;+ ; NAME: ; THM_LSP_FILTER_HIGHPASS (FUNCTION) ; ; PURPOSE: ; CAUTION: THIS ROUTINE ONLY WORKS FOR DATA SAMPLED AT EITHER 8192 HZ OR ; 16384 HZ. ; In general, this routine works as a high-pass filter on the input data. ; The data to be filtered must be a continuously sampled 1D array. The basic ; process of this routine is the following. First, the input data will be ; low-pass filtered with two Finite Impulse Response filters and 2:1 ; decimations. The details of this procedure is described in the paper ; Cully, Space Sci Rev, 2008, V141, 343-355. ; Second, the output from the first step is extracted from the input data to ; generate the final output. This whole process is equivalent to a high-pass ; filter. ; If the routine exit unsuccessfully, -1 will be retured. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; output = thm_lsp_filter_highpass(datain, dt, [keywords]) ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; datain: (INPUT, REQUIRED) The data to be filtered. It must be a 1D array. ; dt: (INPUT, REQUIRED) The sample interval of DATAIN in seconds; ; 1/dt = sample_rate. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; freqlow: (OUTPUT, OPTIONAL) The approximate lower bound of the frequency ; range of the output of the routine. ; ;HISTORY: ; 2009-05-03: Created by Jianbao Tao, CU/LASP. ; 2009-05-17: Fixed the edge effect due to sectioning original data. ; Jianbao Tao, CU/LASP ; 2010-01-22: Fixed the issue of dealing with a too-short input array. ; Jianbao Tao, CU/LASP ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: jianbao_tao $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-07-27 12:29:50 -0700 (Fri, 27 Jul 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10753 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/LASP/thm_lsp_filter_highpass.pro $ ;- function thm_lsp_filter_highpass, datain, dt, freqlow = freqlow ;check if the argument list is complete con1 = n_elements(datain) eq 0 con2 = n_elements(dt) eq 0 con = con1 + con2 if con ge 1 then begin print, 'THM_LSP_FILTER_HIGHPASS: ' + $ 'At least one argument is missing. Please check the'+$ 'help of the routine for required arguments.' return, -1 endif ;check the dimension of data data = datain tmp1 = size(data,/dim) if n_elements(tmp1) gt 1 then begin print, 'THM_LSP_FILTER_HIGHPASS: ' + $ 'The data to be filtered must be a 1-D array.' return, -1 endif ;check the dimension of dt tmp1 = size(dt,/dim) if tmp1[0] ne 0 then begin print, 'THM_LSP_FILTER_HIGHPASS: ' + $ 'The sample interval of the data must be a scalar.' return, -1 endif npt = float(n_elements(data)) tlen = dt * (npt - 1) fmin = 1. / tlen ; the minimum freq that the input data can include. ;clean up all NAN's, if there are any, in the data by interpolation. dumx = dindgen(npt) ind = where(~finite(data,/nan)) if ind[0] eq -1 then begin print, 'THM_LSP_FILTER_HIGHPASS: ' + $ 'All data points are NaNs. Do nothing.' return, data endif data = interpol(data[ind],dumx[ind],dumx) data = data - median(data) ; Remove offset ; Filter the data with a Finite Impulse Response digital filter. ; reference: ; Cully, Space Sci Rev, 2008, 141:343-355 ;fhigh = 0.035 ;flow = 0.0 ;amp = 120. ;nterms = 100. ;level = 6 ; decimating level fhigh = 0.090 flow = 0.0 amp = 120. nterms = 40. ; If sample rate = 8192, level = 7. If sample rate = 16384, level=8 srate = 1/dt if abs(srate - 8192) lt 10. then level = 7 if abs(srate - 16384) lt 10. then level = 8 ; If fmin greater than 3 Hz, only remove the linear offset. tmin = (2.*nterms+1)* 2^level * dt ; the minimum time length accepted by CONVOL if tlen lt tmin then begin print, '' print, 'THM_LSP_FILTER_HIGHPASS: ' + $ 'The input data is too short. No filtering is taken. ' print, 'Instead, the '+$ 'linear offset is removed using the LADFIT routine.' print, '' freqlow = fmin tmp = ladfit(dumx, data, /double) data = data - poly(dumx, tmp) return, data endif filter = digital_filter(flow, fhigh, amp, nterms, /double) ; low-pass FIR filter dec = [0.25d, 0.5d, 0.25d] ; decimating filter out = data lowdumx = dumx for i = 1, level do begin out = convol(out, filter, /edge_zero) out = convol(out, dec, /edge_zero) out = out[0:*:2] lowdumx = lowdumx[0:*:2] endfor out = interpol(out, lowdumx, dumx) data = data - out freqlow = 5. ; the lower edge of the high-pass filter is about 5 Hz. return, data end