;+ ;PROCEDURE: THM_SST_ERANGE_BIN_VAL ; ;Purpose: ; This routine generates the values that will be subtracted to remove electronic noise. The actual subtraction is done by thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro ; A separate value will be calculated for each combination of bin and energy, but a single value will be calculated for all times(at a particular bin/energy). ; This value will be generated using one of several different functions of the values across time. The functions can be specified by the user. ; The user should never call this routine directly, but should instead provide the appropriate arguments to thm_part_moments,thm_part_moments2, & thm_part_getspec ; These routines will guarantee that this routine is called correctly. ; ;Arguments(note these arguments are generated correctly in thm_part_moments & thm_part_moments2) ; thx: a string representing a probe prefix(ie 'tha') ; ; instrument: a string representing the instrument(ie 'psif') Note that this routine will only perform an operation if ; it is passed a string representing sst full distribution data. (ie 'psif', 'psef') ; ; times: a list of times for the sst measurements, this list is generated by thm_part_dist ; ;Keywords: ; ; method_clean: If set to 'manual', this keyword disables the enoise code, as another method will be used by thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro ; ; enoise_bins: A 0-1 array that indicates which bins should be used to calculate electronic noise. A 0 indicates that the ; bin should be used for electronic noise calculations. This is basically the output from the bins argument of edit3dbins. ; It should have dimensions 16x4. ; ; enoise_bgnd_times: This should be either a 2 element array or a 2xN element array(where n is the number of elements in enoise_bins). ; The arguments represents the start and end times over which the electronic background will be calculated for each ; bin. If you pass a 2 element array the same start and end times can be used for each bin. If you pass a 2xN element ; array, then the Ith bin in enoise_bins will use the time enoise_bgnd_time[0,I] as the start time and enoise_bgnd_time[1,I] as ; the end time for the calculation of the background for that bin. If this keyword is not set then electronic noise will not ; be subtracted. ; ; ; ; enoise_remove_method(default: 'fit_median') set the keyword to a string specifying the method you want to use to calculate the electronic noise that will be subtracted ; This function combines values across time. The allowable options are: ; 'min': Use the minimum value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; 'average': Use the average value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; 'median': Use the median value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination. ; 'fit_average': Fill in selected bins with a value that is interpolated across phi then subtracts the average of the difference ; between the interpolated value and the actual value from each selected bin/energy combination. ; 'fit_median' :Fill in selected bins with a value that is interpolated across phi then subtracts the median of the difference ; between the interpolated value and the actual value from each selected bin/energy combination. ; 'fill': Fill the selected bins using the technique specified by enoise_remove_method_fit, or interpolation by default. (note that if this method is used, enoise_bgnd_time is not required) ; ; enoise_remove_fit_method(default:'interpolation'): Set this keyword to control the method used in 'fit_average' & 'fit_median' to ; fit across phi. Options are 'interpolation' & 'spin_fit' By default, missing bins are interpolated across phi. Setting ; enoise_remove_fit_method='spin_fit' will instead try to fill by fitting to a curve of the form A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi). ; ; ;SEE ALSO: ; thm_part_moments.pro, thm_part_moments2.pro, thm_part_getspec.pro ; thm_part_dist.pro, thm_sst_psif.pro, thm_sst_psef.pro,thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; thm_sst_find_masking.pro, thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-01-03 12:10:47 -0800 (Fri, 03 Jan 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13737 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/SST/thm_sst_erange_bin_val.pro $ ; ; ;- ; Moving to separate file ;;HELPER function ;;take the dat component of a structure and splits it into an array ;;ordered in terms of theta = energy*angle->energy*theta*phi ;;dimensions 16*64->16*4*16, phi is guaranteed to be contiguous but ;;not necessarily ascending(some phi may be out of phase by 180 degrees) ;;returns indices to perform this transformation ;function dat2angsplit,dat ; ; compile_opt idl2,hidden ; ; index = indgen(16,64) ; t_sort = bsort(dat.theta[0,*]) ; index = index[*,t_sort] ; return,transpose(reform(index,16,16,4),[0,2,1]) ; this magic properly reforms and orders the dimensions ; ;end ;HELPER function ;performs filling using an svd fit function do_enoise_spin_fill,dat,ref,phi compile_opt idl2,hidden dat2 = dat good = where(finite(dat2)) bad = ssl_set_complement(good,indgen(n_elements(dat))) if good[0] ne -1 && bad[0] ne -1 then begin idx = where(dat2[good] ne 0) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin ;if the system of equations is not-invertible because it is all zeros then add a constant offset dat2[good] += 1 endif except_val = !EXCEPT ;svdfit annoyingly reports a floating point error EVERY TIME IT OCCURS if you don't disable them entirely !EXCEPT = 0 result = svdfit(phi[good],dat2[good],a=[1,1,1],function_name='svd_func',status=stat) ;fit the data !EXCEPT = except_val if stat eq 0 then begin ; replace values with fit points dat2[bad] = result[0] + result[1]*sin(phi[bad]*!DTOR)+result[2]*cos(phi[bad]*!DTOR) endif else begin dat2[bad] = ref[bad] ;replace values with ref values to ensure there are no NaNs in the output endelse if idx[0] eq -1 then begin ;remove a constant offset if one was added dat2 -= 1 endif endif idx = where(~finite(dat2)) return,dat2 end function thm_sst_erange_bin_val,thx,instrument,times,enoise_bins=enoise_bins,enoise_bgnd_times=enoise_bgnd_time,enoise_remove_method=enoise_remove_method,enoise_remove_fit_method=enoise_remove_fit_method,method_clean=method_clean,limit_sunpulse_clean=limit_sunpulse_clean,_extra=ex compile_opt idl2 ;Validate inputs if keyword_set(method_clean) && strlowcase(method_clean) eq 'manual' then begin return,-1 endif else if (keyword_set(method_clean) && strlowcase(method_clean) eq 'automatic') then begin if ~strmatch(instrument,'ps?f') && ~strmatch(instrument,'pseb') then begin dprint,'Automatic sun contamination not enabled for instrument ' + instrument return,-1 endif trange = times ; note that this is not nec the user specified time range. Is at least a full day. n_tm = n_elements(trange) format = thx+'_'+instrument if keyword_set(limit_sunpulse_clean) && is_num(limit_sunpulse_clean) then begin zscore_max = limit_sunpulse_clean endif else begin zscore_max = 10 ;In standard statistical tests, this is an extremely large limit, making for a weak outlier test. ;But for sun contamination outliers generally have gigantic scores, so it shouldn't be a problem. ;What tricks the test isn't the threshold, but the heterogenous nature of the data across time. ;A better method in the future would test attenuator open and closed data separately endelse totalzscore = dblarr(64) ; The modified z score for each angular bin (summed over energy) is calculated for each time. ; The truncated mean of these z scores over time is then used to find outliers. ; The test is applied for all energies summed and for bin 9 separately. ; For some reason, there is sometimes a pattern of contamination the hits bin 9 only data_arr = dblarr(n_tm,16,64) for j = 0, n_tm-1 do begin ; loop over times dat = thm_part_dist(format,index=j,_extra=ex,/no_sun) ;get data for this time if is_struct(dat) then begin data_arr[j,*,*]=dat.data/thm_sst_atten_scale(dat.atten,dimen(dat.data)) endif endfor totaloverenergy = total(data_arr,2) ;totaloverenergy = reform(data_arr,n_tm,16*64) zscr_med = median(totaloverenergy+1,dimension=2); Adding 1 here prevents infinities in the case that all totaloverenergy=0 ;zscr_sigma = median(abs(totaloverenergy-(zscr_med#(dblarr(64)+1))),dimension=2) zscr_sigma = median(abs(totaloverenergy-(zscr_med#(dblarr(64)+1))),dimension=2) zscr_arr = .6745*(totaloverenergy-zscr_med#(dblarr(64)+1))/(zscr_sigma#(dblarr(64)+1)) ;totalzscore = total(zscr_arr,1) lim1=0.1 ;all energies lim2=0.1 ;bin 9 ;sort so that we can do a truncated mean ;This removes any outliers in the z-score days due to glitches ;Glitches can create z-scores that are big enough that they throw off an entire day's average even though they represent only a few points out of 10-20k points for j = 0,64-1 do begin sort_idx=bsort(zscr_arr[*,j]) zscr_arr[*,j]=zscr_arr[sort_idx,j] endfor low_ten=floor(n_tm*lim1) high_ten=floor(n_tm*(1-lim1)) ;truncated mean removes outliers due to glitches. averagezscore = total(zscr_arr[low_ten:high_ten,*],1,/nan)/(high_ten-low_ten) ;averagezscore=total(zscr_arr,1,/nan)/n_tm ;averagezscore = totalzscore/n_tm zscore_bad = where(averagezscore gt zscore_max,c); not using abs value as we are really interested in values too high, not too low (masking is removed separately) out = dblarr(16,64) if c gt 0 then begin dprint,'Sun Contaminated Bins Flagged: ' + strjoin(strtrim(zscore_bad,2),' '),dlevel=2 out[*,zscore_bad] = !VALUES.D_NAN ;store result endif ;We do a separate test on energy bin 9. For a reason that is not understood, there is a pattern of sun contamination that only affects bin 9 on occassion. ;Possible explanations include idiosyncrasies of the electronics & glint off of the side of the collimator. totaloverenergy=reform(data_arr[*,9,*]) ;totaloverenergy = reform(data_arr,n_tm,16*64) zscr_med = median(totaloverenergy+1,dimension=2); Adding 1 here prevents infinities in the case that all totaloverenergy=0 zscr_sigma = median(abs(totaloverenergy-(zscr_med#(dblarr(64)+1))),dimension=2) zscr_arr = .6745*(totaloverenergy-zscr_med#(dblarr(64)+1))/(zscr_sigma#(dblarr(64)+1)) ;totalzscore = total(zscr_arr,1) ;sort so that we can do a truncated mean for j = 0,64-1 do begin sort_idx=bsort(zscr_arr[*,j]) zscr_arr[*,j]=zscr_arr[sort_idx,j] endfor low_ten=floor(n_tm*lim2) high_ten=floor(n_tm*(1-lim2)) ;truncated mean removes outliers due to glitches. averagezscore = total(zscr_arr[low_ten:high_ten,*],1,/nan)/(high_ten-low_ten) ;averagezscore=total(zscr_arr,1,/nan)/n_tm ;averagezscore = totalzscore/n_tm zscore_bad = where(averagezscore gt zscore_max,c); not using abs value as we are really interested in values too high, not too low (masking is removed separately) if c gt 0 then begin dprint,'Earth Shine Contaminated Bins Flagged: ' + strjoin(strtrim(zscore_bad,2),' '),dlevel=2 out[*,zscore_bad] = !VALUES.D_NAN ;store result endif return,out endif else if keyword_set(method_clean) then begin dprint,'Unrecognized value for keyword method_clean: ' + method_clean dprint,'Did you mean to use method_sunpulse_clean?" endif ; enoise_bins rather than automatic clean if ~keyword_set(enoise_bins) then begin return,-1 endif if ~strmatch(instrument,'ps?f') && ~strmatch(instrument,'pseb') then begin dprint,'Electronic removal not enabled for instrument ' + instrument return,-1 endif ;fix to use 0-1 array rather than indexes enoise_bins2 = where(enoise_bins eq 0,bin_cnt) if enoise_bins2[0] eq -1 then begin dprint,'No bins selected for ' + thx + '/' + instrument + ' Enoise removal not applied' return,-1 endif if keyword_set(enoise_remove_method) && strlowcase(enoise_remove_method) eq 'fill' then begin dprint,'Enoise Filling ' + strtrim(bin_cnt,2) + ' angle bins for ' + thx + '/' + instrument out = dblarr(16,64) ;output array out[*,enoise_bins2] = !VALUES.D_NAN return,out endif if ~keyword_set(enoise_bgnd_time) then begin dprint,'Cannot apply selected enoise remove method for '+ thx + '/' + instrument + '. Enoise_bgnd_time not set' endif d = dimen(enoise_bgnd_time) if d[0] ne 2 then begin dprint,'enoise_bgnd_time has illegal dimensions, electronic noise removal will not be performed' return,-1 endif n_bin = n_elements(enoise_bins2) if n_elements(d) eq 1 then begin e_times = make_array(2,n_bin,type=size(enoise_bgnd_time,/type)) e_times[0,*] = enoise_bgnd_time[0] e_times[1,*] = enoise_bgnd_time[1] endif else begin e_times = enoise_bgnd_time if d[1] ne n_bin then begin dprint,'number of enoise_bins does not match number of enoise_times, electronic noise removal will not be performed' return,-1 endif endelse ;convert to numeric format if input is not numeric if is_string(e_times) then begin e_times = time_double(e_times) endif ;Identify method if ~keyword_set(enoise_remove_method) then begin enoise_remove_method = 'fit_median' endif if strlowcase(enoise_remove_method) eq 'fit_median' then begin fit_median = 1 endif else if strlowcase(enoise_remove_method) eq 'fit_average' then begin fit_average = 1 endif else if strlowcase(enoise_remove_method) eq 'median' then begin median = 1 endif else if strlowcase(enoise_remove_method) eq 'average' then begin average = 1 endif else if strlowcase(enoise_remove_method) eq 'min' then begin min = 1 endif else begin dprint,'enoise remove method "' + enoise_remove_method + '" unrecognized, electronic noise removal will not be performed' return,-1 endelse if (keyword_set(min) || keyword_set(average) || keyword_set(min)) && $ keyword_set(enoise_remove_fit_method) then begin dprint,'Enoise fit method does not have an effect if remove_method is not fit_average,fit_median, or fill' endif if ~keyword_set(enoise_remove_fit_method) then begin enoise_remove_fit_method = 'interpolation' endif if strlowcase(enoise_remove_fit_method) eq 'interpolation' then begin interpol_fit = 1 endif else if strlowcase(enoise_remove_fit_method) eq 'spin_fit' then begin spin_fit = 1 endif else begin dprint,'enoise fit method "' + enoise_remove_fit_method + '" unrecognized, electronic noise removal will not be performed' return,-1 endelse format = thx+'_'+instrument out = dblarr(16,64) ;output array for i = 0,n_bin-1 do begin ; loop over angle bins trange = e_times[*,i] ; get times and bins ind = where(times ge trange[0] and times le trange[1],cnt) bin = enoise_bins2[i] if cnt eq 0 then begin dprint,'No valid times found for bin: ' + strcompress(string(bin)) continue endif n_tm = n_elements(ind) ;loop upper bound totd = dblarr(16,n_tm) ;temporary storage of processed values totm = dblarr(16,n_tm) ; print,'TIME!!! ',n_tm ; print,ind ; print,time_string(times[ind]) for j = 0, n_tm-1 do begin ; loop over times dat = thm_part_dist(format,index=ind[j],_extra=ex) ;get data for this time ;copy of Jim M's quick fix, to guarantee time matchup If(size(dat, /type) Eq 8) Then Begin mid_time = (dat.time+dat.end_time)/2.0 trange2 = [dat.time, dat.end_time] dat.time = mid_time str_element, dat, 'end_time', /delete str_element, dat, 'trange', trange2, /add_replace Endif if is_struct(dat) then begin if keyword_set(fit_median) || keyword_set(fit_average) then begin ang_split = thm_sst_dat2angsplit(dat) ;indexes to turn the data from 16x64 to 16x4x64 edat = dat edat.data[*,enoise_bins2] = !VALUES.F_NAN ;these bins are going to be interpolated over data = dat.data[ang_split] edata = edat.data[ang_split] phi = dat.phi[ang_split] thetas = dat.theta[uniq(dat.theta,sort(dat.theta))] theta = where(dat.theta[0,bin] eq thetas) ;which theta is the bin in question in phi[*,[0,2],0:7] -= 360 ; make phi's monotonic for k = 0, 16-1 do begin ;loop over energy phis = reform(phi[k,theta,*]) edatas = reform(edata[k,theta,*]) ref_datas = reform(data[k,theta,*]) triple_phi = [phis-360,phis,phis+360] triple_dat = [edatas,edatas,edatas] triple_ref = [ref_datas,ref_datas,ref_datas] if keyword_set(interpol_fit) then begin interp_gap, triple_phi, triple_dat endif else begin triple_dat = do_enoise_spin_fill(triple_dat,triple_ref,triple_phi) endelse ;triple_dat = do_spin_fill(triple_dat,triple_ref,triple_phi) edata[k,theta,*] = triple_dat[16:31] ;data[k,theta,*] = edatas endfor ;replace data inv_ang_split = bsort(ang_split) edat.data = edata[inv_ang_split] totm[*,j] = edat.data[*,bin] endif totd[*,j] = dat.data[*,bin] ;store the data for this part of the time interval endif endfor if keyword_set(fit_median) then begin ;perform requested processing operation out[*,bin] = median(totd,dimension=2) - median(totm,dimension=2) endif else if keyword_set(fit_average) then begin out[*,bin] = average(totd,2,/nan) - average(totm,2,/nan) endif else if keyword_set(median) then begin out[*,bin] = median(totd,dimension=2) endif else if keyword_set(average) then begin out[*,bin] = average(totd,2,/nan) endif else if keyword_set(min) then begin out[*,bin] = min(totd,dimension=2,/nan) endif endfor ; idx = where(out lt 0,c) ; ; if c gt 0 then begin ; out[idx] = 0 ; endif return,out end