;+ ; NAME: ; secs_ui_overview_plots ; ; PURPOSE: ; Widget wrapper for secs_overview_plots used to view secs quicklook plots on the web ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; success = secs_ui_overview_plots(gui_id, historyWin, oplot_calls, callSequence,$ ; windowStorage,windowMenus,loadedData,drawObject) ; ; INPUT: ; gui_id: The id of the main GUI window. ; historyWin: The history window object. ; oplot_calls: The number calls to secs_ui_gen_overplot ; callSequence: object that stores sequence of procedure calls that was used to load data ; windowStorage: standard windowStorage object ; windowMenus: standard menu object ; loadedData: standard loadedData object ; drawObject: standard drawObject object ; ; ; OUTPUT: ; none ; ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-11-03 16:47:48 -0700 (Fri, 03 Nov 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24262 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/secs/spedas_plugin/secs_ui_overview_plots.pro $ ;- function secs_ui_time_string, tr_obj, event, tenseconds=tenseconds ; function takes time widget object round the time to one minute or to ten seconds ; pit the value back to the object ; and return structure of the strings of the start date tr_obj->getproperty, starttime=starttime starttime->getproperty, tdouble=t0, sec=sec if keyword_set(tenseconds) then begin t0 -= sec sec -= sec mod 10 t0 += sec endif else begin ;round times to 1 minute if sec lt 30 then t0 -= sec else t0 += 60-sec endelse starttime->setproperty, tdouble=t0 tr_obj->setproperty, starttime=starttime starttime->getproperty, tstring=ts, year=year, month=month, date=date, hour=hour, min=mins, sec=sec timeid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='time') widget_control, timeid, set_value=ts, func_get_value='spd_ui_time_widget_set_value' str = [string(year, format='(I04)'), string([month,date,hour,mins,sec],format='(I02)')] dstr = {y:str[0],m:str[1],d:str[2],hh:str[3],mm:str[4],ss:str[5],tstr:ts} return, dstr end function secs_ui_time_isvalud, event ; Check if the time is valud timeid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='time') widget_control, timeid, get_value=valid, func_get_value='spd_ui_time_widget_is_valid' return, valid end pro secs_ui_overview_plots_event, event Compile_Opt hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error while generating SECS overview plot' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;kill request block IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Generate SECS overview plots widget killed' state.historyWin->Update,'SECS_UI_overview_PLOTS: Widget killed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval state.historywin->update,'SECS_UI_overview_PLOTS: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow ; check system variable !secs defsysv,'!secs',exists=exists if not(exists) then secs_init CASE uval OF 'CHECK_DATA_AVAIL': BEGIN ; Todo: Check the folder availability before open the website ; For some reason, the & cannot be sent as part of the URL. So we are going to use a single string variable that will be split by PHP. if secs_ui_time_isvalud(event) then begin state.statusBar->update,'JPEG files can be downloaded from the web site.' state.historyWin->update,'JPEG files can be downloaded from the web site.' stime = secs_ui_time_string(state.tr_obj, event) datepath = stime.y + "/" + stime.m + "/" + stime.d + "/" url = !secs.remote_data_dir + "Quicklook/" + datepath spd_ui_open_url, url endif END 'WEBPLOT': BEGIN ; Todo: Check the jpeg folder availability before open the website if secs_ui_time_isvalud(event) then begin stime = secs_ui_time_string(state.tr_obj, event) datepath = stime.y + "/" + stime.m + "/" + stime.d + "/" filename = 'ThemisSEC'+ stime.y + stime.m + stime.d + "_" + stime.hh + stime.mm + stime.ss + '.jpeg' url = !secs.remote_data_dir + "Quicklook/" + datepath + "/" + filename spd_ui_open_url, url endif END 'VIEWPLOT': BEGIN if secs_ui_time_isvalud(event) then begin stime = secs_ui_time_string(state.tr_obj, event, /tenseconds) plottime=stime.y + "-" + stime.m + "-" + stime.d + "/" + stime.hh + ":" + stime.mm + ":" + stime.ss trange=[plottime, plottime] IF state.pngbutton THEN png_str = ' and png file' ELSE png_str = '' widget_control,widget_info(event.top, FIND_BY_UNAME='plottype'),GET_VALUE=plot_type CASE plot_type OF 0: begin state.statusBar->update,'Creating EIC Mosaic Plot' + png_str state.historyWin->update,'Creating EIC Mosaic Plot' + png_str eics_overlay_plots, trange=trange, createpng=state.pngbutton, showgeo=state.geolatlon, showmag=state.maglatlon, dynscale=state.dynscale end 1: begin state.statusBar->update,'Creating SEC Mosaic Plot' + png_str state.historyWin->update,'Creating SEC Mosaic Plot' + png_str seca_overlay_plots, trange=trange, createpng=state.pngbutton, showgeo=state.geolatlon, showmag=state.maglatlon, dynscale=state.dynscale end endcase endif END 'GEOLATLON': BEGIN state.geolatlon = event.select END 'MAGLATLON': BEGIN state.maglatlon = event.select END 'DYNSCLE': BEGIN state.dynscale = event.select END 'MAKEPNG': BEGIN state.pngbutton = event.select END 'CLOSE': BEGIN state.historyWin->update,'Generate secs overview plot canceled',/dontshow state.statusBar->Update,'Generate secs overview plot canceled.' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'KEY': begin spd_ui_overplot_key, state.gui_id, state.historyWin, /modal, /secs end ELSE: ENDCASE Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN end pro secs_ui_overview_plots, gui_id = gui_id, $ history_window = historyWin, $ status_bar = statusbar, $ call_sequence = callSequence, $ time_range = tr_obj, $ window_storage = windowStorage, $ loaded_data = loadedData, $ data_structure = data_structure, $ _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF(err_xxx Ne 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO Begin print, err_msg[j] If(obj_valid(historywin)) Then historyWin -> update, err_msg[j] Endfor Print, 'Error--See history' ok = error_message('An unknown error occured starting widget to generate SECS overview plots. ', $ 'See console for details.', /noname, /center, title='Error while generating SECS overview plots') spd_gui_error, gui_id, historywin RETURN ENDIF tlb = widget_base(/col, title='View SECS Overview Plots', group_leader=gui_id, $ /floating, /base_align_center, /tlb_kill_request_events, /modal) ; Base skeleton mainBase = widget_base(tlb, /col, /align_center, tab_mode=1, space=4) txtBase = widget_base(mainbase, /Col, /align_center) quickBase = widget_base(mainBase, Frame=1, /Col) midBase = widget_base(quickBase, /Row) trvalsBase = Widget_Base(midBase, /Col, xpad=0) ; time selector midBaseButtons = Widget_Base(midBase, /Col) ; Button column keyButtonBase = widget_button(midBaseButtons, Value='Plot Keys', UValue='KEY', YSize=60, $ tooltip = 'Displays detailed descriptions of secs overview plot panels.') davailabilitybutton = widget_button(midBaseButtons, val = ' Data Availability ', $ uval = 'CHECK_DATA_AVAIL', $ ToolTip = 'Browse the website to check data availability') plotLabel = Widget_Label(quickBase, Value='Select Plot Type: ', /align_left) plotBaseValues = [' Overplot EICS/THEMIS ASI Mosaics ', ' Overplot SECA/THEMIS ASI Mosaics '] plotBaseGroup = CW_BGROUP(quickBase, plotBaseValues, /exclusive, /Col, xpad=8, set_value=0, UNAME='plottype',UVAL='PLOTTYPE') labelbase=widget_base(quickBase, row=2, /align_left) displayLabel=Widget_Label(labelbase, Value=' Plot Options: ', /align_left) latlonbase=Widget_Base(labelbase, row=2, xpad=8,/align_left, /nonexclusive) geoButton=Widget_Button(latlonbase, value=' Show Geographic Lat/Lon ', UValue='GEOLATLON',uname='geolatlon') magButton=Widget_Button(latlonbase, value=' Show Magnetic Lat/Lon ', UValue='MAGLATLON', uname='maglatlon') dynscaleButton=Widget_Button(latlonbase, value=' Use dynamic scaling ', UValue='DYNSCLE', uname='dynscale') pngButton=Widget_Button(latlonbase, value=' Make PNG ', UValue='MAKEPNG', uname='makepng') ; TODO: strech the width of the field webplotbase=widget_base(quickBase, /row, /align_left,/frame) webplottext=widget_label(webplotbase, value=' Alternatively, you can view the plot on the web. ') webplotbutton=widget_button(webplotbase, value='Web Plot', UValue='WEBPLOT', uname='webplot') ;goWebBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, /Row, /align_center) buttonBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, /row, xpad=8, /align_center) viewbutton = widget_button(buttonBase, val = ' View Plot ', uval = 'VIEWPLOT', /align_center) applyButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Close', UValue='CLOSE', XSize=80) ; Time range-related widgets getresourcepath,rpath cal = read_bmp(rpath + 'cal.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, cal st_text = '2015-03-17/13:00:00' et_text = '2015-03-18/00:00:00' if ~obj_valid(tr_obj) then begin tr_obj=obj_new('spd_ui_time_range',starttime=st_text,endtime=et_text) endif ; set the default date, the setting time above does not work because tr_obj is defined stat = tr_obj->SetStartTime(st_text) stat = tr_obj->SetEndTime(et_text) timeWidget = spd_ui_time_widget(trvalsBase,statusBar,historyWin,timeRangeObj=tr_obj, $ uvalue='TIME',uname='time', startyear = 2007, oneday=1) ;flag denoting successful run success = 0 ;initialize structure to store variables for future calls if ~is_struct(data_structure) then begin data_structure = { oplot_calls:0, track_one:0b } endif data_ptr = ptr_new(data_structure) ; to trick the time widget we will hide unused fields widget_control,widget_info(tlb, FIND_BY_UNAME='oneday'),MAP=0 widget_control,widget_info(tlb, FIND_BY_UNAME='stopbase'),MAP=0 widget_control, geoButton, set_button=1 widget_control, magButton, set_button=1 widget_control, pngButton, set_button=0 widget_control, dynscaleButton, set_button=0 state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, historyWin:historyWin,statusBar:statusBar, $ tr_obj:tr_obj, success:ptr_new(success), data:data_ptr, $ ; plot_type:plot_type - excluded callSequence:callSequence,windowStorage:windowStorage, $ geolatlon:1, maglatlon:1, pngbutton:0, dynscale:0, loadedData:loadedData} Centertlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'secs_ui_overview_plots', tlb, /No_Block ;if pointer or struct are not valid the original structure will be unchanged if ptr_valid(data_ptr) && is_struct(*data_ptr) then begin data_structure = *data_ptr endif RETURN end