;+ ;NAME: ; thm_apply_esa_mom_dtc ;PURPOSE: ; Corrects ESA on-board moments for dead time. Note that this will ; apply the dead-time correction to all of the moments for the given ; probe and species. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_apply_esa_mom_dtc, probe=probe, instrument=instrument, ; out_suffix=out_suffix,in_suffix=in_suffix ;INPUT: ; All via keyword ;OUTPUT: ; None explicit, a number of tplot variables are created. ;KEYWORDS: ; probe='a','b','c','d' or 'e' ; instrument='peim' or 'peem', similar in use to the 'instrument' ; keyword for thm_part_moments ; use_esa_mode = 'f','r', or 'b', use this mode for the ESA data to get ; the dead time correction, the default is 'f' ; out_suffix= a suffix to add to new tplot variables for the ; moments. The default is the null string, so that ; variables are overwritten. ; in_suffix= if set, only variables with this suffix will be ; corrected, to avoid correcting variables that have been ; loaded without corrections. ;HISTORY: ; 13-may-2011, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 27-may-2011, jmm, dropped save_esa_vars keywords, to avoid suffix ; confusion, also passes out_suffix keyword through to ; thm_esa_dtc4mom ; 9-aug-2011, jmm, added in_suffix keyword ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-04-30 15:28:49 -0700 (Thu, 30 Apr 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17458 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/moments/thm_apply_esa_mom_dtc.pro $ ;- Pro thm_apply_esa_mom_dtc, probe = probe, instrument = instrument, $ out_suffix = out_suffix, $ in_suffix = in_suffix, $ use_esa_mode = use_esa_mode, $ _extra = _extra vprobes = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] If(keyword_set(probe)) Then Begin probes = ssl_check_valid_name(strlowcase(probe), vprobes, /include_all) If(is_string(probes) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No valid probe input: '+probe Return Endif Endif Else probes = vprobes vinstruments = ['peim', 'peem'] If(keyword_set(instrument)) Then Begin instruments = ssl_check_valid_name(strlowcase(instrument), $ vinstruments, /include_all) If(is_string(instruments) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No valid instrument input: '+instrument dprint, 'Use peim or peem' Return Endif Endif Else instruments = vinstruments species = strmid(instruments, 2, 1) ;i or e If(is_string(use_esa_mode)) Then Begin mode = strlowcase(strcompress(use_esa_mode, /remove_all)) Endif Else mode = 'f' If(keyword_set(out_suffix)) Then osfx = out_suffix Else osfx = '' If(keyword_set(in_suffix)) Then isfx = in_suffix Else isfx = '' ;For each probe ; vv = ['density', 'flux', 'mftens', 'eflux', 'velocity', $ ; 'ptens', 't3'] ;these are the moments with corrections vv = ['density', 'flux', 'mftens', 'eflux', 'velocity', $ 'ptens', 'ptot'] ;these are the moments in L1 files For j = 0, n_elements(probes)-1 Do Begin sc = probes[j] & thx = 'th'+sc init_dtc_vars = 0b ;For each species For i = 0, n_elements(instruments)-1 Do Begin For k = 0, n_elements(vv)-1 Do Begin mvk = thx+'_'+instruments[i]+'_'+vv[k] mvk_0 = tnames(mvk+'*'+isfx) ;for suffixes If(is_string(mvk_0) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No variable: '+mvk Endif Else Begin For l = 0, n_elements(mvk_0)-1 Do Begin get_data, mvk_0[l], data = d, dlimits = dl, limits = al ;check the data_att for the 'dead_time_corrected' tag If(is_struct(dl)) Then Begin str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, success = yes_data_att If(yes_data_att) Then Begin str_element, data_att, 'dead_time_corrected', success = yes_dtc Endif Else yes_dtc = 0b Endif Else yes_dtc = 0b ;if uncorrected then correct it If(yes_dtc Eq 0) Then Begin ;Only call dtc4mom program once per probe, we do it here to avoid ;calling this for variables that have been corrected. If(~init_dtc_vars) Then Begin thm_esa_dtc4mom, probe = sc, out_suffix = out_suffix, $ use_esa_mode = use_esa_mode, _extra = _extra init_dtc_vars = 1b Endif ;here you now have dead time corrections, all that is needed it to ;interpolate the corrections and multiply by the appropriate variable ;data dtcvar = thx+'_pe'+species[i]+mode+'_'+vv[k]+'_dtc'+osfx dtc = data_cut(dtcvar, d.x) dydtc = d.y*dtc store_data, mvk_0[l]+osfx, data = {x:d.x, y:dydtc}, limits = al ;set data_att tag to avoid overcorrection If(is_struct(dl)) Then Begin If(yes_data_att Eq 0) Then data_att = {dead_time_corrected:1} $ Else str_element, data_att, 'dead_time_corrected', 1, /add str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, /add Endif Else dl = {data_att:{dead_time_corrected:1}} store_data, mvk_0[l]+osfx, dlimits = dl Endif; Else message, /info, 'Variable: '+mvk_0[l]+' Has already been corrected' Endfor Endelse Endfor Endfor Endfor ;If you're in the GUI, delete the dead time corrections and the ;delta_time variables for moment calculation If(xregistered('spd_gui') Ne 0) Then Begin store_data, 'th?_pe??_delta_time', /delete store_data, 'th?_pe??_*_dtc', /delete Endif Return End