;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: updateLegend ; ;this code performs an update on the legend text values for the provided panel ;it fills them in with the normalized data values provided as arguments ; ;panelLocation(2-element double): The position of the cursor in coordinates normalized to the panel ;panel(struct): The draw object struct representing the panel ;blank(boolean keyword): Set this keyword to make the legend blank ;noyvalue(boolean keyword): If this keyword is set, the yvalue will be set to an empty string and other values will be updated as normal ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__updatelegend.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::updateLegend,panelLocation,panel,blank=blank,noyvalue=noyvalue compile_opt idl2,hidden if ptr_valid(panel.legendInfo) then begin legendobj = *panel.legendInfo notationSet = legendobj.notationSet timeFormat = legendobj.timeFormat numFormat = legendobj.numFormat xIsTime = legendobj.xIsTime yIsTime = legendobj.yIsTime zIsTime = legendobj.zIsTime ;blank panel, empty legend if keyword_set(blank) && ptr_valid(panel.traceInfo) then begin if obj_valid(panel.xobj) then panel.xobj->setProperty,strings='' ; if panel.hasSpec then begin if obj_valid(panel.yobj) then panel.yobj->setProperty,strings='' ; endif traces = *panel.traceInfo for j = 0,n_elements(traces)-1 do begin if obj_valid(traces[j].textObj) then begin traces[j].textObj->setProperty,strings='' endif endfor ;inside panel range, update with data endif else if ptr_valid(panel.traceinfo) then begin ;if we're locked, override the defaults with the locked values if panel.locked then begin xrange = panel.lockedRange xscale = panel.lockedScale endif else begin xrange = panel.xrange xscale = panel.xscale endelse if panel.xistime then begin if xrange[1]-xrange[0] lt 60*60*24 then begin xformat = 6 endif else begin xformat = 15 endelse endif else begin xformat = 5 endelse if panel.yistime then begin if panel.yrange[1]-panel.yrange[0] lt 60*60*24 then begin yformat = 6 endif else begin yformat = 15 endelse endif else begin yformat = 5 endelse if panel.zistime then begin if panel.zrange[1]-panel.zrange[0] lt 60*60*24 then begin zformat = 6 endif else begin zformat = 15 endelse endif else begin zformat = 5 endelse ;calculate the x-position in data coordinates and update the string value for that point xdatapos = xrange[0]+(xrange[1]-xrange[0])*panelLocation[0] ; formatdata={timeAxis:panel.xIsTime,formatid:xformat,scaling:xscale,exponent:~xscale?0:2} formatdata={timeAxis:panel.xIsTime,formatid:xIsTime?timeFormat:numFormat,scaling:xscale,exponent:notationSet} if obj_valid(panel.xobj) then panel.xobj->setProperty,strings=formatannotation(0,0,xdatapos,data=formatdata) if ~keyword_set(noyvalue) then begin ;calculate the y-position in data coordinates and update the string value for that point ydatapos = panel.yrange[0]+(panel.yrange[1]-panel.yrange[0])*panelLocation[1] formatdatay={timeAxis:panel.yIsTime,formatid:yIsTime?timeFormat:numFormat,scaling:panel.yscale,exponent:notationSet} ; if panel.hasSpec then begin if obj_valid(panel.yobj) then panel.yobj->setProperty,strings=formatannotation(0,0,ydatapos,data=formatdatay) ;endif endif else begin if obj_valid(panel.yobj) then panel.yobj->setProperty,strings='' endelse ;annotation struct for z-annotations formatdataz={timeAxis:panel.zIsTime,formatid:zIsTime?timeFormat:numFormat,scaling:panel.zscale,exponent:notationSet} traces = *panel.traceInfo ;loop through and update dependent variables for i= 0,n_elements(traces)-1 do begin if ~ptr_valid(traces[i].refData) then begin dataString = 'NaN' endif else begin ;lookup 2-input dependent for specplot if traces[i].isSpec then begin refdim = dimen(*traces[i].refData) ;guarantee that IDL doesnt' make a dimension disappear(I hate it when IDL does this SOOOOO much) if n_elements(refDim) eq 1 then begin refDim = [refDim,1] endif ;The x/y indexes into the lookup table, bounded on the interval [0,1] refxidx = (round(panelLocation[0]*refdim[0]) < (refdim[0]-1)) > 0 refyidx = (round(panelLocation[1]*refdim[1]) < (refdim[1]-1)) > 0 ; if finite((*traces[i].refData)[refxidx,refyidx],/inf) then stop dataString = formatannotation(0,0,(*traces[i].refData)[refxidx,refyidx],data=formatdataz) ; print,dataString,refdim[0],refxidx,(*traces[i].refData)[refxidx,refyidx] endif else begin ;loopkup 1-input dependent for lineplot ;If there is no valid independent, use a proportionally scaled dependent if ~ptr_valid(traces[i].abcissa) then begin refdim = dimen(*traces[i].refData) refxidx = (round(panelLocation[0]*refdim[0]-1) < (refdim[0]-1)) > 0 formatdatay={timeAxis:panel.yIsTime,formatid:yIsTime?timeFormat:numFormat,scaling:panel.yscale,exponent:notationSet} endif else begin ;valid indepenent, find the point closest to the input, abcissa values are normalized so comparison can be done directly tmp = min(abs(*traces[i].abcissa - panelLocation[0]),refxidx) formatdatay={timeAxis:panel.yIsTime,formatid:yIsTime?timeFormat:numFormat,scaling:panel.yscale,range:panel.yrange,exponent:notationSet} endelse dataString = formatannotation(0,0,(*traces[i].refData)[refxidx],data=formatdatay) endelse endelse if (dataString eq string(!VALUES.D_NAN)) then begin ; no data here, check whether we're out of range or in a range with NaN's if (xdatapos lt *panel.dxptr[0] || xdatapos gt *panel.dxptr[1]) then begin dataString = 'Out of range' endif else begin dataString = 'NaN' endelse endif ;finally update the text object if obj_valid(traces[i].textObj) then begin traces[i].textObj->setProperty,strings=dataString endif ; print,dataString,(dimen(*traces[i].refdata))[0],refxidx,(*traces[i].refData)[refxidx] endfor endif ;now update variables using the same logic ;If blank is requested blank all the variables if keyword_set(blank) && ptr_valid(panel.varInfo) then begin vars = *panel.varInfo for i = 0,n_elements(vars)-1 do begin vars[i].textObj->setProperty,strings='' endfor endif else if ptr_valid(panel.varInfo) then begin ;If not blanking do the update vars = *panel.varInfo for i = 0,n_elements(vars)-1 do begin ;update is done proportionally, because a lookup value has been generated ;for every possible cursor position. This is possible because aliasing ;Is not as issue for variable quantities nx = n_elements(*vars[i].dataY) ; calculate pixel-proportional index on interval [0,nx-1] idx = (round(panelLocation[0]*(nx-1)) > 0) < (nx-1) ;identify value value = (*vars[i].dataY)[idx] ;format output string formatdata={timeAxis:vars[i].isTime,formatid:vars[i].isTime?timeFormat:numFormat,scaling:0,exponent:notationSet} str = formatannotation(0,0,value,data=formatdata) if value ge 0 then begin str = ' ' + str endif ;update text object vars[i].textObj->setProperty,strings=str endfor endif endif end