;+ ; ; This crib sheet shows how to search for events in the MMS burst-mode events database ; ; ; WARNING - EXPERIMENTAL; please report bugs to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu ; ; Initial call will take more time than subsequent calls, due to the need to download the event index ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-11-24 13:13:35 -0800 (Tue, 24 Nov 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 29388 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_event_search_crib.pro $ ;- ; search for all events that mention 'bz' mms_event_search, 'bz' stop ; the events can also be returned by the keywords: ; authors, descriptions, start_times, end_times; e.g., mms_event_search, 'bz', authors=authors, descriptions=descriptions, start_times=start_times, end_times=end_times ; print the first description found print, 'Description: ' + descriptions[0] print, 'Author: ' + authors[0] print, 'Start time: ' + time_string(start_times[0]) print, 'End time: ' + time_string(end_times[0]) stop ; you can turn off printing to the console with the /quiet keyword, e.g., mms_event_search, 'solar wind', /quiet, authors=authors, descriptions=descriptions, start_times=start_times, end_times=end_times print, 'Description: ' + descriptions[0] print, 'Author: ' + authors[0] print, 'Start time: ' + time_string(start_times[0]) print, 'End time: ' + time_string(end_times[0]) stop ; note: when searching for bigrams, etc, the events returned include all with descriptions containing both terms, e.g., ; if you search for 'bz jet' - all events with a description containing both 'bz' and 'jet' are returned mms_event_search, 'bz jet', /quiet, authors=authors, descriptions=descriptions, start_times=start_times, end_times=end_times print, 'Description: ' + descriptions[0] print, 'Author: ' + authors[0] print, 'Start time: ' + time_string(start_times[0]) print, 'End time: ' + time_string(end_times[0]) stop ; download FGM data for the last 5 events that mention 'jet' and 'reversal' mms_event_search, 'jet reversal', /quiet, authors=authors, descriptions=descriptions, start_times=start_times, end_times=end_times descs = descriptions[-5:-1] starts = start_times[-5:-1] ends = end_times[-5:-1] for event_idx=0, n_elements(descs)-1 do begin print, 'Downloading: ' + descs[event_idx] + '; from ' + time_string(starts[event_idx]) + ' to ' + time_string(ends[event_idx]) mms_load_fgm, probe=4, data_rate='brst', trange=[starts[event_idx], ends[event_idx]], /time_clip endfor end