;+ ; NAME: mms_bss_table ; ; PURPOSE: ; To create a table of segments in the back-structure ; organized by categories. 'bss' stands for 'burst segment status' ; which is the official name of the back-structure. ; ; USAGE: ; With no keyword, this program diplays a table of segments from the ; entire mission. Use the keywords to select certain types of segments. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; To make a table of PENDING segmnents, ; ; MMS> mms_bss_table, /isPending ; ; Pending segments are actually non-FINISHED segments (if bad segments ; are removed). So, the same result can be obtained by ; ; MMS> mms_bss_table, exclude='FINISHED' ; ; KEYWORDS: ; BSS: back-structure created by mms_bss_query ; TRANGE: narrow the time range. It can be in either string or double. ; OVERWRITTEN: Set this keyword to show overwritten segments only. ; BAD: Set this keyword to show bad segments only. Bad segments mean ; segments with TRIMMED, SUBSUMED, DELETED statuses. Some of ; the bad segments have infinite number of buffers. In such ; cases, 'Nbuffs' and 'min' will be displayed as *******. ; CONSOLE: If set to 1 (DEFAULT), output in console ; JSON: If set to 1, output in a json file ; DIR: directory for the json output ; _EXTRA: See 'mms_bss_query' for other optional keywords ; ; CREATED BY: Mitsuo Oka Aug 2015 ; ; $LastChangedBy: moka $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-06 15:43:35 -0700 (Thu, 06 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22058 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/sitl/bss/mms_bss_table.pro $ ;- PRO mms_bss_table, bss=bss, trange=trange, bad=bad, overwritten=overwritten, $ console=console, json=json, dir=dir, _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 clock=tic('mms_bss_table') mms_init if n_elements(console) eq 0 then console = 1 if n_elements(json) eq 0 then json = 0 if undefined(dir) then dir = '/Volumes/moka/public_html/eva/' dir = spd_addslash(dir) ;---------------- ; CATCH ;---------------- catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel eva_error_message, error_status message, /reset return endif ;---------------- ; TIME ;---------------- tnow = systime(/utc,/seconds) tlaunch = time_double('2015-03-12/22:44') t3m = tnow - 180.d0*86400.d0; 180 days if n_elements(trange) eq 2 then begin tr = timerange(trange) endif else begin tr = [t3m,tnow] ;tr = [tlaunch,tnow] trange = time_string(tr) endelse ;---------------- ; LOAD DATA ;---------------- if n_elements(bss) eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(overwritten) then begin a = mms_bss_query(exclude='INCOMPLETE',_extra=_extra) bss = mms_bss_query(bss=a, status='DEMOTED DERELICT', _extra=_extra) endif if keyword_set(bad) then begin a = mms_bss_load(); load all segments including bad ones bss = mms_bss_query(bss=a, status='trimmed subsumed deleted obsolete') endif if n_tags(bss) eq 0 then begin bss = mms_bss_query(trange=trange,_extra=_extra) endif endif ;------------------ ; COUNT BY CATEGORY ;------------------ pmax = 6 title = 'Category '+strtrim(string(sindgen(pmax)),2) title[pmax-1] = 'Total ' wNsegs = lindgen(pmax) wNbuffs = lindgen(pmax) wTmin = dindgen(pmax) wstrTlast = sindgen(pmax) wSegID = lindgen(pmax) for p=0,pmax-1 do begin b = mms_bss_query(bss=bss,cat=p) ct = (n_tags(b) eq 0) ? 0: n_elements(b.FOM) if ct eq 0 then begin wNsegs[p] = 0L wNbuffs[p] = 0L wTmin[p] = 0.d0 wstrTlast[p] = '' wSegID[p] = 0L endif else begin wNsegs[p] = ct; total number of segments wNbuffs[p] = total(b.SEGLENGTHS); total number of buffers wTmin[p] = double(wNbuffs[p])/6.d0; total number of minutes wstrTlast[p] = time_string(min(b.START,nmin)) wSegID[p] = b.DATASEGMENTID[nmin] endelse endfor ;------------------ ; OUTPUT (CONSOLE) ;------------------ if console then begin print,' As of '+time_string(systime(/utc,/seconds))+' UTC' print,' -------------------------------------------------------------------' print,' , Nsegs, Nbuffs, [min], %, SegID, Oldest segment' print,' -------------------------------------------------------------------' for p=0,pmax-1 do begin ttlPrcnt = 100.*wTmin[p]/wTmin[pmax-1] print, title[p],wNsegs[p],wNbuffs[p],wTmin[p],ttlPrcnt, wSegID[p], wstrTlast[p], format='(A11," ",I8," ",I8," ",I8," ",F7.1," ",I12," ",A20)' endfor endif; if console ;------------------ ; OUTPUT (JSON) ;------------------ if json then begin if !VERSION.RELEASE lt 8.2 then begin print,'JSON SERIALIZE not supported before IDL 8.2' return endif ; json_serialize jarr = strarr(pmax) for p=0,pmax-1 do begin strNsegs = strtrim(string(wNsegs[p]),2) strNbuffs = strtrim(string(wNbuffs[p]),2) strTminu = string(wTmin[p],format='(I6)') strPrcnt = string(100.*wTmin[p]/wTmin[pmax-1], format='(F5.1)') strSegID = strtrim(string(wSegID[p]),2) if wSegID[p] eq 0 then strSegID = 'N/A' strct = {title:title[p],Nsegs:strNsegs, Nbuffs:strNbuffs, Tminu:strTminu, $ ttlPrcnt: strPrcnt, strTlast:wstrTlast[p], strSegID:strSegID} jarr[p] = json_serialize(strct) endfor ; output fname = 'mms_bss_table.json' if n_elements(dir) eq 1 then fname = dir + fname openw,nf,fname,/get_lun ; open as a new file printf,nf,'[' for p=0,pmax-2 do begin printf, nf, jarr[p]+',' endfor printf,nf,jarr[pmax-1] ; no comma for the last item printf,nf,']' free_lun, nf endif; if json toc, clock END