;+ ;procedure: thm_cal_fgm ; ;Purpose: applies calibration to THEMIS fluxgate magnetometer data ; ; searches for the current calibration in ASCII file ; takes calibration that has time stamp before or at the start of the data ; converts data to nano Tessla ; applies the calibration ; corrects for phase shift from averaging before despinning ; ;keywords: ; probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., calibrate data for all ; available probes. ; This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a ; single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b' ; datatype = The type of data to be loaded, 'fge', 'fgh', or 'fgl'. If ; name_thx_fgx_in,name_thx_fgx_hed, or name_thx_fgx_out,$ ; are specified, then this keyword is required. ; in_suffix = optional suffix to add to name of input data quantity, which ; is generated from probe and datatype keywords. ; out_suffix = optional suffix to add to name for output tplot quantity, ; which is generated from probe and datatype keywords. ; coord = apply thm_cotrans if output other ; than spinning spacecraft (SSL) is desired. ; cal_dac_offset = apply calibrations that remove digital analog ; converter nonlinearity by addition of offset. ; Algorithm generated by Dragos Constantine ; . This is the default ; process as of 7-Jan-2010, to disable, explicitly ; set this keyword to 0. ; cal_spin_harmonics = apply calibrations from a file that remove ; spin harmonics by applying spin-dependent ; offsets generated by David Fischer ; . This is the default ; process as of 7-Jan-2010, to disable, explicitly ; set this keyword to 0. ; cal_tone_removal = fitting algorithm removes orbit dependent ; spintone without removing scientifically salient ; features. Algorithm generated by Ferdinand Plaschke ; . This is the default ; process as of 7-Jan-2010, to disable, explicitly ; set this keyword to 0. ; cal_get_fulloffset = returns the offset used for spintone removal.(this keyword used for valididation) ; Because there may be a different offset for each combination of probe and datatype, ; This is returned as a struct of structs, with each element in the child structs being an N by 3 array. ; For example, if offset_struct is the name of a struct with the return value from the cal_get_fulloffset keyword, ; print,offset_struct.tha.fgl ; Will print the fulloffset for probe a and datatype fgl. ; cal_get_dac_dat = Returns the raw data from directly after the DAC(non-linearity offset) calibration is applied. For verification. ; cal_get_spin_dat = Returns the raw data from directly after the spin harmonic(solar array current) calibration is applied. For verification. ; interpolate_cal = if it is set, then thm_cal values are interpolated to 10 min time intervals ; ; ; use_eclipse_corrections: Only applies when loading and calibrating ; Level 1 data. Defaults to 0 (no eclipse spin model corrections ; applied). use_eclipse_corrections=1 applies partial eclipse ; corrections (not recommended, used only for internal SOC processing). ; use_eclipse_corrections=2 applies all available eclipse corrections. ; no_spin_tone_batch: As of 2015-11-10, the deafult is to split the ; spin tone removal step into batches if the calibration parameters ; change during the input time range. Setting /no_spin_tone_batch ; turns this behavior off, and the full time range is used for spin ; tone removal. Use this for short time intervals. ; cal_file_in: A full path to the calibration file, for testing. This ; will only work for single probe proecessing ;optional parameters: ; ; name_thx_fgx_in --> input data (t-plot variable name) ; name_thx_fgx_hed --> header information for input data (t-plot variable name) ; name_thx_fgx_out --> name for output (t-plot variable name) ; pathfile --> path and filename of the calibration file ; ;keywords: ;Example: ; tha_cal_fgm, probe = 'a', datatype= 'fgl' ; ;Notes: under construction!! ; ;Written by Hannes Schwarzl. ; $LastChangedBy: jwl $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-12-20 16:18:08 -0800 (Tue, 20 Dec 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22467 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_cal_fgm.pro $ ;Changes by Edita Georgescu ;eg 6/3/2007 - matrix multiplication ;eg 30/3/2007 - keyword deleted, fgmtype determined from: name_thx_fgx_in ; - calibrates fgl,fgh,fge ; - calibrate only mode=0 data ; 2007-03-30 Modified by Hannnes S to use multiple calibrations for a selected interval ; and use spinperiod from the statefile ; Search this string to see changes ;Hannes 30/3/2007 ; 2007-03-30 Modified by Hannnes S correction for filter delay removed ; Search this string to see changes: Hannes 05/21/2007 ;- pro thm_interpolate_cal_apply, thx_fgx, utcStr=utcStr, offi=offi, cali=cali, ncal=ncal ; interpolate the cal file parameter to 10-min intervals ; we use +- a week for a fit compile_opt idl2, hidden if (size(thx_fgx,/type) ne 8) then return if (n_elements(thx_fgx.X) lt 2) then return fit_interval = 10.0*60.0 ; ten minutes fit_span = 7*24*3600.0 ; one week interpolation window utcd=time_double(utcStr) start_time=time_double(thx_fgx.X[0]) - fit_span end_time=time_double(thx_fgx.X[n_elements(thx_fgx.X)-1]) + fit_span ; there are cases where corrections are too sparse idx = where((utcd ge start_time) and (utcd le end_time), ct) if ct lt 1 then return if (idx[ct-1] lt (n_elements(utcd)-1)) then idx = [idx , idx[ct-1]+1] if (idx[0] gt 0) then idx = [idx[0]-1, idx] ct = n_elements(idx) start_time = utcd[idx[0]] end_time = utcd[idx[ct-1]] fit_count = floor((end_time-start_time)/fit_interval)+1 fit_times = dblarr(fit_count) for i=0, fit_count-1 do begin fit_times[i] = start_time + fit_interval*i endfor ; now compute calibration values using interpolation new_offi_0 = INTERPOL(offi[idx,0], utcd[idx], fit_times) new_offi_1 = INTERPOL(offi[idx,1], utcd[idx], fit_times) new_offi_2 = INTERPOL(offi[idx,2], utcd[idx], fit_times) ncal = fit_count offi=dblarr(ncal,3) cali_new=dblarr(ncal,9) utcStr=strarr(ncal) utcStr = time_string(fit_times) offi[*,0] = new_offi_0 offi[*,1] = new_offi_1 offi[*,2] = new_offi_2 m = MAKE_ARRAY(ct, 3, 3, /double) for k=0, ct-1 do begin for i=0,2 do begin for j=0,2 do begin m[k,j,i] = cali[idx[k],3*i+j] endfor endfor endfor q_in = mtoq(m) qi = qvalidate(q_in,'qi','qslerp') if (qi[0] eq -1) then begin ; validation failed, use the previous value for each vector for i=0, fit_count-1 do begin idc = max([0,where(utcd le fit_times[i])]) cali_new[i,*] = cali[idc,*] endfor endif else begin ;interpolate quaternions q_out = qslerp(q_in,utcd[idx],fit_times) ;turn quaternions back into matrices cali_out = qtom(q_out) for i=0,2 do begin for j=0,2 do begin cali_new[*,3*i+j] = cali_out[*,j,i] endfor endfor endelse cali = dblarr(ncal,9) cali = cali_new DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'Interpollation was applied for cal parameters.' end pro thm_cal_fgm,$ probe=probe,$ datatype=datatype,$ in_suffix=in_suf,$ out_suffix=out_suf,$ coord=coord,$ name_thx_fgx_in,$ name_thx_fgx_hed,$ name_thx_fgx_out,$ pathfile,$ interpolate_cal=interpolate_cal,$ interpolate_state=interpolate_state,$ cal_spin_harmonics=cal_spin_harmonics,$ cal_dac_offset=cal_dac_offset,$ cal_tone_removal=cal_tone_removal,$ cal_get_fulloffset=cal_get_fulloffset,$ cal_get_dac_dat=cal_get_dac_dat,$ cal_get_spin_dat=cal_get_spin_dat,$ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections,$ cal_file_in=cal_file_in, no_spin_tone_batch=no_spin_tone_batch, $ _extra=_extra ;eg 30/3/2007;Hannes 30/3/2007 ;kb compile_opt idl2, hidden if ~keyword_set(interpolate_cal) then interpolate_cal=0 else interpolate_cal=1 ;; implement the 'standard' interface as a wrapper around the original ;; interface if no positional parameters are present. if n_params() eq 0 then begin vprobes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] vdatatypes = ['fgl', 'fgh', 'fge'] if keyword_set(valid_names) then begin probe = vprobes datatypes = vdatatypes return endif if not keyword_set(probe) then probes = vprobes $ else probes = ssl_check_valid_name(strlowcase(probe), vprobes, /include_all) if not keyword_set(probes) then return if not keyword_set(datatype) then dts = vdatatypes $ else dts = ssl_check_valid_name(strlowcase(datatype), vdatatypes, $ /include_all) if not keyword_set(dts) then return if not keyword_set(in_suf) then in_suf = '' if not keyword_set(out_suf) then out_suf = '' if arg_present(cal_get_fulloffset) then begin cal_get_fulloffset = 0 endif for i = 0, n_elements(probes)-1 do begin thx = 'th' + probes[i] If(keyword_set(cal_file_in)) Then cal_file = cal_file_in Else Begin cal_relpathname = thx+'/l1/fgm/0000/'+thx+'_fgmcal.txt' cal_file = spd_download(remote_file=cal_relpathname, _extra=!themis) Endelse files = file_search(cal_file,count=fc) if fc eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'FGM cal file not found: ' dprint, dlevel=0, cal_file dprint, dlevel=0, 'FGM data for probe '+probes[i]+' cannot be calibrated.' continue endif for j = 0, n_elements(dts)-1 do begin raw_name = 'th'+probes[i]+'_'+dts[j]+in_suf cal_name = 'th'+probes[i]+'_'+dts[j]+out_suf hed_name = 'th'+probes[i]+'_'+dts[j]+'_hed' if arg_present(cal_get_fulloffset) then begin fulloffset = 0 endif if arg_present(cal_get_dac_dat) then begin dac_dat = 0 endif if arg_present(cal_get_spin_dat) then begin spin_dat = 0 endif thm_cal_fgm, raw_name,$ hed_name,$ cal_name,$ cal_file,$ interpolate_cal=interpolate_cal,$ coord=coord,$ in_suffix=in_suf,$ out_suffix=out_suf,$ cal_spin_harmonics=cal_spin_harmonics,$ cal_dac_offset=cal_dac_offset,$ datatype=dts[j],$ cal_tone_removal=cal_tone_removal,$ cal_get_fulloffset=fulloffset,$ cal_get_dac_dat=dac_dat,$ cal_get_spin_dat=spin_dat,$ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections,$ cal_file_in=cal_file_in, no_spin_tone_batch=no_spin_tone_batch,$ _extra=_extra if arg_present(cal_get_fulloffset) && keyword_set(fulloffset) then begin str_element,cal_get_fulloffset,thx+'.'+dts[j],fulloffset,/add endif if arg_present(cal_get_dac_dat) && keyword_set(dac_dat) then begin str_element,cal_get_dac_dat,thx+'.'+dts[j],dac_dat,/add endif if arg_present(cal_get_spin_dat) && keyword_set(spin_dat) then begin str_element,cal_get_spin_dat,thx+'.'+dts[j],spin_dat,/add endif endfor endfor return endif else if n_params() ne 4 then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'usage: thm_cal_fgm, probe=probe, datatype=datatype $' dprint, dlevel=1, ' [, in_suffix=in_suf, out_suffix=out_suf]' dprint, dlevel=1, 'or: thm_cal_fgm, raw_name, hed_name, cal_name, cal_file]' return endif ; what follows is exactly the original thm_cal_fgm, before 'standardization' ; (plus some metadata in dlimit.data_att) ;kb ; get the data using t-plot names get_data,name_thx_fgx_in,data=thx_fgx_in,dl=thx_fgx_dl ;kb get_data,name_thx_fgx_hed,data=thx_fgx_hed ; kb if size(thx_fgx_in,/type) ne 8 then begin dprint, name_thx_fgx_in, " does not exist." return endif if size(thx_fgx_hed,/type) ne 8 then begin dprint, name_thx_fgx_hed, " does not exist: " dprint, " Support data not found." return endif if thm_data_calibrated(thx_fgx_dl) then begin dprint, name_thx_fgx_in + " has already been calibrated." return endif ; end kb ;Hannes 30/3/2007 ;get the spinperiod from the state file, first check to see if the ;state data is loaded probe_letter = strmid(name_thx_fgx_in, 2, 1) if undefined(out_suf) then out_suf='' thm_autoload_support, vname=name_thx_fgx_in, probe_in = probe_letter[0], /spinmodel, /spinaxis preSpin=strmid(name_thx_fgx_in,0,4) name_thx_spinper=preSpin+'state_spinper' name_thx_spinphase=preSpin+'state_spinphase' get_data, name_thx_spinper, data = thx_spinper get_data, name_thx_spinphase, data = thx_spinphase ;if ~is_struct(thx_spinper) || ~is_struct(thx_spinphase) then begin ;load the state data ; thm_load_state, probe = probe_letter[0], /get_support_data, trange = minmax(thx_fgx_in.x) ;endif if keyword_set(interpolate_state) then begin DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'take spin period from state file ...' thx_spinper_interp=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_fgx_in,thx_spinper=thx_spinper) ;--> linear interpolation thx_spinphase_interp=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_fgx_in,thx_spinper=thx_spinphase) ;--> linear interpolation thx_spinphase_model = tha_spinphase_interp.y ;end Hannes 30/3/2007 endif else begin DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'take spin period from spin model ...' spinmodel_ptr=spinmodel_get_ptr(probe_letter,use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections) if ~obj_valid(spinmodel_ptr) then begin message,'No valid state data' endif spinmodel_interp_t,model=spinmodel_ptr,time=thx_fgx_in.X,spinper=thx_spinper_model,spinphase=thx_spinphase_model,use_spinphase_correction=1 spinmodel_get_info,model=spinmodel_ptr,shadow_start=shadow_start,shadow_end=shadow_stop,shadow_count=shadow_count if shadow_count gt 0 then begin shadow_struct = {start:shadow_start,stop:shadow_stop} endif ; thx_spinper_model is an array of interpolated spin periods, but the ; following code wants a tplot structure thx_spinper_interp thx_spinper_interp={X:thx_fgx_in.X, Y:thx_spinper_model} endelse ; make STRUCTRE thx_fgx; converting egineering units from LONG to DOUBLE thx_fgx = CREATE_STRUCT('X',thx_fgx_in.X , 'Y', DOUBLE(thx_fgx_in.Y)) ;, 'V', thx_fgx_in.V) -mattd,5/2 ; scale factor kr=2.980232238769531E-3 ;kr=25000.0/2^23 --> see *CALPROC*.doc ; fillvalue for output vector ;fillvalue=1.e-31 fillvalue=!values.f_nan ;Hannes 30/3/2007 ; check input ;eg 30/3/2007 fgt=['fgl','fgh','fge'] fgtype=strmid(name_thx_fgx_in,strpos(name_thx_fgx_in,'_fg')+1,3) tm=where(fgtype eq fgt) & dprint, dlevel=4, name_thx_fgx_in ;eg 30/3/2007 ; get array sizes count=SIZE(thx_fgx.X,/N_ELEMENTS) countHed=SIZE(thx_fgx_HED.X,/N_ELEMENTS) DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'get header information ...' ; get the information from the header fgmhed=thx_fgx_HED.Y[*,12:15] ; store relevant header information DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'get sampling frequencies ...' ; get fs [vector] ;eg 30/3/2007 case tm of 0 : fs=float(2^(2+(fgmhed[*,3] and '111'B))) 1 : fs=replicate(128.0,countHed) 2 : fs=replicate(8.0,countHed) endcase DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'get filter-modes ...' ; get filtermode [vector] if tm lt 2 then ff=ishft('F0'X and fgmhed[*,1],-6) else ff=replicate(0,countHed) ; get mode [vector] only mode=0 is science data and have to be calibrated ;eg 30/3/2007 if tm lt 2 then mode=ishft(fgmhed[*,1] and '1100'B,-2) else mode=replicate(0,countHed) ;eg 30/3/2007 DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'done getting header information' ;read the calibration file DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'read calibration file:' DPRINT, dlevel=4, pathfile ;check for existence of cal file files = file_search(pathfile,count=fc) if fc eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'FGM cal file not found: ' dprint, dlevel=0, pathfile dprint, dlevel=0, 'Calibration of '+name_thx_fgx_in+' canceled.' return endif ncal=file_lines(pathfile) calstr=strarr(ncal) openr, 2, pathfile readf, 2, calstr close, 2 ok_cal = where(calstr Ne '', ncal) ;jmm, 8-nov-2007, cal files have carriage returns at the end calstr = calstr[ok_cal] ;define variables spinperi=dblarr(ncal) offi=dblarr(ncal,3) cali=dblarr(ncal,9) utci='2006-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' utc=dblarr(ncal) utcStr=strarr(ncal) for i=0,ncal-1 DO BEGIN split_result = strsplit(calstr[i], COUNT=lct, /EXTRACT) if lct ne 14 then begin msg = 'Error in FGM cal file. Line: ' + string(i) + ", File: " + pathfile dprint, dlevel=1, msg continue endif utci=split_result[0] offi[i,*]=split_result[1:3] cali[i,*]=split_result[4:12] spinperi[i]=split_result[13] utcStr[i]=utci ;translate time information STRPUT, utci, '/', 10 utc[i]=time_double(utci) ENDFOR DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'done reading calibration file' if (interpolate_cal eq 1) then begin thm_interpolate_cal_apply, thx_fgx, utcStr=utcStr, offi=offi, cali=cali, ncal=ncal utc=dblarr(ncal) utc=time_double(utcStr) endif DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'search calibration for selected time interval ...' calIndex=0 compTime=utc[0] refTime=thx_fgx.X[0] i=0 WHILE ((compTime lt reftime) && (i lt ncal-1)) DO BEGIN i=i+1 compTime=utc[i] IF (compTime gt reftime) THEN BEGIN i=i-1 BREAK ENDIF ENDWHILE ;change 2007-03-29 istart=i compTime=utc[i] refTime=thx_fgx.X[count-1L] ;i=0 WHILE ((compTime lt reftime) && (i lt ncal-1)) DO BEGIN i=i+1 compTime=utc[i] IF (compTime gt reftime) THEN BEGIN i=i-1 BREAK ENDIF ENDWHILE istop=i DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'Select calibrations from:' if (interpolate_cal eq 1) then begin DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'Start time: ' + utcStr[istart] DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'End time: ' + utcStr[istop] DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'Count: ' + string(istop-istart) endif else begin FOR i=istart,istop DO BEGIN DPRINT, dlevel=4, utcStr[i] ENDFOR endelse ;DPRINT, 'offsets: ',TRANSPOSE(offs) ;DPRINT, 'cal matrix: ' ;DPRINT, calm ;DPRINT, 'spin period: ',spinper ;DPRINT, 'Select calibration from:' ;DPRINT, utcStr(i) ;offs=offi(i,*) ;calim=TRANSPOSE(cali(i,*)) ;calm=[[calim[0:2]],[calim[3:5]],[calim[6:8]]] ;spinper=spinperi(i) Hannes 30/3/2007 ;if abs(spinper-mean(tspin.y))/spinper gt 1.e-4 then spinper=mean(tspin.y) ;eg 30/3/2007,Hannes 30/3/2007 ;DPRINT, 'offsets: ',TRANSPOSE(offs) ;DPRINT, 'cal matrix: ' ;DPRINT, calm ;DPRINT, 'spin period: ',spinper Hannes 30/3/2007 ;end Hannes 30/3/2007 probe_letter=strmid(name_thx_fgx_in,2,1) ;This code block will remove DAC nonlinearity(Should only occur when data is at large magntitudes) If(n_elements(cal_dac_offset) Eq 0 || cal_dac_offset[0] Ne 0) Then Begin ;jmm, 6-jan-2010 dat = thx_fgx.y ; fgl frequency can be either 4.0 or 16.0 and is needed by thm_fgm_find_shift_1p1c calc_freq = 4.0 if (n_elements(thx_fgx.x) gt 2) then calc_freq = 1.0/(thx_fgx.x[1]-thx_fgx.x[0]) thm_cal_fgm_dac_offset,dat,probe_letter,datatype,error=error, calc_freq=calc_freq ;skip generation of any error quanties. Compromise between using message to halt execution and warning only if keyword_set(error) then return thx_fgx.y = dat if arg_present(cal_get_dac_dat) then begin cal_get_dac_dat = dat endif endif DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'apply scale factor ...' ;apply scale factor thx_fgx.Y=thx_fgx.Y*kr ;This code block removes harmonics created by the solar array ;current. Correction not applied during shadow. If(n_elements(cal_spin_harmonics) Eq 0 || cal_spin_harmonics[0] Ne 0) Then Begin ;jmm, 6-jan-2010 dprint, dlevel=4,'Performing spin harmonic removal. Probe: "'+probe_letter+'" Datatype: "' + datatype + '"' dat = thx_fgx.y thm_cal_fgm_spin_harmonics,thx_fgx.x,thx_spinphase_model,dat,probe_letter,error=error,shadows=shadow_struct ;skip generation of any error quanties. Compromise between using message to halt execution and warning only if keyword_set(error) then return thx_fgx.y = dat if arg_present(cal_get_spin_dat) then begin cal_get_spin_dat = dat endif endif DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'apply calibration ...' ;apply calibration matrix and offset ;lastfs=0 i=0L ffi=ff[i] fsi=fs[i] modi=mode[i] ;eg 30/3/2007 timei=thx_fgx_HED.X[i] ;Hannes 30/3/2007 ;starting calibration offs=offi[istart,*] calim=TRANSPOSE(cali[istart,*]) calm=[[calim[0:2]],[calim[3:5]],[calim[6:8]]] ;spinper=spinperi(istart) iact=istart IF (iact eq istop) THEN BEGIN nextCalChangeTime=thx_fgx.X[count-1L]+10.d0 ;something greater than the last point in time ENDIF ELSE BEGIN nextCalChangeTime=utc[iact+1L] DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'nextCalChangeTime:' DPRINT, dlevel=4, utcStr[iact+1L] ENDELSE ;end Hannes 30/3/2007 ; Pull data array out of structure...workaround for IDL 8.2.2 slowdown. ; jwl 2013-04-19 ydata=thx_fgx.Y for j=0L,count-1L do begin ;Hannes 30/3/2007 ;apply the right calibration at the right time IF (thx_fgx.X[j] ge nextCalChangeTime) THEN BEGIN iact=iact+1 IF (iact eq istop) THEN BEGIN nextCalChangeTime=thx_fgx.X[count-1L]+10.d0 ;something greater than the last point in time ENDIF ELSE BEGIN nextCalChangeTime=utc[iact+1L] DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'nextCalChangeTime:' DPRINT, dlevel=4, utcStr[iact+1L] ENDELSE offs=offi[iact,*] calim=TRANSPOSE(cali[iact,*]) calm=[[calim[0:2]],[calim[3:5]],[calim[6:8]]] ;spinper=spinperi(iact) ENDIF ;end Hannes 30/3/2007 ; update header information if necessary (WHILE loop should work for all possible cases) while ((thx_fgx.X[j] gt timei) && (i lt countHed-1)) do begin i=i+1 ffi=ff[i] fsi=fs[i] modi=mode[i] timei=thx_fgx_HED.X[i] endwhile if modi eq 0 then begin ;eg 30/3/2007 ; thx_fgx.Y[j,*]=MATRIX_MULTIPLY(calm, thx_fgx.Y[j,*], /BTRANSPOSE)-offs ;eg 6/3/2007 ydata[j,*]=calm ## ydata[j,*] - offs ;eg 6/3/2007 ;correct for filter if ffi eq 2 then begin spinper=thx_spinper_interp.Y[j];Hannes 30/3/2007 arg=-!dpi/fsi/spinper dfilt=128./fsi*sin(!dpi/128.d0/spinper)/sin(-arg) dfm=identity(3,/double) dfm[1,1]=dfilt dfm[0,0]=dfilt ;sarg=sin(arg) /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;carg=cos(arg) ;& print,arg,dfilt /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;delaym=identity(3,/double) /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;delaym[0,1]=-sarg ;eg 6/3/2007 /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;delaym[1,0]=sarg ;eg 6/3/2007 /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;delaym[0,0]=carg /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;delaym[1,1]=carg /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 ;mfilt=dfm#delaym /delay removed Hannes 05/21/2007 mfilt=dfm ;/apply only amplitude correction Hannes 05/21/2007 ; thx_fgx.Y[j,*]=MATRIX_MULTIPLY(mfilt, thx_fgx.Y[j,*],/BTRANSPOSE) ;eg 6/3/2007 ydata[j,*]=mfilt ## ydata[j,*] ;eg 6/3/2007 endif ;correct for filter endif else ydata[j,*]=fillvalue ;eg 30/3/2007 set vectors to fillvalue ??? endfor DPRINT, dlevel=4, 'calibration applied' ;Removes the remaining orbital dependent spintone using a fitting ;algorithm. If(n_elements(cal_tone_removal) Eq 0 || cal_tone_removal[0] Gt 0) Then Begin;jmm, 6-jan-2010 dprint, dlevel=4,'Performing spintone removal. Probe: "'+probe_letter+'" Datatype: "' + datatype + '"' if arg_present(cal_get_fulloffset) then begin cal_get_fulloffset = dblarr(dimen(thx_fgx.y)) endif ;Do in batches, ala SCM, if calibrations change, jmm, 2015-11-10 If(istart Eq istop Or keyword_set(no_spin_tone_batch)) Then Begin ;this is easy ss_start = 0 & ss_end = count-1L Endif Else Begin nbatch = istop-istart+1 btimes = [utc[istart:istop], thx_fgx.x[count-1]+1.0];time interval edges btimes[0] = thx_fgx.x[0] ;utc[istart] may be a week ago... ss_start = lonarr(nbatch)-1 ss_end = lonarr(nbatch)-1 dtbatch = dblarr(nbatch) & dtbatch[*] = 0 For jbatch = 0,nbatch-1 Do Begin ss_batch = where(thx_fgx.x Ge btimes[jbatch] And $ thx_fgx.x Lt btimes[jbatch+1], nss_batch) If(nss_batch Gt 0) Then Begin ss_start[jbatch] = min(ss_batch) ss_end[jbatch] = max(ss_batch) dtbatch[jbatch] = thx_fgx.x[ss_end[jbatch]]-thx_fgx.x[ss_start[jbatch]] Endif Endfor ;There is a 10 minute minimum time enforced below, if a batch is ;too short, append it to the next batch, or if it's the last ;batch, append it to the previous batch For jbatch = 0, nbatch-1 Do Begin If(dtbatch[jbatch] Lt 10D*60D) Then Begin If(jbatch Lt nbatch-1) Then begin ss_end[jbatch] = ss_end[jbatch+1] ss_start[jbatch+1] = -1 & ss_end[jbatch+1] = -1;flag the next batch as bad Endif Else Begin ss_start[jbatch] = ss_start[jbatch-1] ss_start[jbatch-1] = -1 & ss_end[jbatch-1] = -1;flag the previous batch as bad Endelse Endif Endfor ok_batch = where(ss_start Ne -1, nbatch) If(nbatch Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Spin tone batching data for different cal times failed, ' dprint, 'Processing single batch' ss_start = 0 & ss_end = count-1L Endif Else Begin ss_start = ss_start[ok_batch] ss_end = ss_end[ok_batch] Endelse Endelse nbatch = n_elements(ss_start) ;Process spin_tone_removal For jbatch = 0, nbatch-1 Do Begin tjbatch = thx_fgx.x[ss_start[jbatch]:ss_end[jbatch]] max_tm = max(tjbatch,min=min_tm) if max_tm-min_tm lt 10D*60D then begin dprint, dlevel=2,'WARNING: Less than 10 min time range for data Probe: "'+probe_letter+'" Datatype: "' + datatype + '" spin tone removal may not be applied.' endif for i = 0,1 do begin ydbatch = ydata[ss_start[jbatch]:ss_end[jbatch], i] if arg_present(cal_get_fulloffset) then begin thm_cal_fgm_spintone_removal,tjbatch,ydbatch,dat,datatype,fulloffset=fulloffset cal_get_fulloffset[ss_start[jbatch], i] = fulloffset endif else begin thm_cal_fgm_spintone_removal,tjbatch,ydbatch,dat,datatype endelse ; ydata[ss_start[jbatch]:ss_end[jbatch], i] = dat ydata[ss_start[jbatch], i] = dat ;using only the start subscript should work, right? endfor Endfor dprint, dlevel=4,'Spintone Removal Complete' endif ; Restore tplot data structure (workaround for IDL 8.2.2 slowdown) thx_fgx.Y=ydata DPRINT, dlevel=2, 'done' ;store data, where mode = 0 ; kb units = 'nT' dl = thx_fgx_dl str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, success=has_data_att if has_data_att then begin str_element, data_att, 'data_type', 'calibrated', /add endif else data_att = { data_type: 'calibrated' } str_element, data_att, 'coord_sys', 'ssl', /add str_element, data_att, 'units', units, /add str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, dl, 'ytitle', name_thx_fgx_out, /add str_element, dl, 'ysubtitle', '['+units+']', /add str_element, dl, 'labels', [ 'x', 'y', 'z'], /add str_element, dl, 'labflag', 1, /add str_element, dl, 'colors', [ 2, 4, 6], /add str_element, dl, 'color_table', 39, /add ; end kb store_data,name_thx_fgx_out,data=thx_fgx,dl=dl ; kb if keyword_set(coord) && strlowcase(coord) ne 'ssl' then begin thm_cotrans, name_thx_fgx_out, out_coord = coord,use_spinaxis_correction=1, use_spinphase_correction=1,use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections options, tplot_var, 'ytitle', /def, $ string( name_thx_fgx_out, units, format='(A,"!C!C[",A,"]")'), /add endif ; end kb ;return,thx_fgx end