;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: xclip ; ;This routine, performs prepocessing with respect to the x-axis ; ;1. translates data from linear to log space, if necessary ;2. Removes invalid values because: ; a. non-finite ; b. out of range ; c. le 0 on log axis ; ;3. Performs analogous removals on y/z/mirror data ; ;Inputs: ; ;xPtr(array of pointers to arrays): A list of the data quantities for all x-values used in the panel. ; The number of pointers should match the number of pointers in y and z. ; If an x/y has no z(ie line plot), the corresponding element should be a null pointer ;yPtr(array of pointers to arrays) : A list of the data quantities for all y-values used in the panel. ; The number of pointers should match the number of pointers in x and z. ; If an x/y has no z(ie line plot), the corresponding element should be a null pointer ;zPtr(array of pointers to arrays) : A list of the data quantities for all z-values used in the panel. ; The number of pointers should match the number of pointers in x and y. ; If an x/y has no z(ie line plot), the corresponding element should be a null pointer ; ;range(2-element double) : The min and max x-range that the data should be clipped to. ; ;scale(long) : The scaling method to be used on this axis(0: linear,1:log10,2:logN) ; ;mirrorPtr(array of pointers to arrays) : A list of the data quantities for all mirror-values used in the panel. ; The number of pointers should match the number of pointers in x,y, z ; If an x/y has no mirror the corresponding element should be a null pointer ; ;Outputs: ; xPtr(array of pointers to arrays): Input data replaced with clipped data. Format is the same ; yPtr(array of pointers to arrays): Input data replaced with clipped data. Format is the same ; zPtr(array of pointers to arrays): Input data replaced with clipped data. Format is the same ; fail(named variable keyword): Will store 1 if routine fails, 0 otherwise ; ;NOTES: ; This routine is a partial replacement for spd_ui_xyclip, which became unwieldy to maintain ; as the reponsibilities of the routine diverged. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__xclip.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::xclip,xPtr,yPtr,zPtr,range,scale,mirrorptr=mirrorptr,fail=fail compile_opt idl2,hidden fail = 1 ;allocate output arrays outx = ptrarr(n_elements(xPtr)) outy = ptrarr(n_elements(yPtr)) outz = ptrarr(n_elements(zptr)) if keyword_set(mirrorptr) then begin outmirror = ptrarr(n_elements(mirrorptr)) endif ;loop over traces for i = 0,n_elements(xPtr)-1 do begin ;skip any traces that are invalid for any reason if ~ptr_valid(xPtr[i]) || $ ~ptr_valid(yPtr[i]) then continue ;temporary allocations for the purpose of this algorithm x = temporary(*xPtr[i]) y = temporary(*yPtr[i]) if keyword_set(mirrorptr) && $ ptr_valid(mirrorptr[i]) then begin mirror = temporary(*mirrorptr[i]) endif else begin mirror = 0 endelse if ptr_valid(zPtr[i]) then begin z = temporary(*zPtr[i]) endif else begin z = 0 endelse ;apply logarithmic scaling to x values, out of range values will be marked by translation in -Inf, then removed when we screen out of range values if scale eq 1 then begin x = alog10(x) endif else if scale eq 2 then begin x = alog(x) endif ;sort x if spectral quantity if keyword_set(z) then begin sortidx = bsort(x) x = x[sortidx] if ndimen(y) eq 2 then begin y = y[sortidx,*] endif z = z[sortidx,*] endif ;identify out of range values idx = where(x lt range[0],c) if ~keyword_set(z) then begin ;add some margin, if possible if c gt 1 then begin idx = idx[0:n_elements(idx)-2] x[idx] = !values.d_nan endif ; if c gt 0 then begin ; x[idx] = !values.d_nan ; endif endif else begin if c eq n_elements(x) then begin x[idx] = !values.d_nan endif else if c gt 1 then begin ;if we can, add a little bit of margin to the spectral plot ;this way we won't have blank edges when we zoom idx = idx[0:c-2] x[idx] = !values.d_nan endif endelse idx = where(x gt range[1],c) if ~keyword_set(z) then begin ; if c gt 0 then begin ; x[idx] = !values.d_nan ; endif ;this code adds a little bit of margin ;to prevent gaps from clipping if c gt 1 then begin idx = idx[1:n_elements(idx)-1] x[idx] = !values.d_nan endif endif else begin if c eq n_elements(x) then begin x[idx] = !values.d_nan endif else if c gt 1 then begin ;if we can, add a little bit of margin to the spectral plot ;this way we won't have blank edges when we zoom idx = idx[1:c-1] x[idx] = !values.d_nan endif endelse ;now clip out of range values idx = where(finite(x),c) ;if no legitimate values are available, then the outptrs are left as null if c gt 0 then begin x = x[idx] ; clipping z-values entails 2-dimensional clipping if keyword_set(z) then begin if ndimen(y) eq 2 then begin y = y[idx,*] endif z = z[idx,*] outz[i] = ptr_new(temporary(z)) endif else begin ;clipping z-values, is 1-d but may also entail clipping a mirror y = y[idx] if keyword_set(mirror) then begin mirror = mirror[idx] outmirror[i] = ptr_new(temporary(mirror)) endif endelse outx[i] = ptr_new(temporary(x)) outy[i] = ptr_new(temporary(y)) endif endfor ;replace input data with output ptr_free,xPtr,yPtr,zPtr if keyword_set(mirrorptr) then begin ptr_free,mirrorPtr mirrorPtr = outmirror endif xPtr = outx yPtr = outy zPtr = outz fail = 0 end