN ; Widget_Control, state.panelDroplists[event.tab], set_droplist_select = state.axispanelselect Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN EndIF ; Get the instructions from the widget causing the event and ; act on them. Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow CASE uval OF 'ADDPAN': BEGIN spd_ui_layout_add_panel,state ;spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, state=state spd_ui_update_var_widget, state=state ;widget_control, state.editButton, sensitive=0; temp til panel options works END 'ADDLINE': BEGIN spd_ui_layout_add_trace,event,state END 'ADDSPEC': BEGIN spd_ui_layout_add_trace,event,state,/spectra END 'ADDVAR': BEGIN if ~ptr_valid(state.ySelect) then begin RETURN endif if ptr_valid(state.varList) then begin ; Add variables from y-axis list varList = *state.varList ptr_free, state.varList varList = [varList, *state.ySelect] endif else varList = *state.ySelect state.varList = ptr_new(varList) widget_control, state.variableText, set_value=*state.varList END 'APPLY': BEGIN ;if state.npanels gt 0 then begin ; Handle any invalid spinner entries ; We need to check rows per page and columns per page even if there are no panels. ; If there are no panels *state.panelObjs =-1 (which is handled fine). If you add and remove a panel state.panelLayout is a null pointer and ; thus needs to be dealt with separately. if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then begin spd_ui_layout_options_check_spinners, *state.panelObjs, *state.panelLayout,state.cwindow,state.panel_sel,event.top endif else spd_ui_layout_options_check_spinners, *state.panelObjs, -1, state.cwindow, -1, event.top ;endif ; should apply any changes made to panel layout spd_ui_update_nrows_ncols,*state.panelObjs,state.cwindow,event.top ; make sure no panels overlap if spd_ui_check_overlap(*state.panelobjs, state.cwindow[0]) then break state.cWindow->getProperty, locked=locked if locked ne -1 then begin ok = spd_ui_check_panel_layout(state) if ~ok then begin ; have to revert to initial state ;*state.cWindow->SetProperty, Panels=*state.panelsCopy ;ptr_free, state.panels ;this code should be replaced with a save/reset method state.origWindow->GetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->SetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->getProperty,settings=page_settings page_settings->reset state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.scrollbar->update if obj_valid(state.priTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.priTree->getCopy() endif ;Print, 'Layout Options widget cancelled. No changes made.' ;state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Layout Options window cancelled. No changes made.' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy RETURN endif endif ; ;make sure window shrinks to max rows/cols ; if state.npanels eq 0 then begin ; state.cWindow->SetProperty, nRows=nRows ; state.cWindow->SetProperty, nCols=nCols ; endif else begin ; ; maxrspan = 1 ; maxcspan = 1 ; ; for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin ; cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[i] ; cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings ; panelSettings->GetProperty, rspan=rspan ; totalspan = rspan + ((*state.panelLayout).row)[i] - 1 ; if totalspan gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan ; endfor ; ; for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin ; cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[i] ; cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings ; panelSettings->GetProperty, cspan=cspan ; totalspan = cspan + ((*state.panelLayout).col)[i] - 1 ; if totalspan gt maxcspan then maxcspan = totalspan ; endfor ; ; if maxrspan lt state.initNRows then maxrspan = state.initNRows ; if maxcspan lt state.initNCols then maxcspan = state.initNCols ; ; state.cWindow->SetProperty, nRows=maxrspan ; state.cWindow->SetProperty, nCols=maxcspan ; ; endelse spd_ui_layout_sync_traces, state spd_ui_layout_draw_update,event.top,state,/apply state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Changes applied.' state.statusbar->update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Changes applied.' END 'CANC': BEGIN ; have to revert to initial state ; *state.cWindow->SetProperty, Panels=*state.panelsCopy ; ptr_free, state.panels ;this code should be replaced with a save/reset method state.origWindow->GetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->SetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->getProperty,settings=page_settings page_settings->reset state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.scrollbar->update state.info.statusBar->update,'Plot/Layout Options closed.' state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Layout Options window cancelled. No changes made.' if obj_valid(state.priTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.priTree->getCopy() endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy RETURN END 'EDPAN': BEGIN ; edit selected panel pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) cpanel_num = ptr_new(state.panel_sel) ctr_num = ptr_new(state.trace_sel) if (*state.panel_ValueInfo)[pindex].ispanel then begin ;temporarily comment out until we get panel options working state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling PANEL OPTIONS panel.' state.statusbar->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling PANEL OPTIONS panel.' spd_ui_panel_options, state.tlb, state.info.windowStorage, $ state.info.loadedData, state.historywin, $ state.info.drawObject, state.template,$ panel_select=cpanel_num, ctr_num=ctr_num, state.info.statusbar state.panel_sel = state.npanels-1 state.panel_sel = *cpanel_num state.trace_sel = -1 istrace=0 endif else begin if state.is_trace_spec eq 0 then begin state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling LINE OPTIONS panel.' state.statusbar->update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling LINE OPTIONS panel.' spd_ui_line_options, state.tlb, state.info.windowStorage, $ state.info.loadedData, state.historywin, $ state.info.drawObject, state.template,cpanel_num=cpanel_num, $ ctr_num=ctr_num, state.info.statusbar state.panel_sel = *cpanel_num state.trace_sel = *ctr_num endif else begin state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling Z-AXIS OPTIONS panel.' state.statusbar->update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling Z-AXIS OPTIONS panel.' spd_ui_zaxis_options, state.tlb, state.info.windowStorage, $ state.info.zaxisSettings, state.info.drawObject, $ state.info.loadedData, state.historywin,state.template, state.info.statusbar , state.panel_sel; , cpanel_num ; state.panel_sel = *cpanel_num ; state.trace_sel = 0 endelse istrace=1 endelse ptr_free, cpanel_num & ptr_free, ctr_num ; begin "in case of cancel of child panel" code state.cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels, nRows=nrows, nCols=ncols;, locked=locked ;locked necessary? if ptr_valid(state.panels) then ptr_free, state.panels state.panels = ptr_new(panels) if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) ; end "in case of cancel of child panel" code ; update page row/col number in case of panel span change widget_control, state.rowpagetext, set_value=nrows widget_control, state.colpagetext, set_value=ncols state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout, ntr=ntr if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) ;state.panel_sel = state.npanels-1 widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue ;widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=state.panel_sel + ntr new_trace_ind = where(*state.panelValue eq (*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel]) widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=new_trace_ind widget_control, state.rowText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].row widget_control, state.colText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].col widget_control, state.rowSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].rspan widget_control, state.colSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].cspan if istrace then begin ;make sure correct trace is selected new_trace_ind = where(*state.panelValue eq (*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel]) $ + state.trace_sel+1 widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=new_trace_ind ;make sure widgets are appropriately sensitized if state.trace_sel eq 0 then widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=1 if state.trace_sel eq (ntr[state.panel_sel]-1) then widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.rowText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].row widget_control, state.colText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].col widget_control, state.rowSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].rspan widget_control, state.colSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].cspan endif ;spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, state=state spd_ui_update_var_widget, state=state END 'EDVAR': BEGIN ; edit selected variable in box pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling VARIABLE OPTIONS panel.' state.statusbar->update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Calling VARIABLE OPTIONS panel.' guiTree = ptr_new(state.priTree->getCopy()) spd_ui_variable_options, state.tlb, state.info.loadeddata, $ state.info.windowstorage, state.info.drawObject, $ state.historywin, state.template,guiTree,panel_select=state.panel_sel ; if user cancels the variable options panel it will reset the cwindow.. resulting in a difference between the panels ; in state.panels and the panels in the state.cwindow ; This resets to make sure they match. Ultimately we need to look at why we have multiple references to something and ; perhaps reorganise the code. state.cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels if ptr_valid(state.panels) then ptr_free, state.panels state.panels = ptr_new(panels) if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) spd_ui_update_var_widget, state=state END 'LOCK_PAN': BEGIN ;this check prevents an accidental unlock of first panel created that can occur if lock clicked when no panels exist if state.npanels gt 0 then begin state.cWindow->setProperty, locked=state.panel_sel endif pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=panelValue, set_list_select=pindex if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) END 'UNLOCK_PAN': BEGIN state.cWindow->setProperty, locked=-1 pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=panelValue, set_list_select=pindex if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) END 'OK': BEGIN ; Handle any invalid spinner entries ;cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] ;cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings if state.npanels gt 0 then begin spd_ui_layout_options_check_spinners, *state.panelObjs,*state.panelLayout,state.cwindow,state.panel_sel,event.top endif ; should apply any changes made and then exit spd_ui_update_nrows_ncols,*state.panelObjs,state.cwindow,event.top ; make sure no panels overlap, reset if so if spd_ui_check_overlap(*state.panelobjs, state.cwindow[0]) then break state.cWindow->getProperty, locked=locked if locked ne -1 then begin ok = spd_ui_check_panel_layout(state) if ~ok then begin ; have to revert to initial state ;*state.cWindow->SetProperty, Panels=*state.panelsCopy ;ptr_free, state.panels ;this code should be replaced with a save/reset method state.origWindow->GetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->SetProperty, panels=origPanels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked state.cWindow->getProperty,settings=page_settings page_settings->reset state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.scrollbar->update if obj_valid(state.priTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.priTree->getCopy() endif ;Print, 'Layout Options widget cancelled. No changes made.' ;state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Layout Options window cancelled. No changes made.' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy RETURN endif endif ; ;make sure window shrinks to max rows/cols ; if state.npanels eq 0 then begin ; state.cWindow->SetProperty, nRows=nRows ; state.cWindow->SetProperty, nCols=nCols ; endif else begin ; ; endelse spd_ui_layout_sync_traces, state spd_ui_layout_draw_update,event.top,state state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Layout updated. Layout Options widget closed.' state.info.statusBar->update,'Plot/Layout Options closed.' if obj_valid(state.priTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.priTree->getCopy() endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'PAGE_COL': BEGIN if event.valid then begin maxcspan = 1 for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[i] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, cspan=cspan totalspan = cspan + ((*state.panelLayout).col)[i] - 1 if totalspan gt maxcspan then maxcspan = totalspan endfor if event.value lt maxcspan then begin state.historywin->Update,'Columns per page cannot be less than any of the individual column numbers.' state.statusbar->Update,'Columns per page cannot be less than any of the individual column numbers.' ; Delay handling till the user hits OK/apply or changes panel (to prevent overwriting as the user types) ;widget_control, event.id, set_value=maxcspan ;state.cWindow->setProperty, ncols=maxcspan endif else begin state.cWindow->setProperty, ncols=event.value endelse endif else if finite(event.value,/nan) then begin state.historywin->Update,'Illegal entry in column number spinner.' state.statusbar->Update,'Illegal entry in column number spinner.' endif else begin state.historywin->Update,'Columns per page cannot be less than any of the individual column numbers.' state.statusbar->Update,'Columns per page cannot be less than any of the individual column numbers.' endelse END 'PAGE_ROW': BEGIN if event.valid then begin maxrspan = 1 for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[i] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, rspan=rspan totalspan = rspan + ((*state.panelLayout).row)[i] - 1 if totalspan gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan endfor if event.value lt maxrspan then begin state.historywin->Update,'Rows per page cannot be less than any of the individual row numbers.' state.statusbar->Update,'Rows per page cannot be less than any of the individual row numbers.' ; Delay handling till the user hits OK/apply or changes panel (to prevent overwriting as the user types) ;widget_control, event.id, set_value=maxrspan ; state.cWindow->setProperty, nrows=maxrspan endif else begin state.cWindow->setProperty, nrows=event.value endelse endif else if finite(event.value,/nan) then begin state.historywin->Update,'Illegal entry in row number spinner.' state.statusbar->Update,'Illegal entry in row number spinner.' endif else begin state.historywin->Update, 'Rows per page cannot be less than any of the individual row numbers.' state.statusbar->Update, 'Rows per page cannot be less than any of the individual row numbers.' endelse END 'PANEL': BEGIN ; show list of panels if state.npanels gt 0 then begin spd_ui_layout_options_check_spinners,*state.panelObjs, *state.panelLayout,state.cwindow,state.panel_sel,event.top endif if event.clicks eq 1 then begin ;state.panel_sel = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) if (*state.panel_ValueInfo)[pindex].ispanel then begin widget_control, state.editButton, sensitive=1; temp til panel options works widget_control, state.rowText, /sensitive widget_control, state.colText, /sensitive widget_control, state.rowSpan, /sensitive widget_control, state.colSpan, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftupButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftleftButton, /sensitive widget_control, state.shiftrightButton, /sensitive state.trace_sel = -1 state.panel_sel = where((*state.panelNames) eq (*state.panelValue)[pindex]) widget_control, state.rowText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].row widget_control, state.colText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].col widget_control, state.rowSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].rspan widget_control, state.colSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].cspan ; get variables for current panel cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] cpanel->getProperty, variables=variablescontainer variablesobjects=variablescontainer->get(/all) if obj_valid(variablesobjects[0]) then begin variablesobjects[0]->GetProperty,text=textobject textobject->GetProperty,value=ctextvalues nvo= n_elements(variablesobjects) if nvo gt 1 then begin for j=1,nvo-1 do begin variablesobjects[j]->GetProperty,text=textobject textobject->GetProperty,value=ctextvalue ctextvalues=[ctextvalues, ctextvalue] endfor endif endif else ctextvalues=[''] widget_control, state.variableText, set_value=ctextvalues ;*state.varList endif else begin ;widget_control, state.editButton, sensitive=1; temp til panel options works panelids = (*state.panel_ValueInfo).panelid panelids = panelids[uniq(panelids)] state.panel_sel = where(panelids eq (*state.panel_ValueInfo)[pindex].panelid) cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] cpanel->GetProperty, tracesettings=tracesettings ntraces = tracesettings->Count() traces = traceSettings->get(/all) ; get traces to check for spectra/line type widget_control, state.rowText, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.colText, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.rowSpan, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.colSpan, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.shiftleftButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.shiftrightButton, sensitive=0 state.trace_sel = (*state.panel_ValueInfo)[pindex].traceid ; check whether selected trace is line or spectra if obj_isa(traces[state.trace_sel], 'spd_ui_spectra_settings') then $ state.is_trace_spec = 1 else state.is_trace_spec = 0 if state.trace_sel eq 0 then widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=1 if state.trace_sel eq (ntraces-1) then widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.rowText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].row widget_control, state.colText, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].col widget_control, state.rowSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].rspan widget_control, state.colSpan, set_value=(*state.panelLayout)[state.panel_sel].cspan endelse endif ;spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, state=state spd_ui_update_var_widget, state=state END 'PAN_COL': BEGIN if event.valid then begin value = event.value ;pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) if value lt 1 then begin ; make sure col lt 1 isn't acceptable state.historywin->Update, 'Column number must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Column number must be greater than 1.' ;Delay handling this case until the user clicks Apply/OK or changes panels ;value = ((*state.panelLayout).col)[state.panel_sel] ;widget_control,event.id,set_value=value endif else begin cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, cspan=cspan cpanel->SetLayoutStructure,col=value state.cWindow->getProperty,ncols=current_cols if (value + cspan - 1) gt current_cols then begin current_cols = value + cspan - 1 state.cWindow->SetProperty, nCols=current_cols id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_col') widget_control, id, set_value=current_cols ;set the spinner minimum so that user can't set number of columns per page less than any of the column numbers ;spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, id, current_cols ; endif else if (value + cspan -1) lt current_cols then begin ; ; check if instead we can decrease the min column per page value ; maxcspan = 1 ; for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin ; cpanel_temp = (*state.panelObjs)[i] ; cpanel_temp->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings_temp ; panelSettings_temp->GetProperty, cspan=cspan_temp ; panelLayout = cPanel_temp->getLayoutStructure() ; totalspan = cspan_temp + panelLayout.col - 1 ; if totalspan gt maxcspan then maxcspan = totalspan ; endfor ; if (value + cspan -1) eq maxcspan then begin ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_col') ; spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, id, (value+cspan-1) ; endif endif ;spd_ui_layout_options_update_spinner_min, *state.panelObjs, state.tlb if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue widget_control, state.panelList, $ set_list_select=where((*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel] eq *state.panelValue) spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, /col state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Column set to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' state.statusbar->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Column set to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' endelse endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin state.historywin->Update,'Illegal entry in column selection spinner.' state.statusbar->Update,'Illegal entry in column selection spinner.' endif else begin ; This handles the case where the user uses the spinner buttons to click down when column is already minimum state.historywin->Update, 'Column number must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Column number must be greater than 1.' endelse END 'PAN_ROW': BEGIN ; change row of selected panel if event.valid then begin value = event.value ;pindex = widget_info(state.panelList, /list_select) if value lt 1 then begin ; make sure row lt 1 isn't acceptable state.historywin->Update, 'Row number must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Row number must be greater than 1.' ;Delay handling till user changes panel or clicks OK/Apply ;value = ((*state.panelLayout).row)[state.panel_sel] ;widget_control,event.id,set_value=value endif else begin cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, rspan=rspan cpanel->SetLayoutStructure,row=value cwindow = state.cWindow cwindow->getProperty,nrows=current_rows if (value + rspan - 1) gt current_rows then begin current_rows = value + rspan - 1 state.cWindow->SetProperty, nRows=current_rows id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_row') widget_control, id, set_value=current_rows ;set the spinner minimum so that user can't set number of rows per page less than any of the row numbers spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, id, current_rows endif else if (value + rspan -1) lt current_rows then begin ; check if instead we can decrease the min row per page value maxrspan = 1 for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin cpanel_temp = (*state.panelObjs)[i] cpanel_temp->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings_temp panelSettings_temp->GetProperty, rspan=rspan_temp panelLayout = cPanel_temp->getLayoutStructure() totalspan = rspan_temp + panelLayout.row - 1 if totalspan gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan endfor if (value + rspan -1) eq maxrspan then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_row') spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, id, (value+rspan-1) endif endif if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue widget_control, state.panelList, $ set_list_select=where((*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel] eq *state.panelValue) spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, /row state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Row set to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' state.statusbar->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Row set to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' endelse endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin state.historywin->Update,'Illegal entry in row selection spinner..' state.statusbar->Update,'Illegal entry in row selection spinner.' endif else begin state.historywin->Update, 'Row number must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Row number must be greater than 1.' endelse END 'COL_SPAN': BEGIN if event.valid then begin value = event.value if value lt 1 then begin ; make sure col lt 1 isn't acceptable state.historywin->Update, 'Column span must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Column span must be greater than 1.' endif else begin cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings cpanel->SetLayoutStructure,cspan=value state.cWindow->getProperty,ncols=current_cols if value gt current_cols then begin current_cols = value state.cWindow->SetProperty, nCols=current_cols id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_col') widget_control, id, set_value=current_cols endif if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue widget_control, state.panelList, $ set_list_select=where((*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel] eq *state.panelValue) spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, /col state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Column span to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' state.statusbar->update,'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Column span to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' endelse endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin state.historywin->Update,'Illegal entry in column span selection spinner.' state.statusbar->Update,'Illegal entry in column span selection spinner.' endif else begin ; This handles the case where the user uses the spinner buttons to click down when column is already minimum state.historywin->Update, 'Column span must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Column span must be greater than 1.' endelse END 'ROW_SPAN': BEGIN ; change row span of selected panel if event.valid then begin value = event.value if value lt 1 then begin ; make sure row lt 1 isn't acceptable state.historywin->Update, 'Row span must be greater than or equal to 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Row span must be greater than or equal to 1.' endif else begin cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[state.panel_sel] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings cpanel->SetLayoutStructure,rspan=value cwindow = state.cWindow cwindow->getProperty,nrows=current_rows if value gt current_rows then begin current_rows = value state.cWindow->SetProperty, nRows=current_rows id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_row') widget_control, id, set_value=current_rows ;set the spinner minimum so that user can't set number of rows per page less than any of the row numbers spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, id, current_rows endif else if value lt current_rows then begin ; check if instead we can decrease the min row per page value maxrspan = 1 for i = 0,state.npanels-1 do begin cpanel_temp = (*state.panelObjs)[i] cpanel_temp->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings_temp panelSettings_temp->GetProperty, rspan=rspan_temp panelLayout = cPanel_temp->getLayoutStructure() totalspan = rspan_temp + panelLayout.row - 1 if totalspan gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan endfor if value eq maxrspan then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='page_row') spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, id, value endif endif if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue widget_control, state.panelList, $ set_list_select=where((*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel] eq *state.panelValue) spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, /row state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Row span set to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' state.statusbar->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Row span set to ' + $ strcompress(string(uint(value)),/remove_all) + '.' endelse endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin state.historywin->Update,'Illegal entry in row span selection spinner..' state.statusbar->Update,'Illegal entry in row span selection spinner.' endif else begin state.historywin->Update, 'Row span number must be greater than 1.' state.statusbar->Update,'Row span number must be greater than 1.' endelse END 'PAN_UP': BEGIN ; shift selected panel/trace up if ((*state.panelLayout).row)[state.panel_sel] gt 1 || $ state.trace_sel ne -1 then begin spd_ui_layout_shift, state, /up spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, /row, /single endif END 'PAN_DOWN': BEGIN ; shift selected panel/trace down spd_ui_layout_shift, state, /down END 'PAN_LEFT': BEGIN ; shift selected panel left if ((*state.panelLayout).col)[state.panel_sel] gt 1 then begin spd_ui_layout_shift, state, /left spd_ui_layout_resize_page, state, /col, /single endif END 'PAN_RIGHT': BEGIN ; shift selected panel right spd_ui_layout_shift, state, /right END 'ROW_SPAN': BEGIN END 'ROW_SPAN': BEGIN END 'REMPAN': BEGIN ;This is a misnomer, actually removes panel or trace pindex = state.panel_sel remlocked=0 ;remove panel if state.trace_sel eq -1 then begin ; detect if panel that was removed is locked state.cWindow->GetProperty, locked=locked if state.panel_sel eq locked then begin ; flag to be reset later remlocked=1 endif else begin ; adjust index if needed, set later if locked gt state.panel_sel then locked=locked-1 ; endelse (*state.panelObjs)[pindex]->getProperty, id=panelNum *state.panels->Remove, (*state.panelObjs)[pindex] ; cpanel wastrace=0 state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Removed Panel ' + $ strcompress(string(panelNum+1),/remove_all) state.statusbar->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Removed Panel ' + $ strcompress(string(panelNum+1),/remove_all) endif else begin ;Remove trace cpanel = (*state.panelObjs)[pindex] cpanel->GetProperty, tracesettings=traceSettings, xaxis=xaxissettings, $ yaxis=yaxissettings, zaxis=zaxissettings xaxissettings->GetProperty, labels=xlabelsObj yaxissettings->GetProperty, labels=ylabelsObj tracesettings->Remove, position=state.trace_sel xlabelsObj->Remove, position=state.trace_sel ylabelsObj->Remove, position=state.trace_sel cpanel->SetProperty, tracesettings=traceSettings orig_trace_sel = state.trace_sel ntraces = tracesettings->count() ; check to see if any spectra exist, if not, then reset z-axis if ntraces eq 0 then begin state.trace_sel=-1 wastrace = 1 ;if zaxis exists then get rid of it if obj_valid(zaxissettings) then zaxissettings->setProperty,placement=4,touchedPlacement=0 endif else begin traces = traceSettings->get(/all) isspec = 0 for i=0,ntraces-1 do begin if obj_isa(traces[i],'spd_ui_spectra_settings') then isspec=1 endfor if ~isspec then begin if obj_valid(zaxissettings) then zaxissettings->setProperty,placement=4,touchedPlacement=0 endif endelse if state.trace_sel gt (ntraces-1) then state.trace_sel = ntraces-1 cpanel->getProperty, id=panelNum state.historywin->Update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Removed trace ' + $ strcompress(string(orig_trace_sel+1),/remove_all) $ + ' from Panel ' + strcompress(string(panelNum+1),/remove_all) state.statusBar->update, 'SPD_UI_LAYOUT_OPTIONS: Removed trace ' + $ strcompress(string(orig_trace_sel+1),/remove_all) $ + ' from Panel ' + strcompress(string(panelNum+1),/remove_all) endelse ; begin "in case of cancel of child panel" code state.cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels, nRows=nrows, nCols=ncols;, locked=locked ;locked necessary? if ptr_valid(state.panels) then ptr_free, state.panels state.panels = ptr_new(panels) ; end "in case of cancel of child panel" code if ptr_valid(state.panelObjs) then ptr_free, state.panelObjs state.panelObjs = ptr_new(*state.panels->Get(/All)) if obj_valid((*state.panelObjs)[0]) then begin state.npanels = n_elements(*state.panelObjs) if ptr_valid(state.panelValue) then ptr_free, state.panelValue if ptr_valid(state.panel_ValueInfo) then ptr_free, state.panel_ValueInfo if ptr_valid(state.panelNames) then ptr_free, state.panelNames ; set the "locked" panel ; if the locked panel was removed then lock to the next panel in the list ; othewise, adjust locked index for removed panel (determined above) if remlocked then begin state.cwindow->SetProperty, locked= pindex-1 > 0 endif else begin state.cwindow->SetProperty, locked=locked endelse ; get panel/tracenames and panel layout spd_ui_update_panel_list, state=state, panelNames=panelNames, $ panelValue=panelValue, panel_ValueInfo=panel_ValueInfo, $ panelLayout=panelLayout, ntr=ntr if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.panelLayout = ptr_new(panelLayout) state.panelValue = ptr_new(panelValue) state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new(panel_ValueInfo) state.panelNames = ptr_new(panelNames) ;state.panel_sel = state.npanels-1 widget_control, state.panelList, set_value=*state.panelValue if state.trace_sel eq -1 then begin if ~wastrace and state.panel_sel eq state.npanels then state.panel_sel = state.npanels-1 rowvalue = ((*state.panelLayout).row)[state.panel_sel] colvalue = ((*state.panelLayout).col)[state.panel_sel] rspanvalue = ((*state.panelLayout).rspan)[state.panel_sel] cspanvalue = ((*state.panelLayout).cspan)[state.panel_sel] widget_control, state.panelList, $ set_list_select=where((*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel] eq *state.panelValue) widget_control, state.shiftleftButton, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.shiftrightButton, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.rowtext, set_value=rowvalue, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.coltext, set_value=colvalue, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.rowSpan, set_value=rspanvalue, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.colSpan, set_value=cspanvalue, sensitive=1 endif else begin rowvalue = ((*state.panelLayout).row)[state.panel_sel] colvalue = ((*state.panelLayout).col)[state.panel_sel] new_trace_ind = where(*state.panelValue eq (*state.panelNames)[state.panel_sel]) $ + state.trace_sel + 1 widget_control, state.panelList, set_list_select=new_trace_ind if state.trace_sel eq 0 then widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=1 if state.trace_sel eq (ntr[state.panel_sel]-1) then widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=1 endelse endif else begin if ptr_valid(state.panelLayout) then ptr_free, state.panelLayout state.npanels = 0 state.panelLayout = ptr_new() state.panelValue = ptr_new() state.panel_ValueInfo = ptr_new() state.panelNames = ptr_new() state.panel_sel = state.npanels-1 widget_control, state.panelList, set_value='';*state.panelValue widget_control, state.shiftleftButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.shiftrightButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.shiftupButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.shiftdownButton, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.rowtext, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.coltext, sensitive=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='rempan') widget_control, id, sensitive=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='edvar') widget_control, id, sensitive=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lock_pan') widget_control, id, sensitive=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='unlock_pan') widget_control, id, sensitive=0 widget_control, state.editButton, sensitive=0 endelse spd_ui_update_var_widget, state=state ; spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, state=state ; no longer needed, was only for updating var widget? END 'REMVAR': BEGIN ; remove variables from variable box END 'SHOWCOMP': BEGIN if widget_info(state.priBase, /valid_id) then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='pritree') widget_control, id, get_value=val state.pritree_copy = val->getCopy() endif ; copy x-axis tree if widget_info(state.terBase, /valid_id) then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='tertree') widget_control, id, get_value=val state.xtree_copy = val->getCopy() endif ;copy y-axis tree from spec-component mode if state.compviewmode then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='sectree') widget_control, id, get_value=val state.secTree_copy = val->getCopy() endif state.compviewmode = event.select spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, state=state END 'VARDOWN': BEGIN ; move variable down in box END 'VAR_LIST': BEGIN if event.clicks eq 1 then begin pindex = widget_info(state.variableText, /list_select) endif else begin pindex = widget_info(state.variableText, /list_select) endelse END 'VARUP': BEGIN ; move variable up in box END Else: ENDCase ; Update the rows per page and columns per pages spinner minimums - this doesn't need to happen for every event, ; only for events where a column or row number is changed. But this includes delete/add as well as move. ; Could put this code in each case instead. if state.npanels gt 0 then begin spd_ui_layout_options_update_spinner_min, *state.panelObjs, state.tlb endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_layout_options, info compile_opt idl2 windowStorage = info.windowStorage zaxisSettings = info.zaxisSettings loadedData = info.loadedData drawObject = info.drawObject screen_size = get_screen_size() tree_size = min([350,floor((screen_size[0]/4.5))]) def_colors = [[0,0,0],[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,0,255],[110,110,110]] lockPrefix = '(L) ' isspec = 0 ; top level and base widgets ; in case of error err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx Ne 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO begin Print, err_msg[j] info.historywin->update,err_msg[j] endfor Print, 'Error in Layout Panel--See history' Widget_Control,tlb,/destroy ok = error_message('An unknown error occured while starting Plot/Layout Options', $ traceback=0, /center, /noname, title='Error in Plot/Layout Options') spd_gui_error, info.master, info.historywin RETURN ENDIF spd_get_scroll_sizes,xfrac=0.80,yfrac=0.80,scroll_needed=scroll_needed,x_scroll_size=x_scroll_size,y_scroll_size=y_scroll_size if (scroll_needed) then begin tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='Plot/Layout Options', Group_Leader=info.master, $ /scroll,x_scroll_size=x_scroll_size,y_scroll_size=y_scroll_size, /Floating, /tlb_kill_request_events, tab_mode=1) endif else begin tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='Plot/Layout Options', Group_Leader=info.master, $ /Floating, /tlb_kill_request_events, tab_mode=1) endelse toprowBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Left, space=200) traceBase = Widget_Base(toprowBase, /Row, /NonExclusive, /Align_Left) titleBase = Widget_Base(toprowBase, /Row, /Align_Center) topBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center) dataBase = Widget_Base(topBase, /Row, /Align_Center) tabBase = Widget_Tab(dataBase, location=0) priBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Dependent Variable', /Col) ; primary base plusBase = Widget_Base(topBase, /Col, YPad=150) rightBase = Widget_Base(topBase, /Row) panelvarBase = Widget_Base(rightbase, /Col, /align_bottom) panelBase = Widget_Base(panelvarBase, /Row) variableBase=Widget_Base(panelvarBase, /Row) varTextBoxBase = Widget_Base(variableBase, /Row) varButtonsBase = Widget_Base(variableBase, /Col) varLabelBase = Widget_Base(varButtonsBase, /Row) topButtonBase = Widget_Base(rightBase, /Col) tbuttonBase = Widget_Base(topButtonBase, /Align_Center, /Col) arrowBase = Widget_Base(topButtonBase, /Align_Center, /Row) leftArrowBase = Widget_Base(arrowBase, /Align_Center) updownArrowBase = Widget_Base(arrowBase, /Align_Center, /Col) rightArrowBase = Widget_Base(arrowBase, /Align_Center) rcTextBase = Widget_Base(topButtonBase, /Align_Center, /Col) rowTextBase = Widget_Base(rcTextBase, /Align_Center, /Col) colTextBase = Widget_Base(rcTextBase, /Align_Center, /Col) rowSpanBase = Widget_Base(rcTextBase, /Align_Center, /Col) colSpanBase = Widget_Base(rcTextBase, /Align_Center, /Col) rowPageTextBase = Widget_Base(rcTextBase, /Align_Center, /Col) colPageTextBase = Widget_Base(rcTextBase, /Align_Center, /Col) buttonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center, YPad=5) statusBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center, YPad=5) ;retrieve data and panel info for display ;dataNames = info.loadedData->GetAll() dataNames = info.loadedData->GetAll(/child) IF is_num(dataNames) THEN dataNames='' cWindow = info.windowStorage->GetActive() origWindow = cWindow->Copy() IF NOT Obj_Valid(cWindow) THEN BEGIN panelNames=[''] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, locked=locked initNRows = nRows initNCols = nCols ; cwindow->GetProperty, variables=variablescontainer ; variablesobjects = variablescontainer->get(/all) IF NOT Obj_Valid(panels) THEN panelObjs=[''] ELSE panelObjs = panels->Get(/All) ENDELSE if obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin npanels = n_elements(panelObjs) panelNames = strarr(npanels) for i = 0,npanels-1 do begin ; loop over panels cPanel = panelObjs[i] panelNames[i] = cPanel->constructPanelName() cwindow->GetProperty, locked=locked if i eq locked then panelNames[i] = lockPrefix + panelNames[i] if i eq 0 then panelValue = panelNames[i] $ else panelValue = [panelValue, panelNames[i]] if i eq 0 then panelLayout = cPanel->getLayoutStructure() $ else panelLayout = [panelLayout, cPanel->getLayoutStructure()] if i eq 0 then panel_ValueInfo = {panelListInfo, ispanel:1, istrace:0, $ panelid:panelLayout[i].id, traceid:-1} $ else panel_ValueInfo = [panel_ValueInfo, {panelListInfo, ispanel:1, istrace:0, $ panelid:panelLayout[i].id, traceid:-1}] cPanel->getProperty,traceSettings=traceSettings traces = traceSettings->get(/all) if obj_valid(traces[0]) then begin ntr = n_elements(traces) trNames = cPanel->constructTraceNames() for j = 0,ntr-1 do begin panelValue = [panelValue, trNames[j]] panel_ValueInfo = [panel_ValueInfo, {panelListInfo, ispanel:0, istrace:1, $ panelid:panelLayout[i].id, traceid:j}] traces[j]->getProperty,dataX=dx, dataY=dy if obj_isa(traces[j],'spd_ui_spectra_settings') then begin traces[j]->getProperty,dataZ=dz endif else dz = '' endfor endif endfor endif else begin npanels=0 panelNames='' endelse ctextvalues=[''] plotTypeTitle = Widget_Label(titleBase, Value=' - CREATE PLOTS - ', uname='plottypetitle') compviewButton = Widget_Button(traceBase, Value='Show Data Components', UValue='SHOWCOMP', $ uname='showcomp', sensitive=1, tooltip='Show Components of ' + $ 'data variables in widget trees') compviewmode = 0 autopanelbutton = widget_button(traceBase, value='Automatic Panels', $ uval='autopanel', uname='AUTOPANEL', tooltip= $ 'Automatically create a new panel for each new variable.') widget_control, autopanelbutton, set_button=1 ;Primary Axis Tree priTree = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree',priBase,'PRITREE',loadedData, XSize=tree_size, $ YSize=425,mode=3,multi=1,leafonly=1, uname='pritree',/showdatetime, $ from_copy=long(*info.guiTree)) if ~array_equal(datanames, '', /no_typeconv) then begin xSelect = dataNames[0] ySelect = dataNames[1] endif else begin xSelect = '' ySelect = '' endelse add_label = widget_label(plusbase,value=' Add: ') plusButtonSens = is_string(xSelect) && is_string(ySelect) plusButton = Widget_Button(plusBase, Value=' Line -> ', UValue='ADDLINE', $ Tooltip='Add Lines to the selected panel', sensitive=plusButtonSens) if isspec then begin endif else begin specButton = Widget_Button(plusBase, Value=' Spec -> ', UValue='ADDSPEC', $ Tooltip='Add Spectrograms to selected panel', sensitive=plusButtonSens) endelse panelLabel = Widget_Label(tbuttonBase, Value='Panels', /Align_Center) panelList = Widget_List(panelBase, Value=panelValue, UValue='PANEL', /Align_Left, $ YSize=24, xsize=70) if npanels gt 0 then widget_control, panelList, $ set_list_select=where(panelNames[npanels-1] eq panelValue) trace_sel=-1 lockBase = Widget_Base(topButtonBase, /Col, /Align_Left) lockAxesButton = Widget_Button(lockBase, Value='Lock To Panel', UValue='LOCK_PAN', $ uname='lock_pan', $ tooltip='Lock panel axes to currently selected panel. ' + $ 'Notated by an (L).',sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) unlockAxesButton = Widget_Button(lockBase, Value='Unlock Panels', UValue='UNLOCK_PAN', $ uname='unlock_pan', tooltip='Unlock Panel Axes.',sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) addButton = Widget_Button(tbuttonBase, Value=' Add ', UValue='ADDPAN', uname='addpan', $ Tooltip='Add a new panel') removeButton = Widget_Button(tbuttonBase, Value=' Remove ', UValue='REMPAN', uname='rempan', $ Tooltip='Removes the selected panel/trace', sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) editButton = Widget_Button(tbuttonBase, Value=' Edit ', UValue='EDPAN', uname='edpan', $ Tooltip='Edit panel/trace (opens Panel, Line, or Z-Axis Options window)', sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) getresourcepath,rpath leftArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_180_medium.bmp', /rgb) rightArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_000_medium.bmp', /rgb) upArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_090_medium.bmp', /rgb) downArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_270_medium.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, leftArrow spd_ui_match_background, tlb, rightArrow spd_ui_match_background, tlb, upArrow spd_ui_match_background, tlb, downArrow shiftupButton = Widget_Button(updownArrowBase, Value=upArrow, /Bitmap, UValue='PAN_UP', $ Tooltip='Move this panel/trace up by one', sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) shiftdownButton = Widget_Button(updownArrowBase, Value=downArrow, /Bitmap, $ UValue='PAN_DOWN', Tooltip='Move this panel/trace down by one', sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) shiftleftButton = Widget_Button(leftArrowBase, Value=leftArrow, /Bitmap, $ UValue='PAN_LEFT', Tooltip='Move this panel left by one', $ sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) shiftrightButton = Widget_Button(rightArrowBase, Value=rightArrow, /Bitmap, $ UValue='PAN_RIGHT', Tooltip='Move this panel right by one', $ sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) rowLabel = Widget_Label(rowTextBase, Value='Row:') if npanels gt 0 then $ rowText = spd_ui_spinner(rowTextBase, Increment=1, Value=panelLayout[npanels-1].row, $ UValue='PAN_ROW',uname='pan_row', min_value=1) $ else $ rowText = spd_ui_spinner(rowTextBase, Increment=1, Value=1, UValue='PAN_ROW', uname='pan_row',sensitive=0, min_value=1) colLabel = Widget_Label(colTextBase, Value='Column:') if npanels gt 0 then $ colText = spd_ui_spinner(colTextBase, Increment=1, Value=panelLayout[npanels-1].col, $ UValue='PAN_COL', uname='pan_col',min_value=1) $ else $ colText = spd_ui_spinner(colTextBase, Increment=1, Value=1, UValue='PAN_COL',uname='pan_col', sensitive=0, min_value=1) rowSpanLabel = Widget_Label(rowSpanBase, Value='Row Span:') if npanels gt 0 then $ rowSpan = spd_ui_spinner(rowSpanBase, Increment=1, Value=panelLayout[npanels-1].rspan, $ UValue='ROW_SPAN',uname='row_span', min_value=1) $ else $ rowSpan = spd_ui_spinner(rowSpanBase, Increment=1, Value=1, UValue='ROW_SPAN', uname='row_span',sensitive=0, min_value=1) colSpanLabel = Widget_Label(colSpanBase, Value='Col Span:') if npanels gt 0 then $ colSpan = spd_ui_spinner(colSpanBase, Increment=1, Value=panelLayout[npanels-1].cspan, $ UValue='COL_SPAN',uname='col_span', min_value=1) $ else $ colSpan = spd_ui_spinner(colSpanBase, Increment=1, Value=1, UValue='COL_SPAN', uname='col_span',sensitive=0, min_value=1) rowspace = Widget_Label(rowPageTextBase, Value='') rowPageLabel = Widget_Label(rowPageTextBase, Value='Rows Per Page:') colPageLabel = Widget_Label(colPageTextBase, Value='Cols Per Page:') ; initialise the minimum values for rows per page and columns per page maxcspan=1 maxrspan=1 for i = 0,npanels-1 do begin cPanel = panelObjs[i] cpanel->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, cspan=cspan_temp, rspan=rspan_temp totalspan_c = cspan_temp + panelLayout[i].col - 1 totalspan_r = rspan_temp + panelLayout[i].row -1 if totalspan_c gt maxcspan then maxcspan = totalspan_c if totalspan_r gt maxrspan then maxrspan = totalspan_r endfor rowPageText = spd_ui_spinner(rowPageTextBase, Increment=1, Value=nrows, $ UValue='PAGE_ROW', uname='page_row',min_value=maxrspan) colPageText = spd_ui_spinner(colPageTextBase, Increment=1, Value=ncols, $ UValue='PAGE_COL', uname='page_col',min_value=maxcspan) ; VARIABLES WIDGETS ------------------------------------------------------------ variableLabel = Widget_Label(varLabelBase, Value='Variables: ') variableText = WIDGET_TEXT(varTextBoxBase, Value=ctextvalues, XSize=40, YSize=8, $ UValue='VAR_LIST',/wrap) varEditButton = Widget_Button(varButtonsBase, Value=' Add/Edit ', UValue='EDVAR', uname='edvar',$ tooltip='Open Variable Options panel',sensitive=(npanels gt 0)) ; MAIN BUTTON WIDGETS ---------------------------------------------------------- okButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' OK ', UValue='OK', $ Tooltip='Applies the changes to the layout and closes the window') applyButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' Apply ', UValue='APPLY', $ Tooltip='Applies the changes to the layout') cancelButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' Cancel ', UValue='CANC', $ Tooltip='Cancels the operation and closes the window') cWindow->getProperty,settings=psettings psettings->save ; SETUP EVENT HISTORY numEvents = 5 uvalHist = strarr(numEvents) ; init array of last 5 uvals eventHist = ptrarr(numEvents, /allocate_heap) for i=0,numEvents-1 do *eventHist[i]='' ; REPORT WINDOW OPENING TO GUI STATUS BAR info.statusBar->update,'Plot/Layout Options opened.' StatusBar = Obj_New('SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', $ Value='Status information is displayed here.', $ statusBase, XSize=150, YSize=1) state = {tlb:tlb, info:info, uvalHist:uvalHist, eventHist:eventHist, $ tree_size:tree_size, compviewmode:compviewmode, $ def_colors:def_colors, lockPrefix:lockPrefix, $ variableText:variableText, panelList:panelList, $ xselect:Ptr_New(xselect), yselect:Ptr_New(yselect), zselect:Ptr_New(), $ y_ind:Ptr_New(), z_ind:Ptr_New(), $ dataNames:dataNames, $ rowtext:rowtext, coltext:coltext, rowspan:rowspan, colspan:colspan, $ rowPageText:rowPageText, colPageText:colPageText, $ editButton:editButton, plusButton:plusButton, $ shiftleftButton:shiftleftButton, shiftrightButton:shiftrightButton, $ shiftupButton:shiftupButton, shiftdownButton:shiftdownButton, $ panels:ptr_new(panels), panelObjs:ptr_new(panelObjs), panelValue:ptr_new(panelValue), $ initNRows:initNRows, initNCols:initNCols, $ varList:Ptr_New(), $ panelLayout:Ptr_New(panelLayout), npanels:npanels, panel_sel:(npanels-1), $ panel_ValueInfo:Ptr_New(panel_ValueInfo), panelNames:ptr_new(panelNames), $ trace_sel:trace_sel, is_trace_spec:0, $ tabBase:tabBase, priBase:priBase, secBase:0, terBase:0, $ priTree:priTree, secTree:obj_new(), terTree:obj_new(), $ xtree_copy:-1l, priTree_copy:long(*info.guiTree), secTree_copy:-1l, $ specButton:specButton, plusBase:plusBase, autopanel:autopanelbutton, $ cWindow:cWindow, origWindow:origWindow, template:info.template_object,$ windowStorage:windowStorage, loadedData:loadedData, drawObject:drawObject, $ zaxisSettings:zaxisSettings,treeCopyPtr:info.guiTree, $ historywin:info.historywin,statusbar:statusbar} cWindow->getProperty,locked=locked spd_ui_update_var_widget, state=state CenterTlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize ; spd_ui_init_tree_widgets, tlb ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'spd_ui_layout_options', tlb, /No_Block RETURN END