;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: Update ; ;This function updates the entire display, it will be pretty ;slow so it should only be called after panel applies, but not ;during common widget events. ; ;WindowStorage: ; the spd_ui_windows object that stores the windows for the scene that is being updated ; ;LoadedData: ; thm spd_ui_loaded_data object that stores the data used in the scene that is being drawn ; ;Postscript=postscript: ; set this keyword when postscripts are being drawn. Special kluges for dealing with ; postscript transparency and layering issues are turned on. ; ; Error=error: ; Pass a named variable in via this keyword when updates are being drawn. After completion ; It will return a 1 if there was an error and a 0 if there was no error. ; ; errmsg=errmsg: ; Pass a named variable in via this keyword when updates are being drawn (optional). If a draw object ; error occurs for which an error message has been defined, errmsg will return an anonymous struct with fields ; describing the error. errmsg does not exist for all cases where error=1, nor is it guaranteed than error=1 ; if errmsg exists. This keyword is intended to return error information to calling routines where messages ; may need to be issued to the user (eg. pop up messages). ; It is intended that developers make use of errmsg & add it to procedures/functions as they need it. ; Note that when handling error messages in the calling routine it is necessary to always check the relevant ; fields in the errmsg struct exist before using them as the routine may pick up errors that you don't ; anticipate defined in other areas of the code, with different fields in the struct. ; Note: if no error occurs for which an error message has been defined errmsg is simply not set. It is necessary ; to check if errmsg has been set before handling any messages in the calling routine. ; Note: update itself does not currently produce any errmsg, errmsg is simply passed on to other routines (currently updatePanels). ; ; ; NOTES: ; 1. Slowness depends on complexity of displayed layout.(number of panels, size of data) ; It can range from 1/10th of a second to 10 or more seconds ; ; 2. Memory usage can spike moderately during this function, but memory usage between ; calls should be minimal because lookup tables are used for cursor functions. ; Memory will max out at ~2x the memory of the largest panel being plotted, because data ; must be copied to process it without corrupting the main data store. ; In other words O(N*M), where N is the time resolution of the data on your largest ; panel, and M is the number of dimensions on this panel. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__update.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::update,windowStorage,loadedData,postscript=postscript,error=error, errmsg=errmsg compile_opt idl2,hidden ;Assume an error until told otherwise error = 1 ; t1 = systime(/seconds) ;This constant controls the space between locked panels ;All locked panels will have at most this many points of vertical spacing ;But they can have less. ;lockedVerticalSpacing = 5 ;Turn on hourglass, in case it takes awhile widget_control,/hourglass ; self.statusBar->update,'Beginning Update' ; self.historyWin->update,'Beginning Update' ;Remove all of the old display self.staticViews->remove,/all self.dynamicViews->remove,/all ;Garbage collect any heap variables that might be floating around. if double(!version.release) lt 8.0d then heap_gc ;Adds the view that rubber band will exist on self.dynamicViews->add,self.rubberView ;Set the internal postscript flag(it is global to the update operation) if keyword_set(postscript) then begin self.postscript=1 endif else begin self.postscript=0 endelse originalWindow = windowStorage->getActive() ;use copy to prevent mutation of input settings activeWindow = originalWindow->copy() activeWindow->getProperty,settings=pageSettings,panels=panels,nRows=nRows,nCols=nCols,locked=locked ;pageSettings->getProperty,ypanelspacing=yverticalspacing ;override default spacing, if panel locked and page value bigger than constant ; if locked ne -1 && yverticalspacing ge lockedVerticalSpacing then begin ; ; pageSettings->setProperty,ypanelspacing=lockedVerticalSpacing ; ; endif ;This draws the page. Which includes things like background coloring, and page titles if ~self->updatePage(pageSettings) then begin self.statusbar->update,'Draw Object Error: Invalid page settings when drawing page' self.historyWin->update,'Draw Object Error: Invalid page settings when drawing page' ;If we fail this call returns us to a pristine state, so that this ;object will interact correctly with parent routines without error self->nukeDraw ;Creating instances allows much quicker operation between updates, ;At the cost of slightly slower updates self->createInstance return endif ;needed for creating the illusion of transparent ticks, without using true transparency pageSettings->getProperty,backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor margins = activeWindow->getMargins() panelObjs = panels->get(/ALL) ;If we don't have a pre-existing view group for panels ;This adds one if ~obj_valid(self.panelViews) then begin self.panelViews = obj_new('IDLgrViewGroup') self.scene->add,self.panelViews endif ;Remove old panel info structs ptr_free,self.panelInfo ;Remove old IDLgr panel representations self.panelViews->remove,/all ;No panels in the current display. Terminate without error. ;This is a blank panel. if ~obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin ;Creating instances allows much quicker operation between updates, ;At the cost of slightly slower updates self->createInstance error = 0 return endif layoutDims = [nRows,nCols] ;This routine does the bulk of the detailed updating. ;It renders each individual panel, and everything in it if ~self->updatePanels(layoutDims,margins,panelObjs,loadedData,backgroundcolor,locked,activeWindow, errmsg=errmsg) then begin self.statusbar->update,'Draw Object Error: Updating panels, Please check History' self.historyWin->update,'Draw Object Error: Updating panels, Please check History' ;If we fail this call returns us to a pristine state, so that this ;object will interact correctly with parent routines without error self->nukeDraw ;Creating instances allows much quicker operation between updates, ;At the cost of slightly slower updates self->createInstance return endif ;Creating instances allows much quicker operation between updates, ;At the cost of slightly slower updates self->createInstance error = 0 ; print,'RUNTIME: ' + string((systime(/seconds) - t1)) end