;+ ;Name: ; thm_crib_read_write_ascii_cmdline ; ;Purpose: ; Demonstrates use of the read_ascii_cmdline and ; the write_ascii_cmdline IDL procedures. ; ; ;See also: ; general/misc/write_ascii_cmdline.pro ; general/misc/write_ascii.pro ; general/misc/read_ascii_cmdline.pro ; read_ascii.pro (IDL routine) ; ascii_template (IDL routine) ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-05-14 16:11:04 -0700 (Thu, 14 May 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17618 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_read_write_ascii_cmdline.pro $ ;- ;************************************************************** ; General Notes ;************************************************************** ; ; The read_ascii_cmdline can also take an ascii template structure as a parameter. ; Ascii template structures can be generated by the IDL GUI ascii_template. ; ; For Example: myTemplate = ascii_template(filename) ; data = read_ascii_cmdline(filename, template=myTemplate) ; ; See ascii_template and/or read_ascii for more details. ; ;************************************************************** ; Writing ASCII files ;************************************************************** ; Simplest example of writing data ;----------------------------------------------- ;create some data to write data = dindgen(3,10) ;output file name filename = 'test_simple.txt' ; in this case there is no header information and data is an array of ; double precision data write_ascii_cmdline, data, filename stop ; Include header ;----------------------------------------------- data = dindgen(3,10) filename = 'test_header.txt' header = ['This is a sample header', 'It is an array of strings'] write_ascii_cmdline, data, filename, header=header stop ; Include a count of the records written to the file ;----------------------------------------------- data = dindgen(3,10) filename='test_nrec.txt' ;the number of records includes only the data and not the header ;in this example the number of records should be 10 write_ascii_cmdline, data, filename, header=header, nrec=nrec print, 'The number of data records written to the file is: ', nrec stop ; This example shows writing an ascii file using a data structure ; The data structure is of the form returned by read_ascii. ;----------------------------------------------- filename= 'test_struc.txt' dates = ['2008-12-27','2008-12-28','2008-12-29','2008-12-30','2008-12-31'] ;create data structure ; -all col's must be of the same size or nrows. sdata = {date:dates, x:data[0,0:4], y:data[1,0:4], z:data[2,0:4]} ;in this example the number of records should be 5 write_ascii_cmdline, sdata, filename, header=header, nrec=nrec print, 'The number of data records written from the data structure is: ', nrec stop ;************************************************************** ; Reading ASCII files ;************************************************************** ; Read basic example above ;----------------------------------------------- ; Read the simple test file created with a 3x10 double precision array. ; This file does not have header information data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_simple.txt') ;the data structure returned should have 3 fields (or columns) ;and each field is a 1-d array of floats of length 10 help, data, /struc stop ; Read example with header ;----------------------------------------------- ;Read the simple test file that has header information. ;In this case the starting line of data must be specified. data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_header.txt', start_line=2) ;the results should be the same as noted in the previous example help, data, /struc stop ; Return header separately ;----------------------------------------------- ;Read the simple test file that has header information and return the ;header along with the data structure. data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_header.txt', start_line=2, header=header) ;the header information print, header[0] print, header[1] stop ; Read the test file that used a data structure. ;----------------------------------------------- data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_struc.txt', start_line=2, header=header) ;The data structure returned should be four fields of type float of length 5. ; ;Note that the first tag within the structure is of type float even though ;the data type written to the file was of type string. If the data ;structure contains different data types and no data type parameter ;is provided the procedure will default to float. help, data, /struc stop ; Read the test file that used a data structure and provide field type information ;----------------------------------------------- field_types = ['string', 'double', 'double', 'double'] data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_struc.txt', start_line=2, header=header, field_types=field_types) ;When field type information is provided the data structure should contain' ;data types defined by field_types = [string, double, double, double]. help, data, /struc stop ; Read the test file that used a data structure and provide field type information ; -field info specified as a IDL data type ;----------------------------------------------- ;see IDL size() function field_types = Long([7,5,5,5]) data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_struc.txt', start_line=2, header=header, field_types=field_types) ;In IDL data types can be defined by a variable of type long. ;In this example the data structure types should match the previous example. help, data, /struc stop ; User specified field names ;---------------------------------------------- ; Read the test file using a data structure and provide field types and ; field names. The routine defaults to field names field01, field02, etc... ; The user can provide an array of strings containing the names of each ; field. field_names=['date', 'x', 'y', 'z'] data = read_ascii_cmdline('test_struc.txt', start_line=2, header=header, $ field_types=field_types, field_names=field_names) ;The data structure returned should now contains the ;names defined by field_names. help, data, /struc stop END