;+ ;Procedure: thm_esa_slice2d ; ;Purpose: creates a 2-D slice of the 3-D ESA ion or electron distribution function. ; ;Call: thm_esa_slice2d,sc,typ,current_time,timeinterval,[keywords] ;Keywords: SPECIES: 'ion' or 'ele' ; ROTATION: suggesting the x and y axis, which can be specified as the followings: ; 'BV': the x axis is V_para (to the magnetic field) and the bulk velocity is in the x-y plane. (DEFAULT) ; 'BE': the x axis is V_para (to the magnetic field) and the VxB direction is in the x-y plane. ; 'xy': the x axis is V_x and the y axis is V_y. ; 'xz': the x axis is V_x and the y axis is V_z. ; 'yz': the x axis is V_y and the y axis is V_z. ; 'perp': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, while the x axis is the velocity projection on the plane. ; 'perp_xy': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, while the x axis is the x projection on the plane. ; 'perp_xz': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, while the x axis is the x projection on the plane. ; 'perp_yz': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, while the x axis is the y projection on the plane. ; ANGLE: the lower and upper angle limits of the slice selected to plot (DEFAULT [-20,20]). ; THIRDDIRLIM: the velocity limits of the slice. Once activated, the ANGLE keyword would be invalid.. ; FILETYPE: 'png' or 'ps'. (DEFAULT 'png') ; OUTPUTFILE: the name of the output file. ; THEBDATA: specifies magnetic data to use. ; FINISHED: makes the output publication quality when using ps (NOT WORKING WELL). ; XRANGE: vector specifying the xrange ; RANGE: vector specifying the color range ; ERANGE: specifies the energy range to be used ; UNITS: specifies the units ('eflux','df',etc.) (Def. is 'df') ; NOZLOG: specifies a linear Z axis ; POSITION: positions the plot using a 4-vector ; NOFILL: doesn't fill the contour plot with colors ; NLINES: says how many lines to use if using NOFILL (DEFAULT 60, MAX 60) ; NOOLINES: suppresses the black contour lines ; NUMOLINES: how many black contour lines (DEFAULT 20, MAX 60) ; REMOVEZERO: removes the data with zero counts for plotting ; SHOWDATA: plots all the data points over the contour ; VEL: tplot variable containing the velocity data ; (default is calculated with v_3d) ; NOGRID: forces no triangulation ; NOSMOOTH: suppresses smoothing (IF NOT SET, DEFAULT IS SMOOTH) ; NOSUN: suppresses the sun direction line ; NOVELLINE: suppresses the velocity line ; SUBTRACT: subtract the bulk velocity before plot ; RESOLUTION: resolution of the mesh (DEFAULT 51) ; RMBINS: removes the sun noise by cutting out certain bins ; THETA: specifies the theta range for RMBINS (def 20) ; PHI: specifies the phi range for RMBINS (def 40) ; NR: removes background noise from ph using noise_remove ; NOISELEVEL: background level in eflux ; BOTTOM: level to set as min eflux for background. def. is 0. ; SR, RS, RM2: removes the sun noise using subtraction ; REQUIRES write_ph.doc to run ; NLOW: used with rm2. Sets bottom of eflux noise level ; def. 1e4 ; M: marks the tplot at the current time ; VEL2: takes a 3-vector velocity and puts it on the plot ;CREATED BY: Arjun Raj ;EXAMPLES: see the crib file: themis_cut_crib.pro ;REMARKS: when calling with phb and rm2, use file='write_phb.doc' ; also, set the noiselevel to 1e5. This gives the best ; results ; ;LAST EDITED BY XUZHI ZHOU 4-24-2008 ;- pro thm_esa_slice2d,sc,typ,current_time,timeinterval,species=species,rotation = rotation,$ angle = angle,ThirdDirlim = ThirdDirlim,filetype = filetype,outputfile = outputfile,thebdata = thebdata,$ finished = finished,xrange = xrange,range = range,erange = erange,units = units,nozlog = nozlog,$ position = position,nofill = nofill,nlines = nlines,noolines = noolines,numolines = numolines,$ removezero = removezero,showdata = showdata,vel=vel,nogrid=nogrid,nosmooth=nosmooth,nosun = nosun,$ novelline = novelline,subtract = subtract,resolution = resolution,rmbins = rmbins,theta = theta,phi = phi,$ nr = nr,noiselevel = noiselevel,bottom = bottom,sr = sr,rs = rs,rm2=rm2,nlow = nlow,m = m,vel2 = vel2,$ phb = phb,filename = filename,_EXTRA = e !p.charsize=1 if not keyword_set(filetype) then filetype='png' if keyword_set(removezero) then leavezero=0 else leavezero=1 cross=0 if keyword_set(phb) then filename = 'write_phb.doc' for i=0,timeinterval/3-1 do begin if species eq 'ion' then begin thedata2=CALL_FUNCTION('get_th'+sc+'_pei'+typ,current_time+i*3.0) ; thedata2s=CALL_FUNCTION('thm_sst_psif',current_time+i*3.0,probe=sc) endif if species eq 'ele' then begin thedata2=CALL_FUNCTION('get_th'+sc+'_pee'+typ,current_time+i*3.0) ; thedata2s=CALL_FUNCTION('thm_sst_psef',current_time+i*3.0,probe=sc) endif if i eq 0 then begin thedata3 = thedata2 ; thedata3s = thedata2s endif else begin thedata3 = [thedata3,thedata2] ; thedata3s = [thedata3s,thedata2s] endelse endfor inumber=i-1 ; %%% LOOP START HERE %%% for in=0,inumber do begin thedata=thedata3(in) bins_2d=fltarr(thedata.nenergy,thedata.nbins) for i=0,thedata.nbins-1 do begin ; bins_2d(*,i)=thedata.bins(i) bins_2d(*,i)=thedata.bins(*,i) endfor if keyword_set(rmbins) then begin dprint, 'Removing bins (thm_bin_remove)' thedata = thm_bin_remove(thedata,theta = theta,phi = phi) endif ;else thedata = thedata2 if keyword_set(sr) then rm2 = 1 if keyword_set(rs) then rm2 = 1 if keyword_set(nofill) then noolines = 1 if keyword_set(rm2) then begin dprint, 'Removing bins (thm_bin_remove2)' leavezero = 1 if not keyword_set(nosmooth) then nosmooth = 0 ;nr = 1 load_ph,new,filename = filename thedata = thm_bin_remove2(thedata,theta = theta,phi = phi,new= new,nlow = nlow) endif ;else thedata = thedata2 if keyword_set(nr) then begin dprint, 'Removing Noise' ;dprint, noiselevel thedata = thm_noise_remove(thedata,nlevel = noiselevel,bottom = bottom) leavezero = 1 endif if keyword_set(m) then $ new_time,'cut2d',thedata.time numperrow=4 ;MODIFICATIONS TO MAKE COMMAND LINE SMALLER if not keyword_set(ThirdDirLim) and not keyword_set(angle) then angle = [-20.,20.] if not keyword_set(nozlog) then zlog = 1 if not keyword_set(nogrid) then grid = 1 if not keyword_set(nosmooth) then smooth = 1 if not keyword_set(noolines) then begin if keyword_set(numolines) then olines = numolines else olines = 20 endif if not keyword_set(subtract) then nosubtract = 1 if not keyword_set(nosun) then sundir = 1 if keyword_set(zlog) then dprint, 'zl' if keyword_set(grid) then dprint, 'grid' if keyword_set(cross) then dprint, 'cross' if keyword_set(smooth) then dprint, 'smooth' if keyword_set(olines) then dprint, 'olines' if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'df' if not keyword_set(nlines) then nlines = 60 if not keyword_set(rotation) then rotation='BV' if filetype eq 'ps' then begin SET_PLOT, 'PS' DEVICE, FILENAME=outputfile+'.ps',/color,bits_per_pixel=8 endif ;END MODIFICATiONS perpsym = byte(94) perpsymbol = string(perpsym) parasym = byte(47) parasymbol = string(parasym) + string(parasym) if keyword_set(finished) and units eq 'df' then thedata.data = thedata.data / 1000. ;changing units to ;s^-3 m^-6 ;if keyword_set(finished) and keyword_set(plotlabel) and !d.name eq 'PS' then begin ; device,/bold ; xyouts, 0.0,.95,plotlabel+'!N!7',/normal ;endif if !d.name eq 'PS' then loadct,39 if not keyword_set(resolution) then resolution = 51 if resolution mod 2 eq 0 then resolution = resolution + 1 oldplot = !p.multi if keyword_set(cross) then begin ;and !d.name ne 'PS' then begin !p.multi = [0,2,1] grid = 1 endif ;if not keyword_set(vel) then vel = 'v_3d_ph' if not keyword_set(position) then begin x_size = !d.x_size & y_size = !d.y_size xsize = .77 yoffset = 0. d=1. if keyword_set(cross) then begin yoffset = yoffset + .5 xsize = xsize/2.+.13/1.5 y_size = y_size/2. x_size = x_size/2. d = .5 if y_size le x_size then $ pos2 = [.13*d+.05,.03+.13*d,.05+.13*d + xsize * y_size/x_size,.13*d + xsize+.03] else $ pos2 = [.13*d+.05,.03+.13*d,.05+.13*d + xsize,.13*d + xsize *x_size/y_size+.03] endif if y_size le x_size then $ position = [.13*d+.05,.13*d+yoffset,.05+.13*d + xsize * y_size/x_size,.13*d + xsize + yoffset] else $ position = [.13*d+.05,.13*d+yoffset,.05+.13*d + xsize,.13*d + xsize *x_size/y_size + yoffset] endif else begin if not keyword_set(pos2) then begin pos2 = position pos2(0) = position(0) pos2(2) = position(2) pos2(3) = position(1)-.08 pos2(1) = .1 endif endelse ;theonecnt = thedata thedata = conv_units(thedata,units) ;stop ;thedata.data(*,120)=0 ;theonecnt = conv_units(theonecnt,'counts') ;for i = 0,theonecnt.nenergy-1 do theonecnt.data(i,*) = 1 ;theonecnt = conv_units(theonecnt,units) ;if theonecnt.units_name eq 'Counts' then theonecnt.data(*,*) = 1. ;********************************************** ;bad_bins=where((thedata.dphi eq 0) or (thedata.dtheta eq 0) or $ ; ((thedata.data(0,*) eq 0.) and (thedata.theta(0,*) eq 0.) and $ ; (thedata.phi(0,*) eq 180.)),n_bad) ;good_bins=where(((thedata.dphi ne 0) and (thedata.dtheta ne 0)) and not $ ; ((thedata.data(0,*) eq 0.) and (thedata.theta(0,*) eq 0.) and $ ; (thedata.phi(0,*) eq 180.)),n_good) ;if n_bad ne 0 then print,'There are bad bins' if thedata.valid ne 1 then begin dprint, 'Not valid data' return endif ;bad120 = where(good_bins eq 120,count) ;if count eq 1 and thedata.data_name eq 'Pesa High' then begin ; print, 'Fixing bad 120 bin' ; if n_bad eq 0 then bad_bins = [120] else bad_bins = [bad_bins,120] ; good_bins = good_bins(where(good_bins ne 120)) ; n_bad = n_bad + 1 ; n_good = n_good -1 ;endif ;***************************** ;In order to find out how many particles there are at all the different locations, ;we must transform the data into cartesian coordinates. totalx = fltarr(1) & totaly = fltarr(1) & totalz = fltarr(1) ncounts = fltarr(1) if not keyword_set(erange) then begin erange = [thedata.energy(thedata.nenergy-1,0),thedata.energy(0,0)] erange = [min(thedata.energy), max(thedata.energy)] eindex = indgen(thedata.nenergy) endif else begin eindex = where(thedata.energy(*,0) ge erange(0) and thedata.energy(*,0) le erange(1)) erange = [min(thedata.energy(eindex,0)),max(thedata.energy(eindex,0))] endelse ;stop mass = thedata.mass / 6.2508206e24 for i = 0, thedata.nenergy-1 do begin currbins = where(bins_2d(i,*) ne 0 and thedata.energy(i,*) le erange(1) and thedata.energy(i,*) ge erange(0) and finite(thedata.data(i,*)) eq 1,nbins) if nbins ne 0 then begin ; print, i x = fltarr(nbins) & y = fltarr(nbins) & z = fltarr(nbins) sphere_to_cart,1,reform(thedata.theta(i,currbins)),reform(thedata.phi(i,currbins)),x,y,z totalx = [totalx, x * reform(sqrt(2*1.6e-19*thedata.energy(i,currbins)/mass))] totaly = [totaly, y * reform(sqrt(2*1.6e-19*thedata.energy(i,currbins)/mass))] totalz = [totalz, z * reform(sqrt(2*1.6e-19*thedata.energy(i,currbins)/mass))] ncounts = [ncounts,reform(thedata.data(i, currbins))] endif endfor totalx = totalx(1:*) totaly = totaly(1:*) totalz = totalz(1:*) ncounts = ncounts(1:*) if in eq 0 then begin ncounts_t = ncounts endif else begin ncounts_t = ncounts_t+ncounts endelse endfor ncounts=ncounts_t/(inumber+1) ; %%% LOOP ENDS HERE %%% ;*****HERES SOMETHING NEW ;sto newdata = {dir:fltarr(n_elements(totalx),3), n:fltarr(n_elements(totalx))} newdata.dir(*,0) = totalx newdata.dir(*,1) = totaly newdata.dir(*,2) = totalz newdata.n = ncounts ;stop ;********************************************** ;get the magnetic field into a variable get_data,thebdata,data = mgf ;************EXPERIMENTAL INTERPOLATION FIX************ ;get_data,thebdata,data = bdata ;index = where(bdata.x le thedata.time + 600 and bdata.x ge thedata.time - 600) ;store_data,thebdata+'cut',data={x:bdata.x(index),y:bdata.y(index,*)} ;******** store_data,'time',data = {x:thedata.time+thedata.integ_t*.5} ;dprint, thedata.integ_t, ' Thedata.integ_t' ;interpolate,'time',thebdata+'cut','Bfield' ;get_data,'Bfield',data = mgf ;bfield = fltarr(3) ;bfield[0] = mgf.y(0,0) ;bfield[1] = mgf.y(0,1) ;bfield[2] = mgf.y(0,2) bfield = thm_dat_avg(thebdata, thedata3(0).time, thedata.end_time) ;dprint, 'BFIELD is ',bfield ;dprint, 'All data interpolated to ' + time_string(mgf.x) if keyword_set(nosubtract) then dprint, 'No velocity transform' else begin if keyword_set(vel) then print,'Velocity used for subtraction is '+vel else dprint, 'Velocity used for subtraction is V_3D' endelse if keyword_set(vel) then begin dprint, 'Using '+vel+' for velocity vector' ; get_data,vel,data = dummy, index = theindex ; if theindex eq 0 then begin ; Print, 'Loading velocity data....' ; get_3dt,'v_3d','ph',/nr,/rm2 ; endif ; interpolate,'time',vel,'value' ; get_data,'value',data = thevalue ; thevel = 1000.* reform(thevalue.y) thevel = 1000. * thm_dat_avg(vel, thedata3(0).time, thedata.end_time) ; print, thevel factor = 1. endif else begin dprint, 'Calculating V with v_3d...' thevel = 1000. * v_3d(thedata) thevel = 0.01 * j_3d(thedata)/n_3d(thedata) for in=0,inumber do begin if in eq 0 then begin flux=j_3d(thedata3(0)) density=n_3d(thedata3(0)) endif else begin flux=flux+j_3d(thedata3(in)) density=density+n_3d(thedata3(in)) endelse endfor thevel = 0.01 * flux/density factor = 1. endelse if not keyword_set(nosubtract) then begin newdata.dir(*,0) = newdata.dir(*,0) - thevel(0)*factor newdata.dir(*,1) = newdata.dir(*,1) - thevel(1)*factor newdata.dir(*,2) = newdata.dir(*,2) - thevel(2)*factor endif else begin newdata.dir(*,0) = newdata.dir(*,0) newdata.dir(*,1) = newdata.dir(*,1) newdata.dir(*,2) = newdata.dir(*,2) endelse ;**************NOW CONVERT TO THE DATA SET REQUIRED***************** if rotation eq 'BV' then rot=thm_cal_rot(bfield,thevel) if rotation eq 'BE' then rot=thm_cal_rot(bfield,crossp(bfield,thevel)) if rotation eq 'xy' then rot=thm_cal_rot([1,0,0],[0,1,0]) if rotation eq 'xz' then rot=thm_cal_rot([1,0,0],[0,0,1]) if rotation eq 'yz' then rot=thm_cal_rot([0,1,0],[0,0,1]) if rotation eq 'xvel' then rot=thm_cal_rot([1,0,0],thevel) if rotation eq 'perp' then begin rot=thm_cal_rot(crossp(bfield,crossp(bfield,thevel)),crossp(bfield,thevel)) endif if rotation eq 'perp_yz' then begin rot=thm_cal_rot(CROSSP(CROSSP(bfield,[0,1,0]),bfield),CROSSP(CROSSP(bfield,[0,0,1]),bfield)) endif if rotation eq 'perp_xy' then begin rot=thm_cal_rot(CROSSP(CROSSP(bfield,[1,0,0]),bfield),CROSSP(CROSSP(bfield,[0,1,0]),bfield)) endif if rotation eq 'perp_xz' then begin rot=thm_cal_rot(CROSSP(CROSSP(bfield,[1,0,0]),bfield),CROSSP(CROSSP(bfield,[0,0,1]),bfield)) endif newdata.dir = newdata.dir#rot factor = 1000. ;vperp = (newdata.dir(*,1)^2 + newdata.dir(*,2)^2)^.5*newdata.dir(*,1)/abs(newdata.dir(*,1))/factor vperp = newdata.dir(*,1)/factor vpara = newdata.dir(*,0)/factor vperp2= newdata.dir(*,2)/factor zdata = newdata.n if keyword_set(ThirdDirlim) then angle = [-90.,90.] zmag = vperp2 r = sqrt(vpara^2 + vperp^2+vperp2^2) eachangle = asin(zmag/r) angle1=min(angle) angle2=max(angle) index = where(eachangle/!dtor le angle2 and eachangle/!dtor ge angle1,count) if count ne 0 then begin vperp = vperp(index) vpara = vpara(index) vperp2=vperp2(index) zdata = zdata(index) endif else begin message,'NO DATA POINTS AT THAT ANGLE!' return endelse dprint, 'angle = ',angle if keyword_set(ThirdDirlim) then begin third = vperp2 index = where(third le max(ThirdDirlim) and third ge min(ThirdDirlim)) if count ne 0 then begin vperp = vperp(index) vpara = vpara(index) vperp2=vperp2(index) zdata = zdata(index) endif endif ;********************** if keyword_set(sundir) then begin sund = [1,0,0] sund = sund#rot vperpsun = (sund(1)^2 + sund(2)^2)^.5*sund(1)/abs(sund(1)) vparasun = sund(0) endif if not keyword_set(vel) then veldir = v_3d(thedata) else veldir = thevel/1000. veldir = veldir#rot ;EXPERIMENTAL GET RID OF 0 THING************* if not keyword_set(leavezero) then begin index = where(zdata ne 0) vperp = vperp(index) vpara = vpara(index) vperp2=vperp2(index) zdata = zdata(index) endif else dprint, 'Zeros left in plot' ;MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE VALUES!! *********** index2 = where(zdata lt 0., count) if count ne 0 then dprint, 'THERE ARE NEGATIVE DATA VALUES' index = where(zdata ge 0,count) if count ne 0 then begin vperp = vperp(index) vperp2= vperp2(index) vpara = vpara(index) zdata = zdata(index) endif ;stop vperp=vperp(sort(vpara)) zdata=zdata(sort(vpara)) vperp2=vperp2(sort(vpara)) vpara=vpara(sort(vpara)) uni2=uniq(vpara) uni1=[0,uni2(0:n_elements(uni2)-2)+1] kk=0 for i=0,n_elements(uni2)-1 do begin vperpi=vperp(uni1(i):uni2(i)) vparai=vpara(uni1(i):uni2(i)) zdatai=zdata(uni1(i):uni2(i)) vparai=vparai(sort(vperpi)) zdatai=zdatai(sort(vperpi)) vperpi=vperpi(sort(vperpi)) index2=uniq(vperpi) if n_elements(index2) eq 1 then begin index1=0 endif else begin index1=[0,index2(0:n_elements(index2)-2)+1] endelse for j=0,n_elements(index2)-1 do begin vperp(kk)=vperpi(index1(j)) vpara(kk)=vparai(index1(j)) if index1(j) eq index2(j) then begin zdata(kk)=zdatai(index1(j)) endif else begin zdata_moment=moment(zdatai(index1(j):index2(j))) zdata(kk)=zdata_moment(0) endelse kk=kk+1 endfor endfor vperp=vperp(0:kk-1) vpara=vpara(0:kk-1) zdata=zdata(0:kk-1) ;******************NOW TO PLOT THE DATA******************** if not keyword_set(xrange) then begin themax = max(abs([vperp,vpara])) xrange = [-1*themax,themax] endif else themax = max(abs(xrange)) if not keyword_set(range) then begin if not keyword_set(xrange) then begin maximum = max(zdata) minimum = min(zdata(where(zdata ne 0))) endif else begin maximum = max(zdata(where(abs(vperp) le themax and abs(vpara) le themax))) minimum = min(zdata(where(zdata ne 0 and abs(vperp) le themax and abs(vpara) le themax))) endelse endif else begin maximum = range(1) minimum = range(0) endelse if keyword_set(zlog) then $ thelevels = 10.^(indgen(nlines)/float(nlines)*(alog10(maximum) - alog10(minimum)) + alog10(minimum)) $ else $ thelevels = (indgen(nlines)/float(nlines)*(maximum-minimum)+minimum) ;**********EXTRA STUFF FOR THE CONTOUR LINE OVERPLOTS************ if keyword_set(olines) then begin if keyword_set(zlog) then $ thelevels2 = 10.^(indgen(olines)/float(olines)*(alog10(maximum) - alog10(minimum)) + alog10(minimum)) $ else $ thelevels2 = (indgen(olines)/float(olines)*(maximum-minimum)+minimum) endif ;**********END EXTRA STUFF FOR LINE OVERPLOTS (MORE LATER)************************************* thecolors = round((indgen(nlines)+1)*(!d.table_size-9)/nlines)+7 if not keyword_set(nofill) then fill = 1 else fill = 0 if not keyword_set(finished) then begin if rotation eq 'BV' then begin xtitle = 'V Para (km/sec)' ytitle = 'V Perp (km/sec)' endif if rotation eq 'xy' then begin xtitle = 'Vx (km/sec)' ytitle = 'Vy (km/sec)' endif if rotation eq 'xz' then begin xtitle = 'Vx (km/sec)' ytitle = 'Vz (km/sec)' endif if rotation eq 'yz' then begin xtitle = 'Vy (km/sec)' ytitle = 'Vz (km/sec)' endif if rotation eq 'xvel' then begin xtitle = 'Vx (km/sec)' ytitle = 'Vyz (km/sec)' endif endif else begin xtitle = 'V!19!D'+parasymbol+'!N!7 (km/sec)' ytitle = 'V!19!D'+perpsymbol+'!N!7 (km/sec)' endelse if keyword_set(grid) then begin ;stop x= findgen(resolution)/(resolution-1)*(xrange(1)-xrange(0)) + xrange(0) spacing = (xrange(1)-xrange(0))/(resolution-1) triangulate,vpara,vperp,tr,b ; test tr1=tr(0,*) tr2=tr(1,*) tr3=tr(2,*) index = where((vpara(tr1)+vpara(tr2)+vpara(tr3))^2+(vperp(tr1)+vperp(tr2)+vperp(tr3))^2 gt min(vpara^2+vperp^2), count) if count ne 0 then begin tr=tr(*,index) endif thesurf = trigrid(vpara,vperp,zdata,tr,[spacing,spacing], [xrange(0),xrange(0),xrange(1),xrange(1)],xgrid = xg,ygrid = yg ) if keyword_set(smooth) then thesurf = smooth(thesurf,3) if n_elements(xg) mod 2 ne 1 then dprint, 'The line plots are invalid',n_elements(xg) ;dprint, n_elements(xg) ;************************************************** ;********EXPERIMENTAL THINGS HERE************ ;stop if keyword_set(logplot) then begin vpara2 = vpara vperp2 = vperp magnitude = .5 * alog(vpara^2 + vperp^2) vpara2 = vpara / sqrt(vpara^2 + vperp^2) vperp2 = vperp / sqrt(vpara^2 + vperp^2) vpara2 = vpara2 * magnitude vperp2 = vperp2 * magnitude ;CONVERT BACK AS A CHECK ;magnitude = exp(sqrt(vpara2^2 + vperp2^2) ) ;vpara3 = vpara2 / sqrt(vpara2^2 + vperp2^2) ;vperp3 = vperp2 / sqrt(vpara2^2 + vperp2^2) ;vpara4 = vpara3 * magnitude ;vperp4 = vperp3 * magnitude xrangeold = xrange xrange(0) = -alog(abs(xrange(0))) xrange(1) = alog(xrange(1)) ;stop x= findgen(resolution)/(resolution-1)*(xrange(1)-xrange(0)) + xrange(0) spacing = (xrange(1)-xrange(0))/(resolution-1) triangulate,vpara2,vperp2,tr,b thesurf = trigrid(vpara2,vperp2,zdata,tr,[spacing,spacing], [xrange(0),xrange(0),xrange(1),xrange(1)],xgrid = xg,ygrid = yg ) if keyword_set(smooth) then thesurf = smooth(thesurf,3) if n_elements(xg) mod 2 ne 1 then dprint, 'The line plots are invalid',n_elements(xg) ;dprint, n_elements(xg) xrange = xrangeold indexminus = where(xg lt 0.) indexplus = where(xg gt 0.) xg(indexminus) = -exp(abs(xg(indexminus))) xg(indexplus) = exp(xg(indexplus)) yg(indexminus) = -exp(abs(yg(indexminus))) yg(indexplus) = exp(yg(indexplus)) endif ;stop ;******************************************************** ;******************************************************** ;thedata.data_name+' '+time_string(thedata.time) timetitle = thedata.data_name+' '+time_string(thedata3(0).time) + '->' + strmid(time_string(thedata.end_time),11,8) ;if keyword_set(finished) and keyword_set(plotlabel) then timetitle = '!B ;if keyword_set(finished) and keyword_set(plotlabel) then timetitle = '!B contour,thesurf,xg,yg,$ /closed,levels=thelevels,c_color = thecolors,fill=fill,$ title = timetitle, $ ystyle = 1,$ ticklen = -0.01,$ xstyle = 1,$ xrange = xrange,$ yrange = xrange,$ xtitle = xtitle,$ ytitle = ytitle,position = position if keyword_set(olines) then begin if !d.name eq 'PS' then somecol = !p.color else somecol = 0 contour, thesurf,xg,yg,/closed,levels = thelevels2,ystyle = 1+4, $ xstyle = 1+4,xrange = xrange, yrange = xrange, ticklen = 0,/noerase,position = position,col = somecol endif endif else begin contour,zdata,vpara,vperp,/irregular,$ /closed,levels=thelevels,c_color = thecolors,fill=fill,$ title = timetitle, $ ystyle = 1,$ ticklen = -0.01,$ xstyle = 1,$ xrange = xrange,$ yrange = xrange,$ xtitle = xtitle,$ ytitle = ytitle,position = position if keyword_set(olines) then begin if !d.name eq 'PS' then somecol = !p.color else somecol = 0 contour, zdata,vpara,vperp,/irregular,/closed, levels = thelevels2, $ ystyle = 1+4, xstyle = 1+4, ticklen = 0, xrange = xrange, yrange = xrange, position=position,/noerase, col = somecol endif endelse if not keyword_set(cut_para) then cut_para = 0. if not keyword_set(cut_perp) then cut_perp = 0. if keyword_set(cut_bulk_vel) then begin cut_para= veldir(0) cut_perp= veldir(1) endif ;oplot, vpara, vperp, PSYM=1 oplot,[cut_para,cut_para],xrange,linestyle = 2,thick = 2 oplot,xrange,[cut_perp,cut_perp],linestyle = 2,thick = 2 ;oplot,[0,0],xrange,linestyle = 1 ;oplot,xrange,[0,0],linestyle = 1 if keyword_set(sundir) then oplot,[0,vparasun*max(xrange)],[0,vperpsun*max(xrange)] if keyword_set(vel2) then begin ; stop vel2 = vel2#rot vperpvel2 = (vel2(1)^2 + vel2(2)^2)^.5*vel2(1)/abs(vel2(1)) vparavel2 = vel2(0) bbbb=findgen(36)*(!pi*2/32.) usersym,1.5*cos(bbbb),1.5*sin(bbbb),/fill ; oplot,[vparavel2],[vperpvel2],psym = 8,col= !d.table_size - 10,symsize =1 oplot,[vparavel2],[vperpvel2],psym = 8,col= 2,symsize =1 endif if not keyword_set(novelline) then oplot,[0,veldir(0)],[0,veldir(1)],col= !d.table_size-9 circy=sin(findgen(360)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(0)/mass)/1000. circx=cos(findgen(360)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(0)/mass)/1000. ;sqrt(2*1.6e-19*energy(i)/mass) oplot,circx,circy,thick = 2 circy=sin(findgen(360)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(1)/mass)/1000. circx=cos(findgen(360)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(1)/mass)/1000. ;sqrt(2*1.6e-19*energy(i)/mass) oplot,circx,circy,thick = 2 thetitle = units_string(thedata.units_name) if keyword_set(plotlabel) then xyouts, 0.05,.95,plotlabel+'!N!7',/normal,charsize = 1.5 ;if keyword_set(zlog) then thetitle = thetitle + ' (log)' draw_color_scale,range=[minimum,maximum],log = zlog,yticks=10,title =thetitle if keyword_set(showdata) then oplot,vpara,vperp,psym=1 if cross eq 1 then begin n_elem = n_elements(thesurf(*,0)) if not keyword_set(cut_perp) then perpval = n_elem/2 else begin ind = where(xg ge cut_perp) if (xg(ind(0)) - cut_perp) le (cut_perp - xg(ind(0)-1) ) then perpval = ind(0) else perpval = ind(0)-1 endelse if not keyword_set(cut_para) then paraval = n_elem/2 else begin ind = where(xg ge cut_para) if (xg(ind(0)) - cut_para) le (cut_para - xg(ind(0)-1) ) then paraval = ind(0) else paraval = ind(0)-1 endelse ; if keyword_set(zlog) then thetitle = thetitle + ' (log)' xtitle = 'Velocity (km/sec)' vore = 'V' ;HERE COMES SOME NEW COLOR STUFF if !d.name eq 'PS' then thecolors = round((indgen(4)+1)*(!d.table_size-9)/4)+7 else begin thecolors=indgen(4) thecolors = thecolors + 3 endelse if keyword_set(double) then begin ;first plot vpara on the + side plot,xg,[reverse(thesurf(n_elem/2:*,perpval)),thesurf(n_elem/2+1:*,perpval)],$ xstyle = 1, ystyle =1,$ xrange = xrange,yrange = [minimum,maximum],ylog = zlog, $ title = 'Cross Sections',xtitle = xtitle,ytitle = thetitle,$ position = pos2 ;overplot vpara on the minus side oplot,xg,[thesurf(0:n_elem/2,perpval),reverse(thesurf(0:n_elem/2-1,perpval))],color = thecolors(0) ;now vperp on the + side oplot,xg,[reverse(reform(thesurf(paraval,n_elem/2+1:*))),reform(thesurf(paraval,n_elem/2:*))],color = thecolors(1) ;and now vper on the - side oplot,xg,[reform(thesurf(paraval,0:n_elem/2)),reverse(reform(thesurf(paraval,0:n_elem/2-1)))],color = thecolors(2) endif else begin if not keyword_set(loglines) then begin ;stop ;first plot vpara on the + side plot,xg(n_elem/2:*),thesurf(n_elem/2:*,perpval),$ xstyle = 1, ystyle =1,$ xrange = xrange,yrange = [minimum,maximum],ylog = zlog, $ title = 'Cross Sections',xtitle = xtitle,ytitle = thetitle,$ position = pos2 ;overplot vpara on the minus side oplot,xg(0:n_elem/2),thesurf(0:n_elem/2,perpval),color = thecolors(0) ;now vperp on the + side oplot,xg(n_elem/2:*),reform(thesurf(paraval,n_elem/2:*)),color = thecolors(1) ;and now vper on the - side oplot,xg(0:n_elem/2),reform(thesurf(paraval,0:n_elem/2)),color = thecolors(2) endif else begin ;*****PUT IN LOGLINES STUFF HERE******** ;********EXPERIMENTAL THINGS HERE************ ;stop if not keyword_set(oldlog) then begin vpara2 = vpara vperp2 = vperp magnitude = .5 * alog(vpara^2 + vperp^2) vpara2 = vpara / sqrt(vpara^2 + vperp^2) vperp2 = vperp / sqrt(vpara^2 + vperp^2) vpara2 = vpara2 * magnitude vperp2 = vperp2 * magnitude ;CONVERT BACK AS A CHECK ;magnitude = exp(sqrt(vpara2^2 + vperp2^2) ) ;vpara3 = vpara2 / sqrt(vpara2^2 + vperp2^2) ;vperp3 = vperp2 / sqrt(vpara2^2 + vperp2^2) ;vpara4 = vpara3 * magnitude ;vperp4 = vperp3 * magnitude xrangeold = xrange xrange(0) = -alog(abs(xrange(0))) xrange(1) = alog(xrange(1)) ;stop x= findgen(resolution)/(resolution-1)*(xrange(1)-xrange(0)) + xrange(0) spacing = (xrange(1)-xrange(0))/(resolution-1) triangulate,vpara2,vperp2,tr,b thesurf = trigrid(vpara2,vperp2,zdata,tr,[spacing,spacing], [xrange(0),xrange(0),xrange(1),xrange(1)],xgrid = xg,ygrid = yg ) if keyword_set(smooth) then thesurf = smooth(thesurf,3) if n_elements(xg) mod 2 ne 1 then dprint, 'The line plots are invalid',n_elements(xg) ;dprint, n_elements(xg) xrange = xrangeold indexminus = where(xg lt 0.) indexplus = where(xg gt 0.) xg(indexminus) = -exp(abs(xg(indexminus))) xg(indexplus) = exp(xg(indexplus)) endif ;stop ;******************************************************** ;stop ;plot,xg,[reverse(thesurf(n_elem/2:*,perpval)),thesurf(n_elem/2+1:*,perpval)],$ plot,xg(n_elem/2:*),thesurf(n_elem/2:*,perpval),$ xstyle = 1, ystyle =1,$ xrange = [min(thedata.energy(*,0)),xrange[1]],yrange = [minimum,maximum],ylog = zlog,/xlog, $ title = 'Cross Sections',xtitle = xtitle,ytitle = thetitle,$ position = pos2 ;vpara on the minus side oplot,xg(n_elem/2:*), reverse(thesurf(0:n_elem/2, perpval)), color = thecolors(0) ;vperp on the + side oplot,xg(n_elem/2:*), reform(thesurf(paraval,n_elem/2:*)),color = thecolors(1) ;vperp on the - side oplot,xg(n_elem/2:*), reverse(reform(thesurf(paraval, 0:n_elem/2))), color = thecolors(2) endelse endelse ;put a dotted line oplot,[0,0],[minimum,maximum],linestyle = 1 oplot,[sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(0)/mass)/1000.,sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(0)/mass)/1000.],[minimum,maximum],linestyle = 5 oplot,-[sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(0)/mass)/1000.,sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(0)/mass)/1000.],[minimum,maximum],linestyle = 5 oplot,[sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(1)/mass)/1000.,sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(1)/mass)/1000.],[minimum,maximum],linestyle = 5 oplot,-[sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(1)/mass)/1000.,sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*erange(1)/mass)/1000.],[minimum,maximum],linestyle = 5 if keyword_set(onecnt) then begin oplot,sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*theonecnt.energy(*,0)/mass)/1000.,theonecnt.data(*,0),color = thecolors(3),linestyle = 3 oplot,-sqrt(2.*1.6e-19*theonecnt.energy(*,0)/mass)/1000.,theonecnt.data(*,0),color = thecolors(3),linestyle = 3 endif ;now put the titles on the side of the graph positions = -findgen(5)*(pos2(3)-pos2(1))/5 + pos2(3)-.03 xyouts,pos2(2) + .03,positions(0),vore+' para (+ side)',/norm,charsize = 1.01;.5 xyouts,pos2(2) + .03,positions(1),vore+' para (- side)',/norm,color = thecolors(0),charsize = 1.01;.5 xyouts,pos2(2) + .03,positions(2),vore+' perp (+ side)',/norm,color = thecolors(1),charsize = 1.01;.5 xyouts,pos2(2) + .03,positions(3),vore+' perp (- side)',/norm,color = thecolors(2),charsize = 1.01;.5 if keyword_set(onecnt) then xyouts,pos2(2) + .03,positions(4),'One count',/norm,color = thecolors(3),charsize = .5 endif ;stop if keyword_set(outfile) then begin openw, thefile, outfile, /get_lun printf, thefile, time_string(thedata.time) if not keyword_set(cut_perp) then perpval = n_elem/2 else begin ind = where(xg ge cut_perp) if (xg(ind(0)) - cut_perp) le (cut_perp - xg(ind(0)-1) ) then perpval = ind(0) else perpval = ind(0)-1 endelse if not keyword_set(cut_para) then paraval = n_elem/2 else begin ind = where(xg ge cut_para) if (xg(ind(0)) - cut_para) le (cut_para - xg(ind(0)-1) ) then paraval = ind(0) else paraval = ind(0)-1 endelse filedata = fltarr(3,n_elements(xg)) filedata(0,*) = xg filedata(1,*) = thesurf(*,perpval) filedata(2,*) = thesurf(paraval,*) printf, thefile, filedata close,/all endif ;********EXTRA PART********* ; if not keyword_set(cut_perp) then perpval = n_elem/2 else begin ; ind = where(xg ge cut_perp) ; if (xg(ind(0)) - cut_perp) le (cut_perp - xg(ind(0)-1) ) then perpval = ind(0) else perpval = ind(0)-1 ; endelse ; if not keyword_set(cut_para) then paraval = n_elem/2 else begin ; ind = where(xg ge cut_para) ; if (xg(ind(0)) - cut_para) le (cut_para - xg(ind(0)-1) ) then paraval = ind(0) else paraval = ind(0)-1 ; endelse ; filedata = fltarr(3,n_elements(xg)) ; filedata(0,*) = xg ; filedata(1,*) = thesurf(*,perpval) ; filedata(2,*) = thesurf(paraval,*) ;outcuts = filedata ;********END EXTRA PART******* if filetype eq 'ps' then begin DEVICE, /CLOSE endif if !d.name ne 'PS' then !p.multi = oldplot if filetype eq 'png' then begin makepng, outputfile endif end