;+ ; MMS FPI summary crib sheet ; ; mms_load_fpi_summary_crib.pro ; ; Note: ; This version is meant to work with v3.0.0 of the FPI CDFs ; and will not work with v2.1 and below ; ; do you have suggestions for this crib sheet? ; please send them to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu ; ; ; History: ; egrimes updated 8/23/2016, forked for v3 of the FPI CDFs; ; updated variable names for the new naming scheme ; ; ; egrimes updated 1/29/2016, changing to DMPA coordinates for ; magnetic field data, now using position from DFG files, ; instead of the ASCII/MEC files ; egrimes updated 12/9/2015, changed to GSM coordinates, adding ; support for l2pre, switched to use QL data instead of SITL ; egrimes updated 23Sep2015, to set some metadata for spectra/PADs ; egrimes updated 8Sept2015 ; BGILES UPDATED 1Sept2015 ; BGILES UPDATED 31AUGUST2015 ; SBoaardsen added query for brst or fast ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-16 10:06:43 -0800 (Thu, 16 Feb 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22803 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_load_fpi_summary_crib.pro $ ;- start_time = systime(/seconds) ;preparations and defaults ;date = '15-10-06/00:00:00' ;date = '15-9-01/00:00:00' ; full day for FS ;date = '2015-10-16/00:00:00' ;timespan, date, 1, /day ; small interval for burst date = '2015-10-16/13:07' timespan, date, 15, /min data_rates = ['brst','fast'] ;SAB read, 'for FPI data rate input 0 for brst, 1 for fast:', irate ;SAB ;data_rate = 'brst' data_rate = data_rates[irate] ;SAB ;probes = [1, 2, 3, 4] probes = [1] datatype = ['des-moms', 'dis-moms'] ; grab all data in the CDF level = 'l2' ; FPI data fgm_level = 'l2' ; FGM autoscale = 1 iw=0 width = 650 height = 750 ; options for send_plots_to: ; ps: postscript files ; png: png files ; win: creates/opens all of the tplot windows send_plots_to = 'win' plot_directory = '' postscript = send_plots_to eq 'ps' ? 1 : 0 tplot_options,'xmargin',[15,15] ; Set left/right margins to 10 characters ;tplot_options,'ymargin',[4,2] ; Set top/bottom margins to 4/2 lines ; handle any errors that occur in this script gracefully catch, errstats if errstats ne 0 then begin error = 1 dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel endif ;load data for all 4 probes mms_load_fpi, trange = trange, probes = probes, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, data_rate = data_rate, $ local_data_dir = local_data_dir, source = source, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, no_color_setup = no_color_setup, $ autoscale = autoscale, min_version='2.2.0' ; load ephemeris data for all 4 probes ; as of 3/14/16, we no longer use the S/C position data loaded from the FGM files mms_load_mec, trange = trange, probes = probes ; load FGM data for all 4 probes mms_load_fgm, trange = trange, probes = probes, level = fgm_level FOR i=0,n_elements(probes)-1 DO BEGIN ;step through the observatories obsstr='mms'+STRING(probes[i],FORMAT='(I1)')+'_' ;SET UP TPLOT VARIABLES ; convert the position data into Re ; eph_variable = 'mms'+strcompress(string(probes[i]), /rem)+'_defeph_pos' if fgm_level eq 'l2' then begin eph_variable = obsstr+'mec_r_gsm' b_variable = '_fgm_b_dmpa_srvy_l2' endif else begin eph_variable = obsstr+'mec_r_gsm' ; eph_variable = 'mms'+strcompress(string(probes[i]), /rem)+'_ql_pos_gsm' b_variable = '_dfg_srvy_dmpa' endelse suffix_kludge = ['x', 'y', 'z'] calc,'"'+eph_variable+'_re" = "'+eph_variable+'"/6371.2' ; split the position into its components split_vec, eph_variable+'_re' calc, '"'+eph_variable+'_r_gsm" = sqrt("'+eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0]+'"^2+"'+eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1]+'"^2+"'+eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2]+'"^2)' ; set the label to show along the bottom of the tplot options, eph_variable+'_r_gsm', ytitle='R (Re)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0],ytitle='X-GSM (Re)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1],ytitle='Y-GSM (Re)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2],ytitle='Z-GSM (Re)' position_vars = [eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0], eph_variable+'numberdensity'] ; Data quality bar quality_bar = obsstr+'dis_errorflags_'+data_rate+'_moms_flagbars_mini' ; combine B into a single tplot variable prefix = 'mms'+strcompress(string(probes[i]), /rem) split_vec, prefix+b_variable ; time clip the data to -150nT to 150nT tclip, prefix+b_variable+'_bvec_?', -150, 150, /overwrite tclip, prefix+b_variable+'_btot', -150, 150, /overwrite store_data, prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', data=prefix+[b_variable+'_'+['0', '1', '2'], b_variable+'_btot'] options, prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', labflag=-1 options, prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', labels=['Bx DMPA', 'By DMPA', 'Bz DMPA', 'Bmag'] options, prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', colors=[2, 4, 6, 0] options, prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', ytitle=prefix+'!CFGM' options, obsstr+'des_numberdensity'+data_rate, 'labels', 'Ne, electrons' options, obsstr+'dis_numberdensity'+data_rate, 'labels', 'Ni, ions' options, obsstr+'des_numberdensity'+data_rate, 'colors', 2 options, obsstr+'dis_numberdensity'+data_rate, 'colors', 4 ; combine the densities into one tplot variable store_data, obsstr+'numberdensity', data=[obsstr+'des_numberdensity', obsstr+'dis_numberdensity']+data_rate options, obsstr+'numberdensity', 'labflag', -1 options, obsstr+'numberdensity', 'colors', [2, 4] options, obsstr+'numberdensity', ytitle='MMS'+STRING(probes[i],FORMAT='(I1)')+'!CFPI density' ; combine the bulk electron velocities into one tplot variable ; get_data, obsstr+'des_bulkx'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, xtimes, bulkx ; get_data, obsstr+'des_bulky'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, xtimes, bulky ; get_data, obsstr+'des_bulkz'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, xtimes, bulkz ; e_bulk_mag=SQRT(bulkx^2+bulky^2+bulkz^2) ; store_data, obsstr+'ebulkv_mag'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, data = {x:xtimes, y:e_bulk_mag} ; join_vec, [obsstr+'des_bulkx', obsstr+'des_bulky', obsstr+'des_bulkz', obsstr+'ebulkv_mag']+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, obsstr+'ebulkv_dbcs' options, obsstr+'des_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'labels', ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'] options, obsstr+'des_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'labflag', -1 options, obsstr+'des_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'colors', [2, 4, 6] options, obsstr+'des_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'ytitle', 'MMS'+STRING(probes[i],FORMAT='(I1)')+'!CeBulkV!CGSE' options, obsstr+'des_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'ysubtitle', '[km/s]' ; combine the bulk ion velocity into a single tplot variable ; get_data, obsstr+'dis_bulkx'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, xtimes, bulkx ; get_data, obsstr+'dis_bulky'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, xtimes, bulky ; get_data, obsstr+'dis_bulkz'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, xtimes, bulkz ; i_bulk_mag=SQRT(bulkx^2+bulky^2+bulkz^2) ; store_data, obsstr+'ibulkv_mag'+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, data = {x:xtimes, y:i_bulk_mag} ; join_vec, [obsstr+'dis_bulkX', obsstr+'dis_bulkY', obsstr+'dis_bulkZ', obsstr+'ibulkv_mag'], obsstr+'ibulkv_dbcs' ; join_vec, [obsstr+'dis_bulkx', obsstr+'dis_bulky', obsstr+'dis_bulkz', obsstr+'ibulkv_mag']+'_dbcs_'+data_rate, obsstr+'ibulkv_dbcs' options, obsstr+'dis_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'labels', ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'] options, obsstr+'dis_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'labflag', -1 options, obsstr+'dis_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'colors', [2, 4, 6] options, obsstr+'dis_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'ytitle', 'MMS'+STRING(probes[i],FORMAT='(I1)')+'!CiBulkV!CGSE' options, obsstr+'dis_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, 'ysubtitle', '[km/s]' ; combine the parallel and perpendicular temperatures into a single tplot variable store_data, obsstr+'temp', data=[obsstr+'des_temppara_', obsstr+'des_tempperp_', obsstr+'dis_temppara_', obsstr+'dis_tempperp_']+data_rate options, obsstr+'temp', 'labels', ['eTpara', 'eTperp', 'iTpara', 'iTperp'] options, obsstr+'temp', 'labflag', -1 options, obsstr+'temp', 'colors', [2, 4, 6, 8] options, obsstr+'temp', 'ytitle', 'MMS'+STRING(probes[i],FORMAT='(I1)')+'!CTemp' ; use bss routine to create tplot variables for fast, burst bars trange = timerange(trange) spd_mms_load_bss, datatype=['fast', 'burst'], /include_labels ;-----------PLOT ELECTRON ENERGY SPECTRA DETAILS -- ONE SPACECRAFT -------------------- ;PLOT: electron energy spectra for each observatory electron_espec = [obsstr+'des_energySpectr_pX', obsstr+'des_energySpectr_mX',$ obsstr+'des_energySpectr_pY', obsstr+'des_energySpectr_mY',$ obsstr+'des_energySpectr_pZ', obsstr+'des_energySpectr_mZ']+'_'+data_rate electron_espec = strlowcase(electron_espec) electron_espec_omni = [obsstr+'des_energyspectr_omni']+'_'+data_rate electron_espec_omni = strlowcase(electron_espec_omni) ; replace gaps with NaNs so tplot doesn't interpolate on the X axis tdegap, electron_espec, /overwrite tdegap, electron_espec_omni, /overwrite panels=['mms_bss_burst', 'mms_bss_fast', obsstr+'des_errorflags_'+data_rate+'_moms_flagbars', $ prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', electron_espec, electron_espec_omni] window_caption="MMS FPI Electron energy spectra: Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs +/- X, Y, & Z" if ~postscript then window, iw, xsize=width, ysize=height ;tplot_options,'title', window_caption tplot, panels, window=iw, var_label=position_vars, title=window_caption ; xyouts, .01, .98, window_caption, /normal, charsize=1.15 if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + obsstr+"electron_eSpec" iw=iw+1 ;-----------ION ENERGY SPECTRA DETAILS -- ONE SPACECRAFT-------------------- ion_espec = [obsstr+'dis_energySpectr_pX', obsstr+'dis_energySpectr_mX', $ obsstr+'dis_energySpectr_pY', obsstr+'dis_energySpectr_mY', $ obsstr+'dis_energySpectr_pZ', obsstr+'dis_energySpectr_mZ']+'_'+data_rate ion_espec = strlowcase(ion_espec) ion_espec_omni = [obsstr+'dis_energyspectr_omni']+'_'+data_rate ion_espec_omni = strlowcase(ion_espec_omni) ; replace gaps with NaNs so tplot doesn't interpolate on the X axis tdegap, ion_espec, /overwrite tdegap, ion_espec_omni, /overwrite panels=['mms_bss_burst', 'mms_bss_fast', obsstr+'dis_errorflags_'+data_rate+'_moms_flagbars', $ prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped',ion_espec, ion_espec_omni] window_caption="MMS FPI Ion energy spectra: Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs +/- X, Y, & Z" if ~postscript then window, iw, xsize=width, ysize=height ; tplot_options,'title', window_caption tplot, panels, window=iw, var_label=position_vars, title=window_caption ; xyouts, .05, .98, window_caption, /normal, charsize=1.15 if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + obsstr+"ion_eSpec" iw=iw+1 ;-----------ONE SPACECRAFT ePAD DETAILS PLOT-------------------- e_pad = [obsstr+'des_pitchAngDist_lowEn', obsstr+'des_pitchAngDist_midEn', $ obsstr+'des_pitchAngDist_highEn' ]+'_'+data_rate e_pad = strlowcase(e_pad) e_pad_allE = [obsstr+'des_pitchangdist_sum', obsstr+'des_pitchangdist_avg'] ; replace gaps with NaNs so tplot doesn't interpolate on the X axis tdegap, e_pad, /overwrite tdegap, e_pad_allE, /overwrite panels=['mms_bss_burst', 'mms_bss_fast', obsstr+'des_errorflags_'+data_rate+'_moms_flagbars', $ prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped',e_pad, e_pad_allE] window_caption="MMS FPI Electron PAD" if ~postscript then window, iw, xsize=width, ysize=height ;tplot_options,'title', window_caption tplot, panels, window=iw, var_label=position_vars, title=window_caption ; xyouts, .3, .98, window_caption, /normal, charsize=1.15 if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + obsstr+"ePAD" iw=iw+1 ;-----------ONE SPACECRAFT FPI SUMMARY PLOT-------------------- ; fpi_moments = [prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', [obsstr+'des_numberdensity', obsstr+'dis_numberdensity'], obsstr+'ebulkv_dbcs', $ ; obsstr+'ibulkv_dbcs', obsstr+'temp'] ; fpi_espects = [obsstr+'dis_EnergySpectr_omni_avg', obsstr+'des_EnergySpectr_omni_avg'] fpi_moments = [prefix+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped', $ obsstr+'des_errorflags_'+data_rate+'_moms_flagbars_mini', $ obsstr+'des_numberdensity_'+data_rate, $ obsstr+'dis_errorflags_'+data_rate+'_moms_flagbars_mini', $ obsstr+'dis_numberdensity_'+data_rate, $ obsstr+'des_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, $ obsstr+'dis_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, obsstr+'temp'] fpi_espects = [obsstr+'dis_energyspectr_omni', obsstr+'des_energyspectr_omni']+'_'+data_rate panels=['mms_bss_burst', 'mms_bss_fast', $ fpi_moments, obsstr+'des_pitchangdist_avg', fpi_espects] window_caption="MMS FPI Observatory Summary:"+"MMS"+STRING(probes[i],FORMAT='(I1)') if ~postscript then window, iw, xsize=width, ysize=height ;tplot_options,'title', window_caption tplot, panels, window=iw, var_label=position_vars, title=window_caption ; xyouts, .3, .98, window_caption, /normal, charsize=1.15 if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + obsstr+"Observatory Summary" iw=iw+1 if send_plots_to eq 'png' then begin thm_gen_multipngplot, obsstr, date, directory = plot_directory, /mkdir endif ENDFOR ;-----------FOUR SPACECRAFT SUMMARY PLOT-------------------- panels=['mms_bss_burst', 'mms_bss_fast', quality_bar] FOR i=1,4 DO BEGIN obsstr = 'mms'+STRING(i,FORMAT='(I1)') panels=[panels,obsstr+'_fgm_dmpa_srvy_clipped',obsstr+'_des_energyspectr_omni_'+data_rate,obsstr+'_dis_energyspectr_omni_'+data_rate] ENDFOR window_caption="MMS FPI Observatory Summary: MMS1, MMS2, MMS3, MMS4" if ~postscript then window, iw, xsize=width, ysize=height ;tplot_options,'title', window_caption tplot, panels, window=iw, var_label='mms'+strcompress(string(probes[0]), /rem)+'_defeph_pos', title=window_caption ;xyouts, .25, .98, window_caption, /normal, charsize=1.15 if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + "MMS-all FPI Observatory Summary" ; make the PNGs if send_plots_to eq 'png' then begin thm_gen_multipngplot, 'mms_fpi_all', date, directory = plot_directory, /mkdir endif print, 'FPI summary script took: ' + string(systime(/sec)-start_time) + ' seconds to run' stop END