;+ ;Procedure: thm_load_sst2 ; ;Purpose: Loads THEMIS SST data ; ;WARNING: This routine is under development as part of the SST calibration process. Use at your own risk! ; ; ; ;keywords: ; probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes. ; This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a ; single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b' ; datatype = The type of data to be loaded, for this case, there is only ; one option, the default value of 'sst', so this is a ; placeholder should there be more that one data type. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all variables. ; TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded ; level = the level of the data, the default is 'l1', or level-1 ; data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all levels. ; CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works ; for a single spacecraft and datafile name. ; VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all. ; /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables ; into tplot variables. ; /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it. ; /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype ; and/or level options in named variables supplied as ; arguments to the corresponding keywords. ; files named varible for output of pathnames of local files. ; /VERBOSE set to output some useful info ;Example: ; thg_load_sst,/get_suppport_data,probe=['a', 'b'] ; ;Notes: ; ; Many of the standard keywords only work with L2 data. ; ; When L1 data is loaded it is merged into a data structures stored ; in tplot variables named: th?_ps??_data. ; ; These structures have the form: ; X DOUBLE Array[27797] ; Y INT Array[27797] ; MDISTDAT STRUCT -> Array[1] ; ; X is the time array for the data ; Y is the index to the distribution type that is valid at each time. ; D.Y will index MDISTDAT.DISTPTRS, although not all distptrs are guaranteed to be valid.(ie Not all distributions will be used in a given data set) ; ; This modification replaces use of data_cache and common blocks for passing sst data between routines. ; ;Major Revisions: ; Written by Davin Larson, Dec 2006 ; Updated to use thm_load_xxx by KRB, 2007-2-5 ; Update removed to not use thm_load_xxx by DEL ; Updated to use new code from Davin by pcruce Jun 2010 ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-04-19 11:52:51 -0700 (Mon, 19 Apr 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 29890 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/SST/SST_cal_workdir/thm_load_sst2.pro $ ;- ;;This routine takes one tplot_data name and generates a count rate variable from it. This is useful as measure of SST saturation and is used to create a data quality flag pro thm_load_sst2_count_rate,tplotname,suffix if tnames(tplotname) eq '' then return ;get a stem to construct the name of output tvar if strlen(tplotname) le 8 then return stem = strmid(tplotname,0,8) species = strmid(stem,7,1) get_data,tplotname,data=d if ~is_struct(d) then return count_dat = dblarr(n_elements(d.x)) count_dat1 = dblarr(n_elements(d.x)) ;jmm, 2021-04-19 ones = dblarr(n_elements(d.x))+1 md = d.mdistdat for i = 0,n_elements(md.distptrs)-1 do begin if ~ptr_valid(md.distptrs[i]) then continue idx = where(md.varn eq i,c) if c eq 0 then continue data = thm_part_decomp16(*(*md.distptrs[i]).data) data_dim = dimen(data) integ_t = (*(*d.mdistdat.distptrs[i]).dat3d).integ_t if n_elements(data_dim) eq 2 then begin ;only one angle counts = total(data[*,0:11],2)/integ_t[0] count_dat[idx] = counts count_dat1[idx] = counts endif else begin ;3 dims, assumed integ_t = reform(integ_t[0,*]) counts = total(data[*,0:11,*],2)/(ones[idx]#integ_t) count_dat[idx] = max(counts,dim=2) count_dat1[idx] = total(counts, 2) endelse endfor out_name = stem+'_count_rate'+suffix store_data,out_name,data={x:d.x,y:count_dat} out_name = stem+'_count_rate_total'+suffix store_data,out_name,data={x:d.x,y:count_dat1} options, out_name, 'ylog', 1 end pro thm_load_sst2_mag,tplotnames,magname_format ;,probe=probe,dist_name=dist_name,magname_format=magname_format if not keyword_set(tplotnames) then tplotnames= 'th?_ps??_data' if not keyword_set(magname_format) then magname_format = 'th?_fgs' tpnames = tnames(tplotnames,n) for i=0,n-1 do begin magname = magname_format strput, magname, strmid(tpnames[i],0,3) get_data,tpnames[i],ptr = dptr mdistdat = *dptr.mdistdat for j=0,n_elements(mdistdat.distptrs)-1 do begin if ptr_valid(mdistdat.distptrs[j]) then begin distdat = *(mdistdat.distptrs[j]) if ptr_valid(distdat.times) eq 0 then continue magf = data_cut(magname,*distdat.times) if ptr_valid(distdat.magf) then *distdat.magf = magf else begin (*((*dptr.mdistdat).distptrs[j])).magf = ptr_new(magf,/no_copy) ; *dptr.distdat = distdat ; store_data,tpnames[i],data = dptr ; line not needed endelse endif endfor endfor end function thm_load_sst2_relpath, sname=probe, filetype=ft, $ level=lvl, trange=trange, $ addmaster=addmaster, _extra=_extra relpath = 'th'+probe+'/'+lvl+'/'+ ft+'/' prefix = 'th'+probe+'_'+lvl+'_'+ft+'_' dir = 'YYYY/' ending = '_v01.cdf' return, file_dailynames(relpath, prefix, ending, dir=dir, $ trange = trange,addmaster=addmaster) end pro thm_load_sst2_extra,tplotnames if not keyword_set(tplotnames) then tplotnames= 'th?_ps??_data' tpnames = tnames(tplotnames,n) for i=0,n-1 do begin format = strmid(tpnames[i],0,8) dprint,dlevel=3,'Getting ATTEN for: ',format times = thm_part_dist2(format,/times) n = n_elements(times) att = intarr(n) rate = fltarr(n) for j=0l,n-1 do begin dat = thm_part_dist2(format,index=j) rdat = conv_units(dat,'rate') rate[j] = total(rdat.data) att[j] = dat.atten dprint,dwait=5,j,n endfor store_data,format+'_rate',data={x:times,y:rate},dlim={ylog:1} store_data,format+'_atten',data={x:times,y:att},dlim={tplot_routine:'bitplot',colors:'rgrgrgrg',yrange:[-1,4]} endfor end pro thm_load_sst2_atten2,tplotnames if not keyword_set(tplotnames) then tplotnames= 'th?_ps??_data' tpnames = tnames(tplotnames,n) for i=0,n-1 do begin format = strmid(tpnames[i],0,8) dprint,dlevel=3,'Getting ATTEN for: ',format times = thm_part_dist2(format,/times) n = n_elements(times) att = intarr(n) for j=0l,n-1 do begin dat = thm_part_dist2(format,index=j) att[j] = dat.atten dprint,dwait=5,j,n endfor store_data,format+'_atten',data={x:times,y:att},dlim={tplot_routine:'bitplot',colors:'rgrgrgrg',yrange:[-1,4]} ; get_data,tpnames[i],ptr = dptr ; mdistdat = *dptr.mdistdat ; for j=0,n_elements(mdistdat.distptrs)-1 do begin ; if ptr_valid(mdistdat.distptrs[j]) then begin ; distdat = *(mdistdat.distptrs[j]) ; if ptr_valid(distdat.times) eq 0 then continue ; magf = data_cut(magname,*distdat.times) ; if ptr_valid(distdat.magf) then *distdat.magf = magf else begin ; (*((*dptr.mdistdat).distptrs[j])).magf = ptr_new(magf,/no_copy) ; endelse ; endif ; endfor endfor end function thm_load_sst2_cdfivars,cdfi,thx,var distdat = { $ times: ptr_new(),$ data: ptr_new(),$ magf: ptr_new(), $ cnfg: ptr_new(),$ nspins:ptr_new(), $ edphi: ptr_new(), $ atten: ptr_new(), $ emode: ptr_new(),$ amode: ptr_new(), $ dat3d: ptr_new(), $ cal_params:ptr_new() $ } vns = cdfi.vars.name varname = thx+'_'+var tptname = thx+'_p'+var distdat.times = cdfi.vars[where(vns eq varname+'_time')].dataptr distdat.data = cdfi.vars[where(vns eq varname)].dataptr distdat.nspins = cdfi.vars[where(vns eq varname+'_nspins')].dataptr distdat.cnfg = cdfi.vars[where(vns eq varname+'_config')].dataptr distdat.atten = cdfi.vars[where(vns eq varname+'_atten')].dataptr distdat.dat3d = ptr_new( thm_sst_dist3d_def2(dformat=tptname) ) distdat.cal_params = ptr_new( thm_sst_read_calib_params(thx,strlowcase(strmid(var,1,1)),'f')) return,distdat end function thm_load_sst2_mergevars,var1,var2 times = 0 varn = 0 ind = 0 distptrs = ptr_new() if keyword_set(var1.times) then begin append_array,times,*var1.times append_array,varn,replicate(1,n_elements(*var1.times)) append_array,ind,lindgen(n_elements(*var1.times)) distptrs = [distptrs,ptr_new(var1)] endif else begin distptrs = [distptrs,ptr_new()] endelse if keyword_set(var2) && keyword_set(var2.times) then begin append_array,times,*var2.times append_array,varn,replicate(2,n_elements(*var2.times)) append_array,ind,lindgen(n_elements(*var2.times)) distptrs = [distptrs,ptr_new(var2)] endif if ~keyword_set(times) then return,0 s = sort(times) data = {times:times[s], varn:varn[s], index:ind[s], distptrs : distptrs } return,{x:data.times, y:data.varn, mdistdat:data} end ;logic to clip data after merge was unreliable, replaced with a version that does clipping prior to merge ;mutates parent structure pro thm_load_sst2_time_clip,distdat,tr=tr if ~keyword_set(tr) then return if ~ptr_valid(distdat.times) then return index=where(*distdat.times ge tr[0] and *distdat.times lt tr[1],c) if c eq 0 then begin distdat.times=ptr_new() distdat.data=ptr_new() distdat.nspins=ptr_new() distdat.cnfg=ptr_new() distdat.atten=ptr_new() endif else begin *distdat.times=(*distdat.times)[index] if ndimen(*distdat.data) eq 1 then begin *distdat.data=(*distdat.data)[index] endif else if ndimen(*distdat.data) eq 2 then begin *distdat.data=(*distdat.data)[index,*] endif else begin ;assumes only other valid dimensionality is 3 *distdat.data=(*distdat.data)[index,*,*] endelse *distdat.nspins = (*distdat.nspins)[index] *distdat.cnfg = (*distdat.cnfg)[index] *distdat.atten = (*distdat.atten)[index] endelse end pro thm_load_sst2,probe=probematch, datatype=datatype, trange=trange, $ level=level, verbose=verbose, downloadonly=downloadonly, $ cdf_data=cdf_data,get_support_data=get_support_data, $ varnames=varnames, valid_names = valid_names, files=files, $ source_options = source_options, $ progobj=progobj, varformat=varformat,$ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ suffix=suffix,$ ;suffix keyword only works for L2 data no_time_clip=no_time_clip if not keyword_set(source_options) then begin thm_init source_options = !themis endif my_themis = source_options vb = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 vb = vb > my_themis.verbose dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=vb,'Start; $Id: thm_load_sst2.pro 29890 2021-04-19 18:52:51Z jimm $' vprobes = ['a','b','c','d','e'];,'f'] vlevels = ['l1','l2'] vdatatypes=['psif','psef','psib','pseb','psir','pser'] support_suffix = '_sst_part_tmp' if keyword_set(valid_names) then begin probematch = vprobes level = vlevels datatype = vdatatypes return endif if ~keyword_set(suffix) then begin suffix = '' endif if n_elements(probematch) eq 1 then if probematch eq 'f' then vprobes = ['f'] ;if not keyword_set(probematch) then probematch='*' ;probe = strfilter(vprobes, probematch ,delimiter=' ',/string) if not keyword_set(probematch) then probematch=vprobes probe=ssl_check_valid_name(strtrim(strlowcase(probematch),2),vprobes,/include_all) if probe[0] eq '' then begin dprint, "Invalid probes selected. Valid probes: 'a','b','c','d' or 'e' (ie, probe='a')" return end vlevels_str='l1 l2' deflevel='l1' lvl = thm_valid_input(level,'Level',vinputs=vlevels_str,definput=deflevel,$ format="('l', I1)", verbose=0) if lvl ne 'l2' then begin ;---------------------- if not keyword_set(datatype) then datatype='*' ;prevent any accidental mutation in the parent datatype_cpy = strfilter(vdatatypes, datatype ,delimiter=' ',/string) addmaster=0 for s=0,n_elements(probe)-1 do begin tn_pre_proc = tnames(create_time=cn_pre_proc) thx = 'th'+ probe[s] ; format = sc+'l1/sst/YYYY/'+sc+'_l1_sst_YYYYMMDD_v01.cdf' ; Won't work! for sst relpathnames = file_dailynames(thx+'/l1/sst/',dir='YYYY/',thx+'_l1_sst_','_v01.cdf',trange=trange,addmaster=addmaster) files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, _extra=my_themis ) ;, nowait=downloadonly) if keyword_set(downloadonly) or my_themis.downloadonly then continue cdfi = cdf_load_vars(files,/all,verbose=vb) if not keyword_set(cdfi) then begin continue endif ; determine clipping range if ~keyword_set(no_time_clip) then begin If (keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) Eq 2) then begin tr = timerange(trange) endif else begin tr = timerange() endelse endif ; Load support data and initialize spin model thm_load_state, probe=probe[s], trange=tr, suffix=support_suffix, $ /get_support_data usedptrs = ptr_new() ; ensure eclipse corrections flag is set when storing state of last load eclipse = undefined(use_eclipse_corrections) ? 0:use_eclipse_corrections if in_set(datatype_cpy,'psir') then begin psir_006 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'sir_006') thm_load_sst2_time_clip,psir_006,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, psir_006, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections psir_001 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'sir_001') thm_load_sst2_time_clip,psir_001,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, psir_001, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections data = thm_load_sst2_mergevars(psir_001,psir_006) ; merge data: store_data,thx+'_psir_data',data=data ;{x:data.times, y:data.varn, mdistdat:data} usedptrs = [usedptrs,ptr_extract(data)] ;set time range - use requested range regardless of clipping thm_part_trange, probe, 'psir', set={trange:timerange(trange),eclipse:eclipse}, /sst_cal endif if in_set(datatype_cpy,'psif') then begin psif_128 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'sif_128') if ptr_valid(psif_128.times) then begin dprint,'Found unexpected 128 angle data for PSIF. Data is being discarded.',dlevel=-5 psif_128.times = ptr_new() endif thm_load_sst2_time_clip,psif_128,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, psif_128, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections psif_064 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'sif_064') if ~is_struct(*psif_064.dat3d) then begin dprint,'Error loading sst struct. Please see error log.',dlevel=0 return endif thm_load_sst2_time_clip,psif_064,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, psif_064, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections data = thm_load_sst2_mergevars(psif_064,psif_128) ; merge data: store_data,thx+'_psif_data',data=data ;{x:data.times, y:data.varn, mdistdat:data} usedptrs = [usedptrs,ptr_extract(data)] ;set time range - use requested range regardless of clipping thm_part_trange, probe, 'psif', set={trange:timerange(trange),eclipse:eclipse}, /sst_cal endif if in_set(datatype_cpy,'pser') then begin pser_006 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'ser_006') thm_load_sst2_time_clip,pser_006,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, pser_006, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections pser_001 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'ser_001') thm_load_sst2_time_clip,pser_001,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, pser_001, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections data = thm_load_sst2_mergevars(pser_001,pser_006) ; merge data: store_data,thx+'_pser_data',data=data ;{x:data.times, y:data.varn, mdistdat:data} usedptrs = [usedptrs,ptr_extract(data)] ;set time range - use requested range regardless of clipping thm_part_trange, probe, 'pser', set={trange:timerange(trange),eclipse:eclipse}, /sst_cal endif if in_set(datatype_cpy,'pseb') then begin pseb_064 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'seb_064') ;bp if ~is_struct(*pseb_064.dat3d) then begin dprint,'Error loading sst struct. Please see error log.',dlevel=0 return endif thm_load_sst2_time_clip,pseb_064,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, pseb_064, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections data = thm_load_sst2_mergevars(pseb_064) ; merge data: store_data,thx+'_pseb_data',data=data ;{x:data.times, y:data.varn, mdistdat:data} usedptrs = [usedptrs,ptr_extract(data)] ;set time range - use requested range regardless of clipping thm_part_trange, probe, 'pseb', set={trange:timerange(trange),eclipse:eclipse}, /sst_cal endif if in_set(datatype_cpy,'psef') then begin psef_128 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'sef_128') if ptr_valid(psef_128.times) then begin dprint,'Found unexpected 128 angle data for PSEF. Data is being discarded.',dlevel=-5 psef_128.times = ptr_new() endif thm_load_sst2_time_clip,psef_128,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, psef_128, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections psef_064 = thm_load_sst2_cdfivars(cdfi,thx,'sef_064') if ~is_struct(*psef_064.dat3d) then begin dprint,'Error loading sst struct. Please see error log.',dlevel=0 return endif thm_load_sst2_time_clip,psef_064,tr=tr thm_sst_add_spindata2, psef_064, use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections data = thm_load_sst2_mergevars(psef_064,psef_128) ; merge data: store_data,thx+'_psef_data',data=data ;{x:data.times, y:y, mdistdat:data} usedptrs = [usedptrs,ptr_extract(data)] ;set time range - use requested range regardless of clipping thm_part_trange, probe, 'psef', set={trange:timerange(trange),eclipse:eclipse}, /sst_cal endif ptr_free,ptr_extract(cdfi,except=usedptrs) ;remove temporary state variables store_data, '*' + support_suffix, /delete ;determine new or modified tplot variables spd_ui_cleanup_tplot,tn_pre_proc,create=cn_pre_proc,new=tplotnames ;clip new variables and generate rate variable for i = 0, n_elements(tplotnames)-1 do begin if tnames(tplotnames[i]) eq '' then continue thm_load_sst2_count_rate,tplotnames[i],suffix endfor endfor endif else begin if arg_present(relpathnames_all) then begin downloadonly=1 no_download=1 end vlevels_str = 'l1 l2' deflevel = 'l2' lvl = thm_valid_input(level,'Level',vinputs=vlevels_str,definput=deflevel,$ format="('l', I1)", verbose=0) if lvl eq '' then return vL2datatypes='psif_en_eflux psef_en_eflux' datatype='*' thm_load_xxx,sname=probematch, datatype=datatype, trange=trange, $ level=level, verbose=verbose, downloadonly=downloadonly, $ relpathnames_all=relpathnames_all, no_download=no_download, $ cdf_data=cdf_data,get_cdf_data=arg_present(cdf_data), $ get_support_data=get_support_data, $ varnames=varnames, valid_names = valid_names, files=files, $ vsnames = 'a b c d e', $ type_sname = 'probe', $ vdatatypes = 'sst', $ file_vdatatypes = 'sst', $ vlevels = vlevels_str, $ vL2datatypes = vL2datatypes, $ vL2coord = '', $ deflevel = deflevel, $ version = 'v01', $ relpath_funct = 'thm_load_sst2_relpath', $ post_process_proc=post_process_proc, $ delete_support_data=delete_support_data, $ proc_type=type, coord=coord, suffix=suffix, $ progobj=progobj,$ varformat=varformat,$ no_time_clip=no_time_clip ylim,'*en_eflux*',0,0,1 zlim,'*en_eflux*',0,0,1 ;---------------------- endelse ;free any dangling pointers if double(!version.release) lt 8.0d then heap_gc end