;+ ; procedure: thm_part_moments ; ; Purpose: Calculates moments and spectra for themis particle distributions. ; ; For documentation on sun contamination correction keywords that ; may be passed in through the _extra keyword please see: ; thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro or thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; ;Keywords: ; dist_array: Provide an array of data instead of having thm_part_moments load the data directly. ; This allows preprocessing/sanitization operations to be performed prior to moment generation. ; See thm_part_dist_array.pro, thm_part_conv_units.pro ; fractional_counts: Flag to keep the ESA unit conversion routine from rounding to an even ; number of counts when removing the dead time correction. ; (no effect if input data already in counts, no effect on SST data) ; ;ESA PEER/PEIR/PEIF Background Removal Keywords: ; ;/bdnd_remove: Turn on ESA background removal. ; ;bgnd_type(Default 'anode'): Set to string naming background removal type: ;'angle','omni', or 'anode'. ; ;bgnd_npoints(Default = 3): Set to the number of lowest values points to average over when determining background. ; ;bgnd_scale(Default=1): Set to a scaling factor that the background will be multiplied by before it is subtracted ; ;BACKGROUND REMOVAL(BGND) Description, Warnings and Caveats(from Vassilis Angelopoulos): ; This code allows for keywords that permit omni-directional or anode-dependent ; background removal from penetrating electrons in the ESA ion and electron ; detectors. Anode-dependent subtraction is used when possible by default, ; i.e., when angle information is available; but user has full control by ; keyword specification. Default bgnd estimates use 3 lowest counts/s values. ; Scaling of the background (artificial scaling) can also allow playing with ; background estimates to account for noise statistics in the background itself. ; The parameters that have worked well for me during high bgnd levels are: ; ,/bgnd_remove, bgnd_type='anode', bgnd_npoints=3, bgnd_scale=1.5 ; ; The same keywords when used in thm_part_getspec, and thm_part_moments ; are understood and passed to the data extraction routines, such that ; they will do the removal before computing moments or spectra. ; ; This background subtraction to be used at the inner magnetosphere, ; or when SST electron fluxes indicate presence of significant electron ; fluxes at the satellite (injections). At quiet times the code tends to remove ; real fluxes, so beware. ; ; ; ; Author: Davin Larson 2007 ; $Id: $ ;- pro thm_part_moments_old, instruments_types = instruments, probes = probes, $ ;moments=moms, $ data_type=data_type,$ ;same as instrument_types, added to make consistency b/t this & thm_part_getspec moments_types = moments_types, $ verbose = verbose, $ trange = trange, $ erange = erange, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, $ tplotsuffix = tplotsuffix, $ suffix=suffix,$ set_opts = set_opts, $ scpot_suffix = scpot_suffix, mag_suffix = mag_suffix, $ ;inputs: suffix specifying source of magdata and scpot (name - 'th?') comps = comps, get_moments = get_moments, usage = usage, $ get_error = get_error, $ units = units,sst_cal=sst_cal,$ dist_array=dist_array, _extra = ex defprobes = '?' definstruments = 'p??f' defmoments='density velocity t3 magt3' start = systime(1) ;syntactic sugar, makes routine consistent with the rest of TDAS if keyword_set(suffix) then begin tplotsuffix=suffix endif vprobes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] if n_elements(probes) eq 1 then if probes eq 'f' then vprobes=['f'] vinstruments = ['peif','peef','psif','psef','peir','peer','psir','pser','peib','peeb','pseb'] vmoments = strlowcase(strfilter(tag_names(moments_3d()),['TIME','ERANGE','MASS','VALID'],/negate)) if keyword_set(comps) or keyword_set(get_moments) then begin scp = scope_traceback(/struct) nscp = n_elements(scp) dprint,'Keyword names have changed. Please change the calling routine: ',scp[nscp-2].routine usage=1 endif if keyword_set(usage) then begin scp = scope_traceback(/struct) nscp = n_elements(scp) dprint,'Typical usage: ' ,scp[nscp-1].routine ,", INSTRUMENT='pe?f', PROBES='a', MOMENTS='density velocity'" dprint,'Valid inputs:' dprint,' PROBES=',"'"+vprobes+"'" dprint,' INSTRUMENTS=',"'"+vinstruments+"'" dprint,' MOMENTS=',"'"+vmoments+"'" return endif If(keyword_set(erange)) Then Begin ;error checking If(n_elements(erange) Ne 2) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad Energy Range' Return Endif If(erange[1] Le erange[0]) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad Energy Range' Return Endif erange_set = erange Endif Else erange_set = -1 ;probea = ssl_check_valid_name(size(/type,probes) eq 7 ? probes : '*',vprobes) if n_elements(data_type) gt 0 && n_elements(instruments) eq 0 then begin instruments=data_type endif probes_a = strfilter(vprobes,size(/type,probes) eq 7 ? probes : defprobes,/fold_case,delimiter=' ',count=nprobes) instruments_a = strfilter(vinstruments,size(/type,instruments) eq 7 ? instruments : definstruments,/fold_case,delimiter=' ',count=ninstruments) other_instruments = instruments_a ;for i = 0,n_elements(instruments_a)-1 do begin ; ; ;endfor moments_a = strfilter(vmoments, size(/type,moments_types) eq 7 ? moments_types : defmoments ,/fold_case,delimiter=' ',count=nmoments) tplotnames='' if not keyword_set(tplotsuffix) then tplotsuffix='' ;if keyword_set(get_moments) then if not keyword_set(comps) then comps = ['density','velocity','t3'] ;comps = strfilter(vmoments,compmatch,/fold_case,delimiter=' ') dprint,dlevel=2,/phelp,probes_a dprint,dlevel=2,/phelp,instruments_a dprint,dlevel=2,/phelp,moments_a if size(/type,units) ne 7 then units='eflux' if keyword_set(sst_cal) then begin reduced_index=where(strmid(instruments_a,1,1) eq 's' and strmid(instruments_a,3,1) eq 'r',reduced_count) if (reduced_count gt 0) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'WARNING: Beta SST calibrations should not be used with PSIR/PSER.' endif endif ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- for p = 0,nprobes-1 do begin probe= probes_a[p] thx = 'th'+probe for t=0,ninstruments-1 do begin instrument = instruments_a[t] format = thx+'_'+instrument if size(dist_array,/type) eq 10 then begin ;properly formed dist_array will be an array of type pointer ;concatenate times into a single sequence for i = 0,n_elements(dist_array)-1 do begin times = array_concat((*dist_array[i]).time,times) endfor endif else begin times= thm_part_dist(format,/times,_extra=ex,sst_cal=sst_cal) ; ns = n_elements(times) * keyword_set(times) endelse if size(times,/type) ne 5 then begin trx = keyword_set(trange) ? trange:timerange(/current) trx = time_string(trx) dprint, 'No ',thx,'_',instrument,' data for time range ',trx[0],' to ',trx[1],'. Continuing on to next data type.' ; dprint, '' continue endif if keyword_set(trange) then tr = minmax(time_double(trange)) else tr=[1,1e20] ind = where(times ge tr[0] and times le tr[1],ns) dprint,format,ns,' elements' if ns gt 1 then begin if keyword_set(mag_suffix) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Interpolating mag data from: ',thx+mag_suffix magf = data_cut(thx+mag_suffix,times[ind]) endif if keyword_set(scpot_suffix) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Interpolating sc potential from:',thx+scpot_suffix scpot = data_cut(thx+scpot_suffix,times[ind]) endif ;pointer array indicates that data is provided using new vectorized system if size(dist_array,/type) eq 10 then begin dat = (*dist_array[0])[0] dat_seg_index=ind[0] ;find the index of the first time from the data structure, ;since the data is organized a little bit differently, you can't quite use a single number to index ;Instead it just uses some bounds checks to fit a 2-index loop into a 1-index one so that we can maintain backwards compatibility ;find segment and subsegment index for the beginning of the requested time interval for dat_ptr_index = 0,n_elements(dist_array)-1l do begin if dat_seg_index lt n_elements(*dist_array[dat_ptr_index]) then break dat_seg_index-=n_elements(*dist_array[dat_ptr_index]) endfor maxnrgs=0 for max_n_energy_index = 0,n_elements(dist_array)-1l do begin maxnrgs = maxnrgs > (*dist_array[max_n_energy_index])[0].nenergy endfor endif else begin dat = thm_part_dist(format,index=0,_extra=ex,sst_cal=sst_cal) maxnrgs = strmid(instrument,1,1) eq 'e' ? 32 : 16 ;hard coding is a problem....but...*shrug*...problem fixed in new particle system endelse if keyword_set(nmoments) then begin moms = replicate( moments_3d(), ns ) If(keyword_set(get_error)) Then dmoms = moms Else dmoms = -1 endif time = replicate(!values.d_nan,ns) dprint,dlevel=3,/phelp,maxnrgs spec = replicate(!values.f_nan, ns, maxnrgs ) energy = replicate(!values.f_nan,ns, maxnrgs ) enoise_tot = thm_sst_erange_bin_val(thx,instrument,times,sst_cal=sst_cal,_extra=ex) mask_tot = thm_sst_find_masking(thx,instrument,ind,sst_cal=sst_cal,_extra=ex) last_angarray = 0 for i=0L,ns-1 do begin if size(dist_array,/type) eq 10 then begin dat = (*dist_array[dat_ptr_index])[dat_seg_index] dat_seg_index++ if dat_seg_index eq n_elements(*dist_array[dat_ptr_index]) then begin dat_seg_index=0 dat_ptr_index++ endif endif else begin dat = thm_part_dist(format,index=ind[i],mask_tot=mask_tot,enoise_tot=enoise_tot,_extra=ex,sst_cal=sst_cal) endelse ;mask out energy bins out of the erange, if erange is set, jmm, 2011-04-04 If(n_elements(erange_set) Eq 2) Then Begin dont_keep = where(dat.energy Lt erange[0] Or dat.energy Gt erange[1]) If(dont_keep[0] Ne -1) Then begin dat.data[dont_keep] = 0 dat.bins[dont_keep] = 0 endif Endif ;quick fix to time offset problems, jmm, 28-apr-2008 If(size(dat, /type) Eq 8) Then Begin mid_time = (dat.time+dat.end_time)/2.0 trange2 = [dat.time, dat.end_time] ; quick fix for now, I am currently working on a better solution. DL dat.time = mid_time str_element, dat, 'end_time', /delete str_element, dat, 'trange', trange2, /add_replace Endif angarr=[dat.theta,dat.phi,dat.dtheta,dat.dphi] if array_equal(last_angarray,angarr) eq 0 then begin ; Sense change in mode last_angarray = angarr domega = 0 ; printdat,angarr dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Index=',i,' New mode at: ',time_string(dat.time) endif ;Check if eclipse corrections are present and apply. thm_part_moments_apply_eclipse, dat, domega=domega, eclipse=eclipse, previous=previous time[i] = dat.time dim = size(/dimen,dat.data) dim_spec = size(/dimensions,spec) if keyword_set(units) then begin ;Since the unit routines check to prevent double calibration, it is safe to leave this step in, even if calibrated data was provided using the dist_array keyword udat = conv_units(dat,units+'',_extra=ex) bins = udat.bins dim_data = size(/dimensions,udat.data) nd = size(/n_dimensions,udat.data) dim_bins = size(/dimensions,bins) if array_equal(dim_data,dim_bins) eq 0 then bins = replicate(1,udat.nenergy) # bins ; special case for McFadden's 3D structures sp = nd eq 1 ? udat.data * (bins ne 0) : total(udat.data * (bins ne 0),2) / total(bins ne 0,2) en = nd eq 1 ? udat.energy : average(udat.energy,2) spec[ i, 0:dim[0]-1] = sp energy[ i,0:dim[0]-1] = en endif if nmoments ne 0 then begin if keyword_set(magf) then dat.magf=magf[i,*] if keyword_set(scpot) then dat.sc_pot=scpot[i] ;dat.dead = 0 if keyword_set(get_error) then begin moms[i] = moments_3du( dat, dmomsi, domega = domega ) dmoms[i] = dmomsi endif else moms[i] = moments_3d( dat , domega=domega ) endif dprint,dwait=10.,format,i,'/',ns;,' ',time_string(dat.time) ; update every 10 seconds endfor if not keyword_set(no_tplot) then begin prefix = thx+'_'+instrument+'_' suffix = '_'+strlowcase(units)+tplotsuffix ;add labels to energy spectra, ;labels will drawn if plotted as line plot if keyword_set(units) then begin tname = prefix+'en'+suffix energyval = float( average(energy,1)) kev = energyval gt 1000. ylabels = strarr(n_elements(energyval)) for q=0, n_elements(energyval)-1 do begin ylabels[q] = formatannotation(0,0,energyval[q]/(1000^kev[q]), $ data={timeaxis:0,formatid:4,scaling:0,exponent:0}) $ + ([' eV',' keV'])[kev[q]] endfor store_data,tname, data= {x:time, y:spec ,v:energy },dlim={spec:1,zlog:1,ylog:1 $ ,labels:ylabels,labflag:-1} append_array,tplotnames,tname endif for i = 0, nmoments-1 do begin momname = moments_a[i] ; value = reform(transpose( struct_value(moms,momname) ) ) ;fix for transpose bombing when there is only 1 element, jmm, 13-feb-2008 value = struct_value(moms, momname) if(n_elements(value) gt 1) then value = reform(transpose(temporary(value))) tname = prefix + momname + tplotsuffix append_array,tplotnames,tname ; printdat,value,varname= comps[i] store_data,tname,data= { x: moms.time, y: value } if size(/n_dimen,value) gt 1 then options,tname,colors='bgr',/def if(keyword_set(get_error)) then begin value = struct_value(dmoms, momname) if(n_elements(value) gt 1) then value = reform(transpose(temporary(value))) tname = prefix + momname + '_sigma'+tplotsuffix append_array, tplotnames, tname store_data, tname, data = { x: moms.time, y: value } if size(/n_dimen, value) gt 1 then options, tname, colors = 'bgr', /def endif endfor endif endif endfor endfor dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose,'Run Time: ',systime(1)-start,' seconds' tn=tplotnames options,strfilter(tplotnames,'*_density'+tplotsuffix),/def ,yrange=[.01,200.],/ystyle,/ylog,ysubtitle='!c[1/cc]' options,strfilter(tplotnames,'*_velocity'+tplotsuffix),/def ,yrange=[-800,800.],/ystyle,ysubtitle='!c[km/s]' options,strfilter(tplotnames,'*_flux'+tplotsuffix),/def ,yrange=[-1e8,1e8],/ystyle,ysubtitle='!c[#/s/cm2 ??]' options,strfilter(tplotnames,'*t3'+tplotsuffix),/def ,yrange=[1,10000.],/ystyle,/ylog,ysubtitle='!c[eV]' ;set units in moments spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames, '*_density'+tplotsuffix), units_in = '1/cm^3' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_velocity'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'km/s' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_vthermal'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'km/s' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_flux'+tplotsuffix), units_in = '#/s/cm^2' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*t3'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_avgtemp'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_sc_pot'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'V' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_eflux'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV/(cm^2-s)' ;en_efluxes will be overwritten by the next step spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_en_eflux'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV/(cm^2-s-sr-eV)' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*tens'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV/cm^3' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_symm_theta'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'degrees' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_symm_phi'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'degrees' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_symm_ang'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'degrees' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_magf'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'nT' ;set coordinates in moments spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_velocity'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_flux'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_t3'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_magt3'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'FA' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_eflux'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*tens'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_magf'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' If(keyword_set(get_error)) Then Begin store_data, '*t3_sigma*', /delete ;currently these are not filled, so delete to avoid confusion store_data, '*symm*_sigma*', /delete ;currently these are not filled, so delete to avoid confusion store_data, '*sc_pot*_sigma*', /delete ;currently these are not filled, so delete to avoid confusion store_data, '*magf*_sigma*', /delete ;currently these are not filled, so delete to avoid confusion ;add units to the remaining _sigma variables spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames, '*_density_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = '1/cm^3' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_velocity_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'km/s' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_vthermal_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'km/s' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_flux_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = '#/s/cm^2' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_avgtemp_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_eflux_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV/(cm^2-s)' spd_new_units, strfilter(tplotnames,'*tens_sigma'+tplotsuffix), units_in = 'eV/cm^3' ;add coordinates to the remaining _sigma variables spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_velocity_sigma'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_flux_sigma'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*_eflux_sigma'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' spd_new_coords, strfilter(tplotnames,'*tens_sigma'+tplotsuffix), coords_in = 'DSL' Endif end