;+ ;PROCEDURE: THM_SST_REMOVE_SUNPULSE ;Purpose: ; Routine to perform a variety of calibrations on full distribution sst data. ; These can remove sun contamination and on-board masking. They can also scale ; the data to account for the loss of solid angle from the inability of the sst ; to measure directly along the probe geometric Z axis and the inability to measure ; directly along the probe geometric xy plane.(ie X=0,Y=0,Z = n or X=n,Y=m,Z=0, are SST 'blind spots') ; THM_REMOVE_SUNPULSE routine should not generally be called directly. ; Keywords to it will be passed down from higher level routines such as, thm_part_moments, ; thm_part_moments2, thm_part_dist,thm_part_getspec, thm_sst_psif, and thm_sst_psef ; ; Arguments: ; dat: the dat structure used in thm_part_dist, etc... ; ; Keywords: ; ; method_clean: Simplified sun cleaning methods: ; Allowed options are: ; 'manual': To use this option you need to specify the contaminated bins using the sun_bins keyword. Specified bins are removed and interpolated over phi. ; ; 'automatic': This method attempts to find contaminated bins using a statistical outlier test(modified z-score) ; then fills the bins by interpolation over phi. ; ; sun_bins: method_clean manual removal bin selection. Must be either a 64 element or a 16x64 element 0-1 array. Bins set to 1 will be used, bins set to 0 ; will be removed and filled. ; The 64 element input is the same format as the output from edit3dbins, it removes and fills all energies at a particular angle of measure. ; The 16x64 element input allows the user to remove some bins at some of the 16 energies but to keep others. ; ; ; all_angle_median: set this option to replace the angular distribution with the median ; of the data calculated over the all angles(thetas & phis) for each energy. ; This will generally eliminate contamination in some of the moments, but will make ; analysis of angular plots impossible. It will also eliminate the velocity ; moment. ; scale_sphere: set this option to increase the value of all counts by 16%. This accounts ; for the loss of phase space mentioned above. ; ; method_sunpulse_clean: set this to a string: Either 'median' or 'spin_fit' or 'z_score_mod' ; 'median': This will remove all points that are greater ; than 2.0 standard deviations from the median.By default they will be filled by a ; linear interpolation across the phi angle by default. ; 'spin_fit': This will remove all points that are greater ; than 2.0 standard deviations from a spin fit across phi angle. The equation used to ; fit is A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi). By default these points will be filled by a linear ; interpolation across the phi angle. The fitting is done using the svdfit routine ; from the idl distribution. ; 'z_score_mod': This will remove all points that have a modified z-score(calculated across phi) greater than 3.5 ; The modified z-score is a normalized outlier detection test defined as follows: ; #1 X_Bar = median(X+1) ; #2 Sigma = MAD = Median Absolute Deviation = median(abs(X-X_Bar)) ; #3 Z_Score_Mod = .6745*(X - X_Bar)/Sigma ; This test can often get excellent results because it is insensitive to variation in standard deviation ; and skew in the distributions. ; ; limit_sunpulse_clean: set this equal to a floating point number that will override the default of 2.0 standard ; deviation tolerance or 3.5 z_score_tolerance, used by the sunpulse cleaning methods by default. ; This keyword will only have an effect if the method_sunpulse_clean keyword is set. ; ; fillin_method: Set this keyword to a string that specifies the method used to fill the points that are ; removed via the method_sunpulse_clean or the mask_remove keywords, and bins removed when enoise_remove_method='fill'. ; 'interpolation': this routine will interpolate across the phi angle. This is the ; default behavior. Interpolation is done using the interp_gap routine. ; 'spin_fit': this routine will perform a spin fit to the data after the points ; have been removed using the equation A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi). It will then generate ; expected values for each removed phi using the equation of fit. The fitting is done using ; the svdfit routine from the idl distribution. Note that if 'spin_fit' is selected for ; the clean method and the fill method, this routine will perform two spin fits. ; 'blank' : Just removes the data but doesn't fill with anything ; ; ; mask_remove: Set this keyword to the proportion of values that must be 0 at all energies to determine that a mask is present. ; Generally .99 or 1.0 is a good value. The mask is a set of points that are set to 0 on-board the spacecraft. ; By default they will be filled by linear interpolation across phi. NOTE: This argument is not actually accepted by ; this routine, it is only documented here. If you provide this argument to thm_part_moments, ; thm_part_moments2, or thm_part_getspec, those routines will appropriately set the value for the ; mask_tot keyword to this routine. ; ; enoise_bins: A 0-1 array that indicates which bins should be used to calculate electronic noise. A 0 indicates that the ; bin should be used for electronic noise calculations. This is basically the output from the bins argument of edit3dbins. ; It should have dimensions 16x4. NOTE: This argument is not actually accepted by ; this routine, it is only documented here. If you provide this argument to thm_part_moments, ; thm_part_moments2, or thm_part_getspec, those routines will appropriately set the value for the ; enoise_tot keyword to this routine. ; ; enoise_bgnd_time: This should be either a 2 element array or a 2xN element array(where n is the number of elements in enoise_bins). ; The arguments represents the start and end times over which the electronic background will be calculated for each ; bin. If you pass a 2 element array the same start and end times can be used for each bin. If you pass a 2xN element ; array, then the Ith bin in enoise_bins will use the time enoise_bgnd_time[0,I] as the start time and enoise_bgnd_time[1,I] as ; the end time for the calculation of the background for that bin. If this keyword is not set then electronic noise will not ; be subtracted.NOTE: This argument is not actually accepted by ; this routine, it is only documented here. If you provide this argument to thm_part_moments, ; thm_part_moments2, or thm_part_getspec, those routines will appropriately set the value for the ; enoise_tot keyword to this routine. ; ; ; ; enoise_remove_method(default: 'fit_median') set the keyword to a string specifying the method you want to use to calculate the electronic noise that will be subtracted ; This function combines values across time. The allowable options are: ; 'min': Use the minimum value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; ; 'average': Use the average value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; ; 'median': Use the median value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; ; 'fit_average': Fill in selected bins with a value that is interpolated across phi, then use ; the average of these values across the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; ; 'fit_median' : Fill in selected bins with a value that is interpolated across phi, then use ; the mean of these values across the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; ; 'fill': Fill in selected bins across phi, do not perform any subtraction. This will ; provide the cleanest looking plot, but the signal in that bin will be entirely removed. ; ; ; NOTE: This argument is not actually accepted by ; this routine, it is only documented here. If you provide this argument to thm_part_moments, ; thm_part_moments2, or thm_part_getspec, those routines will appropriately set the value for the ; enoise_tot keyword to this routine. ; ; enoise_remove_fit_method(default:'interpolation'): Set this keyword to control the method used in 'fit_average' & 'fit_median' to ; fit across phi. ; Options are: ; 'interpolation' ; 'spin_fit' ; By default, missing bins are interpolated across phi. Setting ; enoise_remove_fit_method='spin_fit' will instead try to fill by fitting to a curve of the form A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi). ; ; mask_tot: The user should never manually set this keyword. thm_part_moments,thm_part_moments2, & thm_part_getspec ; will properly set this keyword, if the mask_remove keyword is set when they are called. ; ; enoise_tot: The user should never manually set this keyword. thm_part_moments,thm_part_moments2, & thm_part_getspec ; will properly set this keyword, if enoise keywords are set when called. ; ; ; ; ; ; Examples: ; ; thm_part_moments,probe='a',inst='ps?f',method_clean='automatic' ; ; sun_bins=dblarr(64)+1 ; sun_bins[[30,39,40,46,55,56,61,62]] = 0 ;these are the bin numbers that will be removed ; thm_part_moments,probe='a',inst='ps?f',sun_method='manual',sun_bins=sun_bins ; ; thm_part_moments,probe='a',instrum=['ps?f'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf',scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*', $ ; ,fillin_method='spin_fit',method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit',limit_sunpulse_clean=1.8, $ ; trange=['2008-05-19','2008-05-20'],tplotsuffix='_fit_mask_fit' ; ; thm_part_getspec, probe='a', trange=['2007-03-23','2007-03-23'],theta=[0,45], data_type='ps?f', angle='phi', $ ; erange=[50000,100000], /mask_remove,method_sunpulse_clean='median',limit_sunpulse_clean=1.5, $ ; suffix='_fit_mask_med_t2' ; ; edit3dbins,thm_sst_psef(probe='a', time_double('2008-03-01'),method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit', $ ; limit_sunpulse_clean=1.2),ebins=4,sum_ebins=1 ; ; ;SEE ALSO: ; thm_part_moments.pro, thm_part_moments2.pro, thm_part_getspec.pro ; thm_part_dist.pro, thm_sst_psif.pro, thm_sst_psef.pro,thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; thm_sst_find_masking.pro, thm_sst_erange_bin_val.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-08-10 09:42:49 -0700 (Fri, 10 Aug 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10800 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/SST/thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro $ ;- ;Moving to separate file ;;HELPER function ;;take the dat component of a structure and splits it into an array ;;ordered in terms of theta = energy*angle->energy*theta*phi ;;dimensions 16*64->16*4*16, phi is guaranteed to be contiguous but ;;not necessarily ascending(some phi may be out of phase by 180 degrees) ;;returns indices to perform this transformation ;function dat2angsplit,dat ; ; compile_opt idl2,hidden ; ; index = indgen(16,64) ; t_sort = bsort(dat.theta[0,*]) ; index = index[*,t_sort] ; return,transpose(reform(index,16,16,4),[0,2,1]) ; this magic properly reforms and orders the dimensions ; ;end ;HELPER function ;function to use in svd fitting for sunpulse correction function svd_func,x,m compile_opt idl2,hidden return,[[1.0],[sin(x*!DTOR)],[cos(x*!DTOR)]] end ;HELPER function ;performs filling using an svd fit function do_spin_fill,dat,ref,phi compile_opt idl2,hidden dat2 = dat good = where(finite(dat2)) bad = ssl_set_complement(good,indgen(n_elements(dat))) if good[0] ne -1 && bad[0] ne -1 then begin idx = where(dat2[good] ne 0) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin ;if the system of equations is not-invertible because it is all zeros then add a constant offset dat2[good] += 1 endif except_val = !EXCEPT ;svdfit annoyingly reports a floating point error EVERY TIME IT OCCURS if you don't disable them entirely !EXCEPT = 0 result = svdfit(phi[good],dat2[good],a=[1,1,1],function_name='svd_func',status=stat) ;fit the data !EXCEPT = except_val if stat eq 0 then begin ; replace values with fit points dat2[bad] = result[0] + result[1]*sin(phi[bad]*!DTOR)+result[2]*cos(phi[bad]*!DTOR) endif else begin dat2[bad] = ref[bad] ;replace values with ref values to ensure there are no NaNs in the output endelse if idx[0] eq -1 then begin ;remove a constant offset if one was added dat2 -= 1 endif endif idx = where(~finite(dat2)) return,dat2 end ;fills nan's using the nearest neighbor method ;function fill_nn,x,y ; idx = where(finite(y)) ; y_nan = y[idx] ; x_nan = x[idx] ; int = interpol(findgen(n_elements(idx)),x_nan,x) ; return,y_nan[round(int)] ;end function thm_sst_remove_sunpulse,dat, $ all_angle_median=all_angle_median, $ scale_sphere=scale_sphere, $ method_sunpulse_clean=method_sunpulse_clean, $ limit_sunpulse_clean=limit_sunpulse_clean, $ fillin_method=fillin_method, $ mask_tot=mask_tot, $ enoise_tot=enoise_tot, $ badbins2mask=badbins2mask,$ method_clean=method_clean,$ ;simplified logic for sun contamination removal sun_bins=sun_bins,$ no_sun=no_sun, $ err_msg=err_msg, msg_suppress=msg_suppress compile_opt idl2 ;prevents double calculation during recursive calls if keyword_set(no_sun) then return,dat if keyword_set(method_clean) then begin ;if not set, automatic and manual contamination methods will use interpolation by default if ~keyword_set(fillin_method) && ~is_string(fillin_method) then begin fillin_method = 'interpolation' endif if strlowcase(method_clean) eq 'automatic' then begin method_sunpulse_clean = 0 ;prevent interaction between multiple methods of contamination removal endif else if (method_clean) eq 'manual' then begin if undefined(sun_bins) then begin err_msg = 'Warning: Sun contamination removal set to manual but sun bins is not set' if ~keyword_set(msg_suppress) then dprint, dlevel=1, err_msg return,dat endif else begin dim = dimen(sun_bins) enoise_tot = dblarr(16,64) if n_elements(dim) eq 1 then begin idx = where(sun_bins eq 0,c) if c gt 0 then begin enoise_tot[*,idx] = replicate(!VALUES.D_NAN,16,c) endif else begin err_msg = 'Warning: No sun contamination bins selected, but sun contamination removal is turned on' if ~keyword_set(msg_suppress) then dprint, dlevel=1, err_msg endelse endif else if n_elements(dim) eq 2 then begin ;select sun contaminated bins by angle and energy idx = where(sun_bins eq 0,c) if c gt 0 then begin enoise_tot[idx] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif else begin err_msg = 'Warning: No sun contamination bins selected, but sun contamination removal is turned on if ~keyword_set(msg_suppress) then dprint, dlevel=1, err_msg endelse endif endelse endif endif ;************************************ ;This code sets some defaults & validates inputs ;*********************************** if keyword_set(limit_sunpulse_clean) && is_num(limit_sunpulse_clean,/real) then begin deviation = limit_sunpulse_clean z_score_val = limit_sunpulse_clean endif else begin deviation = 2.0 z_score_val = 3.5 endelse if keyword_set(method_sunpulse_clean) && is_string(method_sunpulse_clean) then begin if strmatch(strlowcase(method_sunpulse_clean),'median') then begin median = deviation endif else if strmatch(strlowcase(method_sunpulse_clean),'spin_fit') then begin spin_fit = deviation endif else if strmatch(strlowcase(method_sunpulse_clean),'z_score_mod') then begin zvar_mod = z_score_val endif else begin err_msg = 'method_sunpulse_clean unrecognized, probable typo in input: ' + method_sunpulse_clean if ~keyword_set(msg_suppress) then dprint, dlevel=1, err_msg return, dat endelse endif if keyword_set(fillin_method) && is_string(fillin_method) then begin if strmatch(strlowcase(fillin_method),'spin_fit') then begin spin_fill = 1 endif else if strmatch(strlowcase(fillin_method),'blank') then begin blank_fill = 1 endif else if ~strmatch(strlowcase(fillin_method),'interpolation') then begin msg = 'fillin_method unrecognized, probable typo in input: ' + fillin_method err_msg = keyword_set(err_msg) ? [err_msg,msg]:msg if ~keyword_set(msg_suppress) then dprint, dlevel=1, msg endif endif dat_out = dat ;don't mutate the original ;********************************************** ;This code substracts the electronic noise ;********************************************* if keyword_set(enoise_tot) && enoise_tot[0] ne -1 then begin dat_out.data -= enoise_tot ;Start removal here, to verify averages of enoise subtraction ; idx = where(dat_out.data lt 0,c) ; ; if c gt 0 then begin ; dat_out.data[idx] = 0 ; endif ;Stop removal here endif ;**************************************************** ;median keyword: kluge to remove sunpulse corruption ;This is an old option that sets all angles to the median over angle ;Better methods are now available ;**************************************************** if keyword_set(all_angle_median) && ndimen(dat_out.data) eq 2 then begin dim_med = dimen(dat_out.data) val_med = rebin(median(dat_out.data,dimen=2),dim_med) dat_out.data = val_med endif ;***************************************************** ;This code removes the masking, using the value passed ;via mask_tot ;***************************************************** if keyword_set(mask_tot) && mask_tot[0] ne -1 && ndimen(dat_out.data) eq 2 then begin mask_ang_idx = thm_sst_dat2angsplit(dat_out) ; get indices to convert 16*64->16*4*16 mask_dat = dat_out.data[mask_ang_idx] ; get data from main stucture mask_phi = dat_out.phi[mask_ang_idx] mask_tots = mask_tot[mask_ang_idx] mask_phi[*,[0,2],0:7] -= 360 ; make phi's monotonic idx = where(mask_tots eq 0) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin for i=0, n_elements(idx)-1 do begin en_idx = idx[i] mod 16 ; calculate dimensional indices from linear index th_idx = (idx[i] / 16) mod 4 ph_idx = (idx[i] / 64) mask_dat[en_idx,th_idx,ph_idx] = !VALUES.F_NAN endfor endif mask_inv_ang_idx = bsort(mask_ang_idx) ;calculate indices to reverse transformation dat_out.data = mask_dat[mask_inv_ang_idx] ;store result endif ;**************************************************************** ;outliers keyword: remove sunpulse contamination by replacing the top n ;angles in the array with an svd fit ;This code removes the sun contamination using a certain distance from a central value ;Several different methods are available ;**************************************************************** if (keyword_set(median) || keyword_set(spin_fit) || keyword_set(zvar_mod)) && ndimen(dat_out.data) eq 2 then begin rem_ang_idx = thm_sst_dat2angsplit(dat_out) ; get indices to convert 16*64->16*4*16 rem_dat = dat_out.data[rem_ang_idx] rem_phi = dat_out.phi[rem_ang_idx] rem_phi[*,[0,2],0:7] -= 360 ; make phi's monotonic (sometimes they range from 180-360 degrees then 0-180, this makes them go from -180,180 for j=0L,16-1 do begin ; loop over energy for k=0L,4-1 do begin ; loop over theta rem_var = reform(rem_dat[j,k,*]) ;store this loop's row of values rem_var_phi = reform(rem_phi[j,k,*]) ;store this loop's row of phis if keyword_set(median) then begin rem_med = median(rem_var) ;calculate statistics rem_dev = sqrt(total((rem_var-rem_med)^2,/nan)/16) ;rem_min = rem_med-remove_std*rem_dev rem_min = 0 rem_max = rem_med+median*rem_dev rem_good = where(rem_var ge rem_min and rem_var le rem_max) ;identify good values rem_bad = ssl_set_complement(rem_good,indgen(16)) if rem_bad[0] ne -1 then begin rem_dat[j,k,rem_bad] = !VALUES.F_NAN ;store result endif endif else if keyword_set(spin_fit) then begin idx = where(finite(rem_var)) except_val = !EXCEPT ;svdfit annoyingly reports a floating point error EVERY TIME IT OCCURS if you don't disable them entirely !EXCEPT = 0 result = svdfit(rem_var_phi[idx],rem_var[idx],a=[1,1,1],function_name='svd_func',status=rem_s) ;fit the data !EXCEPT = except_val if rem_s eq 0 then begin yfit = result[0] + result[1]*sin(rem_var_phi*!DTOR)+result[2]*cos(rem_var_phi*!DTOR) ydev = stddev(yfit,/nan) ymin = 0 ymax = yfit+spin_fit*ydev ygood = where(rem_var ge ymin and rem_var le ymax) ;identify good values ybad = ssl_set_complement(ygood,indgen(16)) if ybad[0] ne -1 && ygood[0] ne -1 then begin rem_dat[j,k,ybad] = !VALUES.F_NAN ;store result endif endif endif else if keyword_set(zvar_mod) then begin zvar_med = median(rem_var+1) ;calculate statistics zvar_mad = median(abs(rem_var - zvar_med)) zvar_var = .6745*(rem_var - zvar_med)/zvar_mad zvar_good = where(zvar_var le zvar_mod) zvar_bad = ssl_set_complement(zvar_good,indgen(16)) if zvar_bad[0] ne -1 then begin rem_dat[j,k,zvar_bad] = !VALUES.F_NAN ;store result endif endif endfor endfor ;replace data rem_inv_ang_idx = bsort(rem_ang_idx) dat_out.data = rem_dat[rem_inv_ang_idx] endif ;************************************************** ;perform fill, this is done in a separate step so that it can be done simulataneously for all modifications ;This code fills via interpolation of svd_fit ;************************************************** idx = where(~finite(dat_out.data)) if idx[0] ne -1L then begin if ~keyword_set(blank_fill) || keyword_set(spin_fill) then begin fill_ang_idx = thm_sst_dat2angsplit(dat_out) ; get indices to convert 16*64->16*4*16 fill_dat = dat_out.data[fill_ang_idx] fill_dat_ref = dat.data[fill_ang_idx] ; used as a reference to leave data unchanged if filling does not work fill_phi = dat_out.phi[fill_ang_idx] fill_bins = dat_out.bins[fill_ang_idx] fill_phi[*,[0,2],0:7] -= 360 ; make phi's monotonic (sometimes they range from 180-360 degrees then 0-180, this makes them go from -180,180 for j=0L,16-1 do begin ; loop over energy for k=0L,4-1 do begin ; loop over theta fill_var = reform(fill_dat[j,k,*]) ;store this loop's row of values fill_var_ref = reform(fill_dat_ref[j,k,*]) fill_var_phi = reform(fill_phi[j,k,*]) ;store this loop's row of phis triple_fill_var = [fill_var,fill_var,fill_var] ;triple the data points to ensure that the fit wraps around the phi rotation triple_fill_ref = [fill_var_ref,fill_var_ref,fill_var_ref] triple_fill_phi = [fill_var_phi-360,fill_var_phi,fill_var_phi+360] if keyword_set(spin_fill) then begin triple_fill_var = do_spin_fill(triple_fill_var,triple_fill_ref,triple_fill_phi) ; dprint,'Spin Fill' endif else begin interp_gap,triple_fill_phi,triple_fill_var ; dprint,'Interp Fill' endelse idx = where(~finite(triple_fill_var[16:31]),cnt) if cnt ne 0 then begin fill_dat[j,k,*] = 0 fill_bins[j,k,*] = 0 ;if all bins got flagged as contaminated, disable those bins when constructing moments and spectra so that they don't contaminate the data endif else begin fill_dat[j,k,*] = triple_fill_var[16:31] ;store result (only the center element of the triple) endelse endfor endfor ;idx = where(~finite(fill_dat),cnt) ; if cnt ne 0 then stop ;replace data fill_inv_ang_idx = bsort(fill_ang_idx) dat_out.data = fill_dat[fill_inv_ang_idx] dat_out.bins = fill_bins[fill_ang_idx] endif else begin ; dprint,'Blank Fill' dat_out.bins[idx] = 0 ;if data blanking is set, disable NAN bins dat_out.data[idx]= 0 ;since data doesn't tolerate nans endelse endif if keyword_set(badbins2mask) then begin ;Zero out the bins bad_ang = where(badbins2mask eq 0) dat_out.bins[*,bad_ang] = 0 dat_out.data[*,bad_ang] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif ;***************************************************************************** ;scale the input to account for the region of the sphere that is not covered ;This code scales the value for the loss of solid angle, if requested ;***************************************************************************** if keyword_set(scale_sphere) && ndimen(dat_out.data) eq 2 then begin dat_out.data *= 1.16 endif return,dat_out end