function thm_fgm_find_shift_1p1c, b, threshold, th_slope, jump, $ constant=constant, fixed=fixed, datatype=datatype, calc_freq=calc_freq ;+ ; Function: thm_fgm_find_shift_1p1c ; ; Description: Returns the vector to be added to l1 data to correct ; the '390 nT' jumps for one probe and one component. ; ; Input: ; ; b = the uncorrected measurements ; ; threshold = threshold matrix (probe x component). A jump occurs when the field ; crosses this value. Note that the actual threshold depends on the ; field derivative. The value given here is for constant field (th0). ; ; th_slope = slope of the threshold: threshold=th0+th_slope*(db/dt) ; ; jump = jump matrix (probe x component). The expected values of the jumps. ; ; datatype= 'fgl' or -> low resolution (4Hz) ; 'fgh' or -> high resolution (128 Hz) ; 'fge' -> engeneering data (8 Hz) ; ; Keywords: ; ; /fixed: take the correction from the jump matrix. Default for fgh ; is to compute the correction for each jump such way that ; the first derivative is constant across the jump from low ; to high values. It has no effect for fge or fgl data for ; which the correction is taken by default from the jump ; matrix. ; ; /constant: average the correction over all jumps for fgh. It has no ; effect for fge or fgl. ; ; Return value: the correction vector ; ; Example: ; ; corr = thm_fgm_find_shift_1p1c(b, th_up, th_dn, jump, /constant, datatype='fgh') ; ; Notes ; - this function is used by fgm_find_shift ; ; Written by Dragos Constantinescu ; ; Minor modifications by Patrick Cruce for incorporation into TDAS. ; Specifically: ; 1. Changed Function Name ; 2. Disabled output of statistics to file. ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-09-16 10:41:52 -0700 (Wed, 16 Sep 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18806 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- if (datatype ne 'fgh') then begin constant=0 & fixed=0 endif ; else begin ; only used to build statistics for better determination ; openw, 1, 'stats_up.dat' ; of thresholds and offset values ; openw, 2, 'stats_down.dat' ; ; endelse n=n_elements(b) correction=0 b_shift=dblarr(n) & avgcor = 0.d0 & count=0l for i=2l,n-2l do begin db1=abs(b[i]-b[i-1]) ; change rate (1st deriv) - compromised if just after jump db2=abs(b[i-1]-b[i-2]) ; change rate (1st deriv) db=abs(db1-db2) ; difference ... (2nd deriv) =0 if linear ; >>>>>>>>>>> FGH <<<<<<<<<<<<<< if (datatype eq 'fgh') then begin threshold_up= threshold+th_slope*db2 threshold_down=threshold-th_slope*db2 ; correction for i using i-1 and i-2 if (correction eq 0) then begin if ((b[i] ge threshold_up) and $ ; above threshold (b[i] ge b[i-1]) and $ ; increasing (db le 10.0^6) and $ ; (10^6 DU =~ 3000 nT) (db ge jump*(2.d0/3.d0)) $ ; jump occurs - subunitary factor necessary $ ; because uncertainty in offset ) then begin correction=-db ; assume linear field variation ; printf,1,b[i-1],db2,db,b[i] ; value before jump, slope, jump, value after if (keyword_set(fixed)) then correction=-jump if (abs(correction) le 1.5*jump) then avgcor+=correction count+=1 endif endif if ((correction ne 0) and $ (b[i] le threshold_down) and $ ; below threshold (b[i] le b[i-1]) and $ ; decreasing (db le 10.0^6) and $ ; (10^6 DU =~ 3000 nT) (db ge jump*(2.d0/3.d0))$ ; jump occurs ) then begin correction=0 ; printf,2,b[i-1],db2,db,b[i] ; value before recovery, slope, jump, value after endif endif ;-------------------------------- ; >>>>>>>>>>> FGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<< if (datatype eq 'fge') then begin threshold_up= threshold+th_slope*db2/16.0 threshold_down=threshold-th_slope*db2/16.0 ;correction for i if ((correction eq 0) and $ (b[i] ge threshold_up) and $ (b[i] ge b[i-1]) $ ) then begin correction=-jump avgcor+=correction count+=1 endif if ((correction ne 0) and $ (b[i] le threshold_down) $ ) then begin correction=0 endif endif ;-------------------------------- ; >>>>>>>>>>> FGL <<<<<<<<<<<<<< if (datatype eq 'fgl') then begin ; these are averaged data, we have to guess when the threshold ; has been crossed. ; correction for i, using i-1 and i+1 threshold_up= threshold+th_slope*(abs(b[i+1]-b[i-1])/2.0)*(calc_freq/128.0) threshold_down=threshold-th_slope*(abs(b[i+1]-b[i-1])/2.0)*(calc_freq/128.0) ; no correction: if (((b[i-1]+b[i])/2.0 lt threshold_down) and $ ((b[i]+b[i+1])/2.0 lt threshold_down)) then correction=0 ; parial correction, b[i] max (b[i-1]b[i+1]) if (((b[i-1]+b[i])/2.0 lt threshold_up) and $ ( b[i] gt threshold_up) and $ ((b[i]+b[i+1])/2.0 lt threshold_up)) then begin if ((b[i]+b[i+1])/2.0 gt threshold_down) then begin w=0.5+double(b[i]-threshold_up)/(b[i]-b[i-1]) endif else begin w=double(b[i]-threshold_up)/(b[i]-b[i-1])+ $ double(b[i]-threshold_down)/(b[i]-b[i+1]) endelse correction=-round(w*jump) avgcor+=correction & count+=1 endif ; partial correction, increasing if (( (b[i-1]+b[i])/2.0 lt threshold_up ) and $ ( threshold_up lt (b[i]+b[i+1])/2.0 ) $ ) then begin if threshold_up lt b[i] then begin w=0.5+double(b[i]-threshold_up)/(b[i]-b[i-1]) endif else begin if (b[i] eq b[i+1]) then begin ; do not divide by 0 w=0.5 endif else begin w=0.5-double(threshold_up-b[i])/(b[i+1]-b[i]) endelse endelse correction=-round(w*jump) avgcor+=correction & count+=1 endif ; full correction if (((b[i-1]+b[i])/2.0 gt threshold_up) and $ ((b[i]+b[i+1])/2.0 gt threshold_up)) then begin correction=-jump endif ; partial correction, decreasing if (( (b[i-1]+b[i])/2.0 gt threshold_down ) and $ ( threshold_down gt (b[i]+b[i+1])/2.0 ) $ ) then begin if (threshold_down gt b[i]) then begin w=0.5-double(threshold_down-b[i])/(b[i-1]-b[i]) endif else begin if (b[i] eq b[i+1]) then begin ; do not divide by 0 w=0.5 endif else begin w=0.5+double(b[i]-threshold_down)/(b[i]-b[i+1]) endelse endelse correction=-round(w*jump) endif endif ;-------------------------------- if (correction ne 0) then b_shift[i]=1l if (not keyword_set(constant)) then b_shift[i]=correction endfor if (count ne 0) then avgcor/=double(count) avgcor=round(avgcor) if (keyword_set(constant)) then b_shift*=avgcor dprint, dlevel=4, "corrected ", count, " jumps, (mean corr: ", avgcor, " )" ; if (datatype eq 'fgh') then begin ; if (not keyword_set(fixed)) then begin ; openw, 3, 'stats_jumps.dat' ; printf,3, avgcor ; close,3 ; endif ; close,1 ; close,2 ; endif return, b_shift end ;-----------------------------------------------------