;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: makeXYAxisModel ; ;Constructs an X or Y axis model from a spd_ui_axis_settings object ;Inputs: ;dir = direction of the axis(0=x,1=y) ;xrange,yrange: data range of the panel ;scaling: scaling mode of the panel 0(linear),1(log10),2(logN) ;axisSettings: axis settings object ;plotDim1: normalized length of the plot on the dimension perpendicual to the axis ;plotDim2: normalized length of the plot on the dimension parallel to the axis ;color: The color of the plot frame in RGB ;thick: The thickness of the plot frame/ticks ;useIsTime: use this keyword to override the current isTime value ;Outputs ;gridmodel: the model containing any axis grids ;model: the axis model is returned in this keyword ;majorTickValues:the major tickvalues are returned in this keyword ;numMinorTicks: the number of minor ticks is returned in this keyword ;isTimeAxis: flag indicating whether the axis is time annotated or not returned in this keyword ;labelPos: this keyword returns the most distant label position from the axis ;fail: 1 indicates failure, 0 success ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-25 17:47:00 -0700 (Wed, 25 Jun 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15444 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__makexyaxismodel.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::makeXYAxisModel, $ dir,$ xrange,$ yrange,$ scaling,$ axisSettings,$ plotDim1,$ plotdim2,$ color,$ thick,$ bgcolor,$ useIstime=useIsTime,$ gridmodel=gridmodel,$ model=model,$ majors=majorTickValues,$ minorNum=numMinorTicks,$ isTimeAxis=isTimeAxis,$ labelPos=labelPos,$ fail=fail compile_opt idl2,hidden fail = 1 noMajor = 0 noMinor = 0 numMinorTicks = 0 ;how close to edge of axis before annotation not drawn annotateEdgeMargin = .01 ;how close to edge of axis before grid not drawn gridEdgeMargin = .01 axisSettings->getProperty,$ annotateOrientation=annotateOrientation,$ placeAnnotation=placeAnnotation,$ annotateAxis=annotateAxis,$ isTimeAxis=isTimeAxis,$ annotateMajorTicks=annotateMajorTicks,$ annotateRangeMin=annotateRangeMin,$ annotateRangeMax=annotateRangeMax,$ annotateStyle=annotateStyle,$ annotateTextObject=annotateTextObject,$ annotateExponent=annotateExponent,$ majorTickAuto=majorTickAuto,$ minorTickAuto=minorTickAuto,$ firstTickAuto=firstTickAuto,$ majorLength=majorLength,$ minorLength=minorLength,$ bottomPlacement=bottomPlacement,$ topPlacement=topPlacement,$ tickStyle=tickStyle,$ numMajorTicks=numMajorTicks,$ numMinorTicks=numMinorTicks,$ lineAtZero=lineAtZero,$ majorGrid=majorGrid,$ minorGrid=minorGrid,$ margin=margin,$ showLabels=showLabels,$ labels=labels,$ orientation=orientation,$ stackLabels=stackLabels,$ placeLabel=placeLabel,$ lazylabels=lazylabels, $ titleobj=titleobj, $ subtitleobj=subtitleobj, $ titleorientation=titleorientation, $ placetitle=placetitle, $ titlemargin=titlemargin, $ showtitle=showtitle, $ lazytitles=lazytitles, $ autoTicks=autoTicks,$ logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType if n_elements(useIsTime) gt 0 && useIsTime ge 0 then begin isTimeAxis = useIsTime endif ;don't want division operations ;to fail because of wrong type ;so data converted to double explicitly. ;(these problems are probably largely gone by now) xrange = double(xrange) yrange = double(yrange) plotdim1 = double(plotdim1) ; xconv = [-xrange[0]/(xrange[1]-xrange[0]),1./(xrange[1]-xrange[0])] ; yconv = [-yrange[0]/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]),1./(yrange[1]-yrange[0])] ;Annotations within a distance of (roundingfactor)*(data range) of zero ;will be rounded to zero roundingfactor = 1d-15 ;The height of the axis axiszstack = .25D ;The height of the grid gridzstack = .07D ;The height of the line-at-zero linezstack = .08D ;The height of the annotations AnnotationDepth = .05D ;The basic tick spacing settings with any time based conversions already performed tickSpacing = axisSettings->getTickSpacing() location1 = [0.,0.,axiszstack] ;The tickConversion determines how much to scale the ticks to ;get consistent length even if aspect ratio is not 1:1 if dir eq 0 then begin range = xrange location2 = [0.,1.,axiszstack] tickconversion = 1./(plotdim1[1]-plotdim1[0]) endif else begin range=yrange location2 = [1.,0.,axiszstack] tickconversion = 1./(plotdim1[1]-plotdim1[0]) endelse ;transform ticklength from pts to data coordinates majTicklen = self->pt2norm(majorLength,~dir)*tickConversion minTicklen = self->pt2norm(minorLength,~dir)*tickConversion model = obj_new('IDLgrModel') gridmodel = obj_new('IDLgrModel') ;just a dummy parameter for axis objects tickNum = -1 if ~finite(range[1]) || ~finite(range[0]) then begin range = [0D,1D] endif ; dprint,numMajorTicks ;digest all the tick settings and determine major tick positioning self->placeMajorTicks,$ isTimeAxis,$ range,$ scaling,$ majorTickAuto,$ autoticks,$ numMajorTicks,$ tickSpacing[0],$ tickSpacing[1],$ majorTickValues=majorTickValues,$ majorTickInterval=tickSpacingMajor,$ minorTickNum=minorTickNumRecommended,$ logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType,$ ticksFixed=ticksFixed,$ fail=placefail ; if ~keyword_set(tickSpacingMajor) then stop ;If we fail, don't draw any ticks if placefail then begin nomajor = 1 nominor = 1 endif numMajorTicks = n_elements(majorTickValues) ; If autoticks is on and we have a valid recommendation, ;use the recommended number of ticks if n_elements(minorTickNumRecommended) gt 0 && $ keyword_set(autoTicks) && $ minorTickNumRecommended ge 0 then begin numMinorTicks = minorTickNumRecommended endif if (numMinorTicks + 1) le 0 then begin ok = error_message('ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of less than or equal to 0 minor ticks. Draw Operation Failed',/center) nomajor = 1 nominor = 1 endif if ~nomajor && ~nominor then begin tickSpacingMinor = tickSpacingMajor/(numMinorTicks+1) endif if numMinorTicks eq 0 || nominor eq 1 then begin noMinor = 1 endif else begin ;minor tick code assumes that the ticks are in order. But the code to correct the ticks doesn't necessarily produce major ticks as an ordered list majorTickValuesForMinors = majorTickValues[bsort(majorTickValues)] ;make sure we have majors running at least as far as the edges of the axis, even if these ticks are out of range ;any out of range minors created with this will be clipped. if numMajorTicks gt 2 then begin if majorTickValuesForMinors[1] - majorTickValuesForMinors[0] lt tickSpacingMajor then begin majorTickValuesForMinors[0] = majorTickValuesForMinors[1] - tickSpacingMajor endif if numMajorTicks gt 2 && majorTickValuesForMinors[numMajorTicks-1] - majorTickValuesForMinors[numMajorTicks-2] lt tickSpacingMajor then begin majorTickValuesForMinors[numMajorTicks-1] = majorTickValuesForMinors[numMajorTicks-2] + tickSpacingMajor endif ;Add some extra ticks to ensure there isn't blank on the edge of the panel majorTickValuesForMinors = [majorTickValuesForMinors[0] - tickSpacingMajor,majorTickValuesForMinors,majorTickValuesForMinors[n_elements(majorTickValuesForMinors)-1]+tickSpacingMajor] endif self->makeMinorTicks,range,scaling,numMinorTicks,majorTickValuesForMinors,tickSpacingMajor,logMinorTickType,minorValues=minorTickValues,fail=fail if fail then begin nominor = 1 endif endelse ;this check is probably redundant with other checks. if (n_elements(majorTickValues) gt self.maxTickNum || n_elements(minorTickValues) gt self.maxTickNum*2) && (noMinor eq 0 && noMajor eq 0) then begin ok = error_message('ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(majorTickValues)),/remove_all) + ' major ticks and ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(minorTickValues)),/remove_all) + ' minor ticks. Draw operation failed.',/center) nomajor = 1 nominor = 1 endif ;Create an axis objects. ;Because IDL doesn't allow the degree of control ;that the options in the gui spec require. The ;axis is generated by layering several simpler IDLgrAxis ;objects on top of each other, and controlling their ;settings explicitly so that it gives the appearance of ;a single axis. ;majorTicks if topPlacement then topTickLen = majTickLen else topTickLen = 0. if bottomPlacement then bottomTickLen = majTickLen else bottomTickLen = 0. if ~noMajor then begin ;outside ticks if tickStyle eq 1 || tickStyle eq 2 then begin ;bottom axis majorAxis1 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location1,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = bottomTickLen, $ tickDir=1,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=tickNum,$ tickValues=majorTickValues) ;top axis majorAxis2 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location2,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = topTickLen, $ tickDir=0,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=majorTickValues) model->add,majorAxis1 model->add,majorAxis2 endif ;inside ticks if tickStyle eq 0 || tickStyle eq 2 then begin ;bottom axis majorAxis1 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location1,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = bottomTickLen, $ tickDir=0,$ minor=0, $ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=majorTickValues) ;top axis majorAxis2 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location2,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = topTickLen, $ tickDir=1,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=majorTickValues) model->add,majorAxis1 model->add,majorAxis2 endif endif else begin ;no major ticks ;bottom axis majorAxis1 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location1,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ subticklen=0.0,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ minor=0,$ major=0) ;top axis majorAxis2 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location2,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ subticklen=0.0,$ minor=0,$ major=0) model->add,majorAxis1 model->add,majorAxis2 endelse ;minorTicks if topPlacement then topTickLen = minTickLen else topTickLen = 0. if bottomPlacement then bottomTickLen = minTickLen else bottomTickLen = 0. if ~noMinor then begin ;outside ticks if tickStyle eq 1 || tickStyle eq 2 then begin ;bottom axis minorAxis1 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location1,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = bottomTickLen, $ tickDir=1,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=minorTickValues) ;top axis minorAxis2 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location2,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = topTickLen, $ tickDir=0,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=minorTickValues) model->add,minorAxis1 model->add,minorAxis2 endif ;inside ticks if tickStyle eq 0 || tickStyle eq 2 then begin ;minorTickValues = minorTickValues[0:n_elements(minorTickValues)-3] ;bottom axis minorAxis1 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location1,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = bottomTickLen, $ tickDir=0,$ minor=0, $ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=minorTickValues,$ log=log) ;top axis minorAxis2 = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=location2,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ thick=thick,$ /exact,$ /notext,$ tickLen = topTickLen, $ tickDir=1,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=ticknum,$ tickValues=minorTickValues) model->add,minorAxis1 ; model->add,minorAxis2 endif endif ;perform annotation on Axis if annotateAxis then begin noAnno = 0 if range[1] eq range[0] && ~annotateMajorTicks then begin self.statusBar->update,'Max and Min range are the same: Annotating major ticks.' self.historyWin->update,'Max and Min range are the same: Annotating major ticks.' annotateMajorTicks=1 endif if annotateMajorTicks then begin if ~noMajor then begin majorAxis1->getProperty,tickValues=annotateValues endif else begin noAnno = 1 annotateValues = [0,1] self.historyWin->update,'Cannot annotate major ticks, because no major ticks being drawn' endelse endif else begin if tickSpacing[3] gt range[1] then begin self.statusBar->update,'"Align Annotations At:" is larger than maximum range. No annotations will be drawn.' self.historyWin->update,'"Align Annotations At:" is larger than maximum range. No annotations will be drawn.' annotateValues = [0,1] noAnno = 1 endif else if tickSpacing[4] le 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'"Annotate Every" is less than 0. No annotations will be drawn.' self.historyWin->update,'"Annotate Every" is less than 0. No annotations will be drawn.' annotateValues = [0,1] noAnno = 1 endif else if tickSpacing[4] gt (range[1]-range[0]) then begin self.statusBar->update,'"Annotate Every" is greater than range span. No annotations will be drawn.' self.historyWin->update,'"Annotate Every" is greater than range span. No annotations will be drawn.' annotateValues = [0,1] noAnno = 1 endif else begin annotateStart = tickSpacing[3] annotateInterval = tickSpacing[4] ;first shift annotate start so that it is slightly less than ;the min range, but still a multiple of the original value if annotateStart lt range[0] then begin annotateStartNum = floor((range[0] - annotateStart) / annotateInterval,/l64) annotateStart += annotateStartNum*annotateInterval endif else begin annotateStartNum = floor((annotateStart - range[0]) / annotateInterval,/l64) + 1 annotateStart -= annotateStartNum*annotateInterval endelse annotateNum = floor((range[1] - annotateStart) / annotateInterval,/l64) ;normalize values annotateStart = (annotateStart - range[0]) / (range[1]-range[0]) annotateInterval = annotateInterval/(range[1]-range[0]) if annotateNum gt self.maxTickNum then begin self.statusBar->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(annotateNum),/remove_all) + ' annotations. Draw operation failed.' self.historyWin->update,'ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(annotateNum),/remove_all) + ' annotations. Draw operation failed.' return endif annotateValues = dindgen(annotateNum + 2) * annotateInterval + annotateStart idx = where(annotateValues ge annotateEdgeMargin and annotateValues le (1-annotateEdgeMargin),c) if c gt 0 then begin annotateValues = [0,annotateValues[idx],1] endif else begin annotateValues = [0,1] endelse endelse endelse if ~annotateRangeMax && ~noAnno then begin if n_elements(annotateValues) eq 1 then begin noAnno = 1 endif else begin annotateValues = annotateValues[0:n_elements(annotateValues)-2] endelse endif if ~annotateRangeMin && ~noAnno then begin if n_elements(annotateValues) eq 1 then begin noAnno = 1 endif else begin annotateValues = annotateValues[1:*] endelse endif if ~noAnno then begin ;Check if there are too many annotations. if n_elements(annotateValues) gt self.maxTickNum then begin ok = error_message('ERROR: The current settings will result in the creation of ' + strcompress(string(n_elements(annotateValues)),/remove_all) + ' annotations. Draw operation failed.',/center) return endif data = {timeAxis:isTimeAxis,formatid:AnnotateStyle,scaling:scaling,range:range,exponent:annotateExponent,maxexplen:-1,negexp:0} if placeAnnotation eq 1 then begin annoPos = 1 endif else begin annoPos = 0 endelse if tickStyle eq 1 || tickStyle eq 2 then begin AnnoColor = bgcolor ; the color to draw the axis so that it won't be visible ;we draw real but invisible ticks so that the annotations will be shifted out of the way of collision with the ticks if placeAnnotation eq 1 then begin AnnoDir = 0 AnnoLoc = location2 AnnoLen = topTickLen endif else begin AnnoDir = 1 AnnoLoc = location1 AnnoLen = bottomTickLen endelse endif else if tickStyle eq 0 then begin AnnoColor = color AnnoLen = 0 ;when ticks are only on the inside, ticklength can be 0, because there is no need to shift the annotations down.w if placeAnnotation eq 1 then begin AnnoDir = 1 AnnoLoc = location2 endif else begin AnnoDir = 0 AnnoLoc = location1 endelse endif else begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Illegal tickstyle' ;ok = error_message('Illegal tickstyle',/traceback) return endelse if annotateOrientation eq 1 then begin annoBaseLine = [0,1,0] annoUpDir = [-1,0,0] if dir eq 1 then begin if annoPos eq 0 then begin annoAlign = [.5,0.] endif else begin annoAlign = [.5,1.] endelse endif else begin if AnnoPos eq 0 then begin annoAlign = [1.,.5] endif else begin annoAlign = [0.,.5] endelse endelse endif else begin annoBaseLine = [1,0,0] annoUpDir = [0,1,0] ;annoAlign = [1.,-.5] endelse labFont = annotateTextObject->getGrFont() annoLoc[2] = AnnotationDepth annotateTextObject->getProperty,color=labcolor,size=size if size le 0 then begin size = 1D fontshow = 0 endif else begin fontshow = 1 endelse labFont->setProperty,size=self->getZoom()*size ; labFont->setProperty,size=self->getZoom()*size if ticksFixed && data.exponent eq 0 then begin ; lphilpott 27-feb-2012 changed to check whether autonotation is set so that if user has set to decimal it remains set to decimal data.exponent = 2 ;determine is any ticks are going to be auto-shifted into exponential ;if yes, make them all exponential, this guarantees that any annotations ;on a particular axis will use the same size endif else if ~isTimeAxis && data.exponent eq 0 && (scaling eq 0 || scaling eq 1) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(annotateValues)-1 do begin if data.range[1]-data.range[0] eq 0 then begin val = data.range[0] endif else begin val = (annotateValues[i] + data.range[0]/(data.range[1]-data.range[0]))*(data.range[1]-data.range[0]) relativecuttoff = (data.range[1]-data.range[0])*roundingfactor if val le relativecuttoff && val ge -relativecuttoff then begin val = 0 endif endelse if scaling eq 1 then begin val = 10^val endif ;putting log axes into b^x when auto-generated tick placement is used ;With flexible auto-placement on log axes, the numbers look very odd if not in exponential format ;Shouldn't be a problem, because log scaling is all about orders of magnitude and user can still over-ride ;This is a pretty specific case, but since it is a default, it is worth a special rule, IMO. if scaling ne 0 && data.exponent eq 0 && majorTickAuto && annotateMajorTicks then begin if scaling eq 1 then begin data.exponent= 2 endif else begin ;scaling eq 2 data.exponent= 3 endelse endif else begin ;Normal annotation selection method spd_ui_usingexponent,val,data,type=type if type ne 0 && scaling eq 0 then begin data.exponent = 2 break endif else if type ne 0 && scaling eq 1 then begin data.exponent = 3 break endif endelse endfor endif ; Attempt to line up annotations (simply using left-align doesn't work) - lphilpott 28-june-2012 ; check through all annotations first to determine maximum exponent length, and whether any exponents are negative if ~isTimeAxis && data.exponent ne 1 then begin;don't check for time axis or decimal format negexp = 0; this should end up 1 if any of the exponents are negative maxexplen = 0; max number of characters in exponent for i = 0,n_elements(annotateValues)-1 do begin axistmp='';both axis and index are required but ignored by formatannotation indextmp='' annotation=formatannotation(axistmp,indextmp,annotateValues[i],data=data) ; exponents are preceded by !U ;confirm there is an exponent exppos = strpos(annotation,'!U');what about noformatcodes? if exppos ne -1 then begin expstr = strmid(annotation,exppos+2) explen = strlen(expstr) if explen gt maxexplen then begin maxexplen = explen endif negstr = strmid(expstr,0,1) if negstr eq '-' then negexp = 1 endif endfor data.maxexplen = maxexplen data.negexp = negexp endif annaxis = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrAxis',dir,$ range=[0D,1D],$ location=AnnoLoc,$ alpha_channel = 1.0,$ thick=thick,$ color=AnnoColor,$ /exact,$ tickLen = AnnoLen, $ tickDir=AnnoDir,$ textPos=AnnoPos,$ minor=0,$ subticklen=0.0,$ major=-1,$ tickValues=annotateValues,$ /use_text_color, $ tickfrmtdata=data,$ tickformat='formatannotation',$ textBaseline=annoBaseLine,$ textupdir=annoUpDir,$ textAlignments=annoAlign) annaxis->getProperty,tickText=tickObj tickObj->setProperty,font=labFont,color=self->convertColor(labcolor),alpha_channel=1.0,hide=~fontshow,/enable_formatting model->add,annaxis endif endif ;draw lineatzero if lineatzero && $ 0. gt range[0] && $ 0. lt range[1] then begin if dir eq 0 then begin locationx = replicate((0-range[0])/(range[1]-range[0]),2) locationy = [0D,1D] endif else begin locationx = [0D,1D] locationy = replicate((0-range[0])/(range[1]-range[0]),2) endelse locationz = [linezstack,linezstack] line = obj_new('IDLgrPolyline',locationx,locationy,locationz,$ color = self->convertColor([0,0,0]),/double) model->add,line endif majorGridShow = 0 ; needed to generate minor grid ;add major grid lines if obj_valid(majorGrid) && obj_isa(majorgrid,'spd_ui_line_style') && ~noMajor then begin majorGrid->getProperty,id=gridstyle,$ color=gridcolor,$ show=majorgridshow,$ thickness=gridthick,$ opacity=opacity if majorgridshow && range[1] ne range[0] then begin ;get tick values, (may have been automatically set) tickValues = majorTickValues normGridThick = self->pt2norm(gridthick,dir)/(2D*(plotDim2[1]-plotDim2[0])) if n_elements(tickValues) gt 1 then begin for i = 1,n_elements(tickvalues)-1 do begin if dir eq 0 then begin gridx = [tickvalues[i],tickvalues[i]] gridy = [0D,1D] endif else begin gridx = [0D,1D] gridy = [tickvalues[i],tickvalues[i]] endelse ;it looks bad if you draw grid lines on top of frame if tickvalues[i] lt 0+gridEdgeMargin || tickvalues[i] gt 1-gridEdgeMargin then begin lineshow=0 endif else begin lineshow=1 endelse gridz = [gridzstack,gridzstack] if lineshow then begin gridline = obj_new('IDLgrPolyline',$ gridx,gridy,gridz,alpha=opacity,$ linestyle=gridstyle,thick=gridthick,$ color=self->convertColor(gridColor),/double) gridmodel->add,gridline ;model->add,gridline endif endfor endif endif endif ;minor grid if obj_valid(minorGrid) && obj_isa(minorgrid,'spd_ui_line_style') && ~noMinor then begin minorGrid->getProperty,id=gridstyle,$ color=gridcolor,$ show=gridshow,$ thickness=gridthick,$ opacity=opacity if gridshow && range[1] ne range[0] then begin ;get tick values, (may have been automatically set) ;axis1->getProperty,tickValues=tickValues tickValues = minorTickValues for i = 0,n_elements(tickvalues)-1 do begin ;don't draw minor grids on major grids, if majorGrids are drawn if n_elements(majorTickValues) gt 0 && majorGridShow then begin val = min(abs(majorTickValues - tickvalues[i])) if val lt .01 then continue endif if dir eq 0 then begin gridx = [tickvalues[i],tickvalues[i]] gridy = [0D,1D] endif else begin gridx = [0D,1D] gridy = [tickvalues[i],tickvalues[i]] endelse ;it looks bad if you draw grid lines on top of frame if tickvalues[i] lt 0+gridEdgeMargin || tickvalues[i] gt 1-gridEdgeMargin then begin lineshow=0 endif else begin lineshow=1 endelse gridz = [gridzstack,gridzstack] if lineshow then begin gridline = obj_new('IDLgrPolyline',$ gridx,gridy,gridz,alpha=opacity,$ linestyle=gridstyle,thick=gridthick,$ xcoord_conv=xconv,ycoord_conv=yconv,$ color=self->convertColor(gridColor),/double) gridmodel->add,gridline ;model->add,gridline endif endfor endif endif ; axis label axisSettings->getProperty,blacklabels=blacklabels self->addAxisLabels,model,labels,margin,placeLabel,dir,orientation,stacklabels,showlabels,self->pt2norm(1.,~dir)/(plotDim1[1]-plotDim1[0]),self->pt2norm(1.,dir)/(plotDim2[1]-plotDim2[0]),lazylabels,blacklabels,labelPos=labelPos self->addAxisTitle,model,titleobj,subtitleobj,titlemargin,placetitle,dir, titleorientation, showtitle,self->pt2norm(1.,~dir)/(plotDim1[1]-plotDim1[0]),self->pt2norm(1.,dir)/(plotDim2[1]-plotDim2[0]), lazytitles fail = 0 end