;+ ;Procedure: ; thm_part_slice2d_getinfo ; ; ;Purpose: ; Helper function for thm_part_slice2d_plot. ; Forms various title annotations based on the slice's metadata. ; ; ;Input: ; slice: 2D slice structure from thm_part_slice2d ; ; ;Output: ; title: (string) Title to appear at the top of the plot. ; subtitle: (string) Subtitle appearing below TITLE. ; xtitle: (string) Title for x axis. ; ytitle: (string) Title for y axis. ; ztitle: (string) Title for z axis. ; ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-03-04 18:05:22 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 20331 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/plotting/thm_part_slice2d_getinfo.pro $ ; ;- ; Procedure to generate titles for plot and axes ; pro thm_part_slice2d_getinfo, slice, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, ztitle=ztitle compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Plot title if arg_present(title) and ~keyword_set(title) then begin title = 'th'+strlowcase(slice.probe)+' ' + $ strjoin(slice.dist,'/') + $ ' ('+strupcase(slice.rot)+') ' + $ ; string(10b) + $ time_string(slice.trange[0]) + $ ' -> '+strmid(time_string(slice.trange[1]),11,8) endif ; X,Y axes labels xc = 1 & yc = 1 if (arg_present(xtitle) or arg_present(ytitle)) and $ (~keyword_set(xtitle) or ~keyword_set(ytitle)) then begin xt = 'x' ;Defaults yt = 'y' xyunits = slice.xyunits case strlowcase(slice.rot) of 'bv': begin xt = '!DB!N' yt = '!DV!N' xc = 0 & yc = 0 end 'be': begin xt = '!DB!N' yt = '!DB x V!N' xc = 0 & yc = 0 end 'xy': begin xt = 'x' yt = 'y' end 'xz': begin xt = 'x' yt = 'z' end 'yz': begin xt = 'y' yt = 'z' end 'xvel': begin xt = 'x' yt = '!DV!N' yc = 0 end 'perp': begin xt = '!DV perp B!N' yt = '!DB x V!N' xc = 0 & yc = 0 end 'perp_xy': begin xt = 'x!Dperp!N' yt = 'y!Dperp!N' end 'perp_xz': begin xt = 'x!Dperp!N' yt = 'z!Dperp!N' end 'perp_yz': begin xt = 'y!Dperp!N' yt = 'z!Dperp!N' end 'rgeo': xt = '!Dr (GEI)!N' 'mrgeo': xt = '!D-r (GEI)!N' 'phigeo': yt = '!DEast (GEI)!N' 'mphigeo': yt = '!DWest (GEI)!N' 'phism': yt = '!DEast (SM)!N' 'mphism': yt = '!DWest (SM)!N' 'xgse': xt = 'x!DGSE!N' 'ygsm': yt = 'y!DGSM!N' 'zdsl': yt = 'z!DDSL!N' else: begin xt = 'x!D?!N' ;shouldn't be used yt = 'y!D?!N' end endcase ; add prefix if keyword_set(slice.energy) then begin xyprefix = slice.rlog ? 'log(E)':'E' endif else begin xyprefix = slice.rlog ? 'log(V)':'V' endelse xt = xyprefix + xt yt = xyprefix + yt ; add units xt += ' ('+xyunits+')' yt += ' ('+xyunits+')' ; specify original physical coords coords = slice.coord fac_coords = ['rgeo','mrgeo','phigeo','mphigeo', $ 'phism','mphism','xgse','ygsm','zdsl'] facidx = where(strlowcase(slice.rot) eq fac_coords, nfac) if nfac gt 0 then coords = slice.rot if xc then xt += ' ('+strupcase(coords)+')' if yc then yt += ' ('+strupcase(coords)+')' ; check for rotation out of x-y plane and label if n_elements(slice.orient_m) gt 1 then begin xvec = [1,0,0]##slice.orient_m yvec = [0,1,0]##slice.orient_m if in_set(xvec eq [1,0,0],0) then begin xv = strtrim(xvec,2) xt += ' - Using ('+ $ thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(xv[0])+', '+ $ thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(xv[1])+', '+ $ thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(xv[2])+') as x-axis' endif if in_set(yvec eq [0,1,0],0) then begin yv = strtrim(yvec,2) yt += ' - Using ('+ $ thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(yv[0])+', '+ $ thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(yv[1])+', '+ $ thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(yv[2])+') as y-axis' endif endif ;ensure custom titles are not overwritten if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = xt if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = yt endif ; Z axis label if arg_present(ztitle) and ~keyword_set(ztitle) then begin ; convert time window to string and trim zeros twin = thm_part_slice2d_removezeros(strtrim(slice.twin,2)) ztitle = units_string(strlowcase(slice.units)) endif ; Label slice type if arg_present(type) then begin type = (['Geo','2D nn','2D i','3D i'])[slice.type] endif end