;+ ;NAME: ; thm_autoload_support ;PURPOSE: ; given a THEMIS tplot variable name, check to see if spin period and ; phase exist, for coordinate transformations, If they do not, load ; the state data for the appropriate time period ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_autoload_support, vname=vname, spinmodel=spinmodel, spinaxis=spinaxis, slp=slp, probe_in=probe, ; trange=[tmin, tmax], history_out=hist_string ;INPUT: ;OUTPUT: ;KEYWORDS: ; vname = tplot variable name ; probe_in: Specifies the probe name to load support data for (required ; for /spinmodel and /spinaxis) ; spinmodel: if set to 1, ensure spinmodel data is loaded and covers the ; requested time interval ; spinaxis: if set to 1, ensure state (spinras, spindec) data is loaded and ; covers the requested time interval ; slp: if set, ensure sun & moon data are loaded and cover the requested ; time interval ; trange: Specify a time range for which support data should be loaded ; (required if vname is not supplied) ; history_out = a history string, if data needs loading ;HISTORY: ; 2013-12-19: Adapted from thm_ui_check4spin by jwl ; ; NOTES: ; ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2021-06-29 16:13:26 -0700 (Tue, 29 Jun 2021) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30093 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/state/thm_autoload_support.pro $ ; ;- Pro thm_autoload_support, vname=vname, spinmodel=spinmodel, spinaxis=spinaxis, slp=slp, history_out=history_out, probe_in=probe_in, trange=trange, progobj=progobj ; Check to see if input variable name is specified if (~keyword_set(vname)) then begin if (~keyword_set(trange)) then begin message, 'The trange keyword must be used if no input variable name is supplied.' endif if ((keyword_set(spinmodel) || keyword_set(spinaxis)) && ~keyword_set(probe_in)) then begin message, 'The probe_in keyword must be used if requesting spinmodel or spinaxis data, and no input variable name is supplied.' endif endif If(keyword_set(spinmodel) || keyword_set(spinaxis)) then begin ; Set probe letter (from input tplot variable, if necessary) If(keyword_set(probe_in)) Then probe = probe_in $ Else probe = strmid(vname, 2, 1) endif ; Set trange (from input tplot variable, if necessary) If(~keyword_set(trange)) then begin get_data,vname,trange=trange if n_elements(trange) NE 2 then begin message,'Tplot variable name ' + vname + ' not found.' endif endif ; Maximum allowable extrapolation time (seconds) outside range of support data slop=120.0D ; If state support data is needed, set loadstate to 1 ; If slp (lunar) support data is needed, set loadslp to 1. loadstate = 0b loadslp = 0b ; Does loaded spin model data cover the time range? if (keyword_set(spinmodel)) then begin smp=spinmodel_get_ptr(probe,/quiet) if (~obj_valid(smp)) then loadstate=1b else begin smp->get_info,start_time=st, end_time=et st = st-slop et = et+slop if ((trange[0] LT st) OR (trange[1] GT et)) then begin loadstate=1b endif endelse endif ; Done with spinmodel ; Does loaded spin axis data cover the time range? ; There are uncorrected and corrected versions of spinras and spindec. ; If uncorrected data is present and covers the time range of interest, ; but corrected data is altogether missing, skip reloading because the ; corrected data is most likely unavailable. if (keyword_set(spinaxis)) then begin all_names = tnames() var1 = 'th'+probe+'_state_spinras' var2 = 'th'+probe+'_state_spindec' var3 = 'th'+probe+'_state_spinras_corrected' var4 = 'th'+probe+'_state_spindec_corrected' get_data,var1,trange=tr1 get_data,var2,trange=tr2 get_data,var3,trange=tr3 get_data,var4,trange=tr4 if ( (n_elements(tr1) NE 2) OR (n_elements(tr2) NE 2)) then begin ; Case 1: Uncorrected spinras or spindec are missing, need to load. loadstate=1b endif else begin ; Case 2: Uncorrected spinras & dec present, check time range of each tr1 += [-slop,slop] tr2 += [-slop,slop] if ((trange[0] LT tr1[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr1[1])) then begin loadstate=1b ; Load if uncorrected spinras outdated endif if ((trange[0] LT tr2[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr2[1])) then begin loadstate=1b ; Load if uncorrected spindec outdated endif endelse ; Uncorrected variables now accounted for. Check time ranges of ; corrected variables. Reload if corrected var exists but ; doesn't cover time range of interest. ; If corrected spinras is present... if (n_elements(tr3) EQ 2) then begin tr3 += [-slop,slop] if ((trange[0] LT tr3[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr3[1])) then begin loadstate=1b ; Load if corrected spinras outdated endif endif ; If corrected spindec is present... if (n_elements(tr4) EQ 2) then begin tr4 += [-slop,slop] if ((trange[0] LT tr4[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr4[1])) then begin loadstate=1b ; Load if corrected spindec outdated endif endif endif ; done with spinaxis ; Does loaded SLP data cover the requested time range? if (keyword_set(slp)) then begin all_names = tnames() var1 = 'slp_lun_att_x' var2 = 'slp_lun_att_z' var3 = 'slp_lun_pos' var4 = 'slp_sun_pos' get_data,var1,trange=tr1 get_data,var2,trange=tr2 get_data,var3,trange=tr3 get_data,var4,trange=tr4 if ( (n_elements(tr1) NE 2) OR (n_elements(tr2) NE 2) OR $ (n_elements(tr3) NE 2) OR (n_elements(tr4) NE 2)) then begin loadslp=1b endif else begin tr1 += [-slop,slop] tr2 += [-slop,slop] tr3 += [-slop,slop] tr4 += [-slop,slop] if ((trange[0] LT tr1[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr1[1])) then begin loadslp=1b endif if ((trange[0] LT tr2[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr2[1])) then begin loadslp=1b endif if ((trange[0] LT tr3[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr3[1])) then begin loadslp=1b endif if ((trange[0] LT tr4[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr4[1])) then begin loadslp=1b endif endelse endif ; done with SLP If(loadstate) Then Begin If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, $ text = 'Loading State data for Calibration, Probe: '+probe thm_load_state, probe = probe, /get_support_data, trange = trange tj = time_string(trange) ;for history history_out = 'thm_load_state, probe = '+''''+probe+''''+$ ', trange = ['+''''+tj[0]+''''+', '+''''+tj[1]+''''+$ '], /get_support_data' If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 100.0, $ text = 'Finished Loading State data for Calibration, Probe: '+probe Endif Else history_out = '' If(loadslp) Then Begin If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, $ text = 'Loading SLP data for Cotrans' thm_load_slp, trange = trange tj = time_string(trange) ;for history history_out = 'thm_load_slp, trange = ['+''''+tj[0]+''''+', '+''''+tj[1]+''''+ ']' If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 100.0, $ text = 'Finished Loading SLP data for Cotrans' Endif Else history_out = '' Return End