;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: getZRange ; ; ;Calculates the zrange of a spectral plot based upon the set of spectral traces in the panel ;and the z-axis settings ; ;Inputs: ; dataPtrs(array of ptrs to arrays): Array of ptrs to the z-axis data for this panel. ; zaxisSettings: spd_ui_zaxis_settings object for this panel. ; ;Output: ; range(2 element double): The determined range ; scaling(long): The scaling mode: 0(linear),1(log10),2logn ; fail(boolean): 1 on fail, 0 on success ; fixed(boolean): 1 if fixed range is used, 0 if autorange is used ; ;Keywords: ; forceauto: ; Forces an auto calculation to identify the full range of the data ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getzrange.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::getZRange,dataptrs,zaxisSettings,range=range,scaling=scaling,fail=fail,fixed=fixed,forceauto=forceauto compile_opt idl2,hidden fail = 1 zAxissettings->getProperty,fixed=fixed,maxRange=maxRange,minRange=minRange,scaling=scaling if keyword_set(forceauto) then begin fixed = 0 endif ;For fixed range, just validate values and log the inputs if fixed then begin if maxRange lt 0 && scaling ne 0 then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: Negative fixed range with logarithmic Z axis, autoscaling instead.' self.historywin->update,'Error: Negative fixed range with logarithmic Z axis, autoscaling instead.' ;ok = error_message('Negative range with logarithmic axis',/traceback) fixed = 0 endif else if minRange lt 0 && scaling ne 0 then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: Negative fixed range with logarithmic Z axis, autoscaling instead.' self.historywin->update,'Error: Negative fixed range with logarithmic Z axis, autoscaling instead.' ; ok = error_message('Negative range with logarithmic axis',/traceback) fixed = 0 endif else if minRange gt maxRange then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: min fixed z-range greater than max fixed z-range, autoscaling instead.' self.historywin->update,'Error: min fixed z-range greater than max fixed z-range, autoscaling instead.' fixed = 0 endif endif if fixed then begin if scaling eq 1 then begin range = alog10([minRange,maxRange]) endif else if scaling eq 2 then begin range = alog([minRange,maxRange]) endif else begin range = [minRange,maxRange] endelse if scaling ne 0 && (minRange eq 0 || maxRange eq 0) then begin self.statusbar->update,'Warning: Adjusting Fixed 0 value on logarithmic Z-axis to data minimum.' self.historywin->update,'Warning: Adjusting Fixed 0 value on logarithmic Z-axis to data minimum.' self->getZrange,dataptrs,zAxisSettings,range=autorange,/forceauto if minRange eq 0 then begin range[0] = autorange[0] endif if maxRange eq 0 then begin range[1] = autorange[1] endif endif endif else begin minRange = !VALUES.D_NAN maxRange = !VALUES.D_NAN ;for autoscale, loop over data and identify the join of the min and max for each quantity for i = 0, n_elements(dataptrs)-1 do begin ;the calculation varies a little bit if log inputs are present. ;le 0 values need to be screened if ptr_valid(dataptrs[i]) then begin if scaling eq 1 || scaling eq 2 then begin idx = where(*dataptrs[i] gt 0,c1) idx = where(*dataptrs[i] eq 0,c2) ;This is fix deals with out of range log values if c1 eq 0 && c2 eq 0 then begin ;do nothing endif else if c1 eq 0 then begin if ~finite(minRange) && ~finite(maxRange) then begin minRange = -!VALUES.D_INFINITY maxRange = -!VALUES.D_INFINITY endif endif else if scaling eq 1 then begin minRange = min([min(alog10(*dataptrs[i]),/nan),minRange],/nan) maxRange = max([max(alog10(*dataptrs[i]),/nan),maxRange],/nan) endif else begin minRange = min([min(alog(*dataptrs[i]),/nan),minRange],/nan) maxRange = max([max(alog(*dataptrs[i]),/nan),maxRange],/nan) endelse endif else begin minRange = min([min(*dataptrs[i],/nan),minRange],/nan) maxRange = max([max(*dataptrs[i],/nan),maxRange],/nan) endelse endif endfor range=[minRange,maxRange] endelse range = double(range) fail = 0 return end