;+ ; ; spd_ui_draw_object method: getLinePlot ; ;This function generates the line plot for an update ;There is actually a lot of room to increase draw speed ;by optimizing this function. In specific we need to find ;a way to downsample a line plot, but the technique must work ;on series that are not functional(ex: circle), must not sort ;the inputs, must be imperceptible, must be fast, and must not ;expect the inputs to be spaced uniformly. Some possibilities: ;1: uniform decimation ;2: pseudo-random decimation ;3: using pythagorean distance to rewrite non-functional series as functional series ; then interpolate ;4: DFT with frequency cutoff, iDFT, uniform sample? ; ;Another problem involves determining the correct number of points to ;which the target should be decimated. There is a tradeoff where at one ;end you start to introduce aliasing errors and at the other end you get ;a speed slowdown. ; ;Currently the system uses the some constant factor times the number of pixels ;across the plot as the target decimation and it only decimates inputs that have ;time as the x-axis(which can be assumed to be functional). These can be reliably ;decimated using normal interpolation. ; ;Inputs: ; trace(object reference): the spd_ui_line_settings of the trace being generated ; xrange(2 element double): The xrange of the panel being draw on ; yrange(2 element double): The yrange of the panel being draw on ; plotdim1(2 element double): The normalized position of the panel(start,stop), relative to window for x-axis ; plotdim2(2 element double): The normalized position of the panel(start,stop), relative to window for y-axis ; xscaling(long) : the scaling mode for x-axis 0(linear),1(log10),2(logN) ; yscaling(long) : the scaling mode for y-axis 0(linear),1(log10),2(logN) ; xAxisMajors(double array, variable length): The positions of the x-axis ticks, normalized relative to panel(need for drawing symbols) ; dx(ptr to array) : the x axis data being plotted ; dy(ptr to array) : the y axis data being plotted ; xistime(boolean): 1 if the x-axis is a time type, 0 other wise ; mirrorptr(ptr to array,optional) the ptr to the mirror data(will deallocate mirrorptr data) ;Outputs: ; linecolor(3 element bytarr): The color of the line that was drawn ; refVar(ptr to array): the ptr to reference for use in legend ; abcissa_out(ptr to array): ptr to abcissa values associated with reference, this feature is not currently in use, as refVar is gridded to pixel resolution, and pixel indexes are used ; ;Returns: ; model with completed line plot ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getlineplot.pro $ ;- function spd_ui_draw_object::getLinePlot,trace,xrange,yrange,plotdim1,plotdim2,xscaling,yscaling,xAxisMajors,dx,dy,xistime,mirrorptr=mirrorptr,linecolor=linecolor,refvar=refvar,abcissa=abcissa_out compile_opt idl2,hidden zstack = .2 model = obj_new('IDLgrModel') trace->getProperty,$ dataX=dataX,$ dataY=dataY,$ lineStyle=lineStyle,$ drawBetweenPts=drawBetweenPts,$ mirrorLine=mirrorLine,$ symbol=symbol,$ plotpoints=plotpoints,$ everyother=everyother,$ positiveEndPt=positiveEndPt,$ ;error bars not yet implemented negativeEndPt=negativeEndPt,$ positiveEndRel=positiveEndRel,$ negativeEndRel=negativeEndRel,$ barLine=barLine,$ markSymbol=markSymbol lineStyle->getProperty,$ id=id,$ show=show,$ color=color,$ thickness=thick linecolor=color ;Make sure output from previous iteration does not iterfere if size(refVar,/type) then begin undefine,refvar endif if size(abcissa_out,/type) then begin undefine,abcissa_out endif ;number of pixels across the panel * res_factor = number of points in lookup linedim = self->getPlotSize(plotdim1,plotdim2,self.lineres) xpx = linedim[0] ;0 width range and plot can't be generated if xrange[1] - xrange[0] eq 0 then return,model if yrange[1] - yrange[0] eq 0 then return,model ;extract data, and eliminate previous copy x = temporary(*dx) y = temporary(*dy) if mirrorline then mirror = temporary(*mirrorptr) ;need at least two points to do separation check. if keyword_set(drawBetweenPts) && n_elements(x) gt 1 then begin ;determine the minimum amount of space that is allowed between points before we draw a gap. separation = trace->getPtSpacing() idx = where(abs((x[1:n_elements(x)-1]-x[0:n_elements(x)-2])) gt separation) ;These values should probably be inserted rather than replaced. if idx[0] ne -1 then begin y[idx] = !VALUES.D_NAN if keyword_set(mirrorline) then begin mirror[idx] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif endif endif ;normalize x values relative to panel x = (x - xrange[0])/(xrange[1]-xrange[0]) ;This generates the line reference self->makeLineReference,x,y,xpx,ref=refvar ;normalize the y values relative to the panel y = (y - yrange[0])/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]) ;perform decimation on postscript plot if self.postscript && self.fancompressionfactor gt 0 then begin yratio = linedim[1]/linedim[0] ;compress for postscript, object graphic postscript exporter doesn't compress ;For details on compression algorithm, see header for fancompress.pro outidx = fancompress([[x],[y/yratio]],self.fancompressionfactor,/vector) x = x[outidx] y = y[outidx] endif if keyword_set(mirrorLine) then begin ;normalize mirror values mirrorvar = (temporary(mirror) - yrange[0])/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]) ;generate mirror plot plot = obj_new('IDLgrPlot',x,mirrorvar,color=self->convertColor(color),linestyle=id,hide=~show,thick=thick,xrange=[0D,1D],yrange=[0D,1D],zvalue=zstack,/use_zvalue,/double) model->add,plot endif ;generate main line plot plot = obj_new('IDLgrPlot',x,y,color=self->convertColor(color),linestyle=id,hide=~show,thick=thick,xrange=[0D,1D],yrange=[0D,1D],zvalue=zstack,/use_zvalue,/double) model->add,plot n = n_elements(x) ;determine symbol positions depending on the option selected if plotpoints eq 1 then begin x_sym = [x[0],x[n-1]] y_sym = [y[0],y[n-1]] endif else if plotpoints eq 2 then begin x_sym = [x[0]] y_sym = [y[0]] endif else if plotpoints eq 3 then begin x_sym = [x[n-1]] y_sym = [y[n-1]] endif else if plotpoints eq 4 then begin ;majors is a little trickier, we have to loop over majors if n_elements(xAxisMajors) gt 1 then begin for i = 1,n_elements(xAxisMajors)-1 do begin t = min(abs(x-xAxisMajors[i]),idx) if t lt .01D then begin ;only add symbol if it is close to an actual value if n_elements(idx_l) eq 0 then begin idx_l = [idx] endif else begin idx_l = [idx_l,idx] endelse endif endfor endif if n_elements(idx_l) gt 0 then begin x_sym = x[idx_l] y_sym = y[idx_l] endif endif else if plotpoints eq 5 then begin if everyother gt 0 && everyother lt n then begin ;note that the (n mod everyother) statement is in place to prevent a 0 length lindgen ;It may no longer be necessary now that the draw object inputs are better error checked x_sym = x[lindgen(((n mod everyOther)ne 0)+n/everyOther)*everyOther] y_sym = y[lindgen(((n mod everyOther)ne 0)+n/everyOther)*everyOther] ; x_sym = x[lindgen(n/everyOther)*everyOther] ; y_sym = y[lindgen(n/everyOther)*everyOther] endif endif else begin x_sym = temporary(x) y_sym = temporary(y) endelse ;symbol plots ;note that symbol fill is not yet implmented ;now generate symbol plot from symbol settings symbol->getProperty,id=id,show=show,color=color,fill=fill,size=size if show && size(x_sym,/type) && size(y_sym,/type) then begin ;the size appears to be double the size in points that it should be. ;This modification scales the symbol size down xsize = .5*self->pt2norm(size,0)/(plotdim1[1]-plotdim1[0]) ysize = .5*self->pt2norm(size,1)/(plotdim2[1]-plotdim2[0]) ;get filled symbol if applicable if keyword_set(fill) then begin ssl_set_symbol, id, /fill, object=grSymbol, color=self->convertColor(color), $ obj_size=[xsize,ysize], fail=fail endif ;get normal symbol otherwise if ~keyword_set(grSymbol) then begin grSymbol = obj_new('IDLgrSymbol',id,color=self->convertColor(color),size=[xsize,ysize]) endif plot = obj_new('IDLgrPlot',x_sym,y_sym,color=self->convertColor(color),linestyle=6, $ xrange=[0D,1D],yrange=[0D,1D], zvalue=zstack+.01,symbol=grsymbol,/use_zvalue,/double) model->add,plot endif ;returning the final model return,model end