;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: GetRubberBandPos ; ;Returns an array of structs that indicate the panels overlapped by the rubber band ;Input: ; xonly: ; If set, constrain along the x-axis only. ; ;Output: ; structs have the form {idx:0,xrange:[0,1],yrange[0,1],vars:ptr_new()} ; idx is the panel index in the current display, this is an index into the list of panels displayed, not the ID field from the spd_ui_panel object ; xrange is the xrange of the panel in non-logarithmic(normal) space ; yrange is the yrange of the panel in non-logarithmic(normal) space ; vars is either a null pointer or an array of structs of the form: ; {range:[0,1]} which stores the range of each variable on the panel ; returns 0 on fail ; ;Notes: No inputs, uses the information in self.panelInfo, self.rubberStart, self.cursorLoc(considered rubber band stop position ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getrubberbandpos.pro $ ;- function spd_ui_draw_object::GetrubberBandPos,xonly=xonly compile_opt idl2 ;prototype output structs str = {idx:0,xrange:[0D,1D],yrange:[0D,1D],vars:ptr_new()} varstr = {range:[0D,1D]} if ~ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) then return,0 str_arr = replicate(str,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)) arr_num = 0 ;calculate the borders of the rubberband box ;because the box can be oriented in various ways ;the start & end pos may not be the expected corner left = self.cursorloc[0] < self.rubberstart[0] right = self.cursorloc[0] > self.rubberstart[0] bottom = self.cursorloc[1] < self.rubberstart[1] top = self.cursorloc[1] > self.rubberstart[1] ; store info about whether any panel is intersected by rubberband ; disregarding 'rubberband over x only' intersectspanel = 0 ;loop over panels for i = 0,n_elements(*self.panelInfo)-1 do begin xplotpos = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).xplotpos yplotpos = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).yplotpos if ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).locked then begin ; if 0 then begin xrange = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).lockedRange endif else begin xrange = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).xrange endelse yrange = ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).yrange ;determine if rubber band intersects with panel ; NB if xonly is set then only x positions are checked. This means you can create a rubberband in empty space below a plot provided ; the x settings are okay. To avoid this we also check whether the rubberband actually intersects panel. if (right ge xplotpos[0] && $ left le xplotpos[1] && $ (top ge yplotpos[0] || keyword_set(xonly)) && $ (bottom le yplotpos[1] || keyword_set(xonly))) then begin if keyword_set(xonly) then begin if (right ge xplotpos[0] && $ left le xplotpos[1] && $ top ge yplotpos[0] && $ bottom le yplotpos[1]) then intersectspanel = 1 endif else intersectspanel = 1 ;determine the dimensions of the overlapping box bx_right = right < xplotpos[1] bx_left = left > xplotpos[0] bx_top = top < yplotpos[1] bx_bottom = bottom > yplotpos[0] ;now calculate ranges bx_left_norm = (bx_left - xplotpos[0])/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]) bx_right_norm = (bx_right - xplotpos[0])/(xplotpos[1]-xplotpos[0]) bx_bottom_norm = (bx_bottom - yplotpos[0])/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]) bx_top_norm = (bx_top - yplotpos[0])/(yplotpos[1]-yplotpos[0]) rng_left = bx_left_norm*(xrange[1]-xrange[0])+xrange[0] rng_right = bx_right_norm*(xrange[1]-xrange[0])+xrange[0] rng_bottom = bx_bottom_norm*(yrange[1]-yrange[0])+yrange[0] rng_top = bx_top_norm*(yrange[1]-yrange[0])+yrange[0] outxrange = [rng_left,rng_right] outyrange = [rng_bottom,rng_top] ;now translate from logarithmic to normal space(if necessary) if ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).xscale eq 1 then $ outxrange = 10D ^ outxrange $ else if ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).xscale eq 2 then $ outxrange = exp(outxrange) if ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).yscale eq 1 then $ outyrange = 10D ^ outyrange $ else if ((*self.panelInfo)[i]).yscale eq 2 then $ outyrange = exp(outyrange) ;store the output info str_arr[arr_num].idx = i str_arr[arr_num].xrange = outxrange str_arr[arr_num].yrange = outyrange ;check variables for rubber band information if ptr_valid(((*self.panelInfo)[i]).varInfo) then begin varInfoArray = *((*self.panelInfo)[i]).varInfo varstr_arr = replicate(varstr,n_elements(varInfoArray)) for j = 0,n_elements(varInfoArray) - 1 do begin ;same computation as above varrange = varInfoArray[j].range ;determine values of edges, by scaling proportionately varlow = bx_left_norm*(varrange[1]-varrange[0])+varrange[0] varhigh = bx_right_norm*(varrange[1]-varrange[0])+varrange[0] outvarrange = [varlow,varhigh] ;delog output range if varInfoArray[j].scaling eq 1 then begin outvarRange = 10. ^ outvarrange endif else if varInfoArray[j].scaling eq 2 then begin outvarRange = exp(outvarrange) endif varstr_arr[j].range=outvarrange endfor str_arr[arr_num].vars = ptr_new(varstr_arr) endif arr_num++ endif endfor if (arr_num eq 0 || intersectspanel eq 0) then return,0 else return,str_arr[0:arr_num-1] end