;+ ; NAME: ; EVA_CMD_LOAD ; ; PURPOSE: ; This is a command-line script for loading a set of parameters for SITL and/or EVA. ; By default, this program loads variables as configured in EVA's "SITL_BASIC_DAYSIDE" ; parameterSet from the latest ROI timerange. Use keywords for selecting another ; parameterSet or timerange. ; ; OUTPUT: ; a variety of tplot-variables as configured in the specified parameter-Set. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; PARAMSET: The name of your preferred parameter-set (as configured in EVA) ; If not specified, the default is "SITL_Basic_Dayside" ; PROBES: List of probes, valid values for MMS probes are ['1','2','3','4']. ; If no probe is specified the default is probe '3' (as it is in EVA) ; TRANGE: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ; ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ; ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] ; TIMESPAN: Set this keyword if you would like to use the 'timespan' command ; before calling this program. ; PARAMLIST: A named variable that, if supplied, contains the list of ; loaded tplot-variables. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; 1. To load "SITL_Quick" parameters for MMS3 from the latest ROI ; ; MMS> eva_cmd_load, paramset='SITL_Quick', probe='3' ; ; 2. To load "SITL_QUICK" parameters for MMS3 from the ROI of 2016 January 7. ; Here, the 'mms_get_roi' command is used to get the exact time range of the ROI. ; ; MMS> eva_cmd_load, paramset='SITL_Quick', probe='3', trange=mms_get_roi('2016-01-07') ; ; 3. Do the same thing as #2, but by using the 'timespan' command ; ; MMS> timespan,'2016-01-07/20:40',13,/hours ; MMS> eva_cmd_load, paramet='SITL_Quick', probe='3', /timespan ; ; CREATED BY: Mitsuo Oka Jan 2016 ; ; $LastChangedBy: moka $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-12 14:46:27 -0700 (Tue, 12 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28688 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/sitl/eva/source/script/eva_cmd_load.pro $ ;- PRO eva_cmd_load,paramset=paramset,probes=probes,trange=trange,timespan=timespan,$ login_info=login_info,paramlist=paramlist,force=force compile_opt idl2 mms_init t0 = systime(/sec) ;temporary widget_note = 'You must have a valid MMS/SITL account in order to use EVA.' connected = mms_login_lasp(username = username, widget_note = widget_note) if (connected eq 0) then return ;---------------- ; ParameterSet ;---------------- if undefined(paramset) then paramset='SITL_Basic' paramset_tmp = strsplit(paramset,'.',/extract) paramset = paramset_tmp[0] ; 'dir' produces the directory name with a path separator character that can be OS dependent. dir = file_search(ProgramRootDir(/twoup)+'parameterSets',/MARK_DIRECTORY,/FULLY_QUALIFY_PATH,/FOLD_CASE); directory paramFileList = file_search(dir,'*',/FULLY_QUALIFY_PATH,count=cmax,/FOLD_CASE); full path to the files if cmax gt 0 then begin idx = where(strmatch(paramFileList,'*'+paramset+'*',/FOLD_CASE),ct) if ct eq 1 then begin filename = paramFileList[idx[0]] endif else begin msg = 'WARNING: Multiple parameterSets found with the string *'+paramset+'*. Please be more specific.' if ct eq 0 then msg = paramset+' is not found.' print, msg jdx = where(strmatch(paramFileList,'*_SITL_Basic.txt'),ccc) if ccc eq 1 then begin filename = paramFileList[idx[0]] endif else begin return endelse endelse endif else begin print, 'WARNING: No parameter in the specified parameterSet' return endelse result = read_ascii(filename,template=eva_data_template()) paramlist = result.param if n_elements(paramlist) eq 0 then begin print,'WARNING: Selected parameterSet not available.' return endif ;---------------- ; Probes ;---------------- if undefined(probes) then probes = ['3'] ;--------------------------------- ; Timerange ;--------------------------------- if ~undefined(trange) and ~undefined(timespan) then begin print,'WARNING: cannot use both the trange and timespan keywords.' return endif if undefined(trange) and undefined(timespan) then begin;..... Current ROI status = mms_login_lasp(login_info = login_info) if status ne 1 then begin print, 'Log-in failed' return endif get_latest_fom_from_soc, fom_file, error_flag, error_msg if error_flag then message,'FOMStr not found in SDC. Ask Super SITL.' restore,fom_file mms_convert_fom_tai2unix, FOMstr, unix_FOMstr, start_string if n_tags(unix_FOMstr) gt 0 then begin s = unix_FOMstr start_time = time_string(s.timestamps[0],precision=3) dtlast = s.TIMESTAMPS[s.NUMCYCLES-1]-s.TIMESTAMPS[s.NUMCYCLES-2] end_time = time_string(s.TIMESTAMPS[s.NUMCYCLES-1]+dtlast,precision=3) endif else begin print, 'FOMStr not valid. Ask Super SITL.' return endelse endif else begin if ~undefined(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2 then begin;.... TRANGE keyword t = timerange(trange) endif else begin;.............. 'timespan' t = timerange() endelse start_time = time_string(t[0],precision=3) end_time = time_string(t[1],precision=3) endelse ;--------------------------------- ; Input Structure ;--------------------------------- state = {paramlist_mms: paramlist, $ probelist_mms: 'mms'+probes, $ start_time : start_time,$ end_time : end_time } ;--------------------------------- ; Main Program ;--------------------------------- result = eva_data_load_mms(state,/no_gui,force=force) if strmatch(result,'Yes') then begin paramlist = strlowcase(state.paramlist_mms) probelist = state.probelist_mms result = eva_data_load_reformat(paramlist, probelist,/FOURTH) idx=where(paramlist eq 'mms_sroi',ct) if(ct gt 0) then begin eva_sitl_sroi_bar,trange=trange,sc_id=probelist[0];,colors=colors endif endif dt = systime(/sec)-t0 strdt = strtrim(dt)+' sec' if dt gt 120.d0 then begin strdt = strtrim(dt/60.d0)+' min' endif dprint, dlevel=2, 'Total load time: '+strdt END