;+ ;Procedure: ; thm_part_slice2d_cotrans ; ; ;Purpose: ; Helper function for thm_part_slice2d. ; Performs coordinate transformations from DSL to requested ; coordinates (COORD keyword to thm_part_slice2d). ; ; ;Input: ; probe: (string) spacecraft designation (e.g. 'a') ; coord: (string) target coordinates (e.g. 'gsm') ; trange: (double) two element time range for slice ; vectors: (float) N x 3 array of velocity vectors ; bfield: (float) magnetic field 3-vector ; vbulk: (float) bulk velocity 3-vector ; sunvec: (float) spacecraft-sun direction 3-vector ; ; ;Output: ; If 2d or 3d interpolation are being used then this will transform ; the velocity vectors and support vectors into the target coordinate system. ; The transformation matrix will be passed out via the MATRIX keyword. ; ; ;Notes: ; This assumes the transformation does not change substantially over the ; time range of the slice. ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-03-04 18:05:22 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 20331 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/core/thm_part_slice2d_cotrans.pro $ ; ;- ; *Assumes the transformation from the data's native DSL to ; the requested coords (GSM, GSE) is invariant over the ; time range of the slice.* pro thm_part_slice2d_cotrans, probe=probe, coord=coord, trange=trange, $ vectors=vectors, bfield=bfield, vbulk=vbulk, sunvec=sunvec, $ matrix=matrix, $ fail=fail compile_opt idl2, hidden ctn = '2dslice_temp_cotrans' if stregex(coord, '^dsl$', /bool, /fold_case) then return if ~keyword_set(probe) then begin fail = 'Cannot determine spacecraft. Coordinate transform canceled.' dprint,dlevel=1, fail return endif if ~stregex(coord, '(^gsm$)|(^gse$)', /bool, /fold_case) then begin fail = 'Invalid coordinate keyword: '+coord dprint,dlevel=1, fail return endif probe = strlowcase(probe) dprint, dlevel=4, 'Rotating to '+strupcase(coord)+' coordinates' ;Load necessary support data (2 min padding at each end) thm_load_state, probe=probe, trange = trange + 120*[-1,1], suffix='_'+ctn, $ /get_support_data, /keep_spin_data, verbose=0 ;Transform x,y,z unit vectors to new coordinates store_data, ctn, data = {x:replicate(mean(trange),3), $ y: [ [1.,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1] ] }, verbose=0 thm_cotrans, ctn, probe=probe, in_coord='dsl', out_coord=coord, $ support_suffix='_'+ctn, out_suff='_'+coord ;Form transformation matrix from transformed basis get_data, ctn+'_'+coord, data=ctd if size(ctd,/type) ne 8 then begin fail = 'Could not obtain coordinate transform from DSL -> '+strupcase(coord)+ $ ', STATE data may be absent for the requested period.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail store_data, '*'+ctn+'*', /delete, verbose=0 ;delete temp vars return endif ;columns are dsl x,y,z in new coordinates matrix = ctd.y ;Transform particle and support vectors ; -transformation will be applied to particle vectors later ; if using geometric method (no "vectors" array) if keyword_set(vectors) then vectors = matrix ## temporary(vectors) if keyword_set(vbulk) then vbulk = matrix ## vbulk if keyword_set(bfield) then bfield = matrix ## bfield if keyword_set(sunvec) then sunvec = matrix ## sunvec ;Delete temporary tplot data store_data, '*'+ctn+'*', /delete, verbose=0 end