;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: GetClick ; ; ;returns a struct that identifies that panel and the part of the panel under the cursor ;Uses self.cursorLoc to determine current cursor location. ;Output: ; Struct of the form: {panelidx:0L,component:0,marker:-1} ;PanelIdx(long): An index into the list of panels on the currently drawn display, not the panel ID field ;Components(short): 0=plot,1=xaxis,2=yaxis,3=zaxis,4=variables,5=legend ;Marker: the index of any marker under the cursor, is -1 if none, index is an index into the list of markers currently stored in the IDL_Container on the copy ;Returns 0L if click is nothing(ie page) ; ;NOTES: ; Resolution of position is only approximate at this point. ; In particular, this could be better and distinguishing z-axis from x/yaxis and variable from x axis ; ; Things that need to be done to improve approximation, account for text height, take layout issues ; into account. Resolve variable/z-axis on the same size. ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-07-31 09:46:47 -0700 (Thu, 31 Jul 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15631 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getclick.pro $ ;- function spd_ui_draw_object::getClick compile_opt idl2,hidden if ~ptr_valid(self.panelInfo) then return,0 panels = *self.panelInfo loc = self.cursorloc markeridx = -1L panelidx = -1L ;loop through panels for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin xpos = panels[i].xplotpos ypos = panels[i].yplotpos margins = panels[i].margins place = panels[i].zplacement xdiv = xpos[1]-xpos[0] ydiv = ypos[1]-ypos[0] ; check if the user clicked inside a legend legendObj = *panels[i].legendInfo if obj_valid(legendObj) then begin legendObj->getProperty, bvalue=legendbottom, $ lvalue=legendleft, wvalue=legendwidth, hvalue=legendheight, $ bunit=bunit, lunit=lunit, wunit=wunit, hunit=hunit ; make sure the legend location is in pts legendbottom = legendObj->ConvertUnit(legendbottom,bunit,0) legendleft = legendObj->ConvertUnit(legendleft,lunit,0) legendwidth = legendObj->ConvertUnit(legendwidth,wunit,0) legendheight = legendObj->ConvertUnit(legendheight, hunit,0) endif ; normalize legend location so that we can rescale to the draw area normleft = self->pt2norm(legendleft,0) normwidth = self->pt2norm(legendwidth,0) normbottom = self->pt2norm(legendbottom,1) normheight = self->pt2norm(legendheight,1) ; get dimensions of the draw area, in points self.destination->getProperty,dimensions=dim ; get panel width and height, in points panelsize = self->getpanelsize(xpos,ypos) panelwidth = panelsize[2] panelheight = panelsize[3] ; legend location in drea area coordinates, in points self.destination->getProperty, current_zoom=cz da_left = xpos[0]*dim[0]*cz+normleft*dim[0]*cz da_right = da_left + normwidth*dim[0]*cz da_bottom = cz*normbottom*dim[1]+cz*ypos[0]*dim[1] da_top = da_bottom + cz*normheight*dim[1] ; click location in draw area coordinates, in points xloc_pts = loc[0]*dim[0]*cz yloc_pts = loc[1]*dim[1]*cz ; check whether the click was in the legend if xloc_pts ge da_left && $ xloc_pts le da_right && $ yloc_pts ge da_bottom && $ yloc_pts le da_top then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:5,marker:panels[i].markeridx} endif ;;; end of the legend specific code ;Check bounds. (Cursor over plot) if loc[0] ge xpos[0] && $ ;panel loc[0] le xpos[1] && $ loc[1] ge ypos[0] && $ loc[1] le ypos[1] then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:0,marker:panels[i].markeridx} ;This block handles a click on the left side of the panel endif else if loc[0] ge xpos[0] - margins[0] && $ ;left side loc[0] le xpos[0] && $ loc[1] ge ypos[0] && $ loc[1] le ypos[1] then begin ;If z-axis is placed on a particular side, you cannot get the other axis by a click on that side if place eq 2 then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:3,marker:-1} ;zaxis endif else begin return,{panelidx:i,component:2,marker:-1} ;yaxis endelse ;This block handles a click on the right side of the panel endif else if loc[0] ge xpos[1] && $ ;right side loc[0] le xpos[1] + margins[1] && $ loc[1] ge ypos[0] && $ loc[1] le ypos[1] then begin ;If z-axis is placed on a particular side, you cannot get the other axis by a click on that side if place eq 3 then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:3,marker:-1} ;zaxis endif else begin return,{panelidx:i,component:2,marker:-1} ; yaxis endelse ;This block handles a click on the top side of the panel endif else if loc[0] ge xpos[0] && $ ;top side loc[0] le xpos[1] && $ loc[1] ge ypos[1] && $ loc[1] le ypos[1] + margins[2] then begin ;If z-axis is placed on a particular side, you cannot get the other axis by a click on that side if place eq 0 then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:3,marker:-1} ;zaxis endif else begin return,{panelidx:i,component:1,marker:-1} ;xaxis endelse ;This block handles a click on the bottom side of the panel endif else if loc[0] ge xpos[0] && $ ;bottom side loc[0] le xpos[1] && $ loc[1] ge ypos[0] - margins[3] && $ loc[1] le ypos[0] then begin ;If z-axis is placed on a particular side, you cannot get the other axis by a click on that side if place eq 1 then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:3,marker:-1} ;zaxis endif else begin return,{panelidx:i,component:1,marker:-1} ;xaxis endelse ;This block handles variable selection. Basically, if your selection is outside of margins, it is assumed to be variable endif else if loc[0] ge xpos[0] && $ loc[0] le xpos[1] && $ loc[1] ge ypos[0] - margins[3] - margins[4] && $ loc[1] le ypos[0] - margins[3] then begin return,{panelidx:i,component:4,marker:-1} ; vars endif endfor return,0 end