;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: makeView ; ;creates the views for a panel, ;incorporates all the layout information ;that can effect this. ; ;Inputs: ; dims(2 element long) : The number of rows and columns in the overall layout ; margins(6 element double): [leftMargin,rightMargin,topMargin,bottomMargin,horizontalMargin,verticalMargin] in draw-area normalized coordinates ; pos(4 element long): [row,col,rowSpan,colSpan] of the panel being drawn. ; pcoord(4 element double): User defined explicit panel position, in draw-area normalized coords: [xpos,ypos,xsize,ysize], if unused, will be -1 ; markernum(long): The number of markers in the panel. Each marker is in a different view, so a number of markerviews equal to markernum will be returned ; bottomsizes(double array): Array of verical text sizes to be allocated at the bottom of each panel ; topsizes(double array): Array of verical text sizes to be allocated at the top of each panel ;Outputs: ; view(object reference): The static panel IDLgrView ; annotation(object reference): The panel IDLgrView for dynamic display elements(ie annotations etc.. that are being updated) ; markers(array of object references): Array of IDLgrViews for each marker. Each marker ends up needing to be put in separate views, ; to guarantee proper layering. ; xplotpos(2 element double): The determined x-position of panel in draw-area normalized coordinates [xstart,xstop] ; yplotpos(2 element double): The determined y-position of panel in draw-area normalized coordinates [ystart,ystop] ; fail(boolean): Will be 1 if operation fails, 0 otherwise ; outmargins(5 element double) : Indicates the size of the various panel regions in draw-normalized coordinates, so that cursor clicks can be properly resolved. [left,right,top,bottom,var] ; errmsg(anonymous struct): Returns information about an error that has occured. This is not implemented uniformly, but used in particular ; cases where it is helpful to return error information up to the calling routine so, for example, popup messages can be issued to user. ; It is intended that developers make use of it to return other errors (or informational messages) when they find it necessary. ; Note: if no such error occurs errmsg is simply not set. ; errmsg being set does not guarantee fail=1 and likewise fail=1 is not an indication that errmsg is set. ; See also notes in spd_ui_draw_object__update ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-11 15:56:35 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jun 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15353 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__makeview.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::makeView,dims,margins,pos,pcoord,markernum,bottomsizes,topsizes,view=view,annotation=annotation,markers=markers,xplotpos=xplotpos,yplotpos=yplotpos,fail=fail,errmsg=errmsg,outmargins=outmargins compile_opt idl2,hidden fail = 1 dims = double(dims) margins = double(margins) pos = double(pos) pcoord = double(pcoord) ;get total vertical size of text annotations for this panel ; -these could probably be summed earlier, but keep them separate ; in case top vs. bottom becomes an important distinction totalTextSize = total(bottomsizes) + total(topsizes) bottomsize = bottomsizes[pos[0]+pos[2]-2] topsize = topsizes[pos[0]-1] ;get the space occupied by text below this panel if pos[0]+pos[2] - 2 eq 0 then begin ;pretty sure this is wrong, but also pretty sure it will never be used -aaf partialTextSize = totalTextSize - 0 endif else begin partialTextSize = totalTextSize - total(bottomsizes[0:pos[0]+pos[2]-3]) - total(topsizes[0:pos[0]-1]) endelse ;outmargins indicate the range in normalized device coordinates to ;be considered part of the region(this is used for identifying context sensitive clicks) outmargins = dblarr(5) ; [left,right,top,bottom,var] ;calculate the amount of space the whole panel will occupy(including margins) xused = margins[0] + margins[1] + (dims[1]-1) * margins[4] xsize = (1.-xused)/dims[1] yused = margins[3] + margins[2] + (dims[0]-1) * margins[5] + totalTextSize ysize = (1. - yused)/dims[0] if xsize lt 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: XMargins/Horizontal PanelSpacing too large. No room available for panels' self.historyWin->update,'Error: XMargins/Horizontal PanelSpacing too large. No room for panels' errmsg = {TYPE:'ERROR',VALUE:'X margins, spacing, or number of columns too large. No room for panels.'} return endif if ysize lt 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: YMargins/Vertical PanelSpacing too large. No room for panels' self.historyWin->update,'Error: YMargins/Vertical PanelSpacing too large. No room for panels' errmsg = {TYPE:'ERROR',VALUE:'Y margins, spacing, number of rows, or number of variables too large. No room for panels.'} return endif ;This calculates the position and length of the view within the window ;It also calculates the viewplane rectangle. This can be thought of as ;the coordinate system local to objects placed inside the view. ;It is set up so that the plot itself ranges from 0 to 1, any ;margins are outside of that range ;x size of the plot in normalized coordinates ;this accounts for colspan & any margins xplot_size = xsize*pos[3] + margins[4]*(pos[3]-1) ;calculate ;1. X size/location of view ;2. X size of viewplane_rect ;3. X Start & Stop of Plot in normalized window coordinates xpos = 0. xlen = 1. ;Since different margins apply depending on panel location, we need to have a special case for ;each panel, depending on whether it is on the edge or in the middle of the panel if pos[1] eq 1 && pos[1] + pos[3] - 1 eq dims[1] then begin ;leftmost & rightmost panel xstart = margins[0] outmargins[0] = margins[0]/2D outmargins[1] = margins[1]/2D endif else if pos[1] eq 1 then begin ;leftmost panel xstart = margins[0] outmargins[0] = margins[0]/2D outmargins[1] = margins[4]/2D endif else if pos[1] + pos[3] - 1 eq dims[1] then begin ;rightmost panel xstart = 1. - margins[1] - xplot_size outmargins[0] = margins[4]/2D outmargins[1] = margins[1]/2D endif else begin ;neither left nor right xstart = margins[0] + (xsize+margins[4])*(pos[1]-1.) outmargins[0] = margins[4]/2D outmargins[1] = margins[4]/2D endelse ;handle explicit positioning by user ;If the user requested a position override defaults if pcoord[0] ne -1 then begin xstart = pcoord[0] endif if pcoord[2] ne -1 then begin xplot_size = pcoord[2] if xplot_size eq 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'0 width panel cannot be created' self.historyWin->update,'0 width panel cannot be created' return endif endif xstop = xstart + xplot_size viewXpos = -(xstart / xplot_size) viewXlen = 1. / xplot_size ;dims = [rownum,colnum] ;margins = [left,right,top,bottom,xSpacing,ySpacing] in normalzied ;coords ;pos = [row,col,rowSpan,colSpan] ;this layout naturally orders from bottom to top ;the line below reverses the ordering of the rows. ;so that it orders from top to bottom pos[0] = dims[0] - pos[0] + 1 ;Y size of the plot in normalized coordinates ;this accounts for rowspan & any interior margins ;(interior margins from multiple row span) yplot_size = ysize*pos[2] + margins[5]*(pos[2]-1) ;because rows count in the opposite direction of coordinate system, ;the position needs to be shifted down when a panel spans multiple ;rows. This way adding span appears to increase panel size in the ;direction of increasing rows. pos[0] = pos[0] - (pos[2] - 1) ;calculate: ;1. Y size/location of view ;2. Y dimensions of viewplane_rect ;3. Y Start & Stop of the plot in normalized coordinates ypos = 0. ylen = 1. ;Since different margins apply depending on panel location, we need to have a special case for ;each panel, depending on whether it is on the edge or in the middle of the panel if pos[0] eq 1 && pos[0] + pos[2] - 1 eq dims[0] then begin ;case 1: 1 row layout ystart = margins[2] + bottomsize outmargins[2] = margins[2]/2D outmargins[3] = margins[3]/2D endif else if pos[0] eq 1 then begin ;case 2: bottom row in layout ystart = margins[3] + bottomsize outmargins[2] = margins[5]/2D outmargins[3] = margins[3]/2D endif else if pos[0] + pos[2] - 1 eq dims[0] then begin ;case 3: top row in layout ystart = 1. - (margins[2] + yplot_size + topsize) outmargins[2] = margins[2]/2D outmargins[3] = margins[5]/2D endif else begin ;case 4, somewhere in the middle of layout ystart = margins[3] + (ysize+margins[5])*(pos[0]-1) + partialTextSize outmargins[2] = margins[5]/2D outmargins[3] = margins[5]/2D endelse ;handle explicit positioning by user ;If the user requested a position override defaults if pcoord[1] ne -1 then begin ystart = pcoord[1] endif if pcoord[3] ne -1 then begin yplot_size = pcoord[3] if yplot_size eq 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'0 height panel cannot be created' self.historyWin->update,'0 height panel cannot be created' return endif endif ystop = ystart + yplot_size viewYpos = -(ystart / yplot_size) viewYlen = 1./ yplot_size outmargins[4] = bottomsize ;Now generate the views. ;The logic for IDL views is a little weird, but these settings guarantee that ;Things placed in the view can be positioned as if they are in a coordinate system ;relative to the panel, rather than relative to the whole layout. This significantly ;simplifes a ton of the positioning code. ;Even though the views(annotation,view,marker) are different, they have basically ;the same settings. Having different views allows different organization of ;the draw tree and sometimes affects layering. view = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrView') view->setProperty,units=3,viewplane_rect=[viewXpos,viewYpos,viewXlen,viewYlen], $ location=[xpos,ypos],dimensions=[xlen,ylen],zclip=[1.,-1.], $ eye=5.,transparent=1,/double annotation = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrView') annotation->setProperty,units=3,viewplane_rect=[viewXpos,viewYpos,viewXlen,viewYlen], $ location=[xpos,ypos],dimensions=[xlen,ylen],zclip=[1.,-1.], $ eye=5.,transparent=1,hide=0,/double ;now loop through and make the marker views if markernum gt 0 then begin markers = objarr(markernum) for i = 0,markernum - 1 do begin marker = obj_new('IDLgrView') marker->setProperty,units=3,viewplane_rect=[viewXpos,viewYpos,viewXlen,viewYlen], $ location=[xpos,ypos],dimensions=[xlen,ylen],zclip=[1.,-1.], $ eye=5.,transparent=1,hide=0,/double markers[i] = marker endfor endif xplotPos = [xstart,xstop] yplotPos = [ystart,ystop] fail = 0 end