;+ ; Procedure: ; mms_part_slice2d ; ; Purpose: ; This is a wrapper around spd_slice2d and spd_slice2d_plot that loads required ; support data, creates and plots the slice ; ; Keywords: ; PROBE: MMS s/c # to create the 2D slice for ; INSTRUMENT: fpi or hpca ; SPECIES: depends on instrument: ; FPI: 'e' for electrons, 'i' for ions ; HPCA: 'hplus' for H+, 'oplus' for O+, 'heplus' for He+, 'heplusplus', for He++ ; LEVEL: level of the data you'd like to plot ; DATA_RATE: data rate of the distribution data you'd like to plot ; TIME: time of the 2D slice ; TRANGE: two-element time range over which data will be averaged (optional, ignored if 'time' is specified) ; SPDF: load the data from the SPDF instead of the LASP SDC ; OUTPUT: returns the computed slice ; UNITS: units of the slice (default is df_cm - other options include 'df_km', 'flux', 'eflux') ; ; TRANGE: Two-element time range over which data will be averaged. (string or double) ; TIME: Time at which the slice will be computed. (string or double) ; SAMPLES: Number of nearest samples to TIME to average. (int/double) ; If neither SAMPLES nor WINDOW are specified then default=1. ; WINDOW: Length in seconds from TIME over which data will be averaged. (int/double) ; CENTER_TIME: Flag denoting that TIME should be midpoint for window instead of beginning. ; ; SUM_SAMPLES: Flag denoting that the data should be summed over the requested trange rather than averaged ; ; THREE_D_INTERP: Flag to use 3D interpolation method (described below) ; TWO_D_INTERP: Flag to use 2D interpolation method (described below) ; GEOMETRIC: Flag to use geometric interpolation method (described below) ; ; RESOLUTION: Integer specifying the resolution along each dimension of the ; slice (defaults: 2D/3D interpolation: 150, geometric: 500) ; SMOOTH: An odd integer >=3 specifying the width of a smoothing window in # ; of points. Smoothing is applied to the final plot using a gaussian ; convolution. Even entries will be incremented, 0 and 1 are ignored. ; ; ENERGY: Flag to plot data against energy (in eV) instead of velocity. ; LOG: Flag to apply logarithmic scaling to the radial measure (i.e. energy/velocity). ; (on by default if /ENERGY is set) ; ; ERANGE: Two element array specifying the energy range to be used in eV. ; ; THETARANGE: (2D interpolation only) ; Angle range, in degrees [-90,90], used to calculate slice. ; Default = [-20,20]; will override ZDIRRANGE. ; ZDIRRANGE: (2D interpolation only) ; Z-Axis range, in km/s, used to calculate slice. ; Ignored if called with THETARANGE. ; ; AVERAGE_ANGLE: (geometric interpolation only) ; Two element array specifying an angle range over which ; averaging will be applied. The angle is measured ; from the slice plane and about the slice's horizontal axis; ; positive in the right handed direction. This will ; average over all data within that range. ; ; Note: for the default rotation='xy', the angle is measured from the XY ; slice plane and about the x-axis ; e.g. rotation='xy', average_angle=[-25,25] will average data within 25 degrees ; of the XY slice plane about it's x-axis ; or ; rotation='yz', average_angle=[-25,25] will average data within 25 degrees ; of the YZ slice plane about it's y-axis ; ; SUM_ANGLE: (geometric interpolation only) ; Two element array specifying an angle range over which ; summing will be applied. The angle is measured ; from the slice plane and about the slice's horizontal axis; ; positive in the right handed direction. This will ; sum over all data within that range. ; ; Note: for the default rotation='xy', the angle is measured from the XY ; slice plane and about the x-axis ; e.g. rotation='xy', sum_angle=[-25,25] will sum data within 25 degrees ; of the XY slice plane about it's x-axis ; or ; rotation='yz', sum_angle=[-25,25] will sum data within 25 degrees ; of the YZ slice plane about it's y-axis ; ; DETERM_TOLERANCE: tolerance of the determinant of the custom rotation matrix ; (maximum acceptable difference from determ(C)=1 where C is the ; user's custom rotation matrix); default is 1e-6 ; ; SUBTRACT_BULK: subtract the bulk velocity prior to doing the calculations ; PERP_SUBTRACT_BULK: subtract the perpendicular bulk velocity in field-aligned coordinates ; i.e., finds the perp velocity by rotating into the 'bv' system, then sets the X component ; of velocity to zero, and inverse, then subtracts this velocity instead of the full bulk ; velocity ; ;Orientation Keywords: ; ROTATION: Aligns the data relative to the magnetic field and/or bulk velocity. ; This is applied after the CUSTOM_ROTATION. (BV and BE are invariant ; between coordinate systems) ; ; 'BV': The x axis is parallel to B field; the bulk velocity defines the x-y plane ; 'BE': The x axis is parallel to B field; the B x V(bulk) vector defines the x-y plane ; 'xy': (default) The x axis is along the data's x axis and y is along the data's y axis ; 'xz': The x axis is along the data's x axis and y is along the data's z axis ; 'yz': The x axis is along the data's y axis and y is along the data's z axis ; 'xvel': The x axis is along the data's x axis; the x-y plane is defined by the bulk velocity ; 'perp': The x axis is the bulk velocity projected onto the plane normal to the B field; y is B x V(bulk) ; 'perp_xy': The data's x & y axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field ; 'perp_xz': The data's x & z axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field ; 'perp_yz': The data's y & z axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field ; ; CUSTOM_ROTATION: Applies a custom rotation matrix to the data. Input may be a ; 3x3 rotation matrix or a tplot variable containing matrices. ; If the time window covers multiple matrices they will be averaged. ; This is applied before other transformations ; ; SLICE_X & SLICE_NORM: These keywords respectively specify the slice plane's ; x-axis and normal within the coordinates specified by ; CUSTOM_ROTATION and ROTATION. Both keywords take ; 3-vectors as input. (See note below) ; ; If SLICE_X is not specified then the given coordinate's ; x-axis will be used. If SLICE_X is not perpendicular to ; the normal it's projection onto the slice plane will be used. ; An error will be thrown if no projection exists. ; ; If SLICE_NORM is not specified then the given coordinate's ; z-axis will be used (slice along by x-y plane in those ; coordinates). ; ; examples: ; Slice along the data's x-z plane: ; ROTATION='xz' ; ; Slice plane's x axis is GSM x and y is in the direction of the bulk velocity: ; CUSTOM_ROTATION='my_gsm_tvar', ROTATION='xvel' ; ; Slice is perpendicular to "tvar1" and x axis is defined by projection of "tvar2" ; SLICE_NORM='tvar1', SLICE_X='tvar2' ; ; NOTE: Update at 06/04/2018 - The SLICE_X & SLICE_NORM are defined after CUSTOM_ROTATION ; but before the ROTATION. ; ; DISPLACEMENT: Vector. New center of the coordinate system. ; example: ; Slice at the point x=0.5, y = 0.5 and z=0.1. ; DISPLACEMENT = [0.5, 0.5. 0.1] ; ;Plotting Keywords: ; LEVELS: Number of color contour levels to plot (default is 60) ; OLINES: Number of contour lines to plot (default is 0) ; CONTOURS_OPLOT: Boolean indicating to only plot contours, not the data. ; this is especially useful if you're interested in plotting ; 2-d or 3-d interpolated contours onto plots using geometric ; interpolation; requires an already existing 2d slice plot ; ZLOG: Boolean indicating logarithmic contour scaling (on by default) ; ECIRCLE: Boolean to plot circle(s) designating min/max energy ; from distribution (on by default) ; SUNDIR: Boolean to plot the projection of scaled sun direction (black line). ; Requires GET_SUN_DIRECTION set with spd_dist_array. ; PLOTAXES: Boolean to plot x=0 and y=0 axes (on by default) ; PLOTBULK: Boolean to plot projection of bulk velocity vector (red line). ; (on by default) ; PLOTORIGIN: Boolean to plot a new origin at the bulk velocity and/or sun location ; instead of plotting the projection ; PLOTBFIELD: Boolean to plot projection of scaled B field (cyan line). ; Requires B field data to be loaded and specified to ; spd_slice2d with mag_data keyword. ; ; TITLE: String used as plot's title ; SHORT_TITLE: Flag to only use time range and # of samples for title ; CLABELS: Boolean to annotate contour lines. ; CHARSIZE: Specifies character size of annotations (1 is normal) ; [XYZ]RANGE: Two-element array specifying x/y/z axis range. ; [XYZ]TICKS: Integer(s) specifying the number of ticks for each axis ; [XYZ]PRECISION: Integer specifying annotation precision (sig. figs.). ; Set to zero to truncate printed values to integers. ; [XYZ]STYLE: Integer specifying annotation style: ; Set to 0 (default) for style to be chosen automatically. ; Set to 1 for decimal annotations only ('0.0123') ; Set to 2 for scientific notation only ('1.23e-2') ; [B,V,SUN]_COLOR: Specify the color of the corresponding support vector. ; (e.g. "b_color=0", see IDL graphics documentation for options) ; NOCOLORBAR: Suppress z axis color bar. ; ; PLOTSIZE: The size of the plot in device units (usually pixels) ; (Not implemented for postscript). ; ; CUSTOM: Flag that to disable automatic window creation and allow ; user-controlled plots. ; ; BACKGROUND_COLOR_INDEX: Integer (0-255) specifying a custom background color ; where data = 0.0 ; ; BACKGROUND_COLOR_RGB: 3D array of integers (0-255) representing RGB values ; of the background color where data == 0.0; this keyword modifies the ; current color table to include this color at index = 7 ; ;Exporting keywords: ; EXPORT: String designating the path and file name of the desired file. ; The plot will be exported to a PNG image by default. ; EPS: Boolean indicating that the plot should be exported to ; encapsulated postscript. ; ;Interpolation Methods: ; ; 3D Interpolation: ; The entire 3-dimensional distribution is linearly interpolated onto a ; regular 3d grid and a slice is extracted from the volume. ; ; 2D Interpolation: ; Datapoints within the specified theta or z-axis range are projected onto ; the slice plane and linearly interpolated onto a regular 2D grid. ; ; Geometric (default): ; Each point on the plot is given the value of the bin it intersects. ; This allows bin boundaries to be drawn at high resolutions. ; ; Examples: ; You can find examples in the following crib sheets: ; ; mms/examples/advanced/mms_slice2d_fpi_crib.pro ; mms/examples/advanced/mms_slice2d_hpca_crib.pro ; ; Notes: ; This routine always centers the distribution/moments data ; ; Default interpolation changed to geometric (from 3D), egrimes, 27Feb2020 ; (requested by the FPI team at last year's GEM) ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2022-01-28 21:19:28 -0800 (Fri, 28 Jan 2022) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30548 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/particles/mms_part_slice2d.pro $ ;- pro mms_part_slice2d, time=time, probe=probe, level=level, data_rate=data_rate, species=species, instrument=instrument, $ trange=trange, subtract_bulk=subtract_bulk, spdf=spdf, rotation=rotation, output=output, $ units=units, subtract_error=subtract_error, plotbulk=plotbulk, plotsun=plotsun, fgm_data_rate=fgm_data_rate, $ correct_photoelectrons=correct_photoelectrons, geometric=geometric, two_d_interp=two_d_interp, $ three_d_interp=three_d_interp, perp_subtract_bulk=perp_subtract_bulk, _extra=_extra start_time = systime(/seconds) if undefined(time) then begin if ~keyword_set(trange) then begin trange = timerange() endif else trange = timerange(trange) endif else trange = time_double(time)+[-60, 60] if undefined(instrument) then instrument = 'fpi' else instrument = strlowcase(instrument) if undefined(species) then begin if instrument eq 'fpi' then species = 'e' if instrument eq 'hpca' then species = 'hplus' endif if undefined(data_rate) then begin if instrument eq 'fpi' then data_rate = 'fast' if instrument eq 'hpca' then data_rate = 'srvy' endif if keyword_set(correct_photoelectrons) && (instrument ne 'fpi' or species ne 'e') then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Photoelectron corrections only valid for FPI electron data' return endif if undefined(two_d_interp) && undefined(three_d_interp) then geometric = 1b if undefined(fgm_data_rate) then fgm_data_rate = data_rate eq 'brst' ? 'brst' : 'srvy' if undefined(probe) then probe = '1' else probe = strcompress(string(probe), /rem) if undefined(rotation) then rotation = 'xy' if ~in_set(rotation, ['xy', 'yz', 'xz']) then load_support = 1b else load_support = 0b if keyword_set(subtract_bulk) || keyword_set(perp_subtract_bulk) then load_support = 1b ; need support data for bulk velocity subtraction as well if keyword_set(plotbulk) then load_support = 1b if keyword_set(plotsun) then begin if ~spd_data_exists('mms'+probe+'_mec_r_sun_de421_gse', trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_mec, trange=trange, probe=probe, spdf=spdf, /time_clip ; need to convert J2000 ECI data to GSE spd_cotrans, 'mms'+probe+'_mec_r_sun_de421_eci', 'mms'+probe+'_mec_r_sun_de421_gse', out_coord='gse' sname = 'mms'+probe+'_mec_r_sun_de421_gse' endif bname = 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_gse_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2_bvec' if load_support && ~spd_data_exists(bname, trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_fgm, trange=trange, probe=probe, spdf=spdf, data_rate=fgm_data_rate, /time_clip, varformat='*_fgm_b_gse_* if instrument eq 'fpi' then begin name = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_dist_'+data_rate vname = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate if keyword_set(subtract_error) then error_variable = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_disterr_'+data_rate if ~spd_data_exists(name, trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_fpi, datatype='d'+species+'s-dist', data_rate=data_rate, level=level, probe=probe, trange=trange, spdf=spdf, /time_clip, varformat='*_d'+species+'s_dist_* *s_disterr_* *_d?s_startdelphi_count_* *_d?s_steptable_parity*' if load_support && ~spd_data_exists(vname, trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_fpi, datatype='d'+species+'s-moms', data_rate=data_rate, /center, level=level, probe=probe, trange=trange, spdf=spdf, /time_clip, varformat='*_d'+species+'s_bulkv_gse_* *s_bulkv_spintone_gse_*' endif else if instrument eq 'hpca' then begin name = 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_'+species+'_phase_space_density' vname = 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_'+species+'_ion_bulk_velocity' if ~spd_data_exists(name, trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_hpca, datatype='ion', data_rate=data_rate, /center, level=level, probe=probe, trange=trange, spdf=spdf, /time_clip, varformat='*_hpca_'+species+'_phase_space_density *_hpca_azimuth_angles_per_ev_degrees', /major_version if load_support && ~spd_data_exists(vname, trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_hpca, datatype='moments', data_rate=data_rate, /center, level=level, probe=probe, trange=trange, spdf=spdf, /time_clip, varformat='*_hpca_'+species+'_ion_bulk_velocity', /major_version endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error, unknown instrument; valid options are: fpi, hpca' return endelse if keyword_set(correct_photoelectrons) then begin dist = mms_fpi_correct_photoelectrons(name, probe=probe, subtract_error=subtract_error, error=error_variable, /structure) endif else dist = mms_get_dist(name, instrument=instrument, probe=probe, trange=trange, subtract_error=subtract_error, error=error_variable, /structure) if keyword_set(units) then begin for dist_idx=0, n_elements(dist)-1 do begin mms_convert_flux_units, dist[dist_idx], units=units, output=dist_tmp append_array, dist_out, dist_tmp endfor endif else dist_out = dist if ~undefined(time) then undefine, trange if load_support then slice = spd_slice2d(dist_out, time=time, trange=trange, rotation=rotation, mag_data=bname, vel_data=vname, sun_data=sname, subtract_bulk=subtract_bulk, perp_subtract_bulk=perp_subtract_bulk, geometric=geometric, two_d_interp=two_d_interp, three_d_interp=three_d_interp, _extra=_extra) $ else slice = spd_slice2d(dist_out, time=time, trange=trange, rotation=rotation, sun_data=sname, subtract_bulk=subtract_bulk, perp_subtract_bulk=perp_subtract_bulk, geometric=geometric, two_d_interp=two_d_interp, three_d_interp=three_d_interp, _extra=_extra) spd_slice2d_plot, slice, plotbulk=plotbulk, sundir=plotsun, _extra=_extra output=slice end