;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: makeZAxisModel ; ;constructs a zaxis model for display, from a spd_ui_zaxis_settings object ; ;Inputs: ; zrange(2 element double): The min & max range of the axis in logged space. ; zAxis(object reference): The spd_ui_zaxis_settings object from which settings will be drawn. ; xPlotPos(2 element double): The x-start & stop position of the panel in draw area normal coordinates ; yPlotPos(2 element double): The y-start & stop position of the panel in draw area normal coordinates ; frameColor(3 element bytarr): The rgb color of the panel frame. ; frameThick(double): the thickness of the panel frame, in idl standard line thickness units ; ;Outputs: ; model(object reference): The completed IDLgrModel ; palette(object reference): The palette object used for this axis. ; majorNum(long): The number of major ticks on this axis. ; minorNum(long): The number of minor ticks per major tick on this axis ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-27 11:32:10 -0700 (Fri, 27 Jun 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15454 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__makezaxismodel.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::makeZAxisModel,zrange,zAxis,xplotpos,yplotpos,framecolor,framethick,model=model,palette=palette,majorNum=majorTickNum,minorNum=minorTickNum compile_opt idl2,hidden ;This constant determines how close an automatic ;major tick must be to the edge of the axis before it is removed edgeTickMargin = .01 ;Annotations within a distance of (roundingfactor)*(data range) of zero ;will be rounded to zero roundingfactor = 1d-15 ;This determines how high the axis model will be placed in the layering zstack = .1 ;This is thickness of the axis in points thick = 10 ;Reseting the number of ticks to null value majorTickNum = 0 minorTickNum = 0 zAxis->getProperty, $ tickNum=majorTickNum, $ minorTickNum=minorTickNum,$ annotationStyle=annotationStyle, $ annotateTextObject=annotateTextObject, $ annotationOrientation=annotationOrientation,$ annotateExponent=annotateExponent,$ labelTextObject=labelTextObject,$ subtitleTextObject=subtitleTextObject,$ labelOrientation=labelOrientation,$ labelMargin=labelMargin,$ lazylabels=lazylabels,$ scaling=scaling,$ placement=placement,$ margin=margin,$ autoTicks=autoTicks,$ logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType ;If autoticks is set, we aim for 5 major ticks ; if keyword_set(autoTicks) then begin ; ; majorTickNum = 5 ; ; endif ; minorTickNum = 3 model = obj_new('IDLgrModel') palette = obj_new('IDLgrPalette') ;lookup the color table from the hard-drive getctpath,colortablepath ;load the color table palette->loadCt,zAxis->getColorTableNumber(),file=colortablepath ;This next block determines the position and dimensions of the axis ;The specific meaning of the variables in each if varies because orientation changes. ;generally, marginNorm1, is the distance from the x/y axis to the near side of the z-axis, in draw-area normal coordinates ; marginNorm2, is the distance from the x/y axis to the far side of the z-axis, in draw-area normal coordinates ;pt1-4 are each corners of the axis if placement eq 0 then begin ; top marginNorm1 = self->pt2Norm(margin,1) marginNorm2 = self->pt2Norm(margin+thick,1) pt1 = [0.,1. + marginNorm1/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] pt2 = [1.,1. + marginNorm1/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] pt3 = [1.,1. + marginNorm2/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] pt4 = [0.,1. + marginNorm2/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] location = pt1 xsize = pt3[0]-pt1[0] ysize = pt3[1]-pt1[1] endif else if placement eq 1 then begin ; bottom marginNorm1 = self->pt2Norm(margin,1) marginNorm2 = self->pt2Norm(margin+thick,1) pt1 = [0.,0. - marginNorm1/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] pt2 = [1.,0. - marginNorm1/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] pt3 = [1.,0. - marginNorm2/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] pt4 = [0.,0. - marginNorm2/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack] location = pt4 xsize = pt4[0]-pt2[0] ysize = pt4[1]-pt2[1] endif else if placement eq 2 then begin ; left marginNorm1 = self->pt2Norm(margin,0) marginNorm2 = self->pt2Norm(margin+thick,0) pt1 = [0. - marginNorm1/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),0.,zstack] pt2 = [0. - marginNorm1/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),1.,zstack] pt3 = [0. - marginNorm2/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),1.,zstack] pt4 = [0. - marginNorm2/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),0.,zstack] location = pt4 xsize = pt4[0]-pt2[0] ysize = pt4[1]-pt2[1] endif else if placement eq 3 then begin ;right marginNorm1 = self->pt2Norm(margin,0) marginNorm2 = self->pt2Norm(margin+thick,0) pt1 = [1. + marginNorm1/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),0.,zstack] pt2 = [1. + marginNorm1/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),1.,zstack] pt3 = [1. + marginNorm2/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),1.,zstack] pt4 = [1. + marginNorm2/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),0.,zstack] location = pt1 xsize = pt3[0]-pt1[0] ysize = pt3[1]-pt1[1] endif else begin return endelse ;If we are not using a postscript, ;The axis is modeled as a texture mapped polygon. if ~keyword_set(self.postscript) then begin ; if 0 then begin poly = obj_new('IDLgrPolygon') image = obj_new('IDLgrImage',indgen(1,256),palette=palette) poly->setProperty,data=[[pt1],[pt2],[pt3],[pt4]],texture_map = image,texture_coord=[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]],/texture_interp,color=self->convertColor([255,255,255]),/double endif else begin ;Since postscript does not properly render texture mapped polygons, we use a static image and control layering using order. poly = obj_new('IDLgrImage',indgen(1,256),palette=palette,location=location,dimensions=[xsize,ysize],depth_test_disable=2) endelse ;now create axis if majorTickNum lt 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Illegal negative z axis major tick number, using 0 ticks' self.historyWin->update,'Illegal negative z axis major tick number, using 0 ticks' majorTickNum = 0 endif ;this is a bit of a kluge to deal with the ;case of a logarithmic z-axis with only 0 values ;To fix this we treat it as 0,0 range in log space([1,1] in normal) if finite(zrange[0],/infinity,sign=-1) && $ finite(zrange[1],/infinity,sign=-1) && $ (scaling eq 1 || scaling eq 2) then begin scaling = 0 zrange = [0D,0D] endif ;If there are no finite values we go to a default range if ~finite(zrange[0]) || ~finite(zrange[1]) then begin zrange = [0D,1D] endif ;Now determine major tick position if majorTickNum gt 0 then begin ;First try human readable tick algorithm self->goodTicks,0,zrange,scaling,majorTickNum, $ tickValues=tickValues,tickInterval=tickInterval,$ /nozero,minorTickNum=minorTickNumRecommended,$ nicest=keyword_set(autoticks),$ logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType ;if we don't have enough ticks on a logarithmic axis ;we should correct the ticks, by using logFixTicks to add more, but placed at slightly less regular values. if n_elements(tickValues) lt 2 && $ majorTickNum ge 2 && $ scaling eq 1 then begin self->logFixTicks,$ zrange,$ tickValues=tickValues,$ tickInterval=tickInterval,minorTickNum=minorTickNumRecommended ticksFixed = 1 endif ;If available and not overriden by user settings, ;we use the recommended tick number, which should be appropriate for tick spacing. if keyword_set(autoticks) && $ n_elements(minorTickNumRecommended) gt 0 && $ minorTickNumRecommended ge 0 then begin minorTickNum = minorTickNumRecommended endif ;if values aren't too close to the edge of the range, we ;add leading and trailing ticks if n_elements(tickValues) gt 0 then begin ;make sure ticks run to the edge of available range while tickValues[0] gt edgeTickMargin do begin tickValues = [tickValues[0]-tickInterval,tickValues] endwhile while tickValues[n_elements(tickValues)-1] lt (1-edgeTickMargin) do begin tickValues = [tickValues,tickValues[n_elements(tickValues)-1]+tickInterval] endwhile tickValuesForMinors = tickValues ;remove out of range major tick values idx = where(tickValues le 1. and tickValues ge 0,c) if c gt 0 then begin tickValues = tickValues[idx] endif else begin tickValues = tickValues[0] noMajors=1 endelse endif else begin noMajors = 1 endelse ;if autoticks is not selected, and the number of ticks ;produced by ::goodticks is not the number requested, ;generate the requested number of ticks. ;In the future, we may be able to improve goodTicks ;by incorporating an iterative approximation algorithm ; ; Disabled, in favor of more restrictive, but better tick placement. ; pcruce-2013-04-12 ; If we want to get more flexible tick placement in the future, ; We should add a ticks by interval option to the z-axis ; if ~keyword_set(autoTicks) && $ ; n_elements(tickValues) ne majorTickNum then begin ; ; tickInterval = 1D/(majorTickNum+1) ; tickValues = (dindgen(majorTickNum)+1)*tickInterval ; tickValuesForMinors = [0,tickValues,1] ; noMajors = 0 ; ticksFixed = 1 ; ; endif ;if number of ticks gets switched because of automatic ticks ;update the value here majorTickNum = n_elements(tickValues) endif else begin tickValues = [0D,1D] tickValuesForMinors = tickValues tickInterval = 1 endelse ;if we're using less than powers of 10 on a log axis ;Then force scientific notation if keyword_set(ticksFixed) && annotateExponent eq 0 then begin annotateExponent = 2 endif ;This struct is used to communicate annotation format settings data = {timeAxis:0,formatid:annotationStyle,scaling:scaling,range:zrange,exponent:annotateExponent} ;Determine label alignment/justification options and position if placement eq 0 then begin if annotationOrientation eq 0 then begin annobaseline = [1,0,0] annoupdir = [0,1,0] annoalignment = [.5,0.0] endif else begin annobaseline = [0,1,0] annoupdir = [-1,0,0] annoalignment = [0.0,.5] endelse loc = [0D, [1. + marginNorm2/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0])],zstack+.1] ticklen = self->pt2norm(thick,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]) tickDir = 0 textpos = 1 dir = 0 endif else if placement eq 1 then begin if annotationOrientation eq 0 then begin annobaseline = [1,0,0] annoupdir = [0,1,0] annoalignment = [.5,1.0] endif else begin annobaseline = [0,1,0] annoupdir = [-1,0,0] annoalignment = [1.0,.5] endelse loc = [0D, [0. - marginNorm2/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0])],zstack+.1] ticklen = self->pt2norm(thick,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]) tickDir = 1 textpos = 0 dir = 0 endif else if placement eq 2 then begin if annotationOrientation eq 0 then begin annobaseline = [1,0,0] annoupdir = [0,1,0] annoalignment = [1.0,.5] endif else begin annobaseline = [0,1,0] annoupdir = [-1,0,0] annoalignment = [.5,0.0] endelse loc = [[0. - marginNorm2/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0])],0D,zstack+.1] ticklen = self->pt2norm(thick,1)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]) tickDir = 1 textpos = 0 dir = 1 endif else if placement eq 3 then begin if annotationOrientation eq 0 then begin annobaseline = [1,0,0] annoupdir = [0,1,0] annoalignment = [0.0,.5] endif else begin annobaseline = [0,1,0] annoupdir = [-1,0,0] annoalignment = [.5,1.0] endelse loc = [[1. + marginNorm2/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0])],0D,zstack+.1] ticklen = self->pt2norm(thick,1)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]) tickDir = 0 textpos = 1 dir = 1 endif ;Now we determine where to render minor ticks and we generate an axis for them if majorTickNum gt 0 && ~keyword_set(nomajors) then begin borderpos = [[pt4],[pt1],[pt2],[pt3]] ;calculate irregular minor tick spacing if minorTickNum ne 0 then begin self->makeMinorTicks,zrange,scaling,minorTickNum,tickValuesForMinors,tickInterval,logMinorTickType,minorValues=minorTickValues,fail=fail if ~fail then begin axis_minor = obj_new('IDLgrAxis',dir, $ range=[0D,1D], $ location=loc, $ minor=0,$ tickLen = ticklen/2,$ tickdir=tickDir,$ tickValues=minorTickValues,$ subTickLen=0,$ thick=framethick,$ tickfrmtdata=data,$ tickformat='formatannotation',$ color=self->convertColor(frameColor),$ /notext,$ /exact) model->add,axis_minor endif endif ;determine if any ticks are going to be auto-shifted into exponential ;if yes, make them all exponential ;This makes sure that are formatting is done in a consistent fashion on any particular axis. if data.exponent eq 0 && (scaling eq 0 || scaling eq 1) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(tickValues)-1 do begin if (data.range[1]-data.range[0]) eq 0 then begin val = data.range[0] endif else begin val = (tickValues[i] + data.range[0]/(data.range[1]-data.range[0]))*(data.range[1]-data.range[0]) relativecuttoff = (data.range[1]-data.range[0])*roundingfactor if val le relativecuttoff && val ge -relativecuttoff then begin val = 0 endif endelse if scaling eq 1 then begin val = 10^val endif spd_ui_usingexponent,val,data,type=type if type ne 0 && scaling eq 0 then begin data.exponent = 2 break endif else if type ne 0 && scaling eq 1 then begin data.exponent = 3 break endif endfor endif ;Now we create an axis object for major ticks. ;Because IDL doesn't allow the degree of control ;that the options in the gui spec require. The ;axis is generated by layering several simpler IDLgrAxis ;objects on top of each other, and controlling their ;settings explicitly so that it gives the appearance of ;a single axis. if ~keyword_set(nomajors) then begin axis1 = obj_new('IDLgrAxis',dir, $ range=[0D,1D], $ location=loc, $ minor=0,$ tickLen = ticklen,$ tickdir=tickDir,$ textpos=textpos,$ tickValues=tickValues,$ thick=framethick,$ tickfrmtdata=data,$ tickformat='formatannotation',$ color=self->convertColor(frameColor),$ textBaseLine = annobaseline,$ textupdir = annoupdir, $ textalignments = annoalignment, $ /use_text_color,$ /exact) endif else begin axis1 = obj_new('IDLgrAxis',dir, $ range=[0D,1D], $ location=loc, $ minor=0,$ subTickLen=0.0,$ tickLen = ticklen,$ tickdir=tickDir,$ textpos=textpos,$ major=0,$ thick=framethick,$ tickfrmtdata=data,$ tickformat='formatannotation',$ color=self->convertColor(frameColor),$ textBaseLine = annobaseline,$ textupdir = annoupdir, $ textalignments = annoalignment, $ /use_text_color,$ /exact) endelse ;Since annotation object are autogenerated when IDLgrAxis is created ;We need to pull them out after the fact to overwrite some of their settings ;(for example, IDL uses the same color argument to axis object as the color for both the axis line and the text itself) axis1->getProperty,tickText=tickObj annofont = annotateTextObject->getGrFont() annotateTextObject->getProperty,color=annocolor,size=size annoFont->setProperty,size=self->getZoom()*size tickObj->setProperty,font=annofont,color=self->convertColor(annocolor) model->add,axis1 endif else begin borderpos = [[pt4],[pt1],[pt2],[pt3],[pt4]] endelse ; now create/position the label/title ; first work out how much space title, subtitle will take up so that labels can be offset where necessary ; how many lines is each? (we are allowing lazy labels and internal formatting) if obj_valid(labelTextObject) then begin labeltextObject->getproperty, value=titletext, size=titlesize if keyword_set(lazylabels) then begin titletext = strjoin(strsplit(titletext,'_',/extract),'!c') endif titlesplit = strsplit(titletext,'!c|!C',/regex,/extract,count=numlines) titlespace = (titlesize+1)*numlines endif else titlespace = 0 if obj_valid(subtitleTextObject) then begin subtitletextObject->getproperty, value=subtitletext, size=subtitlesize if keyword_set(lazylabels) then begin subtitletext = strjoin(strsplit(subtitletext,'_',/extract),'!c') endif subtitlesplit = strsplit(subtitletext,'!c|!C',/regex,/extract,count=numsublines) subtitlespace = (subtitlesize+1)*numsublines endif else subtitlespace=0 ;title/subtitle still collide a bit when the text is perpendicular to the colorbar, ;his should provide adequate padding while the "offset" var below still allows scalability ;(to keep label truly centered some padding should be applied to title and subtitle, ; but I've only applied it to the title for simplicity) titlepadding = self->pt2norm(10.,1) if obj_valid(labelTextObject) then begin if placement eq 0 then begin if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin pos = [.5,1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin+subtitlespace,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = 0 endif else begin pos = [.5-titlepadding,1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = -1 endelse offset = 1 endif else if placement eq 1 then begin if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin pos = [.5,0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = 0 endif else begin pos = [.5-titlepadding,0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = -1 endelse offset = -1 endif else if placement eq 2 then begin if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin; horizontal pos = [0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,0)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),.5+titlepadding,zstack+.1] offset = 1 justify = 1 endif else begin; vertical pos = [0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin+subtitlespace,0)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),.5,zstack+.1] offset = 0 justify = -1 endelse endif else if placement eq 3 then begin pos = [1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,0)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),.5+titlepadding,zstack+.1] if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin offset = 1 justify = -1 endif else begin offset = 0 justify = 1 endelse endif labelObj = self->getTextObject(labelTextObject,pos,offset,labelOrientation,justify=justify,/enable_formatting) ; convert underscores to carriage returns if keyword_set(lazylabels) then begin labelObj->getproperty, strings=labelval if n_elements(labelval) eq 1 then begin labelval = strjoin(strsplit(labelval,'_',/extract),'!c') labelobj->setproperty, strings=labelval endif endif model->add,labelObj endif ; now create/position the subtitle if obj_valid(subtitleTextObject) then begin if placement eq 0 then begin if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin pos = [.5,1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = 0 endif else begin pos = [.5,1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = 1 endelse offset = 1 endif else if placement eq 1 then begin if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin pos = [.5,0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin+titlespace,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = 0 endif else begin pos = [.5,0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,1)/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]),zstack+.1] justify = 1 endelse offset = -1 endif else if placement eq 2 then begin pos = [0.-self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,0)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),.5,zstack+.1] if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin offset = -1 justify = 1 endif else begin offset = 0 justify = -1 endelse endif else if placement eq 3 then begin if labelOrientation eq 0 then begin pos = [1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin,0)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),.5,zstack+.1] offset = -1 justify = -1 endif else begin pos = [1.+self->pt2norm(margin+thick+labelmargin+titlespace,0)/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]),.5,zstack+.1] offset = 0 justify = 1 endelse endif sublabelObj = self->getTextObject(subtitleTextObject,pos,offset,labelOrientation,justify=justify,/enable_formatting) ; convert underscores to carriage returns if keyword_set(lazylabels) then begin sublabelObj->getproperty, strings=labelval if n_elements(labelval) eq 1 then begin labelval = strjoin(strsplit(labelval,'_',/extract),'!c') sublabelobj->setproperty, strings=labelval endif endif model->add,sublabelObj endif ;Since axis is only on one side, we create a border around the other sides. border = obj_new('IDLgrPolyLine',borderpos,color=self->convertColor(frameColor),thick=framethick,/double) model->add,border model->add,poly end