;+ ;NAME: ; thm_esa_dtc4mom ;PURPOSE: ; calculates a dead-time correction value for ESA particle moments, ; which then can be applied to on-board MOM data. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_esa_dtc4mom, probe=probe, trange=trange ;INPUT: ; All via keyword ;OUTPUT: ; None explicit, a number of tplot variables are created. ;KEYWORDS: ; probe='a','b','c','d' or 'e' ; trange = an input time range, otherwise the current time range is ; used. ; noload = if set, make the assumption that the data is there, and ; don't load it ; use_esa_mode = 'f','r', or 'b', use this mode for the ESA data to get ; the dead time correction, the default is 'f' ; scpot_correct = if set, use thm_load_esa_pot to correct for SC ; potential in moments. The default is to avoid the correction ;HISTORY: ; 10-may-2011, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 27-may-2011, jmm, This version deletes the temporary ESA moments ; 5-dec-2014, jmm, uses thm_part_products directly ; 10-jan-2017, jmm, set ESA background removal to 0 ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-01-10 12:46:45 -0800 (Tue, 10 Jan 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22565 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/moments/thm_esa_dtc4mom.pro $ ;- Pro thm_esa_dtc4mom, probe = probe, trange = trange, noload = noload, $ use_esa_mode = use_esa_mode, scpot_correct = scpot_correct, $ out_suffix = out_suffix, keep_temp_moments = keep_temp_moments, $ no_despike = no_despike, nsig_despike = nsig_despike, _extra = _extra dtc_denom = 1 ;init to no-dead-time thm_init ;this program can be called at start vprobes = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] If(keyword_set(probe)) Then Begin probes = ssl_check_valid_name(strlowcase(probe), vprobes, /include_all) If(is_string(probes) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No valid probe input: '+probe Return Endif Endif Else probes = vprobes If(keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) Eq 2) $ Then tr = timerange(trange) Else tr = timerange() If(is_string(use_esa_mode)) Then Begin mode = strlowcase(strcompress(use_esa_mode, /remove_all)) Endif Else mode = 'f' Case mode Of 'f': datat = ['peif', 'peef'] 'r': datat = ['peir', 'peer'] 'b': datat = ['peib', 'peeb'] Else: Begin dprint, "Please use 'f', 'r', or 'b' for mode, Setting mode to 'f'" datat = ['peif', 'peef'] End Endcase If(n_elements(trange) Eq 2) Then tr0 = time_double(trange) $ Else tr0 = timerange() ;should be defined already, since this is only called after MOM data is loaded ;set this to get through the ESA data load timespan, tr0[0], tr0[1]-tr0[0], /seconds If(keyword_set(out_suffix)) Then osfx = out_suffix Else osfx = '' ;ii are the instrument types for MOM data, vv are the different ;moments that will need to be dealt with ii = ['peim', 'peem'] vv = ['density', 'flux', 'mftens', 'eflux', 'velocity', 'ptens', 'ptot'] ;for each probe np = n_elements(probes) For j = 0, np-1 Do Begin sc = probes[j] & thx = 'th'+sc ;here check to see if the appropriate data has been loaded, and load ;if necessary have_i_data = thm_part_check_trange(sc, datat[0], tr0) have_e_data = thm_part_check_trange(sc, datat[1], tr0) If(~keyword_set(noload)) Then Begin If(have_i_data Eq 0) Then thm_part_load, probe = sc, trange = tr0, datatype = datat[0], $ suffix = '_temp4dtc' If(have_e_data Eq 0) Then thm_part_load, probe = sc, trange = tr0, datatype = datat[1], $ suffix = '_temp4dtc' Endif ;you need the potential for the moments If(keyword_set(scpot_correct)) Then Begin thm_load_esa_pot, sc = sc, efi_datatype = 'mom' sc_pot_name = thx+'_esa_pot' Endif Else sc_pot_name = '' ;now get moments - without dead time corrections - and without ; background removal For i = 0, 1 Do Begin thm_part_products, probe = sc, datatype = datat[i], /zero_dead_time, $ sc_pot_name = sc_pot_name, suffix = '_temp4dtc_0', $ outputs = 'moments', esa_bgnd_remove = 0 ;'ptot' variable get_data, thx+'_'+datat[i]+'_ptens_temp4dtc_0', data = ptd, dlimits = dl If(is_struct(ptd)) Then Begin IF(n_elements(ptd.x) Gt 1) Then ptot = total(ptd.y[*, 0:2], 2)/3.0 $ Else ptot = total(ptd.y[0:2])/3.0 store_data, thx+'_'+datat[i]+'_ptot_temp4dtc_0', data = {x:ptd.x, y:ptot}, $ dlimits = dl Endif Endfor ;now get moments - with dead time corrections For i = 0, 1 Do Begin thm_part_products, probe = sc, datatype = datat[i], $ sc_pot_name = sc_pot_name, suffix = '_temp4dtc', $ outputs = 'moments', esa_bgnd_remove = 0 ;'ptot' variable get_data, thx+'_'+datat[i]+'_ptens_temp4dtc', data = ptd, dlimits = dl If(is_struct(ptd)) Then Begin IF(n_elements(ptd.x) Gt 1) Then ptot = total(ptd.y[*, 0:2], 2)/3.0 $ Else ptot = total(ptd.y[0:2])/3.0 store_data, thx+'_'+datat[i]+'_ptot_temp4dtc', data = {X:ptd.x, y:ptot}, $ dlimits = dl Endif Endfor ;;; Calling tplot_force_monotonic to repair repeats in tplot variables *_temp4dtc tplot_force_monotonic,'*_temp4dtc',/forward ;Now get corrections If(keyword_set(nsig_despike)) Then nsg = nsig_despike Else nsg = 0.5 vv = [vv, 'ptot'] tvars = thx+'_'+datat[0]+'_'+vv+'_temp4dtc' tvars0 = tvars+'_0' tvars_dtc = thx+'_'+datat[0]+'_'+vv+'_dtc'+osfx For k = 0, n_elements(vv)-1 Do Begin get_data, tvars[k], data = dd get_data, tvars0[k], data = dd0 dtc = dd.y/dd0.y ;despike dtc If(~keyword_set(no_despike)) Then Begin ndim = n_elements(dtc[0,*]) For ll = 0, ndim -1 Do Begin flag = dydt_spike_test(dd.x-dd.x[0], abs(dtc[*, ll]), nsig = nsg) spike_ss = where(flag Eq 1, nspike) & ok_ss = where(flag Eq 0, nok) If(nok Lt 3) Then Begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'Data for '+thx+datat[0]+'_'+vv[k]+' is all spikes, '+$ 'suggests larger value of nsig_despike needed. Not despiking' Endif Else Begin If(nspike Gt 0) Then Begin ;interpolate over spike values dtc[*,ll] = interpol(dtc[ok_ss,ll], dd.x[ok_ss], dd.x) Endif Endelse Endfor Endif store_data, tvars_dtc[k], data = {x:dd.x, y:dtc} Endfor tvars = thx+'_'+datat[1]+'_'+vv+'_temp4dtc' tvars0 = tvars+'_0' tvars_dtc = thx+'_'+datat[1]+'_'+vv+'_dtc'+osfx For k = 0, n_elements(vv)-1 Do Begin get_data, tvars[k], data = dd get_data, tvars0[k], data = dd0 dtc = dd.y/dd0.y ;despike dtc If(~keyword_set(no_despike)) Then Begin ndim = n_elements(dtc[0,*]) For ll = 0, ndim -1 Do Begin flag = dydt_spike_test(dd.x-dd.x[0], abs(dtc[*, ll]), nsig = nsg) spike_ss = where(flag Eq 1, nspike) & ok_ss = where(flag Eq 0, nok) If(nok Lt 3) Then Begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'Data for '+thx+datat[1]+'_'+vv[k]+' is all spikes, '+$ 'suggests larger value of nsig_despike needed. Not despiking' Endif Else Begin If(nspike Gt 0) Then Begin ;interpolate over spike values dtc[*,ll] = interpol(dtc[ok_ss,ll], dd.x[ok_ss], dd.x) Endif Endelse Endfor Endif store_data, tvars_dtc[k], data = {x:dd.x, y:dtc} Endfor ;Delete temporary moments If(~keyword_set(keep_temp_moments)) Then Begin del_data, '*_temp4dtc' del_data, '*_temp4dtc_0' Endif options, thx+'*_dtc'+osfx, 'ynozero', 1 Endfor Return End