;+ ; NAME: mms_bss_query ; ; PURPOSE: ; To query the back-structure. Somehow, the SDC code "get_mms_burst_segment_status" ; does not work well for querying by status. Here, the program loads the entire ; set of the back-structure (or you can limit it by 'trange') and then analyze ; the segments. ; ; CREATED BY: Mitsuo Oka Aug 2015 ; ; $LastChangedBy: moka $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-13 22:04:34 -0700 (Sun, 13 Sep 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18784 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/sitl/bss/core/mms_bss_query.pro $ ;- FUNCTION mms_bss_query, trange=trange, bss=bss, category=category, $ frange=frange, status=status, IDs=IDs, withdeleted=withdelete, $ exclude=exclude,isPending=isPending, inPlayList=inPlayList, fin=fin compile_opt idl2 if n_elements(bss) eq 0 then begin bss = mms_bss_load(trange=trange,fin=fin) idx = mms_bss_cleanup(bss,withdeleted=withdeleted); remove bad segments endif else begin idx = lindgen(n_elements(bss.FOM)) endelse ;----------------- ; QUERY BY FLAG ;----------------- if keyword_set(isPending) then begin idx=mms_bss_filter_by_flag(bss,isPending=isPending,idx=idx) endif if keyword_set(inPlayList) then begin idx=mms_bss_filter_by_flag(bss,inPlaylist=inPlaylist,idx=idx) endif ;----------------- ; EXCLUDE STATUS ;----------------- nmax = n_elements(exclude) if nmax gt 0 then begin if nmax eq 1 then begin sttarr = strsplit(exclude,' ',/extract) endif else begin sttarr = exclude endelse mmax = n_elements(sttarr) for m=0,mmax-1 do begin idx = mms_bss_filter_by_status(bss,sttarr[m],idx=idx,/ex) endfor endif ;----------------- ; QUERY BY STATUS ;----------------- nmax = n_elements(status) if nmax gt 0 then begin if nmax eq 1 then begin sttarr = strsplit(status,' ',/extract) endif else begin sttarr = status endelse mmax = n_elements(sttarr) superset = [-1] for m=0,mmax-1 do begin; for each status superset = [superset,mms_bss_filter_by_status(bss,sttarr[m],idx=idx)] endfor superset = superset[1:*] idx0 = where(Histogram(superset,Omin=omin))+omin;; Return combined set ; Here, we search elements in either one of the given statuses. ; 'Histogram' returns the count of each index in superset ; 'where' takes the index if the count (in the Histogram) is > 0 ; Thus, idx is the elements from the superset. i = where(idx0 ge 0, ct) idx = (ct eq 0) ? [-1] : idx0[i] endif ;---------------------- ; QUERY BY CATEGORY ;---------------------- if n_elements(category) eq 1 then begin idx = mms_bss_filter_by_category(bss,category,idx=idx) endif ;-------------------- ; QUERY BY FOM-RANGE ;-------------------- if n_elements(frange) eq 2 then begin idx = mms_bss_filter_by_fom(bss,frange,idx=idx) endif ;---------------------- ; QUERY BY SEGMENT IDs ;---------------------- if n_elements(IDs) gt 0 then begin idx = mms_bss_filter_by_id(bss,IDs,idx=idx) endif return, mms_bss_replace(bss,idx) END