;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: addAxisLabels ; ;This routine performs some of the tricky logic ;necessary to figure out how to place the axis labels ; ;model: the output model ;labels: IDL_Container storing labels ;margin: margin between axis & labels ;placeLabel: whether to place label on top/bottom left/right (changed from placeAnnotation to allow axis numbering on different side to labels) ;dir: x/y axis flag (x=0,y=1) ;orientation: horizontal/vertical text flag (h=0,v=1) ;stackLabels: stacklabels or rowlabels flag ;lazyLabels: convert underscores to carriage returns and override stacking ;pt1: multiplicand to change pt into view normalized coords(perp axis) ;pt2: multiplicand to change pt into view normalized coords(par axis) ;labelpos: returns the position of the most distant label from the axis ;blacklabels: indicates that default settings should be over-ridden to make all labels black ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-02 14:46:56 -0700 (Mon, 02 Jun 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15286 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__addaxislabels.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::addAxisLabels,model,labels,margin,placeLabel,dir,orientation,stacklabels,showlabels,pt1,pt2,lazylabels,blacklabels,labelPos=labelPos compile_opt idl2,hidden ;not completely sure about what z-values ;each component will need, so I set it at ;the top zstack = .1 labelpos = 0 ;validate input if ~showlabels || ~obj_valid(labels) || ~obj_isa(labels,'IDL_Container') then return objs = labels->get(/all) if ~obj_valid(objs[0]) then return ;This switch simplifies the code significantly by ;making the x/y axis code symmetrical. ;Think of orient as indicating whether the text is ;oriented parallel (0) or perpedicular (1) to the axis if dir eq 1 then begin orient = ~orientation endif else begin orient = orientation endelse ;the baseline & updir options are used by ;IDL to determine text orientation in 3-d space ;(although we are only looking at a planar subset if orientation eq 0 then begin baseline = [1,0,0] updir = [0,1,0] endif else begin baseline = [0,1,0] updir = [-1,0,0] endelse ;logic to control label alignment ;ie top/bottom/left/right justify ; orientation = 0 --> vertical ; orientation = 1 --> horizontal if orient eq 0 then begin if stacklabels eq 0 then begin halign = .5 valign = dir eq 1 ? placeLabel:~placeLabel endif else begin halign = 0.5 valign = ~placeLabel endelse endif else begin if stacklabels eq 0 then begin valign = .5 halign = ~placelabel endif else begin valign = 1.0 halign = ~placelabel endelse endelse len = 0D n = n_elements(objs) ;get the length of the labels as a block so that the ;labels can be positioned properly ;we loop over labels and sum their sizes or lengths. Which depends on stacking & orientation. for i = 0,n-1 do begin objs[i]->getProperty,value=value,size=size,show=show if ~show then continue ;account for underscores being converted to carriage returns if keyword_set(lazylabels) and stregex(value,'[_]', /bool) then begin value = strsplit(value,'_',/extract) endif size += 1 ;get length depending on orientation if orient eq 0 then begin ;parallel to axis if stacklabels eq 0 then begin len += max(strlen(value))*pt2*size endif else begin len += pt1*size*n_elements(value) endelse endif else begin ;perpendicular if stacklabels eq 0 then begin len += max(strlen(value))*pt1*size endif else begin len += max(strlen(value))*pt2*size endelse endelse ;need to correct to account for varying orientations/pt1/pt2 endfor pos = 0D ;Now loop over label objects and actually generate the output IDLgrText ;for each label in the block for i = 0, n-1 do begin tFont = objs[i]->getGrFont() objs[i]->getProperty,color=color,value=value,show=show,size=size if size le 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Label "' + value + '" had illegal size. Skipping...' self.historyWin->update,'Label "' + value + '" had illegal size. Skipping...' continue endif if ~show then continue ;account for underscores being converted to carriage returns if keyword_set(lazylabels) and stregex(value,'[_]', /bool) then begin value = strsplit(value,'_',/extract) endif tFont->setProperty,size=size*self->getZoom() size +=1 ;this code calculates position for labels of different locations/orientations ;It allows for the fonts of labels to be different if stackLabels eq 0 then begin if orient eq 0 then begin loc1 = (size*max(strlen(value)))/(len/pt2*2D) + pos loc2 = -(margin*pt1+size*pt1/2D) pos += double(size*max(strlen(value)))/double(len/pt2) endif else begin loc1 = .5D loc2 = -(margin*pt1+pos) pos += size*max(strlen(value))*pt1 endelse endif else begin if orient eq 0 then begin loc1 = .5D loc2 = -(margin*pt1+pos);-(margin*pt1+pos+size*pt1/2D) pos += pt1*(size)*n_elements(value) endif else begin loc1 = (size*max(strlen(value)))/(len/pt1*2D) + pos loc2 = -(margin*pt1+size*pt1/2D) pos += double(size*max(strlen(value)))/double(len/pt2) endelse if dir eq 1 then begin if orient eq 1 then begin loc1 = 1. - loc1 endif else begin loc2 = -loc2 - len - 2*(pt1*margin) endelse endif endelse if placelabel eq 1 then begin loc2 = 1 - loc2 endif if dir eq 1 then begin loc = [loc2,loc1,zstack] labelPos = loc1 endif else begin loc = [loc1,loc2,zstack] labelPos = loc2 endelse if keyword_set(blacklabels) then begin color = [0,0,0] endif grText = obj_new('IDLgrText', $ ;add carriage returns if necessary keyword_set(lazylabels) ? strjoin(value,'!c'):value, $ font=tFont,$ color=self->convertColor(color),$ hide=~show,$ location=loc,$ alignment=hAlign,$ vertical_alignment=valign,$ baseline=baseline,$ recompute_dimensions=0,$ enable_formatting=1, $ updir=updir) model->add,grText end end