;+ ; mms_fpi_dist_slice_comparison_crib.pro ; ; This version is meant to work with v3.0.0+ of the FPI CDFs ; ; ; do you have suggestions for this crib sheet? ; please send them to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu ; changed ion burst mode time range SAB ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-16 10:06:43 -0800 (Thu, 16 Feb 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22803 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_fpi_dist_slice_comparison_crib.pro $ ;- start_time = systime(/sec) ;setup ;--------------------------------------------- read, 'for FPI data rate input 0 for brst, 1 for fast:', irate ;SAB probe='1' read,'input probe #:',probe if probe lt 1 or probe gt 4 then probe=1 read,'input 0 for FPI electrons, 1 for FPI ions:',ispecies if ispecies eq 0 then species='e' else species='i' if irate eq 0 then begin ;SAB data_rate = 'brst' fgm_data_rate = 'brst' ;trange = ['2015-10-16/13:06:00', '2015-10-16/13:06:00.02'] trange = ['2015-10-16/13:07:02.220', '2015-10-16/13:07:02.250'] if species eq 'i' then trange = ['2015-10-16/13:06:00', '2015-10-16/13:06:00.2'] endif else BEGIN ;SAB data_rate = 'fast' fgm_data_rate = 'srvy' trange = ['2015-10-16/13:06:00', '2015-10-16/13:06:5.00'] ;if trange lies within time interval FPI fast, no dist will be returned endelse ;SAB help, data_rate, fgm_data_rate ;probe='1' ;SAB ;read,'input probe #:',probe ;if probe lt 1 or probe gt 4 then probe=1 ;read,'input 0 for FPI electrons, 1 for FPI ions:',ispecies ;if ispecies eq 0 then species='e' else species='i' olines=20 geometric = 0 read,'input 1 for geometric scaling or 0:', geometric resolution=500 read,'input integer resolution (defaults: 2D/3D interpolation: 150, geometric: 500)',resolution if resolution eq 0 and geometric eq 1 then resolution=500 if resolution eq 0 and geometric eq 0 then resolution=150 ;subfolder of current directory to place images folder = 'slice_test/' ;trange = ['2015-09-1/12:20:09', '2015-09-1/12:20:09.05'] coord_sys = 'gse' level = 'l2' ;load particle, field & support data ;--------------------------------------------- mms_load_fpi, data_rate=data_rate, level=level, datatype='d'+species+'s-dist', $ probe=probe, trange=trange, min_version='2.2.0' ; don't allow this routine to run on v2.1 CDFs mms_load_fgm, probe=probe, trange=trange, level='l2', data_rate=fgm_data_rate mms_load_fpi, data_rate=data_rate, level=level, datatype='d'+species+'s-moms', $ probe=probe, trange=trange, min_version='2.2.0' ; don't allow this routine to run on v2.1 CDFs ; b-field vector for data within the last 2 weeks (ql) ; bname = 'mms'+probe+'_dfg_srvy_gse_bvec' ; b-field vector for data older than 2 weeks ago (l2pre) ; bname = 'mms'+probe+'_dfg_srvy_l2pre_gse_bvec' ; b-field vector for L2 data bname = 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_gse_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2_bvec' vname = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_bulkv_'+coord_sys+'_'+data_rate ;convert particle data to 3D structures ; 'BV': The x axis is parallel to B field; the bulk velocity defines the x-y plane ; 'BE': The x axis is parallel to B field; the B x V(bulk) vector defines the x-y plane ; 'xy': (default) The x axis is along the data's x axis and y is along the data's y axis ; 'xz': The x axis is along the data's x axis and y is along the data's z axis ; 'yz': The x axis is along the data's y axis and y is along the data's z axis ; 'xvel': The x axis is along the data's x axis; the x-y plane is defined by the bulk velocity ; 'perp': The x axis is the bulk velocity projected onto the plane normal to the B field; y is B x V(bulk) ;--------------------------------------------- name = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_dist_'+data_rate dist = mms_get_fpi_dist(name, trange=time_double(trange), probe = probe, species = species) errname = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_disterr_'+data_rate distErr = mms_get_fpi_dist(errname, trange=time_double(trange), probe = probe, species = species) get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_numberdensity_'+data_rate, data=density_struct get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_bulkv_'+coord_sys+'_'+data_rate, data=velocity_struct get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_prestensor_'+coord_sys+'_'+data_rate, data=pressure_struct get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_temptensor_'+coord_sys+'_'+data_rate, data=temp_struct ;set slice orientation ; (x parallel to B, y defined by vbulk) rotation = 'bv' ;normal vectors of slices to be produced ; (xy plane, xz pane, yz plane) norms = [ [0,0,1], [0,1,0], [1,0,0] ] ; make sure data was loaded if ~ptr_valid(dist) then stop ; should have thrown an error specifying no data within the range ;initialize window and get plot positions, axis limits ;--------------------------------------------- energyr = minmax((*dist).energy) vr = 13.8*sqrt(energyr) if species eq 'e' then vr = vr*sqrt(1836.109) vmax = max(vr) vmin = min(vr) print,'velocity range in km/s:',vr read,'input max |velocity| in km/s to plot, input 0. for autoscaling:',vmax if vmax le min(vr) then vr=[-1.,1.]*max(vr) else vr = [-1,1]*vmax if species eq 'e' then zrange = [1.0e-29, 1.0e-25] ;tmp guess for electrons if species eq 'i' then zrange = [1.0e-25, 1.0e-21] ;tmp guess for ions win = 9 WINDOW,/free, XSIZE=1400, YSIZE=800, TITLE='MMS FPI Distributions' ;nx = dimen2(norms) nx = 4 ny = 3 spd_arrange_plots,x0,y0,x1,y1,nx=nx,ny=ny,ygap=0.056,x1margin=0.1,$ x0margin=0.1,y1margin=0.02,xgap=0.1,y0margin=0.08 ;loop over time samples and slice orientations to create a set of plots at each sample ;used short window to ensure only a single sample is used ;OPTION: change to 2D interpolation for speed (uses data within 20 deg of plane) ;geometric interpolation is slow but shows bin boundaries ;--------------------------------------------- for i=0, n_elements(*dist)-1 do begin ipos=-1 time = (*dist)[i].time end_time = (*dist)[i].end_time for j=0, 2 do begin ipos=ipos+1 if j eq 2 then nocolorbar=0 else nocolorbar=1 if j eq 0 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='xy', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, resolution=resolution) if j eq 1 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='xz', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, resolution=resolution) if j eq 2 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='yz', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, resolution=resolution) spd_slice2d_plot, slice, window=win, xrange = vr, yrange = vr, zrange = zrange,$ /custom, title='',charsize=1.15, pos = [x0[ipos],y0[ipos],x1[ipos],y1[ipos]],$ noerase = ipos gt 0, nocolorbar = nocolorbar,olines=olines ;, /PLOTBFIELD xyouts,/norm, align=1.0,x1[ipos]-(x1[ipos]-x0[ipos])/2.,y1[ipos]-0.05,'dist_PSD' mms_draw_circle,0.,0.,r=vmin,/fill ;SAB, mask out interpolation below 10 eV endfor plot,[0,1],[0,1],/nodata,/noerase,pos = [x0[ipos],y0[ipos],x1[ipos],y1[ipos]],xstyle=5,ystyle=5 ipos=ipos+1 for j=0, 2 do begin ipos=ipos+1 if j eq 2 then nocolorbar=0 else nocolorbar=1 if j eq 0 then slice = spd_slice2d(distErr, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='xy', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, resolution=resolution) if j eq 1 then slice = spd_slice2d(distErr, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='xz', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, resolution=resolution) if j eq 2 then slice = spd_slice2d(distErr, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='yz', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, resolution=resolution) spd_slice2d_plot, slice, window=win, xrange = vr, yrange = vr, zrange = zrange,$ /custom, title='',charsize=1.15, pos = [x0[ipos],y0[ipos],x1[ipos],y1[ipos]],$ noerase = ipos gt 0, nocolorbar = nocolorbar,olines=olines ;, /PLOTBFIELD xyouts,/norm, align=1.0,x1[ipos]-(x1[ipos]-x0[ipos])/2.,y1[ipos]-0.05,'dist_Err' mms_draw_circle,0.,0.,r=vmin,/fill ;SAB, mask out interpolation below 10 eV endfor plot,[0,1],[0,1],/nodata,/noerase,pos = [x0[ipos],y0[ipos],x1[ipos],y1[ipos]],xstyle=5,ystyle=5 ipos=ipos+1 ; for j=0, dimen2(norms)-1 do begin ; ipos=ipos+1 ; if j eq dimen2(norms)-1 then nocolorbar=0 else nocolorbar=1 ; slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, $ ; rotation=rotation, slice_norm=norms[*,j], geometric=geometric, $ ; resolution=1000,$ ; mag_data=bname, vel_data=vname) ; spd_slice2d_plot, slice, window=win, xrange = vr, yrange = vr, zrange = zrange,$ ; /custom, title='',charsize=1.15, pos = [ x0[ipos], y0[ipos], x1[ipos], y1[ipos] ],$ ; noerase = ipos gt 0, nocolorbar=nocolorbar ; mms_draw_circle,0.,0.,r=vmin,/fill ;SAB, mask out interpolation below 10 eV ; endfor ; plot,[0,1],[0,1],/nodata,/noerase,pos = [x0[ipos],y0[ipos],x1[ipos],y1[ipos]],xstyle=5,ystyle=5 ; ipos=ipos+1 for j=0, 3 do begin ipos=ipos+1 if j eq 3 then nocolorbar=0 else nocolorbar=1 if j eq 0 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='BV', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, vel_data=vname, resolution=resolution) ;geometric interpolation if j eq 1 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='BE', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, vel_data=vname, resolution=resolution) ;geometric interpolation if j eq 2 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='perp', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, vel_data=vname, resolution=resolution) ;geometric interpolation if j eq 3 then slice = spd_slice2d(dist, time=time, window=end_time-time, rotation='xvel', geometric=geometric, mag_data=bname, vel_data=vname, resolution=resolution) ;geometric interpolation spd_slice2d_plot, slice, window=win, xrange = vr, yrange = vr, zrange = zrange,$ /custom, title='',charsize=1.15, pos = [x0[ipos],y0[ipos],x1[ipos],y1[ipos]],$ noerase = ipos gt 0, nocolorbar = nocolorbar,olines=olines ;, /PLOTBFIELD xyouts,/norm, align=1.0,x1[ipos]-(x1[ipos]-x0[ipos])/2.,y1[ipos]-0.05,'dist_PSD' mms_draw_circle,0.,0.,r=vmin,/fill ;SAB, mask out interpolation below 10 eV endfor plot,[0,1],[0,1],/nodata,/noerase,pos = [min(x0),min(y0[0]),max(x1),max(y1)],xstyle=5,ystyle=5 plot,[0,1],[0,1],/nodata,/noerase,pos = [0., 0.,1.,1.],xstyle=5,ystyle=5 xyouts,/norm,0.02,0.01,'created by mms_slice_comparison_crib.pro data_rate='+data_rate ;place title xyouts, x0[0],y1[0]+0.025, align=0.0, charsize=1.5, /normal, $ slice.project_name+slice.spacecraft+' '+slice.data_name+' '+ $ time_string(time, tformat='YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss.fff')+' -> '+ $ time_string(end_time, tformat='hh:mm:ss.fff') ; moments closest to this time closest_time = find_nearest_neighbor(density_struct.X, time) closest_idx = where(density_struct.X eq closest_time) density_at_this_time = density_struct.Y[closest_idx] ; bulk velocity closest to this time closest_time = find_nearest_neighbor(velocity_struct.X, time) closest_idx_vel = where(velocity_struct.X eq closest_time) velocity_at_this_time = velocity_struct.Y[closest_idx_vel, *] ; pressure/temperature closest to this time temp_at_this_time = reform(temp_struct.Y[closest_idx_vel, *, *]) pres_at_this_time = reform(pressure_struct.Y[closest_idx_vel, *, *]) ; plot density xyouts, 0.85, 0.9, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Density: '+$ strcompress(string(density_at_this_time),/rem) + ' [cm^-3]' ; plot temperature tensor xyouts, 0.85, 0.85, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Txx: '+strcompress(string(temp_at_this_time[0, 0]),/rem)+' Tyy: '+strcompress(string(temp_at_this_time[1, 1]),/rem) xyouts, 0.85, 0.80, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Txy: '+strcompress(string(temp_at_this_time[0, 1]),/rem)+' Tyz: '+strcompress(string(temp_at_this_time[1, 2]),/rem) xyouts, 0.85, 0.75, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Txz: '+strcompress(string(temp_at_this_time[0, 2]),/rem)+' Tzz: '+strcompress(string(temp_at_this_time[2, 2]),/rem) ; plot pressure tensor xyouts, 0.85, 0.7, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Pxx: '+strcompress(string(pres_at_this_time[0, 0]),/rem)+' Pyy: '+strcompress(string(pres_at_this_time[1, 1]),/rem) xyouts, 0.85, 0.65, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Pxy: '+strcompress(string(pres_at_this_time[0, 1]),/rem)+' Pyz: '+strcompress(string(pres_at_this_time[1, 2]),/rem) xyouts, 0.85, 0.6, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Pxz: '+strcompress(string(pres_at_this_time[0, 2]),/rem)+' Pzz: '+strcompress(string(pres_at_this_time[2, 2]),/rem) ; plot components of bulk velocity xyouts, 0.85, 0.55, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, slice.data_name + ' bulk velocity' xyouts, 0.85, 0.50, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Vx: '+$ strcompress(string(velocity_at_this_time[0]),/rem) + ' [km/s]' xyouts, 0.85, 0.45, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Vy: '+$ strcompress(string(velocity_at_this_time[1]),/rem) + ' [km/s]' xyouts, 0.85, 0.40, align=0.5, charsize=1.5, /normal, 'Vz: '+$ strcompress(string(velocity_at_this_time[2]),/rem) + ' [km/s]' ;write png makepng, folder+'mms'+probe+'_'+species+'_'+data_rate+'_'+rotation+'_'+ $ time_string(time, tformat='YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.fff'), $ /mkdir endfor print, 'took: ' + string(systime(/seconds)-start_time) + ' seconds to run' end