;+ ; spd_ui_draw_object method: getLineFill ; ; This method generates a shaded area between 2 lines and returns an IDLgrModel ; containing the associated ILDgrPolygon objects. It is called during a panel ; update if the panel has valid spd_ui_linefill_settings objects in its ; lineFillSettings container. ; ; At this time it only returns a non-empty IDLgrModel if the requested lines ; match in number of data points and location of data gaps. This is only tested ; to function properly when both data are functional (as in a time series) and ; do not cross (for example: data+error and data-error for a measurment.) Once this is ; extended to generalize between any traces within a panel it could be elevated ; to the panel options widget. ; ;Inputs: ; traces(2-element array of object reference): The spd_ui_line_settings of the 2 traces bounding the area ; xrange(2-element double array): The xrange of the panel being draw on ; yrange(2-element double array): The yrange of the panel being draw on ; dataX(2-element array of ptrs): The x axis data of the boundary lines for area being shaded ; dataY(ptr to array): The y axis data of the boundary lines for area being shaded ; color(3 element bytarr): The shading color ; alpha(float): Opacity of shaded area. Between 0(fully transparent) and 1(opaque) ; ;Returns: ; IDLgrModel containing IDLgrPolygon(s). May have multiple polygon objects in the case of data ; with gaps. ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-11-20 12:50:10 -0800 (Mon, 20 Nov 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24322 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getlinefill.pro $ ;- function spd_ui_draw_object::getLineFill,traces,xrange,yrange,dataX,dataY,color=color,alpha=alpha compile_opt idl2,hidden if ~keyword_set(color) then color = [100,100,100] if ~keyword_set(alpha) then alpha = .6 num = n_elements(*dataX[0]) num1 = n_elements(*dataX[1]) model = obj_new('IDLgrModel') if (num ne num1) then return,model ;TODO- consider resampling to handle this case ;need at least two points to draw the polygon if num gt 1 then begin traces[0]->getProperty,drawBetweenPts=drawBetweenPts0 traces[1]->getProperty,drawBetweenPts=drawBetweenPts1 sepcount = 0 idx = [num-1] ;will respect gaps if either trace has the setting. Both traces must have same gaps. if keyword_set(drawBetweenPts0)||keyword_set(drawBetweenPts1) then begin ;determine the minimum amount of space that is allowed between points before we draw a gap. separation0 = traces[0]->getPtSpacing() separation1 = traces[1]->getPtSpacing() separation = max([separation0,separation1]) idx0 = where(abs((*dataX[0])[1:num-1]-(*dataX[0])[0:num-2]) gt separation, sepcount) idx1 = where(abs((*dataX[1])[1:num-1]-(*dataX[1])[0:num-2]) gt separation, sepcount1) if (sepcount ne sepcount1) || ((sepcount ne 0)&&(total(idx0 eq idx1) ne sepcount)) then return,model ;gaps are not the same idx = (sepcount ne 0) ? idx0 : [num-1] endif xconv = [-xrange[0]/(xrange[1]-xrange[0]), 1/(xrange[1]-xrange[0])] yconv = [-yrange[0]/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]),1/(yrange[1]-yrange[0])] tessObj = replicate(obj_new('IDLgrTessellator'),sepcount+1) polyObj = replicate(obj_new(''),sepcount+1) for j=0,sepcount do begin i0 = (j eq 0) ? 0 : idx[j-1]+1 i1 = (j eq sepcount) ? num-1 : idx[j] ;check that each segment has at least 2 data points if i1-i0 gt 0 then begin tessObj[j]->AddPolygon,[(*dataX[0])[i0:i1],reverse((*dataX[1])[i0:i1])],[(*dataY[0])[i0:i1],reverse((*dataY[1])[i0:i1])] result = tessObj[j]->Tessellate(v,c) polyObj[j] = obj_new('IDLgrPolygon',v, polygons=c, xcoord_conv=xconv, ycoord_conv=yconv, color=color, alpha_channel=alpha) model->add,polyObj[j] endif endfor endif return,model end