;+ ;NAME: ; thm_load_pxxm_pot4esa ;PURPOSE: ; loads the pxxm_pot variable for ESA processing, performs a time ; offset, and also loads the efs_Potl variable fro FIT files, if it ; exists. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_load_esa_pxx_pot4esa, probe=probe, trange=trange,suffix=suffix ;INPUT; ; All via keyword ;OUTPUT: ; For each probe, a tplot variable 'thx_pxxm_pot', which is the SC ; potential that comes directly from the MOM L1 files, a variable, ; 'thm_pxxm_pot_0', that includes a time correction, ;KEYWORDS: ; probe - ['a','b','c','d','e'] ; trange - the time range, otherwise just use whatever's there ;HISTORY: ; 11-May-2010, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2012-01-10 10:56:14 -0800 (Tue, 10 Jan 2012) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 9526 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/ESA/thm_load_pxxm_pot4esa.pro $ ;- Pro thm_load_pxxm_pot4esa, probe = probe, trange = trange, $ _extra = _extra tshft_mom = [1.6028, 0.625] mom_tim_adjust = time_double(['07-11-29/20:51:26', '07-12-03/18:43:24', $ '07-12-03/18:23:03', '07-11-27/18:34:23', $ '07-11-29/17:49:10']) ; sc default if keyword_set(probe) then sc = probe if not keyword_set(sc) then begin dprint, 'S/C not set, default = all probes' sc = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] endif sc = strlowcase(sc) If(n_elements(sc) Eq 1) Then Begin sc = strsplit(sc,' ', /extract) Endif nsc = n_elements(sc) For j = 0, nsc-1 Do Begin ;get EFS potential, If(keyword_set(trange)) Then Begin thm_load_fit, probe = sc[j], trange = trange, datatype = 'efs_potl' Endif Else thm_load_fit, probe = sc[j], datatype = 'efs_potl' potl = 'th'+sc[j]+'_efs_potl' ;Get MOM potential If(keyword_set(trange)) Then Begin thm_load_mom, probe = sc[j], trange = trange, datatype = 'pxxm_pot' Endif Else thm_load_mom, probe = sc[j], datatype = 'pxxm_pot' pxxm = 'th'+sc[j]+'_pxxm_pot' get_data, pxxm, data = dpxxm, dlimits = dlpxxm ;Correct potential variable with time shift If(is_struct(dpxxm)) Then Begin model = spinmodel_get_ptr(sc[j]) npts = n_elements(dpxxm.x) If(obj_valid(model)) Then Begin spinmodel_interp_t, model = model, time = dpxxm.x, spinper = spin_period, $ /use_spinphase_correction Endif Else spin_period = replicate(3.0, npts) ;Subtract the time shift pjno = where(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Eq sc[j]) If(dpxxm.x[0] Ge mom_tim_adjust[pjno]) Then Begin dpxxm.x = dpxxm.x-tshft_mom[1]*spin_period Endif Else If(dpxxm.x[npts-1] Lt mom_tim_adjust[pjno]) Then Begin dpxxm.x = dpxxm.x-tshft_mom[0]*spin_period Endif Else Begin aft = where(dpxxm.x Ge mom_tim_adjust[pjno]) If(aft[0] Ne -1) Then dpxxm.x[aft] = dpxxm.x[aft]-tshft_mom[1]*spin_period[aft] bef = where(dpxxm.x Lt mom_tim_adjust[pjno]) If(bef[0] Ne -1) Then dpxxm.x[bef] = dpxxm.x[bef]-tshft_mom[1]*spin_period[bef] Endelse ;done with time shifting store_data, pxxm+'_0', data = dpxxm, dlimits = dlpxxm Endif ;nothing happens if there is no pxxm_pot data Endfor ;sc loop Return End