;+ ;PROCEDURE: THM_SST_FIND_MASKING ;Purpose: ; This routine is designed to find the indices of the masking in the SST Full distribution data. ; It directly checks the common block and then returns it for use by the remove_sunpulse routine ; While it is the function that actually takes the mask_fill argument, it should not ever be ; directly called by a user. It was written so that it can identify the mask locations ; efficiently using a total, prior to the point at which thm_part_moments and thm_part_moments2 ; begin to iterate over time. ; ; The majority of the documentation can be found in thm_remove_sunpulse.pro and thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; ; Arguments: ; thx: a string storing the satellite prefix(ie 'tha') ; instrument: a string identifying the instrument(ie 'psif') ; index: a list of indices which specify the times that were requested ; Keywords: ; mask_remove: Set this keyword to the proportion of values that must be 0 at all energies to determine that a mask is present. ; Generally .99 or 1.0 is a good value. The mask is a set of points that are set to 0 on-board the spacecraft. By default they will ; be filled by linear interpolation across phi. This keyword should be passed down via _extra from the parent ; routine. If this keyword is not set, this routine will always return -1. ;SEE ALSO: ; thm_part_moments.pro, thm_part_moments2.pro, thm_part_getspec.pro ; thm_part_dist.pro, thm_sst_psif.pro, thm_sst_psef.pro, thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-01-10 16:45:16 -0800 (Thu, 10 Jan 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 11423 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/SST/thm_sst_find_masking.pro $ ;- function thm_sst_find_masking,thx,instrument,index,mask_remove=mask_remove,sst_cal=sst_cal compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(thx) || ~keyword_set(instrument) || ~keyword_set(index) then begin return,-1 ;keywords not set endif if (strmatch(instrument,'ps?f') || strmatch(instrument,'pseb')) && keyword_set(mask_remove) then begin if ~keyword_set(sst_cal) then begin data_cache,thx+'_sst_raw_data',data_str,/get endif else begin message,'ERROR: Find masking not yet compatible with /sst_cal" endelse if ~keyword_set(data_str) then begin return,-1 ;no data endif if strmatch(instrument,'psif') then begin dat=thm_part_decomp16((*data_str.sif_064_data)[index,*,*]) endif else if strmatch(instrument,'psef') then begin dat=thm_part_decomp16((*data_str.sef_064_data)[index,*,*]) endif else if strmatch(instrument,'pseb') then begin dat=thm_part_decomp16((*data_str.seb_064_data)[index,*,*]) endif else begin return, -1 ;invalid instrument type endelse if mask_remove eq 1.0 then begin dat_t = total(dat,1) ;check whether the data is always zero at a given angle idx = where(dat_t eq 0) ;find 0s endif else begin idx1 = where(dat eq 0) ;check whether the data has more than a certain percentage of zeros in the data idx2 = where(dat ne 0) dim = dimen(dat) dat_cnt = dindgen(dim) dat_cnt[idx1] = 1 dat_cnt[idx2] = 0 dat_t = total(dat_cnt,1) idx = where(dat_t / dim[0] gt mask_remove) ;idx2 = where(dat_t / dim[0] le mask_remove) endelse ;This finds the 0s that occur at all energies and times ;note that this sequence will actually constitute a contiguous sequence of indexes,as well if idx[0] ne -1 then begin mask_arr = dblarr(16,64) mask_arr[*] = 1 mask_arr[idx] = 0 mask_arr_t = total(mask_arr,1) idx_mask = where(mask_arr_t eq 0) if idx_mask[0] ne -1 then begin mask_out = dblarr(16,64) mask_out[*] = 1 mask_out[*,idx_mask] = 0 return,mask_out endif endif endif return,-1 end ; idx_hist = where(histogram(idx/16,binsize=1,min=0) eq 16) ;find the value of any 0s that are at all energies ; ; if idx_hist[0] ne -1 then begin ; ; idx_mask = where(idx/16 eq idx_hist[0]) ; find where the 0s at all energies are ; ; if idx_mask[0] ne -1 then begin ; ; idx_invalid = ssl_set_complement(idx_mask,indgen(n_elements(idx))) ;0s that are not at all energies ; ; if idx_invalid[0] ne -1 then begin ; ; idx = idx[idx_invalid] ; dat_t[idx] = 1 ;set invalid 0's equal to non-zero value ; ; endif ; ; return,dat_t ; at least some 0s exist at all energies ; ; endif else begin ; ; return,-1 ; no 0s exist at all energies ; ; endelse ; ; endif ; ; endif ; ; endif ; ; return,-1