;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: placeMajorTicks ; ;Determines where to place the tick marks for ;an axis, and deals with the various input validation issues ;and positioning options. ;If they are placed automatically, ;They should be at human readable values, if possible. ;In this case human readable means that if the axis ;is non time, the ticks will be at values of ;1*10^n or 2*10^n or 5*10^n where n is some number ;appropriate to the scale of the axis ;If the axis is a time axis the ticks will be at ;1,2,5 * 10^n or 60*1,2,5*10^n or 60*60*1,2,5*10^n or ;24*60*60*1,2,5*10^n With selection/n dependent on scale ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-25 17:47:00 -0700 (Wed, 25 Jun 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15444 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__placemajorticks.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::placeMajorTicks, $ isTime,$ ;Boolean, is the axis a time axis range, $ ;2 element double precision, axis range(in log space for log axes) scaling, $ ; 0: linear,1: log10,2 logN majorTickAuto, $ ; Boolean, automatically position major ticks? (If this is 0, ticks will not be placed at human readable values) autoTicks,$ ;Boolean whether the automatic tick algorithm should be used or not numMajorTicks, $ ; number of major ticks(only used if autopositioning is on) firstTickAt, $ ; the location of the first tick(only used if autopositioning is off) majorTickSpace, $ ; the space between major ticks(only used if autopositioning is off) majorTickValues=majorTickValues,$ ; the locations of major ticks are returned as an array from this argument majorTickInterval=majorTickInterval,$ ; the final space between ticks minorTickNum=minorTickNum,$ ; the recommended number of minor ticks for this spacing logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType,$ ; needed to make good recommendation on number of minor ticks ticksFixed=ticksFixed,$ ; if we used the non-standard log-spacing, note this so that we can change the annotation style fail=fail ;Boolean, 1 indicates a failure compile_opt idl2,hidden fail = 1 ticksFixed = 0 ;this margin determines whether or not another ;tick should be added at the beginning or end to create a full range edgeTickMargin = .01 minorTickNum = -1 if numMajorTicks lt 0 then return if range[1] eq range[0] then return ;if both firstTick and majorTick are autoscaling ;then we use human readable tick algorithm if majorTickAuto then begin self->goodTicks,isTime,$ ;Boolean, is the axis a time axis range, $ ;2 element double precision, axis range(in log space for log axes) scaling, $ ; 0: linear,1: log10,2 logN numMajorTicks, $ ; The recommended number of ticks( 2 or more) tickValues=majorTickValues, $ ; Returns the tick values here tickInterval=majorTickInterval,$ ; Returns the spacing here minorTickNum=minorTickNum,$ ; returns recommended minor tick number here logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType, $ ;needed to make good recommendation on number of minor ticks nicest=keyword_set(autoticks) ;If this is set, disregards requested number of ticks and tries for best placement ;See note in goodticks header, we may be able to deprecate for calls to IDL axis routine with /nodraw set ;if we don't have enough ticks on a logarithmic axis ;we should correct the ticks, by using logFixTicks to add more, but placed at slightly less regular values. ; (lphilpott 7/15/2011) Modifying condition to also catch case of 0 ticks when 1 was requested. ; Hoping to avoid the problem where x ticks are reduced to 1 initially then 0 on following apply. if ((n_elements(majorTickValues) lt 2 && numMajorTicks ge 2) $ ||(n_elements(majorTickValues) lt 1 && numMajorTicks ge 1)) $ && scaling eq 1 then begin self->logFixTicks,$ range,$ tickValues=majorTickValues,$ tickInterval=majorTickInterval,$ minorTickNum=minorTickNum ticksFixed = 1 endif ;this block runs corrections on automatic ticks, if the output is valid. ;it guarantees they run slightly passed the edge of the range if keyword_set(majorTickValues) && keyword_set(majorTickInterval) then begin if majorTickValues[0] gt edgeTickMargin then begin majorNewNumLow = floor((majorTickValues[0]-edgeTickMargin)/majorTickInterval,/l64) if n_elements(majorTickValues) + majorNewNumLow gt self.maxTickNum then begin self.statusBar->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(majorTickValues) + majorNewNumLow),/remove_all) + ' major ticks. Draw operation failed.' self.historyWin->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(majorTickValues) + majorNewNumLow),/remove_all) + ' major ticks. Draw operation failed.' return endif majorTickValues = [majorTickValues[0]-(dindgen(majorNewNumLow+1)+1)*majorTickInterval,majorTickValues] endif if majorTickValues[n_elements(majorTickValues)-1] lt (1-edgeTickMargin) then begin majorNewNumHigh = floor(((1-edgeTickMargin)-majorTickValues[n_elements(majorTickValues)-1])/majorTickInterval,/l64) if n_elements(majorTickValues) + majorNewNumHigh gt self.maxTickNum then begin self.statusBar->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(majorTickValues) + majorNewNumHigh),/remove_all) + ' major ticks. Draw operation failed.' self.historyWin->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(majorTickValues) + majorNewNumHigh),/remove_all) + ' major ticks. Draw operation failed.' return endif majorTickValues = [majorTickValues,majorTickValues[n_elements(majorTickValues)-1]+(dindgen(majorNewNumHigh+1)+1)*majorTickInterval] endif endif endif else begin ; if firstTickAt ge range[1] then begin ; self.statusBar->update,'First tick at is larger than range, no ticks can be drawn.' ; self.historywin->update,'First tick at is larget than range, no ticks can be drawn.' ; return ; endif if majorTickSpace le 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Tick Spacing is less than or equal to 0, no ticks can be drawn.' self.historywin->update,'Tick Spacing is less than or equal to 0 , no ticks can be drawn.' return endif if majorTickSpace gt (range[1]-range[0]) then begin self.statusBar->update,'Tick Spacing is greater than range span, no ticks can be drawn.' self.historywin->update,'Tick Spacing is greater than range span, no ticks can be drawn.' return endif ;first shift tick start so that it is slightly less than ;the min range, but still a multiple of the original value if firstTickAt le range[0] then begin tickStartNum = floor((range[0] - firstTickAt) / majorTickSpace,/l64) tickStart = firstTickAt + tickStartNum*majorTickSpace endif else begin tickStartNum = floor((firstTickAt - range[0]) / majorTickSpace,/l64) + 1 tickStart = firstTickAt - tickStartNum*majorTickSpace endelse majorTickNum = floor((range[1] - tickStart) / majorTickSpace,/l64) tickStart = (tickStart - range[0]) / (range[1]-range[0]) majorTickInterval = majorTickSpace / (range[1] - range[0]) if majorTickNum gt self.maxTickNum then begin self.statusBar->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(majorTickNum),/remove_all) + ' major ticks. Draw operation failed.' self.historyWin->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(majorTickNum),/remove_all) + ' major ticks. Draw operation failed.' return endif majorTickValues = dindgen(majorTickNum+1)*majorTickInterval + tickStart endelse if keyword_set(majorTickValues) && keyword_set(majorTickInterval) then begin idx = where(majorTickValues ge edgeTickMargin and majorTickValues le (1-edgeTickMargin),c) if c gt 0 then begin majorTickValues = [0,majorTickValues[idx],1] ;the old major tick interval could have become invalid when ticks got clipped if c eq 1 then begin majorTickInterval = max([majorTickValues[1]-majorTickValues[0],majorTickValues[n_elements(majorTickValues)-1]-majorTickValues[n_elements(majorTickValues)-2]]) endif endif else begin majorTickValues = [0,1] majorTickInterval = 1 endelse endif else begin majorTickValues = [0,1] majorTickInterval = 1 endelse fail = 0 end