;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: setCursor ;Makes a vertical bar, updates legends, draws rubber band, ;draws markers(during draw animation), highlights markers ;during mouseover. ;This routine should be called pretty much ;any time the cursor moves in the draw area. ; ;Location(2-element double): The cursor location ;in coordinates normalized to the draw area size. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__setcursor.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::setCursor,location compile_opt idl2,hidden ; tm = systime(/seconds) self.cursorloc = location ;update the position of the vertical and horizontal bar self->updateVBar,location,self.panelInfo self->updateHBar,location,self.panelInfo ;If the rubber band is turned on then update its position when ;the cursor position is updated if self.rubberOn then begin if ~self->rubberBand(self.rubberStart,self.cursorLoc - self.rubberStart) then begin self.statusBar->update,'Problem drawing rubber band' ;t=error_message('Problem drawing rubber band',/traceback) endif endif ;Single panel legend update block if self.legendOn eq 1 && ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) then begin ;loop over panels for i = 0,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)-1 do begin panel = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]) ;if the cursor is within this panel then update the legend if self->inBounds(panel) then begin ;calculate normalized position of cursor relative to the panel xposnorm = (location[0] - panel.xplotpos[0])/(panel.xplotpos[1]-panel.xplotpos[0]) yposnorm = (location[1] - panel.yplotpos[0])/(panel.yplotpos[1]-panel.yplotpos[0]) ;turn on the legend model(so the legend will be visible) if obj_valid(panel.legendModel) then begin panel.legendModel->setProperty,hide=0 endif ;turn on the annotation model(the actual text objects that the numbers are drawn to are stored in these models) if obj_valid(panel.legendAnnoModel) then begin panel.legendAnnoModel->setProperty,hide=0 endif ;make any variable annotations visible for this panel self->setVarHide,panel,0 ;now update the values in the legend for this panel self->updatelegend,[xposnorm,yposnorm],panel endif else begin ;if we're out of bounds, hide everything if obj_valid(panel.legendModel) then begin panel.legendModel->setProperty,hide=1 endif if obj_valid(panel.legendAnnoModel) then begin panel.legendAnnoModel->setProperty,hide=1 endif self->setVarHide,panel,1 ;self->updateLegend,0,0,panel,/blank endelse endfor ;multiple panel legend update block endif else if self.legendOn eq 2 && ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) then begin drawlegend = 0 ;if the cursor is within the bounds of *any* panel, then we update all panels ;with values proportional to the panel that the cursor is currently positioned over for i = 0,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)-1 do begin panel = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]) if self->inBounds(panel) then begin drawlegend = 1 inBoundsIndex = i xposnorm = (location[0] - panel.xplotpos[0])/(panel.xplotpos[1]-panel.xplotpos[0]) yposnorm = (location[1] - panel.yplotpos[0])/(panel.yplotpos[1]-panel.yplotpos[0]) endif endfor ;this block actually does the updating if drawlegend then begin for i = 0,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)-1 do begin panel = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]) ;turn on the legend model(so the legend will be visible) if obj_valid(panel.legendModel) then begin panel.legendModel->setProperty,hide=0 endif ;turn on the annotation model(the actual text objects that the numbers are drawn to are stored in these models) if obj_valid(panel.legendAnnoModel) then begin panel.legendAnnoModel->setProperty,hide=0 endif ;make any variable annotations visible for this panel self->setVarHide,panel,0 if i eq inBoundsIndex then begin self->updatelegend,[xposnorm,yposnorm],panel endif else begin self->updatelegend,[xposnorm,yposnorm],panel,/noyvalue endelse endfor endif else begin ;if we aren't drawing blank the text for i = 0,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)-1 do begin panel = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]) ;if we're out of bounds, hide everything if obj_valid(panel.legendModel) then begin panel.legendModel->setProperty,hide=1 endif if obj_valid(panel.legendAnnoModel) then begin panel.legendAnnoModel->setProperty,hide=1 endif self->setVarHide,panel,1 self->updateLegend,[0,0],panel,/blank endfor endelse endif else if ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) then begin ;loop over panels for i = 0,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)-1 do begin panel = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]) ;if we're out of bounds, hide everything if obj_valid(panel.legendModel) then begin panel.legendModel->setProperty,hide=1 endif if obj_valid(panel.legendAnnoModel) then begin panel.legendAnnoModel->setProperty,hide=1 endif self->setVarHide,panel,1 endfor endif ;Determine if marker should be drawn on cursor update ;Single panel marking ;This block executes when we are in the process of drawing a new marker if self.markerOn eq 1 && $ ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) && $ ptr_valid(self.currentMarkers) then begin panels = *self.panelInfo ;finds out if the cursor is over a panel and updates the marker position if it is for i=0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin if self->inBounds(panels[i]) && $ self->inBounds(panels[i],location=self.markerStart) then begin xstart = (self.markerStart[0] - panels[i].xplotpos[0])/(panels[i].xplotpos[1]-panels[i].xplotpos[0]) xstop = (self.cursorloc[0] - panels[i].xplotpos[0])/(panels[i].xplotpos[1]-panels[i].xplotpos[0]) self->drawMarker,[xstart,xstop],panels[i],(*self.currentMarkers)[0] endif endfor ;multiple panel marking ;This block executes when new markers are being drawn on all panels endif else if self.markerOn eq 2 && $ ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) && $ ptr_valid(self.currentMarkers) then begin panels = *self.panelInfo inBounds = 0 ;determine if the cursor is within the bounds of any marker for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin if self->inBounds(panels[i]) && $ self->inBounds(panels[i],location=self.markerstart) then begin inBounds = 1 xstart = (self.markerStart[0] - panels[i].xplotpos[0])/(panels[i].xplotpos[1]-panels[i].xplotpos[0]) xstop = (self.cursorloc[0] - panels[i].xplotpos[0])/(panels[i].xplotpos[1]-panels[i].xplotpos[0]) endif endfor ;if yes then update all markers with x-value proportional ;to the panel that the cursor is within if inBounds then begin markers = *self.currentMarkers for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin self->drawMarker,[xstart,xstop],panels[i],markers[i] endfor endif endif ;highlight markers during mouseover if ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) then begin panels = *self.panelInfo ;loop over panels for i = 0,n_elements(panels) -1 do begin ;if we have any markers on this panel if ptr_valid(panels[i].markerInfo) then begin xloc = (location[0] - panels[i].xplotpos[0])/(panels[i].xplotpos[1]-panels[i].xplotpos[0]) marked = 0 ; to make sure only one panel gets marked ;loop over the markers on this panel for j = n_elements(*panels[i].markerInfo)-1,0,-1 do begin marker = (*panels[i].markerInfo)[j] ;determine if the cursor is over each marker on this panel or not and update the color by rotating the hue 120 or 240 degrees. if marker.displayed then begin ;these first two cases execute identically. Their results are distinct because marker.color is different if a marker is selected ;So rotation ends up occuring from a different starting point ;Mouse is over selected marker if (xloc ge marker.pos[0] && xloc le marker.pos[1] && ~marked && self->inBounds(panels[i])) && marker.selected then begin marked = 1 marker.frames[0]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(self->hueRotation(marker.color)) marker.frames[1]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(self->hueRotation(marker.color)) panels[i].markerIdx = j ;Mouse is over unselected marker endif else if xloc ge marker.pos[0] && xloc le marker.pos[1] && ~marked && self->inBounds(panels[i]) then begin marked = 1 marker.frames[0]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(self->hueRotation(marker.color)) marker.frames[1]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(self->hueRotation(marker.color)) panels[i].markerIdx = j ;Mouse is not over marker, but it is selected endif else if marker.selected then begin marker.frames[0]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(self->huerotation(self->hueRotation(marker.color))) marker.frames[1]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(self->huerotation(self->hueRotation(marker.color))) ;Mouse is not over marker and it is not selected endif else begin marker.frames[0]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(marker.color) marker.frames[1]->setProperty,color=self->convertColor(marker.color) endelse endif endfor ;Making sure the no-marked code is properly updated in the meta-data if ~marked then begin panels[i].markerIdx = -1 endif endif endfor ;replace old panel metadata with updated quantities ptr_free,self.panelInfo self.panelInfo = ptr_new(panels) endif ;print,'TM1: ' + strtrim(string((systime(/seconds)-tm)),2) ;self.destination->draw,self.scene,/draw_instance self->draw ;print,'TM2: ' + strtrim(string((systime(/seconds)-tm)),2) end