;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: getRange ; ;Calculates the range of a sequence. Based upon axis settings and the set of traces in the panel. ;This calculation is symmetric across the x/y axes. ;Inputs: ; ; dataPtrs(array of ptrs to arrays): List of pointer to data quantities for which range is calculated ; axisSettings(object reference): The spd_ui_axis_settings object for this panel. ; mirror(array of ptrs to arrays, optional): List of pointers to mirror data quantities. ; Should have same number of elements as dataPtrs, and really only makes sense when used with the y-axis ; isspec: needed to catch a particular special case for spectrograms ; ;Outputs: ; ; range(2 element double): The determined range ; scaling(long): The scaling mode: 0(linear),1(log10),2logn ; istime(boolean): Returns the isTime flag from the axis being queried ; fail(boolean): 1 on fail, 0 on success ; errmsg: a struct describing an error that has occurred. Note that this only exists for some particular errors ; where it is necessary to pass the error information up to the calling routine. fail=1 does not guarantee the ; existance of errmsg and vice versa. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getrange.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::getRange,dataptrs,axisSettings,mirror=mirror,scaling=scaling,range=range,istime=isTimeAxis,fail=fail,center=center, errmsg=errmsg, isspec=isspec compile_opt idl2 fail = 1 axisSettings->getProperty,rangeOption=rangeOption, $ rangeMargin=rangeMargin,$ boundScaling=boundScaling, $ boundfloating=boundfloating,$ minFloatRange=minFloatRange,$ maxFloatRange=maxFloatRange,$ minBoundRange=minBoundRange, $ maxBoundRange=maxBoundRange, $ minFixedRange=minFixedRange, $ maxFixedRange=maxFixedRange, $ floatingSpan=floatingSpan, $ floatingCenter=floatingCenter,$ scaling=scaling,$ isTimeAxis=isTimeAxis,$ annotateStyle=annotateStyle,$ annotateExponent=annotateExponent ;error handling for fixed range done outside of main if block ;so that option can be modified and plot may be recovered if rangeOption eq 2 then begin if maxFixedRange le 0 && scaling ne 0 then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: Negative range with logarithmic X/Y axis, Using automatically scaled range instead.' self.historywin->update,'Error: Negative range with logarithmic X/Y axis, Using automatically scaled range instead.' ; ok = error_message('Negative range with logarithmic axis',/traceback) rangeOption = 0 endif else if minFixedRange le 0 && scaling ne 0 then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: Negative range with logarithmic X/Y axis, Using automatically scaled range instead' self.historywin->update,'Error: Negative range with logarithmic X/Y axis, Using automatically scaled range instead' ;ok = error_message('Negative range with logarithmic axis',/traceback) rangeOption = 0 endif else if minFixedRange gt maxFixedRange then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: Min Fixed Range greater than Max Fixed Range, Using automatically scaled range instead' self.historywin->update,'Error: Min Fixed Range greater than Max Fixed Range, Using automatically scaled range instead' ;ok = error_message('Negative range with logarithmic axis',/traceback) rangeOption = 0 endif endif ;*Note: The following calculation is used for the (now obsolete) floating center ; option, however it may be needed for the 'updatepanels' method as well. ;The calculation for the floating range is generated using the mean of the ;center for each individual data quantity. This is faster to calculate and ;prevents variations in sample rate between traces from creating an unreasonable result. ;(For example, if I'm looking at fgl & fgs, the value from fgl would dominate ; if I look at the combined mean/median of the data, rather than the mean of the medians ; because the sample rate is much higher on fgl, and thus it has many more points.) centers = dblarr(n_elements(dataptrs)) ;loop through data and find the center for each using the requested method ;Approximate and Exact centers are handled the same way in the current version. for i = 0,n_elements(dataptrs)-1 do begin if ~ptr_valid(dataPtrs[i]) then continue if keyword_set(mirror) && ptr_valid(mirror[i]) then begin centers[i] = 0 endif else if scaling eq 1 then begin if floatingCenter eq 0 || floatingCenter eq 2 then begin centers[i] = mean((*dataPTrs[i]),/nan) endif else if floatingCenter eq 1 || floatingCenter eq 3 then begin centers[i] = median((*dataPTrs[i])) endif else begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Unrecognized floating center option' ;ok = error_message('Unrecognized floating center option',/traceback) range = double([0,1]) return endelse endif else if scaling eq 2 then begin if floatingCenter eq 0 || floatingCenter eq 2 then begin centers[i] = mean((*dataPTrs[i]),/nan) endif else if floatingCenter eq 1 || floatingCenter eq 3 then begin centers[i] = median((*dataPTrs[i])) endif else begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Unrecognized floating center option' ;ok = error_message('Unrecognized floating center option',/traceback) range = double([0,1]) return endelse endif else begin if floatingCenter eq 0 || floatingCenter eq 2 then begin centers[i] = mean(*dataPTrs[i],/nan) endif else if floatingCenter eq 1 || floatingCenter eq 3 then begin centers[i] = median(*dataPTrs[i]) endif else begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Unrecognized floating center option' ;ok = error_message('Unrecognized floating center option',/traceback) range = double([0,1]) return endelse endelse endfor ;this gets passed out to draw object's "updatepanels" method center = mean(centers,/nan) ;get range based off option type and scaling if rangeOption eq 2 then begin range = [minFixedRange,maxFixedRange] if scaling eq 1 then begin range = double(alog10(range)) endif else if scaling eq 2 then begin range = double(alog(range)) endif else begin range = double(range) endelse endif else if rangeOption eq 1 then begin ; case scaling of ; 0: center = center ; 1: center = alog10(center) ; 2: center = alog(center) ; endcase case scaling of 0: range = [center-floatingSpan,center+floatingSpan] 1: range = [alog10(center)-floatingSpan,alog10(center)+floatingSpan] 2: range = [alog(center)-floatingSpan,alog(center)+floatingSpan] endcase ; range = [center-floatingSpan,center+floatingSpan] if keyword_set(boundfloating) then begin range[0] = max([range[0],minFloatRange],/nan) range[1] = min([range[1],maxFloatRange],/nan) endif range = double(range) endif else if rangeOption eq 0 then begin ;automatic scaling option minRange = !values.d_nan minLogRange = !values.d_nan maxRange = !values.d_nan ;loop over the data and find the joined min & max ; by joined I mean the min(mins_for_each_quantity), and max(maxes_for_each_quantity) for i = 0,n_elements(dataptrs) -1 do begin if ~ptr_valid(dataPtrs[i]) then continue minRangeTmp = min(*dataPtrs[i],/nan) maxRangeTmp = max(*dataPtrs[i],/nan) ;smallest value greater than zero needed to autorange log axes if scaling ne 0 then begin minLogRangeTmp = exp(min(alog(*dataPtrs[i]),/nan)) minLogRange = min([minLogRange,minLogRangeTmp],/nan) endif else if keyword_set(mirror) && ptr_valid(mirror[i]) then begin ;only bothers try to mirror linear data ;If a mirror is present, we reflect the range over 0, so that ;we can be certain the mirrored line will be in the plot ;only reflect linear axes rangeAbs = max([abs(maxRangeTmp),abs(minRangeTmp)],/nan) maxRangeTmp = rangeAbs minRangeTmp = -rangeAbs endif minRange = min([minRange,minRangeTmp],/nan) maxRange = max([maxRange,maxRangeTmp],/nan) endfor ;log spectra with zero range should be plotted linearly so that it is possible to display the data at all if keyword_set(isspec) && scaling ne 0 then begin if (maxRange-minRange) eq 0 then begin scaling = 0 endif endif ;convert ranges into log space. Incidentally, this will nan ranges that are invalid for log axes if scaling eq 1 then begin minRange=alog10(minLogRange) maxRange=alog10(maxRange) endif else if scaling eq 2 then begin minRange=alog(minLogRange) maxRange=alog(maxRange) endif ;add range margin to calculated range. ;It is interpreted as +- some % of the current span. ;So if rangemargin is .05, The final span will be the same ;whether the range goes from [-10,10] or [100,120], but not [-20,20] margin = rangeMargin*(maxRange-minRange) if margin eq 0 && rangeMargin ne 0 then begin if maxRange eq 0 then begin margin = 1 endif else begin margin = rangeMargin * maxRange endelse endif maxRange+= abs(margin) minRange-= abs(margin) ;Boundscaling is last. If the range is larger or smaller than the bounds, ;replace the appropriate value with the bounded value. ;It is probably equally correct to calculate the range margin after the boundscaling, ;but this would produce a different result. if keyword_set(boundScaling) then begin if scaling eq 0 then begin minRange = max([minRange,minBoundRange],/nan) maxRange = min([maxRange,maxBoundRange],/nan) endif else if scaling eq 1 then begin minRange = max([minRange,alog10(minBoundRange)],/nan) maxRange = min([maxRange,alog10(maxBoundRange)],/nan) endif else if scaling eq 2 then begin minRange = max([minRange,alog(minBoundRange)],/nan) maxRange = min([maxRange,alog(maxBoundRange)],/nan) endif if minRange gt maxRange then begin self.statusBar->update,'No data found within range when using bound autoscaling range option.' errmsg = {TYPE:'ERROR', VALUE:'Bound autoscaling range option set. No data found within range.'} range = double([minRange,maxRange]) return endif endif range = double([minRange,maxRange]) endif else begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Illegal range option on axis' ;error_message,'Illegal range option on axis',/traceback range = double([0,1]) endelse ;Final value validation ;Note that we may want to improve this error reporting in the future. It could, for example, tell the user whether it failed because there is no data, the range is invalid, or a log axis is used on data that is less than or equal to zero if ~finite(range[0]) || ~finite(range[1]) then begin self.statusbar->update,'There is no real and finite data in the current range.' errmsg = {TYPE:'ERROR', VALUE:'There is no real and finite data in the current range.'} return endif if range[1]-range[0] lt 0 then begin self.statusbar->update,'Error: range interval is less than 0' self.historyWin->update,'Error: range interval is less than 0' errmsg = {TYPE:'ERROR', VALUE:'Range interval is less than 0.'} return endif ;Used to convert to strings for error messages. data_struct = {scaling:scaling,timeAxis:isTimeAxis,formatid:annotateStyle,exponent:annotateExponent} if range[1] eq range[0] then begin self.statusbar->update,'Warning: range interval is 0: ' +'Range: [' + formatannotation(0,0,range[0],data=data_struct) + ',' + formatannotation(0,0,range[1],data=data_struct) + '] self.historyWin->update,'Warning: range interval is 0: ' +'Range: [' + formatannotation(0,0,range[0],data=data_struct) + ',' + formatannotation(0,0,range[1],data=data_struct) + '] endif else begin self.historyWin->update,'Range: [' + formatannotation(0,0,range[0],data=data_struct) + ',' + formatannotation(0,0,range[1],data=data_struct) + '] will be used to plot.' endelse fail = 0 end